Python 3 fixes

This commit is contained in:
cclauss 2018-10-17 01:48:46 +02:00
parent 1697ee1c43
commit 6a8e87e17b
13 changed files with 140 additions and 116 deletions

View File

@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ one of the following formats:
(5) Of the form 'statement'. Statement is execed for side effect.
(6) Of the form 'expression'. Expression is evaled for side effect.
from __future__ import print_function
import re, sys, types
@ -163,7 +164,7 @@ class Docex:
except SyntaxError:
exec teststr in self.dictionary
exec(teststr, self.dictionary)
def evaluate(self, teststr, resultstr=None):
"Eval teststr and check if resultstr (if given) evals to the same."
@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ class Docex:
self.writeln('>>> ' + teststr)
except_class = eval(exceptionstr, self.dictionary)
exec teststr in self.dictionary
exec(teststr, self.dictionary)
except except_class:
self.writeln('# raises %s as expected' % exceptionstr)
self.passed += 1
@ -201,9 +202,9 @@ class Docex:
s = str(s)
if self.html:
s = s.replace('&','&amp;').replace('<','&lt;').replace('>','&gt;')
print '%s%s%s' % (before, s, after)
print('%s%s%s' % (before, s, after))
print s
def seen(self, object):
"""Return true if this object has been seen before.
@ -230,9 +231,7 @@ def main(args):
for file in glob.glob(arg):
if file.endswith('.py'):
print Docex(modules, html=html, out=out)
print(Docex(modules, html=html, out=out))
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
from __future__ import print_function
from collections import defaultdict
def get_genomes(fname="byronbayseqs.fas.txt"):
"Return a list of genomes, and a list of their corresponding names."
import re
names, species, genomes = [], [], []
for name, g in re.findall('>(.*?)\r([^\r]*)\r*', file(fname).read()):
for name, g in re.findall('>(.*?)\r([^\r]*)\r*', open(fname).read()):
@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ def get_neighbors(fname="editdistances.txt"):
"Return dict: neighbors[i][j] = neighbors[j][i] = d means i,j are d apart."
## Read the data pre-computed from the Java program
neighbors = dict((i, {}) for i in range(n))
for line in file(fname):
for line in open(fname):
i,j,d = map(int, line.split())
neighbors[i][j] = neighbors[j][i] = d
return neighbors
@ -75,15 +76,15 @@ def showh(d):
return ' '.join('%s:%s' % i for i in sorted(d.items()))
def greport(genomes):
print "Number of genomes: %d (%d distinct)" % (len(genomes), len(set(genomes)))
print("Number of genomes: %d (%d distinct)" % (len(genomes), len(set(genomes))))
G = dict((g, set()) for g in genomes)
for i in range(n):
print "Multi-named genomes:", (
len([s for s in G.values() if len(s) > 1]))
print("Multi-named genomes:", (
len([s for s in G.values() if len(s) > 1])))
lens = map(len, genomes)
print "Genome lengths: min=%d, max=%d" % (min(lens), max(lens))
print "Character counts: ", showh(c for g in genomes for c in g)
print("Genome lengths: min=%d, max=%d" % (min(lens), max(lens)))
print("Character counts: ", showh(c for g in genomes for c in g))
def nreport(neighbors):
NN, NumN = defaultdict(int), defaultdict(int) ## Nearest, Number of neighbors
@ -92,9 +93,9 @@ def nreport(neighbors):
NN[nn] += 1
for d2 in neighbors[n].values():
NumN[d2] += 1
print "Nearest neighbor counts:", showh(NN)
print "Number of neighbors at each distance:", showh(NumN)
print("Nearest neighbor counts:", showh(NN))
print("Number of neighbors at each distance:", showh(NumN))
def nspecies(c): return len(set(species[g] for g in c))
@ -104,34 +105,34 @@ def showc(c):
def creport(drange, dcrange):
def table(what, fn):
print "\n" + what
print ' '*8, ' '.join([' '+pct(dc, glen) for dc in dcrange])
print("\n" + what)
print(' '*8, ' '.join([' '+pct(dc, glen) for dc in dcrange]))
for d in drange:
print '%s (%2d)' % (pct(d, glen), d),
print('%s (%2d)' % (pct(d, glen), d), end=' ')
for dc in dcrange:
print '%5s' % fn(cluster(neighbors, d, dc)),
print '\nNearest neighbor must be closer than this percentage (places). '
print 'Each column: all genomes in cluster within this percentage of each other.'
print('%5s' % fn(cluster(neighbors, d, dc)), end=' ')
print('\nNearest neighbor must be closer than this percentage (places). ')
print('Each column: all genomes in cluster within this percentage of each other.')
table("Number of clusters", len)
cluster1 = cluster(neighbors, 8, 15) ## splits Cleora
print '\nNumber of clusters of different sizes:', showh(len(c) for c in cluster1)
print('\nNumber of clusters of different sizes:', showh(len(c) for c in cluster1))
M, T = defaultdict(int), defaultdict(int)
for c in cluster1:
M[margin(c)] += 1; T[margin(c)] += len(c)
for x in M: print '%d\t%d\t%d'% (x,M[x],T[x])
print '\nMargins', showh(M)
for x in M: print('%d\t%d\t%d'% (x,M[x],T[x]))
print('\nMargins', showh(M))
for c in cluster1:
if margin(c) <= 16:
print showc(c)
print '\nScatter plot of cluster diameter vs. margin.'
print('\nScatter plot of cluster diameter vs. margin.')
for c in cluster1:
if diameter(c) > 0:
#print '%d\t%d' % (diameter(c), margin(c))
print '\nDifference from cluster(neighbors, 11, 14):'
print('\nDifference from cluster(neighbors, 11, 14):')
#table(lambda cl: pct(len(cluster1)-compare(cluster1, cl),max(len(cluster1),len(cl))))
print '\nNumber of clusters witth more than one species name:'
print('\nNumber of clusters witth more than one species name:')
#table(lambda cl: sum(nspecies(c) > 1 for c in cl))
def pct_near_another(clusters, P=1.25):
total = 0
@ -143,21 +144,21 @@ def creport(drange, dcrange):
total += 1
return pct(total, n)
def f(P):
print '\nPercent of individuals within %.2f*diameter of another cluster.'%P
print('\nPercent of individuals within %.2f*diameter of another cluster.'%P)
table(lambda cl: pct_near_another(cl, P))
#map(f, [1.2, 1.33, 1.5])
def sreport(species):
SS = defaultdict(int)
for s in set(species):
c = [g for g in range(n) if species[g] == s]
d = diameter(c)
if d > 14:
if d==glen: d = '>25'
print 'diameter %s for %s (%d elements)' % (d, s, len(c))
print('diameter %s for %s (%d elements)' % (d, s, len(c)))
SS[d] += 1
print 'Diameters of %d labeled clusters: %s' % (len(set(species)), showh(SS))
print('Diameters of %d labeled clusters: %s' % (len(set(species)), showh(SS)))
def compare(cl1, cl2):
"Compare two lists of clusters"
@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ def unit_tests():
assert diameter(set()) == 0
assert diameter([17, 42]) == dist(17, 42)
assert pct(1, 2) == '50.0%'
print '\nAll tests pass.\n'
print('\nAll tests pass.\n')

