Content is largely the same, but I reduced the number of functions
that the code uses to minimize the amount of scrolling back and
forth. I move the dog simulation back into the notebook so that
it is easily inspected - people have been confused about what it
is doing.
This code did not work for Python 2.x becaus I was not
importing from future. While I was altering all the files
I updated the header to include license information.
I made a separate filterpy.stats module becuase it made
little sense to import filterpy.common for stats
functions. This required a lot of changes in the notebooks
and supporting code.
I made a lot of changes so that each chapter makes clear that
they are all implementing the same basic bayesian algorithm.
This required a lot of editting, and it doesn't make sense to
try to do that atomically, hence this huge check in.
I made a lot of edits, and haven't copy editted anything. i'm
sure I introduced a lot of problems and discontinuities.
Added better explanation of P = FPF' + Q.
Moved conversion of multivariate equations to univariate eqs. to the
math chapter.
Moved the walkthrough of KalmanFilter to an appendix.
My charts were mixing position vs time, which was pretty confusing.
I changed it to position vs velocity, and demonstrated how multipying
the covariances lead to a much better result.
Several changes and clarifications. Added chart showing 2d distribution
of points for multivariate gaussian. Improved some discussions. Fixed
some typos.