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Julia for Data Analysis
Bogumił Kamiński, Daniel Kaszyński
Chapter 2
Exercise 1
Consider the following code:
x = [1, 2]
y = x
y[1] = 10
What is the value of x[1]
and why?
will be 10
because y = x
is not copying data but it binds the same value both to variable
and y
Exercise 2
How can you type ⚡ = 1
. Check if this operation
succeeds and what is its result.
In help mode (activated by ?
) copy-paste ⚡
to get:
help?> ⚡
"⚡" can be typed by \:zap:<tab>
After the ⚡ = 1
operation a new variable
is defined and it is bound to value 1
Exercise 3
What will be the value of variable x
after running of
the following code and why?
x = 0.0
for i in 1:7_000_000
global x += 1/7
x /= 1_000_000
will have value 0.9999999999242748
. This
value is below 1.0
because representation of
using Float64
type is less than rational
number 1/7, and the error accumulates when we do addition multiple
Extra: You can check that indeed that Float64
representation is a bit less than rational 1/7 by increasing the
precision of computations using the big
julia> big(1/7) # convert Float64 to high-precision float
julia> 1/big(7) # construct high-precision float directly
As you can see there is a difference at 17th place after decimal dot
where we have 4
vs 5
Exercise 4
Express the type Matrix{Bool}
using Array
It is Array{Bool, 2}
. You immediately get this
information in REPL:
julia> Matrix{Bool}
Matrix{Bool} (alias for Array{Bool, 2})
Exercise 5
Let x
be a vector. Write code that prints an error if
is empty (has zero elements)
You can do it like this:
length(x) == 0 && println("x is empty")
Extra: typically in such case one would use the
function and throw an exception instead of just
printing information (here I assume that x
was passed as an
argument to the function):
isempty(x) && throw(ArgumentError("x is not allowed to be empty"))
Exercise 6
Write a function called exec
that takes two values
and y
and a function accepting two
arguments, call it op
and returns op(x, y)
Make +
to be the default value of op
Here are two ways to define the exec
exec1(x, y, op=+) = op(x, y)
exec2(x, y; op=+) = op(x, y)
The first of them uses positional arguments, and the second a keyword argument. Here is a difference in how they would be called:
julia> exec1(2, 3, *)
julia> exec2(2, 3; op=*)
Exercise 7
Write a function that calculates a sum of absolute values of values stored in a collection passed to it.
Such a function can be written as:
sumabs(x) = sum(abs, x)
Exercise 8
Write a function that swaps first and last element in an array in place.
This can be written for example as:
function swap!(x)
f = x[1]
x[1] = x[end]
x[end] = f
return x
Extra A more advanced way to write this function would be:
function swap!(x)
if length(x) > 1
x[begin], x[end] = x[end], x[begin]
return x
Note the differences in the code: * we use begin
of 1
to get the first element. This is a safer practice
since some collections in Julia do not use 1-based indexing (in practice
you are not likely to see them, so this comment is most relevant for
package developers) * if there are 0
or 1
element in the collection the function does not do anything (depending
on the context we might want to throw an error instead) * in
x[begin], x[end] = x[end], x[begin]
we perform two
assignments at the same time to avoid having to use a temporary variable
(this operation is technically called tuple
destructuring; we discuss it in later chapters of the book)
Exercise 9
Write a loop in global scope that calculates the sum of cubes of
numbers from 1
to 10^6
. Next use the
function to perform the same computation. What is the
difference in timing of these operations?
We used @time
macro in chapter 1.
Version in global scope:
julia> s = 0
julia> @time for i in 1:10^6
global s += i^3
0.076299 seconds (2.00 M allocations: 30.517 MiB, 10.47% gc time)
Version with a function using a sum
julia> sum3(n) = sum(x -> x^3, 1:n)
sum3 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> @time sum3(10^6)
0.000012 seconds
Version with sum
function in global scope:
julia> @time sum(x -> x^3, 1:10^6)
0.027436 seconds (48.61 k allocations: 2.558 MiB, 99.75% compilation time)
julia> @time sum(x -> x^3, 1:10^6)
0.025744 seconds (48.61 k allocations: 2.557 MiB, 99.76% compilation time)
As you can see using a loop in global scope is inefficient. It leads to many allocations and slow execution.
Using a sum3
function leads to fastest execution. You
might ask why using sum(x -> x^3, 1:10^6)
in global
scope is slower. The reason is that an anonymous function
x -> x^3
is defined anew each time this operation is
called which forces compilation of the sum
function (but it
is still faster than the loop in global scope).
For a reference check the function with a loop inside it:
julia> function sum3loop(n)
s = 0
for i in 1:n
s += i^3
return s
sum3loop (generic function with 1 method)
julia> @time sum3loop(10^6)
0.001378 seconds
This is also much faster than a loop in global scope.
Exercise 10
Explain the value of the result of summation obtained in exercise 9.
In exercise 9 we note that the result is
which is a negative value, although we
are adding cubes of positive values. The reason of the problem is that
operations on integers overflow. If you are working with numbers larger
that can be stored in Int
type, which is:
julia> typemax(Int)
use big
numbers that we discussed in Exercise
julia> @time sum(x -> big(x)^3, 1:10^6)
0.833234 seconds (11.05 M allocations: 236.113 MiB, 23.77% gc time, 2.63% compilation time)
Now we get a correct result, at the cost of slower computation.