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2023-09-28 14:51:54 +02:00
# Setting up Pluto.jl
Pluto is nice as you can prototype pretty fast.
::: callout-important
Pluto.jl has its own dependency management included!
If you want to add packages that are not registered, you have to activate your own environment. For example
using Pkg
using CoolPackage,MyPackage
To run pluto in the first place use:
``` julia
]add Pluto
# Task 1: Visualize some statistic properties {#1}
## 1. Data
### Generate 500 normally distributed samples
::: callout-tip
You might want to make your results reproducible by fixing some seeds for the random generators. The two most common random generators used in julia are `Random.MersenneTwister` and `StableRNGs.StableRNG` - For this execrise I would recommend the latter (even though MersenneTwister is much more common to be used), thus run:
``` julia
using StableRNGs
to get 100 random numbers.
Scale the random numbers to fullfill `std(x) ≈ 10`
### functionize it
Next wrap that code in a function `simulate` which takes two arguments, a random seed and the number of samples
## 2. cumulative mean
Calculate the cumulative mean of a single simulation. save it to a variable
Note that there is no `cummean` function, but clever element-wise division in combination with `cumsum` should lead you there - or you just use a loop :shrug:
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## click to show solution
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`cumsum(x) ./ (1:length(x))`
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## 3. Plotting!
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Now for your first plot. Use a `scatter` plot^[after a `using CairoMakie`] to visualize the cummulative mean output, if you do not generate a `Figure()` + `ax = f[1,1] = Axis(f)` manually, you can get it back by the scatter call. `f,ax,s = scatter()`. This is helpful as we later want to extend the `Axis` and `Figure` with other plot elements
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Use `hlines!` to add a horizontal line at your "true" value
## 4. Subplot
### simulate repeatedly
Let's simulate 1000x datasets, each with a different seed, and take the mean over all simulated values
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## click to show tip
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An easy way to call a function many times is to broadcast it on an array created e.g. via `1:1000` - you could also use `map` to do it, but I don't think it is as clear :)
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::: {.callout-tip collapse="true"}
## click to show solution
### Mean it
calculate the mean of each simulation
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## click to show solution
using Statistics
# or
sum.(...) ./ nmax
### Add it as a subplot
We want to add a histogram of the 1000 means to the plot.
1. Add a new Axis to `f[1,2]`
2. use it to plot the histogram of the means via `hist!` - don't forget to change the `direction=:x` to flip the histogram
3. link the axes using `linkaxes`
## 5. Prettify it
There are some simple tricks to make a plot look nicer:
- remove the "box" using `hidespines!(ax,:r,:t)
- resize the right sub-plot to be smaller `colsize!` and `Relative(X)`
- hide the x-grid (type `ax.`+ `TAB` to find all possible attributes)
- hide the `xlabels` + `xticks` + `bottomspine` from the right subplot
- add two Labels `(A)` and `(B)` to the plot
- Bonus: use `color` to color the cummulative sum samples according to how many samples went into that sum. `colormap=:Reds` looks good to me!
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## Bonus: Click for more fancy labels
You can create a slightly fancier label by adding a circle around it :)
# Task 2: Interactivity! {#2}
Using the `Pluto.jl` reactive backend, changing a value in some cell will automatically update all other cells - including plots.
We can use Sliders instead of fixing the parameters of the simulation
A slider is defined like this:
@bind yourVarName PlutoUI.Slider(from:to) # from:step:to is optional, step by def 1
## Adding interactivity via sliders
1. Define a slider that controls the number of samples from 1:500
2. Define a second slider that adds a constant offset to all values of the simulation simulation
3. make sure to fix the x/y-limits to get a nice looking plot :-)
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## Bonus: Advanced slider management
After understanding the slightly awkward syntax, the following gives a nice collection of Sliders, Checkboxes, Widgets etc. with at the same time being drag-and-dropable and in a sidebar. Neat!
using PlutoExtras
PlutoExtras.@BondsList "Sliders" let
"name A" = @bind(varA,PlutoUI.Slider(1:500))
"name B" = @bind(varB, PlutoUI.Slider(-5:5))
2023-10-05 21:34:08 +02:00
# Task 3: AlgebraOfGraphics
For this task we need a dataset, and I choose the US EGG dataset for it's simplicity for you.
to load the data, use the following code
using DataFrames, HTTP, CSV
# dataset via
df =""),DataFrame)
## If you dislike Pluto.jl
If you dont like to use Pluto.jl, you can of course switch back to VSCode. Then you have to create a new environment and add the packages you use before.
## 🥚 vs. 🗓
Visualize the number of eggs against the year
To get a first overview, `first(df)` , `describe(df)` and `names(df)` are typically helpful
## Split them up
Next split them up, choose `color` and `col` and choose reasonable columns from the dataset
## Rotate the labels
Use the trick from the handout to modify a plot after it was generated: Rotate the x-label ticks by some 30°
instead of rotating each axis manually, you can also replace the `draw` command in your pipeline with an anonymous function. This allows you to specify additional arguments e.g. to the axis, for all "sub"-plots
... |> x-> draw(x;axis=(;xlims = (-3,2))) # <1>
1. Note the `;` before xlims, this enforces that a `NamedTuple` is created