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ an external file format that looks like this:
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
#### Read files in Books-Ngram format; convert to a dict
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ def read_year_file(filename, dic=None):
"""Read a file of 'word year word_count book_count' lines and convert to a dict
{WORD: totalcount}. Uppercase all words, and only include all-alphabetic words."""
if dic is None: dic = {}
for line in file(filename):
for line in open(filename):
word, year, c1, c2 = line.split('\t')
if '_' in word:
word = word[:word.index('_')]
@ -44,14 +45,14 @@ def read_year_file(filename, dic=None):
def write_dict(dic, filename):
"Write a {word:count} dict as 'word \t count' lines in filename."
out = file(filename, 'w')
out = open(filename, 'w')
for key in sorted(dic):
out.write('%s\t%s\n' % (key, dic[key]))
return out.close()
def read_dict(filename, sep='\t'):
"Read 'word \t count' lines from file and make them into a dict of {word:count}."
pairs = (line.split(sep) for line in file(filename))
pairs = (line.split(sep) for line in open(filename))
return {word: int(count) for (word, count) in pairs}
#### Convert a bunch of year files into dict file format.
@ -61,9 +62,9 @@ def convert_files(filenames, mincount=1e5):
import time
N = len(D)
W = sum(v for v in D.itervalues())
print '%s: %s %s words (%s tokens) at %s' % (
print('%s: %s %s words (%s tokens) at %s' % (
filename, adj, format(W, ',d'), format(N, ',d'),
time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()))
time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())))
for f in filenames:
report(f, {}, 'starting')
D = read_year_file(f)
@ -155,10 +156,10 @@ def getcount(counts, s, pos, length):
return counts[s, pos, length]
print 'start'
#wc = word_counts('count_100K.txt')
#counts = letter_counts(wc)
print 'end'
@ -172,18 +173,18 @@ def num(ch):
def stats(D, NS = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)):
counts = {n: Counter() for n in NS}
print 'words ' + ' '.join(' %d-grams ' % n for n in NS)
print('words ' + ' '.join(' %d-grams ' % n for n in NS))
for (i, word) in enumerate(sortedby(D), 1):
for n in NS:
for ng in ngrams(word, n):
counts[n][ng] += 1
if i % 5000 == 0 or i == len(D):
print "%4dK" % (i/1000),
print("%4dK" % (i/1000), end=' ')
for n in NS:
c = len(counts[n])
field = "%5d (%d%%)" % (c, int(round(c*100/(26**n))))
print '%12s' % field,
print('%12s' % field, end=' ')
alphabet = ''.join(sorted(letters))
@ -224,7 +225,7 @@ def substr(word, pos, length):
def lettercount(D, pos):
LC = histogram((substr(w, pos, 1), D[w]) for w in D)
del LC[None]
print LC
pos_name = (str(pos)+'+' if isinstance(pos, tuple) else
pos if pos < 0 else
@ -293,7 +294,7 @@ def csvline(first, rest):
return '\t'.join([first] + map(str, rest))
def makecsv(n, D=D):
out = file('ngrams%d.csv' % n, 'w')
out = open('ngrams%d.csv' % n, 'w')
cols = columns(n)
Dng = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
for w in D:
@ -310,9 +311,9 @@ def makecsv(n, D=D):
if from_end <= 9:
entry[ANY, -from_end, -from_end+n-1] += N
# enumerate ngrams from word and increment counts for each one
print >> out, csvline('%d-gram' % n, map(colname, cols))
print(csvline('%d-gram' % n, map(colname, cols)), file=out)
for ng in sorted(Dng, key=lambda ng: -Dng[ng][(ANY, ANY)]):
print >> out, csvline(ng, [Dng[ng].get(col, 0) for col in cols])
print(csvline(ng, [Dng[ng].get(col, 0) for col in cols]), file=out)
return Dng

