diff --git a/ipynb/Countdown.ipynb b/ipynb/Countdown.ipynb
index 32ab013..16462ed 100644
--- a/ipynb/Countdown.ipynb
+++ b/ipynb/Countdown.ipynb
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
"We'll start with a simpler version of the puzzle: a countdown with no brackets. \n",
- "There are nine blanks, each of which can be filled by one of four operators, so there are 94 = 262,144 possibilities, few enough that we can enumerate them all, using `itertools.product` to get tuples of operators, and then `str.format` to plug them into blanks, and then `eval` to evaluate the string:"
+ "There are nine blanks, each of which can be filled by one of four operators, so there are 49 = 262,144 possibilities, few enough that we can enumerate them all, using `itertools.product` to get tuples of operators, and then `str.format` to plug them into blanks, and then `eval` to evaluate the string:"