## Table of Contents - [Learning web development](#learning-web-development) - [Goal of this training](#goal-of-this-training) - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Principles](#principles) - [Roadmap](#roadmap) - [Meta: learning about learning](#meta-learning-about-learning) - [Topics](#topics) - [Pick a powerful text editor and learn its ins and outs](#pick-a-powerful-text-editor-and-learn-its-ins-and-outs) - [Learn the ins and outs of a programming language](#learn-the-ins-and-outs-of-a-programming-language) - [Learn the topics of web development](#learn-the-topics-of-web-development) - [Architecture](#architecture) - [Best practices, attitude](#best-practices-attitude) - [DB and SQL](#db-and-sql) - [Dev environment, command line and Linux](#dev-environment-command-line-and-linux) - [Distributed systems](#distributed-systems) - [Network, protocols, HTTP](#network-protocols-http) - [Project management](#project-management) - [Security](#security) - [Version control (git)](#version-control-git) - [Topics specific to Gens de Confiance](#topics-specific-to-gens-de-confiance) - [Other lists](#other-lists) # Learning web development ## Goal of this training This training provides an opinionated ramp-up program for web developers. ## Prerequisites Not much, just general knowledge about computers and the Internet. ## Principles - Focus on the main stuff. A lot of things are learnt on the job anyway. - Programming is not only about raw technical knowledge, it's also about best practices. - Go wide and go deep. - We learn by doing, so this training includes lots of exercises. - A lot of videos are included, since they provide hands-on experiences. You can find a LOT more videos here: [hellerve/programming-talks](https://github.com/hellerve/programming-talks) and [talks that changed the way I think about programming](http://www.opowell.com/post/talks-that-changed-the-way-i-think-about-programming/) ## Roadmap 1. Start with a programming language. 2. Do a first pass at the web development components: DB, HTTP API, etc. 3. Write a full-fledged exercise, get it reviewed. 4. Go deeper in the topics. ## Meta: learning about learning Feel free to checkout some of the articles about [Learning and memorizing](https://github.com/charlax/professional-programming#learning--memorizing) ## Topics ### Pick a powerful text editor and learn its ins and outs VSCode is a strong pick nowadays (I use and obviously prefer Vim :). Make sure to spend a lot of time in your text editor, watch tutorials about advanced features, install extensions, learn all the main keyboard shortcuts, subscribe to mailing lists about it, etc. You will spend most of your time within your text editor. Turn it into your ally! ### Learn the ins and outs of a programming language A developer's main tool being the programming language, it is important to achieve high proficiency in at least one of them. I'd recommend starting with Python or TypeScript. For Python, you can have a look at my repo [charlax/python-education](https://github.com/charlax/python-education). To ensure you have good command of the language, you should try out some of those exercises: - [Exercism](https://exercism.io/) (get free code reviews!) - [Small Python exercises from charlax/python-education](https://github.com/charlax/python-education/tree/master/learning-python/exercises) - [danistefanovic/build-your-own-x](https://github.com/danistefanovic/build-your-own-x) (for instance: build a [git in Python](https://wyag.thb.lt/)) - [Other list of exercises](https://github.com/charlax/python-education#exercises) Watch some videos related to your language: - 🎞 [Top 10 Must-Watch PyCon Talks](https://realpython.com/must-watch-pycon-talks/) Learn how to handle: - Regexes - Do exercises, for instance [RegexOne](https://regexone.com/) or [HackerRank](https://www.hackerrank.com/domains/regex). - Functional programming - [Functional Programming Fundamentals](https://www.matthewgerstman.com/tech/functional-programming-fundamentals/) - Design patterns - E.g. in [Python](https://www.toptal.com/python/python-design-patterns) - [faif/python-patterns](https://github.com/faif/python-patterns) - Tests - [Why bother writing tests at all?](https://dave.cheney.net/2019/05/14/why-bother-writing-tests-at-all) - 🎞 [Design Patterns in Plain English](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NU_1StN5Tkk&ab_channel=ProgrammingwithMosh) - Crazy things in languages - 🎞 [Wat](https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/wat) If you have time, learn more programming languages, starting with some that are *very* different from your main one: - Haskell - Clojure - Kotlin - Rust - Assembly ### Learn the topics of web development Note: this is just a short selection of stuff listed in [charlax/professional-programming](https://github.com/charlax/professional-programming). Start your career the right way with this article: [Ten Principles for Growth as an Engineer](https://medium.com/@daniel.heller/ten-principles-for-growth-69015e08c35b) - Create a learning plan with your learning priorities - Consider using flashcards (see Anki for instance) - Enjoy the learning experience! #### Architecture - Learn about DDD (domain driven design), SOLID, MVC. - Wander in the [Software Architecture Guide](https://martinfowler.com/architecture/) - 🎞 [On the Spectrum of Abstraction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVVNJKv9esE&ab_channel=ReactEurope) - 