second lecture

This commit is contained in:
behinger (s-ccs 001) 2023-09-13 12:30:49 +00:00
parent 3df44b76a4
commit 34f9b27c1e
4 changed files with 325 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -56,3 +56,7 @@ format:
- styles.scss # I use this just to change the default colour
toc: true
from: markdown+emoji
toc-expand: 3
body-width: 1000px

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@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
# Environments
### What is a environment**
- A list of "installed" packages^[libraries, dlls, .so etc.] at certain versions
- sometimes includes the operation system
### **Reproducible** vs. **Replicable**
Reproducible: Someone else can get the same results given your code + data
Replicable: Someone else can repeat the whole study on new data
### Why do I need it?
- Version control
- managing multiple projects
- testing out things
- your Toolbox needs other packages than e.g. your test-environemnt
- Reproducibility
- other researchers want to know what packages to install
- Collaboration
- you want to work on the same data / codebase
## Environemnts in Julia
Every folder with an `Project.toml` file has it's own environment (see below)
The "base" environment is active by default:
``` julia
(@v1.9) pkg>
Keep this as empty+tidy as possible!
Tip: (you could also start julia by `julia --project="."`)
### Typical commands
##### `activate`
Use `activate .` or `activate ./path/to` creates a new `Project.toml` in the selected folder (`.` means current folder), or activates it, if it already exists.
##### `status` (`st`)
Shows the currently installed packages
##### `add`
Multiple ways to add packages to the `Project.toml`:
- `add UnicodePlots`
- `add`
- specify branch: `add UnicodePlots#unicodeplots-docs`
- specify version `add UnicodePlots@3.3`
- `add ./path/to/localPackage`
::: callout-note
Folders have to be git-repositories, see below. Probably better use `develop`
##### `remove` (`rm`)
remove package from `Project.toml` (not from `~/.julia`, use `gc` - garbage collect for this)
##### `develop`
- `dev --local UnicodePlots`
- `dev ./Path/To/LocalPackage/`
::: callout-note
You can't select a branch with `dev` and need to do it manually
::: callout-note
You are asking for the difference of `dev ./Path/Package` and `add ./Path/Package`? Good question! `dev` will always track the actual content of the folder - whereas `add` will make a "snapshot" of the last commit in that folder (has to be an git for `add`!). And you have to use `]up` to actually update to new changes
##### `pin` / `free`
You can pin versions of packages, so that they are not updated. Unpin with `free` - also undo `develop` by using `free`
##### `instantiate` / `resolve`
`instantiate` setup all dependencies in the given `Project.toml`+`Manifest.toml`
`resolve` update the `Manifest.toml` to respect the local setup
# Project vs. Package
| | Project | Package |
| --- | --- | ---- |
| installable/reuse? | :white_check_mark: | :negative_squared_cross_mark: |
| should be reproducible | :white_check_mark: | :negative_squared_cross_mark: |
| produces something? | :white_check_mark: | :negative_squared_cross_mark: |
| compatabilities declared? | :negative_squared_cross_mark: | :white_check_mark: |
| formal requirements in julia? | :negative_squared_cross_mark: | :white_check_mark: |
## `Project.toml` & `Manifest.toml`
#### 📄Project.toml
The "big picture": keeps track of user-added dependencies (+ compatabilities + header)
PythonCall = "6099a3de-0909-46bc-b1f4-468b9a2dfc0d"
RCall = "6f49c342-dc21-5d91-9882-a32aef131414"
#### 📄Manifest.toml
The "details": keeps track of all versions of all dependencies, and dependencies of dependencies
julia_version = "1.9.2"
deps = ["Pkg"]
git-tree-sha1 = "8eaf9f1b4921132a4cff3f36a1d9ba923b14a481"
uuid = "6e696c72-6542-2067-7265-42206c756150"
version = "1.1.4"
uuid = "0dad84c5-d112-42e6-8d28-ef12dabb789f"
version = "1.1.1"
git-tree-sha1 = "3a760b38ba8da19e64d29244f06104823ff26f25"
uuid = "2027ae74-3657-4b95-ae00-e2f7d55c3e64"
version = "0.3.4"
## Packages in Julia
Several thousand packages exist in Julia already. Take a thorough look before starting something new!
