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# Introduction to the Research Software Engineering Summerschol
## Most important link
Find all slides, all materials, and the schedule
## Last minute organization issues
## Structure of the summer school
- Check out the schedule
- You will learn to use basic Julia
- In the beginning we will focus on the Research Software Engineering part!
- Advanced Julia, later this week and by request ;)
## Your teaching staff I
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![**Przemysław** Szufel](
![**Hendrik** Ranocha](
![**Lisa** DeBruine](
## Your teaching Staff II
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![**Marco** Oesting](
![**Benjamin** Uekermann](
![**Benedikt** Ehinger](
<!-- ## Your social team -->
<!-- ## Your admin team -->
# Introduction to Research Software Engineering
## Starting Points
- [DORA declaration]( in 2012: reshape how research impact should be assessed underlining importance of software
> For the purposes of research assessment, consider the value and impact of all research outputs (including datasets and software) in addition to research publications ...
- [UK survey in 2014]( 7 out of 10 researchers could not conduct research without software.
- [DFG funding calls on research software sustainability]( in 2016 & 2019 & 2023
- [Nationale Forschungsdaten Infrastruktur, NFDI]( since 2020
- Lack of careers for software developers in academia
- Lack of reproducibility of research that uses software (*"works for me on my machine"* vs. *"works for everyone everywhere"*)
## RSE Movement
... academic software developers needed a name: **Research Software Engineers**
[UK Society of RSE](
> A Research Software Engineer (RSE) combines professional software engineering expertise with an intimate understanding of research.
- *"Movement"* started in the UK, first UK RSE conference in 2016
- First conferences in Germany and the Netherlands in 2019
- [de-RSE position paper]( in 2020
- Second Thursday of October is the [International RSE Day](
- [Why be an RSE?]( Interesting and novel projects, technical freedom, RSEs come from varied backgrounds, development for social good
## Do I need this in Industry?
- Yes. Research also happens in industry.
- All RSE things we learn (Git, packaging, CI/CD, virtualization, documentation, ...) is also highly relevant for non-research software.
- Companies use (more and more) the same workflows and tools.
- It is not just about coding. It is about collaborative work.
- Open-source development excellent door opener for industry.
- Some companies use open-source software and need to make contributions.
- Some companies develop their software as open-source software.