# source this file with "." in a shell #DIR=/Users/thuerey/Dropbox/mbaDevelSelected/pbdl-book/ DIR=/Users/thuerey/Dropbox/mbaDevelSelected/pbdl-book-cleanCheckout/ cd ${DIR} # warning - modifies notebooks! python3.7 json-cleanup-for-pdf.py exit # GEN! /Users/thuerey/Library/Python/3.7/bin/jupyter-book build . --builder pdflatex cd _build/latex rm -f book-in.tex sphinxmessages-in.sty mv book.tex book-in.tex mv sphinxmessages.sty sphinxmessages-in.sty python3.7 ../../fixup-latex.py # generates book-in2.tex # remove unicode chars iconv -c -f utf-8 -t ascii book-in2.tex > book.tex exit # OLD VERSION echo echo Note: first comment out PG chapter in _toc echo Note: manually quit first latex pass with shift-x echo #DIR=/Users/thuerey/Dropbox/mbaDevelSelected/pbdl-book/ DIR=/Users/thuerey/Dropbox/mbaDevelSelected/pbdl-book-cleanCheckout/ cd ${DIR} #echo Note: make sure to copy latex helpers! cp ./latex-helpers/* ./_build/latex/ mkdir _build mkdir _build/latex cp ./latex-helpers/* ./_build/latex/ # first preliminary build to generate .tex file /Users/thuerey/Library/Python/3.7/bin/jupyter-book build . --builder pdflatex # fix up latex # TODO, use py script later on... cd ${DIR}/_build/latex export JPYFILENAME=book.tex rm ${JPYFILENAME}-in.bak mv ${JPYFILENAME} ${JPYFILENAME}-in.bak iconv -c -f utf-8 -t ascii ${JPYFILENAME}-in.bak > ${JPYFILENAME} echo running SED # ugly fix for double {{name}.jpg} includes, eg # \sphinxincludegraphics{{physics-based-deep-learning-overview}.jpg} # \sphinxincludegraphics[height=240\sphinxpxdimen]{{overview-pano}.jpg} sed -i '' -e 's/sphinxincludegraphics{{/sphinxincludegraphics{/g' ${JPYFILENAME} sed -i '' -e 's/}.png}/.png}/g' ${JPYFILENAME} sed -i '' -e 's/}.jpg}/.jpg}/g' ${JPYFILENAME} sed -i '' -e 's/}.jpeg}/.jpeg}/g' ${JPYFILENAME} sed -i '' -e 's/sphinxpxdimen]{{/sphinxpxdimen]{/g' ${JPYFILENAME} # dirty fix for chapters # note, keep chapters? (chaXter) only move all other sections one level "up"? # sed -i '' -e 's///g' ${JPYFILENAME} sed -i '' -e 's/\\chapter{/\\chaXter{/g' ${JPYFILENAME} sed -i '' -e 's/\\section{/\\chapter{/g' ${JPYFILENAME} sed -i '' -e 's/\\chaXter{/\\subsection{/g' ${JPYFILENAME} # include mathrsfs package for mathscr font # ugly, -i doesnt work here: sed '28i\ \\usepackage{mathrsfs} ' ${JPYFILENAME} > tmp-latex echo renaming: tmp-latex ${JPYFILENAME}; ls -l tmp-latex ${JPYFILENAME} rm ${JPYFILENAME} mv tmp-latex ${JPYFILENAME} # finally done echo running LATEX pdflatex book echo running LATEX , 2nd pass pdflatex book cd ../..