# Task 1. Create a new package `MyStatsPackage` using `generate` 2. Add your `statistic_functions.jl` & "include" it. 3. Export all functions 4. Create a new environment in a separate folder and add the package. 5. Does `using MyStatsPackage` work now? :::{.callout collapse=true} ## Yes! :tada: congratulations! ::: :::{.callout collapse=true} ## No! Oh no, better check you activated the right environment - ask for help! ::: 6. Go back to your package environment. Now add a dependency (e.g. ProgressMeter.jl) and a `compat`-entry 7. Go back to your project environment, has the dependency been updated? :::{.callout collapse=true} ## Hint? Should you use `resolve` or `instantiate`? :::