69  Usages of Unicode symbols

Julia allows the use of Unicode symbols to replace variable names and for function calls. Unicode operations are entered in this pattern \name[tab]. That is a slash, \, the name (e.g., alpha), and then a press of the tab key.

In these notes, the following may appear as variable or function names

\Name Symbol Usage notes
\euler The variable e
\pi π
\alpha α
\beta β
\delta δ
\Delta Δ Change, as in Δx
\gamma γ
\phi ϕ
\Phi Φ Used for parameterized surfaces
x\_1 x₁ Subscripts
r\vec r⃗ Vector annotation
T\hat Unit vector annotation

The following are associated with derivatives

\Name Symbol Usage notes
\nabla del operator in CwJ package

The following are infix operators

\Name Symbol Usage notes
\circ composition
\cdot dot product
\times × cross product

Infix operators may need parentheses due to precedence rules. For example, to call a composition, one needs (f ∘ g)(x) so that composition happens before function evaluation (g(x)).