# Julia VSCode Extension Documentation on the Julia VSCode extension can be found [here](https://www.julia-vscode.org/docs/stable/) ## Recommended Settings `File`->`Preferences`->`Settings` Put into the search bar `Julia Exection` Julia › Execution: Code In REPL - [x] Print executed code in REPL and append it to the REPL history. Make sure that `x` is there! ## VSCode blocks ```julia this = 1 is = 2 # a code block #--- and = 1 this =2 # is another one = 3 ``` `Ctrl+Enter` executes the currently marked line/segment `Alt+Enter` If you are within one code-block, executes it +`Shift` Adding a shift to the previous commands executes them, and then moves to next line/block find more [keybindings here](https://www.julia-vscode.org/docs/stable/userguide/keybindings/) ## VSCode autoformat `Ctrl+Shift+I` to automatically format your code