Add a bunch of articles

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Charles-Axel Dein 2019-07-01 23:30:46 +02:00
parent 85c8546236
commit c7a7e65be7
1 changed files with 75 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -36,7 +36,9 @@
- [Incident response (alerting, outages, firefighting)](#incident-response-alerting-outages-firefighting)
- [Internet](#internet)
- [Interviewing](#interviewing)
- [Learning & memorising](#learning--memorising)
- [Learning & memorizing](#learning--memorizing)
- [Low-level](#low-level)
- [Network](#network)
- [Problem solving](#problem-solving)
- [Project management](#project-management)
- [Programming languages](#programming-languages)
@ -103,8 +105,40 @@ There are some free books available, including:
* [On Being A Senior Engineer](
* [Lessons Learned in Software Development]( one of those articles that give you years of hard-earned lessons, all in one short article. Must read.
* [Things I Learnt The Hard Way](
* Spec first, then code
* Tests make better APIs
* Future thinking is future trashing
* Documentation is a love letter to your future self
* Sometimes, it's better to let the application crash than do nothing
* Understand and stay away of cargo cult
* "Right tool for the job" is just to push an agenda
* Learn the basics functional programming
* ALWAYS use timezones with your dates
* ALWAYS use UTF-8
* Create libraries
* Learn to monitor
* Explicit is better than implicit
* Companies look for specialists but keep generalists longer
* The best secure way to deal with user data is not to capture it
* When it's time to stop, it's time to stop
* You're responsible for the use of your code
* Don't tell "It's done" when it's not
* Pay attention on how people react to you
* Beware of micro-aggressions
* Keep a list of "Things I Don't Know"
* [Signs that you're a good programmer](
* [Signs that you're a bad programmer](
* [7 absolute truths I unlearned as junior developer](
* Early in your career, you can learn 10x more in a supportive team in 1 year, than coding on your own
* Every company has problems, every company has technical debt.
* Being overly opinionated on topics you lack real-world experience with is pretty arrogant.
* Many conference talks cover proof of concepts rather than real-world scenarios.
* Dealing with legacy is completely normal.
* Architecture is more important than nitpicking.
* Focus on automation over documentation where appropriate.
* Having some technical debt is healthy.
* Senior engineers must develop many skills besides programming.
* Were all still junior in some areas.
## Other general material and list of resources
@ -190,6 +224,11 @@ Biases don't only apply to hiring. For instance, the fundamental attribution bia
* [Write code that is easy to delete, not easy to extend](
* [The Ten Commandments of Egoless Programming](
* [Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship]( 📖, Robert C. Martin. Describes numerous useful best practices. A bit long. There's also a [clean code cheatsheet](cheatsheets/Clean-Code-V2.4.pdf).
* [What Software Craftsmanship is about](
* Were tired of writing crap.
* We will not accept the stupid old lie about cleaning things up later.
* We will not believe the claim that quick means dirty.
* We will not allow anyone to force us to behave unprofessionally.
### Computer science
@ -351,7 +390,7 @@ Note: this is about you as an interviewee, **not** as an interviewer. To check o
* [Interactive Python coding interview challenges](
* [tech-interview-handbook/]([](
### Learning & memorising
### Learning & memorizing
Learn how to learn!
@ -387,6 +426,10 @@ Learn how to learn!
* Personalize and provide examples - personalization might be the most effective way of building upon other memories. Your personal life is a gold mine of facts and events to refer to. As long as you build a collection for yourself, use personalization richly to build upon well established memories
* Provide sources - sources help you manage the learning process, updating your knowledge, judging its reliability, or importance
* Prioritize - effective learning is all about prioritizing.
* [How to Remember Anything You Really Want to Remember, Backed by Science](
* Quiz yourself
* Summarize and share with someone else.
* Connect what you just learned to experiences you previously had.
Richard Feynman's Learning Strategy:
@ -394,6 +437,18 @@ Richard Feynman's Learning Strategy:
2. Step 2: When you learn something, learn it to where you can explain it to a child.
3. Step 3: Instead of arbitrarily memorizing things, look for the explanation that makes it obvious.
### Low-level
* [Back to Basics](, Joel Spolsky. Explains why learning low level programming is important.
* I think that some of the biggest mistakes people make even at the highest architectural levels come from having a weak or broken understanding of a few simple things at the very lowest levels.
### Network
* [The Great Confusion About URIs](
* A URI is a string of characters that identifies a resource. Its syntax is `<scheme>:<authority><path>?<query>#<fragment>`, where only `<scheme>` and `<path>` are mandatory. URL and URN are URIs.
* A URL is a string of characters that identifies a resource located on a computer network. Its syntax depends on its scheme. E.g. ``.
* A URN is a string of characters that uniquely identifies a resource. Its syntax is `urn:<namespace identifier>:<namespace specific string>`. E.g. `urn:isbn:9780062301239`
### Problem solving
* [Dealing with Hard Problems](
@ -436,6 +491,12 @@ JavaScript is such a pervasive language that it's almost required learning.
* [Goodbye, Object Oriented Programming](
* [Functional Programming & Haskell]( some good reasons to learn FP!
* [Functional Programming Fundamentals]( short introduction to FP and its advantages.
* [OO vs FP](, Robert C. Martin, The Clean Code Blog. A pretty interesting take on the differences between OOP and FP from an expert in OOP.
* OO is not about state. Objects are bags of functions, not bags of data.
* Functional Programs, like OO Programs, are composed of functions that operate on data.
* FP imposes discipline upon assignment.
* OO imposes discipline on function pointers.
* The principles of software design still apply, regardless of your programming style. The fact that youve decided to use a language that doesnt have an assignment operator does not mean that you can ignore the Single Responsibility Principle.
### Over-engineering
@ -558,6 +619,18 @@ Rob Pike, [Go at Google: Language Design in the Service of Software Engineering]
* [Your non-linear problem of 90% utilization](, Jason Cohen: why constantly running at 90% utilization is actually counter-productive.
* [Evidence-based advice on how to be successful in any jobs]( most self-help advices are not research-based. The ones listed in this article are.
* [The Complete Guide to Deep Work](
* The ability to perform deep work is becoming increasingly rare at exactly the same time it is becoming increasingly valuable in our economy.
* Choose Your Deep Work Strategy
* Build a Deep Work Routine
* Discipline #1: Focus on the Wildly Important
* Discipline #2: Act on the Lead Measures
* Discipline #4: Create a Cadence of Accountability
* Our Ability for Deep Work is Finite
* The Craftsman Approach to Tool Selection
* Stop Using Social Media
* Get Your Boss on Board With Deep Work
### Web development