2023-09-08 18:46:06 +00:00

27 lines
4.4 KiB

title: "Schedule"
::: callout-note
The schedule is very preliminary and will most likely change drastically :)
| | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
| | Arrival | Basics of RSE and Julia | Julia+RSE | Julia+Viz+Simulation | Stats + Projects | Optimization + Project |
| | | | | | | |
| 09.00 | | | **Benjamin**: Advanced Git / Contributing (1+1) | **Hendrik**: All the nice Julia Features (1+1)? | **Marco** Resampling: Bootstrap & Permutation tests (2+2) | **Doug**: Optimized (bootstrap) code (1)? |
| 10.00 | | **Benjamin**: Welcome / What and why RSE? (1) | **Benjamin/Bene**: Unittests (1+1) | **Bene** Vizualization in Julia (1+1) | \~\~\~ | Project Work |
| 11.00 | | **Hendrik**: Why Julia? (1)? | \~\~\~\~ | \~\~\~ | | cont. |
| 12.00 | | **Bene**: First Steps - "Hello World" + Types (1+1) | \~\~\~\~ | \~\~\~ | | |
| 13.00 | | **Lunch** | **Lunch** | **Lunch** | **Lunch** | **Lunch** |
| 14.00 | | \~\~\~ | **Benjamin**: Continuous Integration (1+1) | **Lisa**: Simulating Data (1+1) | Project Work | Project Work |
| 15.00 | | **Bene**: Julia + Git + Packages/Environments (1+1) | **Lisa**: Code-Review (1+1)? | \~\~\~ | | cont. |
| 16.00 | | \~\~\~ | \~\~\~ | **Doug**: Things to keep in mind for datastorage (1+1)? | | |
| 17.00 | | **Bene**: MyFirstPackage.jl (1+1) | \~\~\~ | \~\~\~ | | Farewell |
| 18.00 | | \~\~\~ | **Bene**: PkgTemplates.jl (0.5+0.5) =\> wed/hendrik? | \~\~\~ | | |
| 19.00 | Pre-Get-together | Welcome-BBQ \@ SimTech | Social 1 | Social 2 | Social 3 | |
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Missing Topics right now: Documentation, License, MultipleRegression? Simulating Data - Requirements regarding regression?