### Minimal requirements for `]add` to work
Minimal structure
One git-repository containing:
- `./src/MyStatsPackage.jl`
- (`module MyStatsPackage`)
- `./Project.toml`
- `name = "MyStatsPackage"`
- `uuid ="b4cd1eb8-1e24-11e8-3319-93036a3eb9f3"`
- (`[compat]` entries)
- (`version= "0.1.0"`)
### Additional requirements to register
Julia supports many registries (you can host your own!), which are just fancy GITs that index what version is available at what git-url for each registered package.
The default registry is [JuliaRegistries/General](
[To register at the general registiry, you need additionally:](
- `[compat]` entries for all dependencies
- a `version=`
- a supported license
- Some restrictions on the name (e.g. nothing with `Julia`, only ASCII, etc.)
## Let's generate our first package!
] generate MyStatsPackage
### Adding dependencies
]activate ./path/to/MyStatsPackage
]add UnicodePlots
]compat # <1>
1. let's directly add a compat entry for UnicodePlots
### Semantic Versioning
Following `semver` - three parts:
- **Major** 2
- **Minor** 7
- **Bugfix** 5
Bump **Major** if you propose backward-breaking changes
Bump **Minor** if you only introduce new features
Bump **Bugfix** if you, well, fix bugs
**Special case:**
Means package is in development and not stable.
Bump **Major** if you release it
Bump **Minor** for breaking changes
Bump **Bugfix** if you fix bugs or release new features
### Compat entries
compat entries define with what versions your package is compatible with
AllMinorReleases1 = "1" # <1>
AllMinorReleases2 = "1.5" #<2>
AllMinorReleases3 = "1.5.3" #<3>
ExactPackage = "=1.5.6" #<4>
MultiVersionexample = "0.5,1.2,2"
DevelopPackage = "0.2.3" # <5>
1. [1.0.0-2)
2. [1.5.0-2)
3. [1.5.3-2)
4. [1.5.6]
5. [0.2.3 - 0.3)
As you can see, develop version (`version < 1`) are treated a bit special in Julia, and different to `semver`. [Read more here](
::: callout-warning
keep the compat list in alphabetical order - github-actions might behave very strange else.
## Projects in Julia
Formally, projects don't have specific requirements. You should activate an environment (`Project.toml`+`Manifest.toml`) in the main folder though. I recommend the following minimal structure:
- `./src/` - all functions should go there
- `./scripts/` - all actual scripts should go here,
- `./` - Write what this is about, who you are etc.
- `./Project.toml` - Your explicit dependencies
- `./Manifest.toml` - Your implicit dependencies + versions <-- this makes it reproducible!
::: callout-tip
One recommendation is to use `DrWatson.initialize_project([path])` to start a new project - it will generate a nice folder structure + provide some other helpful `DrWatson.jl` features.
(click the following tipp to expand the full datastructure)
:::{.callout-tip collapse="true"}
│projectdir <- Project's main folder. It is initialized as a Git
│ repository with a reasonable .gitignore file.
├── _research <- WIP scripts, code, notes, comments,
│ | to-dos and anything in an alpha state.
│ └── tmp <- Temporary data folder.
├── data <- **Immutable and add-only!**
│ ├── sims <- Data resulting directly from simulations.
│ ├── exp_pro <- Data from processing experiments.
│ └── exp_raw <- Raw experimental data.
├── plots <- Self-explanatory.
├── notebooks <- Jupyter, Weave or any other mixed media notebooks.
├── papers <- Scientific papers resulting from the project.
├── scripts <- Various scripts, e.g. simulations, plotting, analysis,
│ │ The scripts use the `src` folder for their base code.
│ └── intro.jl <- Simple file that uses DrWatson and uses its greeting.
├── src <- Source code for use in this project. Contains functions,
│ structures and modules that are used throughout
│ the project and in multiple scripts.
├── <- Optional top-level README for anyone using this project.
├── .gitignore <- by default ignores _research, data, plots, videos,
│ notebooks and latex-compilation related files.
├── Manifest.toml <- Contains full list of exact package versions used currently.
└── Project.toml <- Main project file, allows activation and installation.
Includes DrWatson by default.

View File

@ -141,27 +141,9 @@ And a nice sideeffect: by doing this, we get rid of any specialized "serialized"
| functions, macro | lowercase |
| inplace / side-effects | `endwith!()` |
# Task 1.
# Task 1
Ok - lot of introduction, but I think you are ready for your first interactive task.
