55 lines
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55 lines
1.4 KiB
explore2.py: Script to explore the OSCON schedule feed
>>> import json
>>> raw_feed = json.load(open('data/osconfeed.json'))
>>> feed = FrozenJSON(raw_feed)
>>> len(feed.Schedule.speakers)
>>> sorted(feed.Schedule.keys())
['conferences', 'events', 'speakers', 'venues']
>>> feed.Schedule.speakers[-1].name
'Carina C. Zona'
>>> talk = feed.Schedule.events[40]
>>> talk.name
'There *Will* Be Bugs'
>>> talk.speakers
[3471, 5199]
>>> talk.flavor
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'flavor'
# tag::EXPLORE2[]
from collections import abc
import keyword
class FrozenJSON:
"""A read-only façade for navigating a JSON-like object
using attribute notation
def __new__(cls, arg): # <1>
if isinstance(arg, abc.Mapping):
return super().__new__(cls) # <2>
elif isinstance(arg, abc.MutableSequence): # <3>
return [cls(item) for item in arg]
return arg
def __init__(self, mapping):
self.__data = {}
for key, value in mapping.items():
if keyword.iskeyword(key):
key += '_'
self.__data[key] = value
def __getattr__(self, name):
if hasattr(self.__data, name):
return getattr(self.__data, name)
return FrozenJSON(self.__data[name]) # <4>
# end::EXPLORE2[]