import numpy as np class Relu: @staticmethod def activation(z): z[z < 0] = 0 return z @staticmethod def prime(z): z[z < 0] = 0 z[z > 0] = 1 return z class Sigmoid: @staticmethod def activation(z): return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z)) @staticmethod def prime(z): return Sigmoid.activation(z) * (1 - Sigmoid.activation(z)) class MSE: def __init__(self, activation_fn=None): """ :param activation_fn: Class object of the activation function. """ if activation_fn: self.activation_fn = activation_fn else: self.activation_fn = NoActivation def activation(self, z): return self.activation_fn.activation(z) @staticmethod def loss(y_true, y_pred): """ :param y_true: (array) One hot encoded truth vector. :param y_pred: (array) Prediction vector :return: (flt) """ return np.mean((y_pred - y_true)**2) @staticmethod def prime(y_true, y_pred): return y_pred - y_true def delta(self, y_true, y_pred): """ Back propagation error delta :return: (array) """ return, y_pred) * class NoActivation: """ This is a plugin function for no activation. f(x) = x * 1 """ @staticmethod def activation(z): """ :param z: (array) w(x) + b :return: z (array) """ return z @staticmethod def prime(z): """ The prime of z * 1 = 1 :param z: (array) :return: z': (array) """ return np.ones_like(z) class Network: def __init__(self, dimensions, activations): """ :param dimensions: (tpl/ list) Dimensions of the neural net. (input, hidden layer, output) :param activations: (tpl/ list) Activations functions. Example of one hidden layer with - 2 inputs - 3 hidden nodes - 3 outputs layers --> [1, 2, 3] ---------------------------------------- dimensions = (2, 3, 3) activations = ( Relu, Sigmoid) """ self.n_layers = len(dimensions) self.loss = None self.learning_rate = None # Weights and biases are initiated by index. For a one hidden layer net you will have a w[1] and w[2] self.w = {} self.b = {} # Activations are also initiated by index. For the example we will have activations[2] and activations[3] self.activations = {} for i in range(len(dimensions) - 1): self.w[i + 1] = np.random.randn(dimensions[i], dimensions[i + 1]) / np.sqrt(dimensions[i]) self.b[i + 1] = np.zeros(dimensions[i + 1]) self.activations[i + 2] = activations[i] def _feed_forward(self, x): """ Execute a forward feed through the network. :param x: (array) Batch of input data vectors. :return: (tpl) Node outputs and activations per layer. The numbering of the output is equivalent to the layer numbers. """ # w(x) + b z = {} # activations: f(z) a = {1: x} # First layer has no activations as input. The input x is the input. for i in range(1, self.n_layers): # current layer = i # activation layer = i + 1 z[i + 1] =[i], self.w[i]) + self.b[i] a[i + 1] = self.activations[i + 1].activation(z[i + 1]) return z, a def _back_prop(self, z, a, y_true): """ The input dicts keys represent the layers of the net. a = { 1: x, 2: f(w1(x) + b1) 3: f(w2(a2) + b2) } :param z: (dict) w(x) + b :param a: (dict) f(z) :param y_true: (array) One hot encoded truth vector. :return: """ # Determine partial derivative and delta for the output layer. # delta output layer delta =, a[self.n_layers]) dw =[self.n_layers - 1].T, delta) update_params = { self.n_layers - 1: (dw, delta) } # In case of three layer net will iterate over i = 2 and i = 1 # Determine partial derivative and delta for the rest of the layers. # Each iteration requires the delta from the previous layer, propagating backwards. for i in reversed(range(2, self.n_layers)): delta =, self.w[i].T) * self.activations[i].prime(z[i]) dw =[i - 1].T, delta) update_params[i - 1] = (dw, delta) for k, v in update_params.items(): self._update_w_b(k, v[0], v[1]) def _update_w_b(self, index, dw, delta): """ Update weights and biases. :param index: (int) Number of the layer :param dw: (array) Partial derivatives :param delta: (array) Delta error. """ self.w[index] -= self.learning_rate * dw self.b[index] -= self.learning_rate * np.mean(delta, 0) def fit(self, x, y_true, loss, epochs, batch_size, learning_rate=1e-3): """ :param x: (array) Containing parameters :param y_true: (array) Containing one hot encoded labels. :param loss: Loss class (MSE, CrossEntropy etc.) :param epochs: (int) Number of epochs. :param batch_size: (int) :param learning_rate: (flt) """ if not x.shape[0] == y_true.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Length of x and y arrays don't match") # Initiate the loss object with the final activation function self.loss = loss(self.activations[self.n_layers]) self.learning_rate = learning_rate for i in range(epochs): # Shuffle the data seed = np.arange(x.shape[0]) np.random.shuffle(seed) x_ = x[seed] y_ = y_true[seed] for j in range(x.shape[0] // batch_size): k = j * batch_size l = (j + 1) * batch_size z, a = self._feed_forward(x_[k:l]) self._back_prop(z, a, y_[k:l]) if (i + 1) % 10 == 0: _, a = self._feed_forward(x) print("Loss:", self.loss.loss(y_true, a[self.n_layers])) def predict(self, x): """ :param x: (array) Containing parameters :return: (array) A 2D array of shape (n_cases, n_classes). """ _, a = self._feed_forward(x) return a[self.n_layers] if __name__ == "__main__": from sklearn import datasets import sklearn.metrics np.random.seed(1) data = datasets.load_digits() x = data["data"] y = data["target"] y = np.eye(10)[y] nn = Network((64, 15, 10), (Relu, Sigmoid)), y, loss=MSE, epochs=50, batch_size=15, learning_rate=1e-3) prediction = nn.predict(x) y_true = [] y_pred = [] for i in range(len(y)): y_pred.append(np.argmax(prediction[i])) y_true.append(np.argmax(y[i])) print(sklearn.metrics.classification_report(y_true, y_pred))