On Tuesday we planned an easy hike (around 30-45 min.; no elevation) through the forest towards [Bärenschlössle](https://www.baerenschloessle-stuttgart.de/de). Here, we will have time for dinner and drinks together (individually payed), after which we will head back towards campus.
Arriving on campus you can decide to either head off for the night, or you join our group to go to [Unithekle](https://www.unithekle.de/), a student pub on campus with cheap drinks and good boardgames!
On Thursday we will meet slightly before 20:00 at [bowling alley Möhringen](https://www.bowling-moehringen.de/) for a friendly tournament between groups.
Beforehand you'll have time to get some food; we prepared [a map](https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1vJQ4JtYGulsYW2M9HvyN73yKr6ESNlk&usp=sharing) with some recommendations on the way to the bowling alley, if you head there straight from campus.