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# Mojifinder: Unicode character search examples
Examples from _Fluent Python, Second Edition_—Chapter 22, _Asynchronous Programming_.
## How to run `web_mojifinder.py`
`web_mojifinder.py` is a Web application built with _[FastAPI](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/)_.
To run it, first install _FastAPI_ and an ASGI server.
The application was tested with _[Uvicorn](https://www.uvicorn.org/)_.
$ pip install fastapi uvicorn
Now you can use `uvicorn` to run the app.
$ uvicorn web_mojifinder:app
Finally, visit with your browser to see the search form.
## Directory contents
These files can be run as scripts directly from the command line:
- `charindex.py`: libray used by the Mojifinder examples. Also works as CLI search script.
- `tcp_mojifinder.py`: TCP/IP Unicode search server. Depends only on the Python 3.9 standard library. Use a telnet application as client.
- `web_mojifinder_bottle.py`: Unicode Web service. Depends on `bottle.py` and `static/form.html`. Use an HTTP browser as client.
This program requires an ASGI server to run it:
- `web_mojifinder.py`: Unicode Web service. Depends on _[FastAPI](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/)_ and `static/form.html`.
Support files:
- `bottle.py`: local copy of the single-file _[Bottle](https://bottlepy.org/)_ Web framework.
- `requirements.txt`: list of dependencies for `web_mojifinder.py`.
- `static/form.html`: HTML form used by the `web_*` examples.
- `README.md`: this file 🤓