import string, random, os, re, bisect """Produce Panama-ish Palindromes. Copyright (C) 2002, Peter Norvig. See and""" def is_panama(p): "Test if p is a Panama-ish palindrome." def is_unique(seq): return len(seq) == len(dict(zip(seq, seq))) return (p.endswith('Panama') and is_palindrome(p) and is_unique([s.strip() for s in p.split(',')])) def is_palindrome(phrase): "Test if a phrase is a palindrome." cphrase = canonical(phrase) return cphrase == reverse(cphrase) def canonical(word, sub=re.compile('[^A-Za-z0-9]').sub): "The canonical form for comparing: lowercase alphanumerics." return sub('', word).lower() def read_dict(filename='npdict.txt'): "Read the file into global variables _fw and _bw and _truename." global _fw, _bw, _truename _fw, _bw, _truename = [], [], {'': ''} for word in open(filename).read().splitlines(): w = canonical(word) _fw.append(w) _bw.append(reverse(w)) _truename[w] = word _fw.sort(); _bw.sort() return len(_fw), len(_bw), len(_truename) def update(obj, **entries): obj.__dict__.update(entries); return obj class PalDict: """A dictionary from which you can find canonical words that start or end with a given canonical substring, and find the true name of a canonical word.""" def __init__(self, fw=None, bw=None, truename=None): update(self, fw=fw or _fw, bw=bw or _bw, truename=truename or _truename) def startswith(self, prefix, k=100): """Return up to k canonical words that start with prefix. If there are more than k, choose from them at random.""" return k_startingwith(k, self.fw, prefix) def endswith(self, suffix, k=100): """Return up to k canonical words that end with suffix. If there are more than k, choose from them at random. Both the suffix and the word returned are reversed.""" return k_startingwith(k,, suffix) def k_startingwith(k, words, prefix): """Choose up to k words that match the prefix (choose randomly if > k).""" start = bisect.bisect(words, prefix) end = bisect.bisect(words, prefix + 'zzzz') n = end - start if k >= n: results = words[start:end] random.shuffle(results) else: # Should really try to avoid duplicates results = [words[random.randrange(start, end)] for i in range(k)] return results class Panama: def __init__(self, L='A man, a plan', R='a canal, Panama', dict=None): left = [canonical(w) for w in L.split(', ')] right = [canonical(reverse(w)) for w in reverse(R.split(', '))] update(self, left=left, right=right, dict=dict or PalDict(), best=0, seen={}, diff=len(''.join(left)) - len(''.join(right))) for word in left + map(reverse, right): self.seen[word] = 1 def missing(self, k=20): """Return the substring that is missing, and candidate words.""" if self.diff >= 0: # Left is longer, missing on right substr = self.left[-1][-self.diff:] return substr, self.dict.endswith(substr, k) else: # Right is longer, missing on left substr = self.right[-1][self.diff:] return substr, self.dict.startswith(substr, k) def search(self, k=200): "Search for palindromes; consider at most k words at each level." self.stack = [self.missing(k)] while self.stack: substr, words = self.stack[-1] if is_palindrome(substr): if words: self.extend(words.pop(), k) elif not self.backtrack(): return def extend(self, word, k): "Add a new word (unless we've already seen it)." if self.diff >= 0: # Left is longer, add to right fword = reverse(word) if fword in self.seen: return self.diff -= len(fword) self.seen[fword] = 1 self.right.append(word) self.stack.append(self.missing(k)) else: # Right is longer, add to left if word in self.seen: return self.diff += len(word) self.seen[word] = 1 self.left.append(word) self.stack.append(self.missing(k)) def backtrack(self): "Remove the last word added; return 0 if can't backtrack" if self.diff >= 0: # Left is longer, pop from left if not self.left: return 0 word = self.left.pop() self.diff -= len(word) del self.seen[word] else: # Right is longer, pop from right if not self.right: return 0 word = self.right.pop() self.diff += len(word) del self.seen[reverse(word)] self.stack.pop() return 1 def report(self): "Write current state to log file." if len(self) > + 200: = len(self) print self.bestphrase = str(self) assert is_panama(self.bestphrase) f = open('pallog%d.txt' % os.getpid(), 'w') f.write(self.bestphrase + '\n') f.close() def __len__(self): return len(self.left) + len(self.right) def __str__(self): truename = self.dict.truename lefts = [truename[w] for w in self.left] rights = [truename[reverse(w)] for w in reverse(self.right[:])] return ', '.join(lefts + ['*****'] + rights) def reverse(x): "Reverse a list or string." if type(x) == type(''): return ''.join(reverse(list(x))) else: x.reverse() return x if __name__ == '__main__': read_dict(); p = Panama();