import json, re, os fileList = [ "diffphys-code-burgers.ipynb", "diffphys-code-sol.ipynb", "physicalloss-code.ipynb", # TF "bayesian-code.ipynb", "supervised-airfoils.ipynb" # pytorch ] fileList = [ "diffphys-code-burgers.ipynb"] # debug # shorten "0.008612174447657694, 0.02584669669548606, 0.043136357266407785" for fnOut in fileList: fn = fnOut[:-5] + "bak" print("renaming "+fnOut+ " to "+fn ) if os.path.isfile(fnOut): os.rename(fnOut, fn) if not os.path.isfile(fn): print("Error: "+fn+" missing!") exit(1) #continue # exit(1) #fn="diffphys-code-burgers.ipynb" #fnOut="diffphys-code-burgers-r.ipynb" with open(fn) as file: d = json.load(file) #print(d.keys()) #print(d["cells"][0].keys()) re1 = re.compile(r"WARNING:tensorflow:") re2 = re.compile(r"UserWarning:") re3 = re.compile(r"\[0.008612174447657694, 0.02584669669548606, 0.043136357266407785.+\]" ) re3t = "[0.008612174447657694, 0.02584669669548606, 0.043136357266407785 ... ]" t="cells" okay = 0 deletes = 0 for i in range(len(d[t])): #for i in range(len(d[t])): #print(d[t][0]["cell_type"]) #print(d[t][i]["cell_type"]) # remove images after code if d[t][i]["cell_type"]=="code": #print(d[t][i].keys()) #d[t][i]["outputs"] = "" #print(d[t][i]["outputs"]) for j in range(len( d[t][i]["source"] )): #print( d[t][i]["source"][j] ) #print( type(d[t][i]["source"][j] )) dsOut = re3.sub( re3t, d[t][i]["source"][j] ) # replace long number string (only for burgers) d[t][i]["source"][j] = dsOut deletes = deletes+1 #print( d[t][i]["source"][j] +"\n >>> \n" +d2 ) #print(len( d[t][i]["outputs"] )) for j in range(len( d[t][i]["outputs"] )): #print(type( d[t][i]["outputs"][j] )) #print( d[t][i]["outputs"][j].keys() ) # images if d[t][i]["outputs"][j]["output_type"]=="stream": print( len( d[t][i]["outputs"][j]["text"] ) ) dell = [] # collect entries to delete for k in range( len( d[t][i]["outputs"][j]["text"] ) ): nums = [] nums.append( d[t][i]["outputs"][j]["text"][k] ) ) nums.append( d[t][i]["outputs"][j]["text"][k] ) ) if (nums[0] is None) and (nums[1] is None): okay = okay+1 else: # delete line "dell" deletes = deletes+1 dell.append(d[t][i]["outputs"][j]["text"][k]) print( format(nums) +" " + d[t][i]["outputs"][j]["text"][k] ) # len( d[t][i]["outputs"][j]["text"][k] ) ) for dl in dell: d[t][i]["outputs"][j]["text"].remove(dl) print( format( len( d[t][i]["outputs"][j]["text"] )) + " A") #print(d["cells"]) if deletes==0: print("Warning: Nothing found in "+fn+"!") if not os.path.isfile(fnOut): os.rename(fn, fnOut) else: print("Error, both files exist!?") exit(1) else: print(" ... writing "+fnOut ) with open(fnOut,'w') as fileOut: json.dump(d,fileOut, indent=1, sort_keys=True)