('Pickleball Tournament',2018,'Pickleball.ipynb','Scheduling a doubles tournament fairly and efficiently'),
('Project Euler Utilities',2017,'Project%20Euler%20Utils.ipynb','My utility functions for the Project Euler problems, including `Primes` and `Factors`'),
("Effectiveness of Language Models",2019,'Goldberg.ipynb',"A re-implementation in Python 3 of Yoav Goldberg's unreasonably effective character-level n-gram language model."),
('A Concrete Introduction to Probability',2018,'Probability.ipynb','Code and examples of the basic principles of Probability Theory'),
('Probability, Paradox, and the Reasonable Person Principle',2016,'ProbabilityParadox.ipynb',
'Some classic paradoxes in Probability Theory, and how to think about disagreements'),
('Estimating Probabilities with Simulations',2020,'ProbabilitySimulation.ipynb','When the sample space is too complex, simulations can estimate probabilities'),
('Poker Hand Ranking',2012,"poker.ipynb",'How do we decide which poker hand wins? Several variants of poker are considered'),
('The Unfinished Game .... of Risk',2020,"risk.ipynb","Determining who is likely to win an interminably long game of Risk"),
('WWW: Who Will Win (NBA Title)?',2019,'WWW.ipynb','Computing the probability of winning the NBA title, for my home town Warriors, or any other team')],
('Sudoku: 100,000 puzzles/second in Java',2021,'SudokuJava.ipynb','A version of the Sudoku solver using parallel threads and other optimizations'),
('Square Sum Puzzle',2020,'SquareSum.ipynb','Place the numbers from 1 to n in a chain (or a circle) such that adjacent pairs sum to a perfect square'),
("When is Cheryl's Birthday?",2020,'Cheryl.ipynb',"Solving the *Cheryl's Birthday* logic puzzle"),
('Equilength Numbers: FOUR = 4',2020,'equilength-numbers.ipynb','What number names have the same letter count as the number they name (such as FOUR)?'),
('Gesture Typing',2017,'Gesture%20Typing.ipynb','What word has the longest path on a gesture-typing smartphone keyboard?'),
('Ghost: A Word game',2017,'Ghost.ipynb','The word game Ghost (add letters, try to avoid making a word)'),
('How to Do Things with Words: NLP in Python',2018,'How%20to%20Do%20Things%20with%20Words.ipynb','Spelling Correction, Secret Codes, Word Segmentation, and more'),
("Let's Code About Bike Locks",2015,'Fred%20Buns.ipynb','A tale of a bicycle combination lock that uses letters instead of digits. Inspired by Bike Snob NYC'),
('Spelling Bee',2020,'SpellingBee.ipynb','Find the highest-scoring board for the NY Times Spelling Bee puzzle'),
('Translating English into Propositional Logic',2017,'PropositionalLogic.ipynb','Automatically convert informal English sentences into formal Propositional Logic'),
('Battle Royale',2017,'Riddler%20Battle%20Royale.ipynb','A puzzle involving allocating your troops and going up against an opponent'),
('CrossProduct',2021,'CrossProduct.ipynb','A puzzle where digits fill a table, subject to constraints on their products'),
('Flipping Cards; A Guessing Game',2020,'flipping.ipynb','Can you go through a deck of cards, guessing higher or lower correctly for each card?'),
('Lottery',2019,'RiddlerLottery.ipynb','Can you find what lottery number tickets these five friends picked?'),
('How Many Soldiers to Beat the Night King?',2019,'NightKing.ipynb','A battle between the army of the dead and the army of the living'),
('Misanthropic Neighbors',2017,'Mean%20Misanthrope%20Density.ipynb','How crowded will this neighborhood be, if nobody wants to live next door to anyone else?'),
('Properly Ordered Card Hands',2018,'Orderable%20Cards.ipynb','Can you get your hand of cards into a nice order with just one move?'),
('Split the States',2021,'SplitStates.ipynb','Split the US states into two near-halves by area.'),
('Tour de 538',2020,'TourDe538.ipynb','Solve a puzzle involving the best pace for a bicycle race.'),
'A puzzle where you are given some billiard balls and a balance scale, and asked to find the one ball that is heavier or lighter, in a limited number of weighings'),
('War. What is it Good For?',2020,'war.ipynb','How likely is it to win a game of war in 26 turns?')],
('How to Count Things',2020,'How%20To%20Count%20Things.ipynb','Combinatorial math: how to count how many things there are, when there are a lot of them'),
('Stable Matching Problem',2020,'StableMatching.ipynb','What is the best way to pair up two groups with each other, obeying preferences?'),
('Symbolic Algebra, Simplification, and Differentiation',2017,'Differentiation.ipynb','A computer algebra system that, including symbolic differentiation'),
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