Continue front-end training guide

This commit is contained in:
Charles-Axel Dein 2020-07-20 18:12:51 +02:00
parent 2bded29d82
commit 311255c312
4 changed files with 100 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -4,6 +4,13 @@ Note: run code quickly with
## Quirks
### Printing and interacting with the console
// Do not leave console.log in your code! There are linters such as eslint that will check for their absence
### Comparing scalar, arrays, and objects
#### Always use triple comparators (`===`) instead of double (`==`)
@ -38,9 +45,19 @@ import _ from 'lodash'
console.assert(_.isEqual({a: 1}, {a: 1}))
console.assert(_.isEqual([1, 2], [1, 2]))
### `Object` methods
## Object assignment and destructuring
#### `Object.assign`, spread operator
`Object.assign` (ES 2015)
### `Array` methods
#### `Array.includes` (ES7)
## Object literals, assignment and destructuring
### Objects
@ -54,6 +71,25 @@ console.assert(size === 2)
// Get the rest with
const {color, brand,} = toaster;
console.assert(_.isEqual(rest, {size: 2}));
// Set default
const {size2 = 3} = toaster
console.assert(size2 === 3)
// Rename variables
const {size: size3} = toaster
console.assert(size3 === 2)
// Enhances object literals
const name = 'Louis'
const person = {name}
console.assert(_.isEqual(person, {name: 'Louis'}))
// Dynamic properties
const person2 = {['first' + 'Name']: 'Olympe'}
console.assert(_.isEqual(person2, {firstName: 'Olympe'}))
// Btw, you can include quotes although nobody does this
console.assert(_.isEqual(person2, {'firstName': 'Olympe'}))
### Array
@ -141,10 +177,51 @@ const myFunctionToBeShortenedArrowV2 = a => a
console.assert(myFunctionToBeShortenedArrowV2(1) === 1)
Best practices:
### How `this` works in arrow functions
### Best practices
- I usually keep the parameters parenthesis. If you add a parameter, you'll have to add them back.
## Classes
### Prototypal inheritance
## Template literals
### Template tags
## Loops
### `for... of`
Note: prefer using some functional constructs such as `map`, `reduce`, etc.
## Promises
### Creating a promise
### Consuming a promise
### Chaining promises
## Async functions
## Modules
CommonJS syntax:
ES Module syntax:
- default export and imports
- renaming imports
## TypeScript
### Differences between TypeScript and JavaScript
### An introduction to TypeScript's type system
## References
- [ES5 to ESNextheres every feature added to JavaScript since 2015](

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# An introduction to React
## The inspiration for React
## React components
## An introduction to state management in React application
## Testing React applications

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# CSS & HTML: restart
## An intro to modern technologies and methodologies
## Topics
### Accessibility

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Front-end development practices
## Testing
## Code style