the plots generated by interactive plots (%matplotlib notebook) do
not show up in the PDF. This has meant that I haven't been able to
update the PDF since febuary. I switched the default plotting
mechanism to noninteractive.
Changed default sizes of plots, changed the book template for
pdf creation, and lots of minor edits, most changing bold to
italic, and removing italic for emphasis.
I split multivariate chapter into two as it was running 60+
pages. This required renumbering. While I was doing this
I changed names from using underscores to dashes; this seems
to help with line breaks when displaying links.
Renamed the 1d kalman filter chapter with a better file name.
Changed references to 'histogram' filter to discrete bayes.
Backed out particle filter chapter; it is just babble at the moment.
I have moved less pertinent material to appendixes. The idea is that
a print edition should contain only the most important material,
and online appendixes allow the reader to access supplemental material.
The PDF was not setting the Preface as a unnumbered chapter.
I think there is more work to get it's subsections unnumbered.
Added empty Particl filter chapter. Had to renumber the chapters
to make it fit in.
I think I prefer just letting nbconvert generating static files,
but if I want to switch to using Bokeh or other javascript based
rendering I'll need the HTML conversion facility.
I finally learned that the raw cells let you put latex directly
into the output. So now I have the appendix being created without
the [1] %%latex showing up in the output. Also wrote code to parse
the .tex file to make the Preface a chapter without numbering, so it
is now a proper preface, and not "chapter 0".
I have not touched the Windows generation tools, so PDF generation
in Windows is now broken. I don't think I care.
Some sections jumped from level 2 to level 4, for example.
Also played around with generating book to HTML. I like it, but
it needs some work. The Calico table of content generator cannot
deal with different headers with the same name, for example.
I want to go to HTML so I can use Bokeh to have interactive plots.
But that means no more PDF, because Bokeh will not export to
I moved to the root directory so that all of the
notebooks do not need to modify the system path to import it. It
modifies the path on import so that all of the code in ./code can
then be accessed.
Altered links to nbviewer to account for no longer using subdirectories.