🎞 [Simple Made Easy](https://www.infoq.com/presentations/Simple-Made-Easy/) - 🎞 [Zebras All the Way Down](https://youtu.be/fE2KDzZaxvE), Bryan Cantrill #### Best practices, attitude Read one of those: - 📖 [The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master](https://pragprog.com/titles/tpp20/): hands-on the most inspiring and useful book I've read about programming. - 📖 [Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction](http://www.amazon.com/Code-Complete-Practical-Handbook-Construction/dp/0735619670): a nice addition to The Pragmatic Programmer, gives you the necessary framework to talk about code. Read the resources listed under [Must-read articles](https://github.com/charlax/professional-programming#must-read-articles). #### DB and SQL - Learn basic and advanced SQL: joins, indexes, subqueries. - Install Postgres and play with it. - [Do those postgres exercises](https://pgexercises.com/) - Learn about ORM - 🎞 [Watch this Python introduction to ORMs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P141KRbxVKc&ab_channel=PyCon2014) (with SQLAlchemy) #### Dev environment, command line and Linux - [jlevy/the-art-of-command-line](https://github.com/jlevy/the-art-of-command-line): master the command line, in one page - [Linux Productivity Tools](https://www.usenix.org/sites/default/files/conference/protected-files/lisa19_maheshwari.pdf) - Do shell exercises, for instance on [Exercism](https://exercism.io/tracks/bash), [TLDP](https://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/exercises.html), [HackerRank](https://www.hackerrank.com/domains/shell). - Install/use some of those tools: https://github.com/jondot/awesome-devenv - Write your own dotfiles, taking inspiration from [Awesome Dotfiles](https://github.com/webpro/awesome-dotfiles) (you can checkout mines: https://github.com/charlax/dotfiles) - Learn about Docker - 🎞 [Containers From Scratch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fi7uSYlOdc&ab_channel=GOTOConferences) Videos: - 🎞 [8 super heroic Linux commands that you probably aren't using](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zuwa8zlfXSY&ab_channel=EngineerMan) #### Distributed systems - Consider reading 📖 [Designing Data-Intensive Applications](https://dataintensive.net/). - [The Log: What every software engineer should know about real-time data's unifying abstraction](https://engineering.linkedin.com/distributed-systems/log-what-every-software-engineer-should-know-about-real-time-datas-unifying) - [donnemartin/system-design-primer](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer): learn how to design large-scale systems. - CAP theorem - Weak/strong/eventual consistency - Fail-over/replication - Load balancer: active-active, active-passive - Horizontal vs vertical scaling - Reverse proxy, load balancer - DB: RDBMS vs. NoSQL, replication, sharding, master-master, denormalization - Cache: client caching in browsers, CDN, HTTP headers, object cache, db cache - Asynchronism: message queues, back pressure #### Network, protocols, HTTP - [How Does the Internet Work?](https://web.stanford.edu/class/msande91si/www-spr04/readings/week1/InternetWhitepaper.htm) - [vasanthk/how-web-works](https://github.com/vasanthk/how-web-works): what happens behind the scenes when we type www.google.com in a browser? - Learn about the basics of TCP and UDP - Learn the basics of the HTTP protocol: header, verb, status code, TLS, Rest APIs, etc. - 🎞 [Qu'est ce que le HTTP ?](https://grafikart.fr/tutoriels/http-1062), Grafikart - Learn about important web-related protocols: DNS, SMTP, SSH #### Project management - [Efficient Software Project Management at its Roots](https://blog.pragmaticengineer.com/efficient-software-project-management-at-its-roots/) - [How to Lead a Project - as a Software Engineer](https://blog.pragmaticengineer.com/how-to-lead-a-project-in-software-development/) - [TechnicalDebt](https://martinfowler.com/bliki/TechnicalDebt.html) Checkout this section on [charlax/engineering-management](https://github.com/charlax/engineering-management#project-management) #### Security - Learn about the OWASP Top 10 - Consider reading 📖 [Penetration Testing](https://nostarch.com/pentesting). #### Version control (git) - [Resources to learn Git](https://try.github.io/) - 🎞 [Learn Git In 15 Minutes - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USjZcfj8yxE&ab_channel=ColtSteele) - 🎞 [Introduction to Git](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDR433b0HJY&ab_channel=InfoQ) with Scott Chacon of GitHub ### Topics specific to Gens de Confiance - Learn PHP - 🎞 [Formation Symfony 4 par l'exemple](https://grafikart.fr/formations/symfony-4-pratique), Grafikart - Learn Symfony (we recommend the docs + short videos) - Read the [docs](https://symfony.com/doc/current/index.html) - Read the [book](https://symfony.com/doc/current/the-fast-track/en/index.html) - 🎞 [SymfonyCasts](https://symfonycasts.com/) (some videos are behind paywal, but the text is always below) - 🎞 [Deep dive into Symfony 4 internals](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pz6VdH4_BSg&ab_channel=fwdays) - 🎞 [SymfonyTv](https://www.youtube.com/c/SymfonyTv/videos) ## Other lists - [The Missing Semester of Your CS Education](https://missing.csail.mit.edu/) (MIT). - [What every computer science major should know](http://matt.might.net/articles/what-cs-majors-should-know/) - [Teach Yourself Computer Science](https://teachyourselfcs.com/)