View File

@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ from __future__ import division
import math
import operator as op
raw_input # Python 2
except NameError:
raw_input = input # Python 3
################ Types
Symbol = str # A Lisp Symbol is implemented as a Python str

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
################ Symbol, Procedure, classes
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import re, sys, StringIO
class Symbol(str): pass
@ -114,9 +115,9 @@ def repl(prompt='lispy> ', inport=InPort(sys.stdin), out=sys.stdout):
x = parse(inport)
if x is eof_object: return
val = eval(x)
if val is not None and out: print >> out, to_string(val)
if val is not None and out: print(to_string(val), file=out)
except Exception as e:
print '%s: %s' % (type(e).__name__, e)
print('%s: %s' % (type(e).__name__, e))
################ Environment class
@ -315,4 +316,3 @@ eval(parse("""(begin
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from __future__ import print_function
################ Tests for and
@ -103,15 +104,15 @@ def test(tests, name=''):
for (x, expected) in tests:
result = eval(parse(x))
print x, '=>', to_string(result)
print(x, '=>', to_string(result))
ok = (result == expected)
except Exception as e:
print x, '=raises=>', type(e).__name__, e
print(x, '=raises=>', type(e).__name__, e)
ok = issubclass(expected, Exception) and isinstance(e, expected)
if not ok:
fails += 1
print 'FAIL!!! Expected', expected
print '%s %s: %d out of %d tests fail.' % ('*'*45, name, fails, len(tests))
print('FAIL!!! Expected', expected)
print('%s %s: %d out of %d tests fail.' % ('*'*45, name, fails, len(tests)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
from lis import *

