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Julia for Data Analysis
Bogumił Kamiński, Daniel Kaszyński
Chapter 13
Exercise 1
Download https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/00615/MushroomDataset.zip archive and extract primary_data.csv and secondary_data.csv files from it. Save the files to disk.
using Downloads
import ZipFile
Downloads.download("https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/00615/MushroomDataset.zip", "MushroomDataset.zip")
archive = ZipFile.Reader("MushroomDataset.zip")
idx = only(findall(x -> contains(x.name, "primary_data.csv"), archive.files))
open("primary_data.csv", "w") do io
write(io, read(archive.files[idx]))
idx = only(findall(x -> contains(x.name, "secondary_data.csv"), archive.files))
open("secondary_data.csv", "w") do io
write(io, read(archive.files[idx]))
Exercise 2
Load primary_data.csv into the primary
data frame. Load
secondary_data.csv into the secondary
data frame. Describe
the contents of both data frames.
using CSV
using DataFrames
primary = CSV.read("primary_data.csv", DataFrame; delim=';')
secondary = CSV.read("secondary_data.csv", DataFrame; delim=';')
Exercise 3
Start with primary
data. Note that columns starting from
column 4 have their data encoded using vector notation, but they have
been read-in as strings. Convert these columns to hold proper vectors.
Note that some columns have missing
values. Most of the
columns hold nominal data, but three columns,
i.e. cap-diameter
, stem-height
, and
have numeric data. These should be parsed as
vectors storing numeric values. After parsing, put these three columns
just after class
column in the parsed_primary
data frame.
Check renamecols
keyword argument of select
to avoid renaming of the produced columns.
parse_nominal(s::AbstractString) = split(strip(s, ['[', ']']), ", ")
parse_nominal(::Missing) = missing
parse_numeric(s::AbstractString) = parse.(Float64, split(strip(s, ['[', ']']), ", "))
parse_numeric(::Missing) = missing
idcols = ["family", "name", "class"]
numericcols = ["cap-diameter", "stem-height", "stem-width"]
parsed_primary = select(primary,
numericcols .=> ByRow(parse_numeric),
Not([idcols; numericcols]) .=> ByRow(parse_nominal);
Exercise 4
In parsed_primary
data frame find all pairs of mushrooms
(rows) that might be confused and have a different class, using the
information about them we have (so all information except their family,
name, and class).
Use the following rules: * if for some pair of mushrooms the data in
some column for either of them is missing
then skip
matching on this column; for numeric columns if there is only one value
in a vector then treat it as missing
; * otherwise: - for
numeric columns check if there is an overlap in the interval specified
by the min and max values for the range passed; - for nominal columns
check if the intersection of nominal values is nonempty.
For each found pair print to the screen the row number, family, name, and class.
function overlap_numeric(v1, v2)
# there are no missing values in numeric columns
if length(v1) == 1 || length(v2) == 1
return true
return max(v1[1], v2[1]) <= min(v1[2], v2[2])
function overlap_nominal(v1, v2)
if ismissing(v1) || ismissing(v2)
return true
return !isempty(intersect(v1, v2))
function rows_overlap(row1, row2)
# note that in parsed_primary numeric columns have indices 4 to 6
# and nominal columns have indices 7 to 23
return all(i -> overlap_numeric(row1[i], row2[i]), 4:6) &&
all(i -> overlap_nominal(row1[i], row2[i]), 7:23)
for i in 1:nrow(parsed_primary), j in i+1:nrow(parsed_primary)
row1 = parsed_primary[i, :]
row2 = parsed_primary[j, :]
if rows_overlap(row1, row2) && row1.class != row2.class
println((i, Tuple(row1[1:3]), j, Tuple(row2[1:3])))
Note that in this exercise using eachrow
is not a
problem (although it is not type stable) because the data is small.
Exercise 5
Still using parsed_primary
find what is the average
probability of class being p
by family
Additionally add number of observations in each group. Sort these
results by the probability. Try using DataFramesMeta.jl to do this
exercise (this requirement is optional).
Store the result in agg_primary
data frame.
using Statistics
using DataFramesMeta
agg_primary = @chain parsed_primary begin
@combine(:pr_p = mean(:class .== "p"), $nrow)
Exercise 6
Now using agg_primary
data frame collapse it so that for
each unique pr_p
it gives us a total number of rows that
had this probability and a tuple of mushroom family names.
Optionally: try to display the produced table so that the tuple containing the list of families for each group is not cropped (this will require large terminal).
show(combine(groupby(agg_primary, :pr_p), :nrow => sum => :nrow, :family => Tuple => :families); truncate=140)
Exercise 7
From our preliminary analysis of primary
data we see
that missing
value in the primary data is non-informative,
so in secondary
data we should be cautious when building a
model if we allowed for missing data (in practice if we were
investigating some real mushroom we most likely would know its
Therefore as a first step drop in-place all columns in
data frame that have missing values.
select!(secondary, [!any(ismissing, col) for col in eachcol(secondary)])
Note that we select based on actual contents of the columns and not by their element type (column could allow for missing values but not have them).
Exercise 8
Create a logistic regression predicting class
based on
all remaining features in the data frame. You might need to check the
usage in StatsModels.jl documentation.
You will notice that for stem-color
columns you get strange estimation results (large
absolute values of estimated parameters and even larger standard
errors). Explain why this happens by analyzing frequency tables of these
variables against class
using GLM
using FreqTables
secondary.class = secondary.class .== "p"
model = glm(Term(:class)~sum(Term.(Symbol.(names(secondary, Not(:class))))),
secondary, Binomial(), LogitLink())
freqtable(secondary, "stem-color", "class")
freqtable(secondary, "habitat", "class")
We can see that for certain levels of stem-color
variables there is a perfect separation of
Exercise 9
Add class_p
column to secondary
as a second
column that will contain predicted probability from the model created in
exercise 8 of a given observation having class p
Print descriptive statistics of column class_p
insertcols!(secondary, 2, :class_p => predict(model))
combine(groupby(secondary, :class)) do sdf
return describe(sdf, :detailed, cols=:class_p)
We can see that the model has some discriminatory power, but there is still a significant overlap between classes.
Exercise 10
Plot FPR-TPR ROC curve for our model and compute associated AUC value.
using Plots
using ROCAnalysis
roc_data = roc(secondary; score=:class_p, target=:class)
plot(roc_data.pfa, 1 .- roc_data.pmiss;
title="AUC=$(round(100*(1 - auc(roc_data)), digits=2))%",
xlabel="FPR", ylabel="TPR", legend=false)