## Wait - how do I even run things in Julia/VScode?
Typically, you work in a Julia script ending in `scriptname.jl`
You concurrently have a REPL open, to not reload all packages etc. everytime. Further you typically have `Revise.jl` running in the background to automatically update your custom Packages / Modules (more to that later).
You can mark some code and execute it using `ctrl` + `enter` - you can also generate code-blocks using `#---` and run a whole code-block using `alt`+`enter`
1. Open a new script `statistic_functions.jl` in VSCode in a folder of your choice.
2. implement a function called `rse_sum`^[rse = research software engineering, we could use `sum` in a principled way, but it requires some knowledge you likely don't have right now]. This function should return `true` if provided with the following test: `res_sum(1:36) == 666`. You should further make use of a for-loop.
3. implement a second function called `rse_mean`, which calculates the mean of the provided vector. Make sure to use the `rse_sum` function! Test it using `res_mean(-15:17) == 1`
4. Next implement a standard deviation function `rse_std`: $\sqrt{\frac{\sum(x-mean(x))}{n-1}}$, this time you should use elementwise/broadcasting operators. Test it with `rse_std(1:3) == 1`
5. Finally, we will implement `rse_tstat`, returning the t-value with `length(x)-1` DF, that the provided Array actually has a mean of 0. Test it with `rse_tstat(2:3) == 5`. Add the keyword argument `σ` that allows the user to optionally provide a pre-calculated standard deviation.
Well done! You now have all functions defined with which we will continue our journey.
Follow [Task 1 here](tasks.qmd#1) )
# Julia Basics - II
### Strings
@ -353,12 +335,7 @@ once defined, a type-definition in the global scope of the REPL cannot be re-def
# Task 2
1. Implement a type `StatResult` with fields for `x`, `n`, `std` and `tvalue`
2. Implement an outer constructor that can run `StatResult(2:10)` and return the full type including the calculated t-values.
3. Implement a function `length` for `StatResult` to multiple-dispatch on
4. **Optional:** If you have time, optimize the functions, so that mean, sum, length, std etc. is not calculated multiple times - you might want to rewrite your type. Note: This is a bit tricky :)
Follow [Task 2 here](tasks.qmd#2) )
# Julia Basics III
## Modules

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# Task 1 {#1}
## Wait - how do I even run things in Julia/VScode?
Typically, you work in a Julia script ending in `scriptname.jl`
You concurrently have a REPL open, to not reload all packages etc. everytime. Further you typically have `Revise.jl` running in the background to automatically update your custom Packages / Modules (more to that later).
You can mark some code and execute it using `ctrl` + `enter` - you can also generate code-blocks using `#---` and run a whole code-block using `alt`+`enter`
1. Open a new script `statistic_functions.jl` in VSCode in a folder of your choice.
2. implement a function called `rse_sum`^[rse = research software engineering, we could use `sum` in a principled way, but it requires some knowledge you likely don't have right now]. This function should return `true` if provided with the following test: `res_sum(1:36) == 666`. You should further make use of a for-loop.
3. implement a second function called `rse_mean`, which calculates the mean of the provided vector. Make sure to use the `rse_sum` function! Test it using `res_mean(-15:17) == 1`
4. Next implement a standard deviation function `rse_std`: $\sqrt{\frac{\sum(x-mean(x))}{n-1}}$, this time you should use elementwise/broadcasting operators. Test it with `rse_std(1:3) == 1`
5. Finally, we will implement `rse_tstat`, returning the t-value with `length(x)-1` DF, that the provided Array actually has a mean of 0. Test it with `rse_tstat(2:3) == 5`. Add the keyword argument `σ` that allows the user to optionally provide a pre-calculated standard deviation.
Well done! You now have all functions defined with which we will continue our journey.
# Task 2 {#2}
1. Implement a type `StatResult` with fields for `x`, `n`, `std` and `tvalue`
2. Implement an outer constructor that can run `StatResult(2:10)` and return the full type including the calculated t-values.
3. Implement a function `length` for `StatResult` to multiple-dispatch on
4. **Optional:** If you have time, optimize the functions, so that mean, sum, length, std etc. is not calculated multiple times - you might want to rewrite your type. Note: This is a bit tricky :)