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Code copyright (c) 2008-2009 by Peter Norvig
You are free to use this code under the MIT licencse:
from __future__ import print_function
import re, string, random, glob, operator, heapq
from collections import defaultdict
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ def test(verbose=None):
"""Run some tests, taken from the chapter.
Since the hillclimbing algorithm is randomized, some tests may fail."""
import doctest
print 'Running tests...'
print('Running tests...')
doctest.testfile('ngrams-test.txt', verbose=verbose)
################ Word Segmentation (p. 223)
@ -97,8 +98,9 @@ def segment2(text, prev='<S>'):
for first,rem in splits(text)]
return max(candidates)
def combine(Pfirst, first, (Prem, rem)):
def combine(Pfirst, first, Prem__rem):
"Combine first and rem results into one (probability, words) pair."
(Prem, rem) = Prem__rem
return Pfirst+Prem, [first]+rem
################ Secret Codes (p. 228-230)
@ -166,7 +168,7 @@ def hillclimb(x, f, neighbors, steps=10000):
if fx2 > fx:
x, fx = x2, fx2
neighborhood = iter(neighbors(x))
if debugging: print 'hillclimb:', x, int(fx)
if debugging: print('hillclimb:', x, int(fx))
return x
debugging = False

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from __future__ import print_function
import string, random, os, re, bisect
"""Produce Panama-ish Palindromes. Copyright (C) 2002, Peter Norvig.
@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ class Panama:
"Write current state to log file."
if len(self) > + 200: = len(self)
self.bestphrase = str(self)
assert is_panama(self.bestphrase)
f = open('pallog%d.txt' % os.getpid(), 'w')

View File

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
from __future__ import print_function
import random, re, bisect, time
xrange # Python 2
except NameError:
xrange = range # Python 3
"""Produce Panama-ish Palindromes. Copyright (C) 2002-2008, Peter Norvig."""
################ Checking for Palindromes
@ -107,10 +113,10 @@ def anpdictshort():
"Find the words that are valid when every phrase must start with 'a'"
def segment(word): return [s for s in word.split('a') if s]
def valid(word): return all(reversestr(s) in segments for s in segment(word))
words = map(canonical, file('anpdict.txt'))
words = map(canonical, open('anpdict.txt'))
segments = set(s for w in words for s in segment(canonical(w)))
valid_words = [paldict.truename[w] for w in words if valid(w)]
file('anpdict-short.txt', 'w').write('\n'.join(valid_words))
open('anpdict-short.txt', 'w').write('\n'.join(valid_words))
################ Search for a palindrome
@ -185,14 +191,14 @@ class Panama:
def add_reversibles(self):
"Add in reversible words."
print 'using reversibles ...'
print('using reversibles ...')
for (word, rword) in self.dict.reversible_words().items():
if word not in self.seen and rword not in self.seen:
self.add('left', word)
self.add('right', rword)
self.used_reversibles = True
self.stack = []
print '...done'
def report(self):
"Report a new palindrome to log file (if it is sufficiently big)."
@ -202,8 +208,8 @@ class Panama:
if N > and (N > 12500 or N > = len(self)
self.bestphrase = str(self)
print '%5d phrases (%5d words) in %3d seconds' % (, self.bestphrase.count(' ')+1, time.clock() - self.starttime)
print('%5d phrases (%5d words) in %3d seconds' % (, self.bestphrase.count(' ')+1, time.clock() - self.starttime))
assert is_panama(self.bestphrase)
f = open('pallog%d.txt' % (id(self) % 10000), 'w')
f.write(self.bestphrase + '\n')
@ -254,7 +260,7 @@ def tests(p=Panama()):
d.tryharder = False
assert d.startswith('oklahoma') == ['oklahoma']
assert d.startswith('fsfdsfdsfds') == []
print 'all tests pass'
print('all tests pass')
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = Panama();

