2024-04-26 18:26:12 -04:00

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CalculusWithJulia via quarto

Short cut. Run first command until happy, then run second to publish

quarto render
#julia adjust_plotly.jl # <-- no longer needed
quarto publish gh-pages --no-render

To compile the pages through quarto

  • author in .qmd files (to be run through pluto)
  • run quarto preview to develop interactively (kinda slow!)
  • run quarto render to render pages (not too bad)

to publish

  • bump the version number in _quarto.yml, Project.toml

  • run quarto publish gh-pages to publish

  • or quarto publish gh-pages --no-render to avoid re-rendering, when just done

  • should also push project to github

  • no need to push _freeze the repo, as files are locally rendered for now.

  • NO LONGERto get PlotlyLight to work the plotly library needs loading before require.min.js. This is accomplished by editing the .html file and moving up this line:

This can be done with this commandline call: julia adjust_plotly.jl

  • This error > fatal: gh-pages is already checked out at /Users/verzani/julia/CalculusWithJuliaNotes/quarto/f5611730

was solved with ( > git worktree remove f5611730

quarto render; julia adjust_plotly.jl
quarto publish gh-pages --no-render


In summary, there are two steps

quarto render

Preview output in _book/index.html. If okay to publish:

julia adjust_plotly.jl
quarto publish gh-pages --no-render

Then one should:

  • push changes to origin
  • merge into main
  • branch to new version
  • pull origin to merge

Eventually, if this workflow seems to be settled:

* deprecate need to make "pluto friendly"
  • take advantage of mermaid, ojs, bibliography, …

DONE * move to not use CalculusWithJulia.WeaveSupport DONE * remove frontmatter DONE * fig_size -> _common_code DONE * deprecate .jmd files DONE? * do something with JSXGraph DONE * figure out why PlotlyLight doesnt work XXX hacky! DONE * use an include file not the “hack” in jmd2qmd DONE * modify sympys show method


  • Old and new astronomy; : Proctor, Richard Anthony, 1837-1888 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive has interesting epicycle figures on p 186/886. Could add these in.

  • ImageFile -> as much as possible
  • use pandoc references(?)
  • mermaid, ojs?

CANT DO * set up quarto to generate on CI. (Tried, but cant get through to the finish before a CI timeout…; Must use quarto publish command locally…) DONE * PlotlyLight DONE * clean up edit link DONE * remove pinned header DONE * clean up directory DONE (?) * JSXGraph files WONT DO * download links to Pluto .jl files (if we have .jmd, but we might deprecate…) For now .jmd is derprecated; though we keep the files around ….

Cone, general

basecurve(u) = [cos(u), sin(u) + sin(u/2), 0] Vertex = [0, 3/4, 3] function Cone(u, t) x, y, z = basecurve(u) t * ([x,y,z] - Vertex) + Vertex end

us = range(0, 2pi, length=50) ts = range(0, 1, length=50)

xyzs = Cone.(us, ts) surface(CalculusWithJulia.unzip(xyzs))