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from __future__ import print_function
grammar = {
'Noun': ['stench', 'wumpus'],
'Verb': ['is', 'smell'],
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ def parse(forest, grammar):
n = len(rhs)
subsequence = forest[i:i+n]
if match(subsequence, rhs):
print subsequence, lhs, '=>', rhs
print(subsequence, lhs, '=>', rhs)
forest2 = forest[:]
forest2[i:i+n] = [(lhs, subsequence)]
result = parse(forest2, grammar)

View File

@ -7,6 +7,11 @@ From the shell, do:
import re, string, time, os
cmp # Python 2
except NameError:
def cmp(x, y): # Python 3
return (x > y) - (x < y)
id = r'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*' ## RE for a Python identifier
g1, g2, g3, g4 = r'\1 \2 \3 \4'.split() ## groups for re.matches

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import re
from accum import *
@ -18,10 +19,10 @@ def expand_accumulations(program_text):
def test1(acc_display, expected):
"Eval an accumulation display and see if it gets the expected answer."
print acc_display
result = eval(expand_accumulations(acc_display))
assert result == expected, ('Got %s; expected %s' % (result, expected))
print ' ==> %s' % result
print(' ==> %s' % result)
#### Initialize some data
temp = [70, 70, 71, 74, 76, 76, 72, 76, 77, 77, 77, 78,
@ -33,11 +34,11 @@ candidates = votes.keys()
def test():
print 'temp = ', temp
print 'data = temp'
print 'votes = ', votes
print 'candidates = ', candidates
print('temp = ', temp)
print('data = temp')
print('votes = ', votes)
print('candidates = ', candidates)
#### Test some accumulation displays
test1("[Max: temp[hour] for hour in range(24)]",

View File

@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ lines
Time for work.
from __future__ import print_function
import sys, re, os, os.path
@ -73,14 +74,14 @@ class Copier:
def repl(match, self=self):
"Replace the match with its value as a Python expression."
expr = self.preproc(, 'eval')
if self.verbose: print '=== eval{%s}' % expr,
if self.verbose: print('=== eval{%s}' % expr, end=' ')
val = eval(expr, self.globals)
self.oops('eval', expr)
if callable(val): val = val()
if val == None: val = ''
if self.verbose: print '========>', val
if self.verbose: print('========>', val)
return str(val)
block = self.globals['_bl']
@ -127,16 +128,16 @@ class Copier:
def execute(self, stmt):
stmt = self.preproc(stmt, 'exec') + '\n'
if self.verbose:
print "******* executing {%s} in %s" % (stmt, self.globals.keys())
print("******* executing {%s} in %s" % (stmt, self.globals.keys()))
exec stmt in self.globals
exec(stmt, self.globals)
self.oops('exec', stmt)
def oops(self, why, what):
print 'Something went wrong in %sing {%s}' % (why, what)
print 'Globals:', self.globals.keys(), \
self.globals.get('SECTIONS', '???')
print('Something went wrong in %sing {%s}' % (why, what))
print('Globals:', self.globals.keys(), \
self.globals.get('SECTIONS', '???'))
def preproc(self, string, why, reg=re.compile(r"\s([<>&])\s"),
@ -155,10 +156,10 @@ class Copier:
"Convert filename.* to filename.ext, where ext defaults to html."
global yaptu_filename
outname = re.sub('[.][a-zA-Z0-9]+?$', '', filename) + '.'+ext
print 'Transforming', filename, 'to', outname
self.globals['_bl'] = file(filename).readlines()
print('Transforming', filename, 'to', outname)
self.globals['_bl'] = open(filename).readlines()
yaptu_filename = filename
self.outf = file(outname, 'w')
self.outf = open(outname, 'w')
if __name__ == '__main__':