# tag::DIALCODES[] # dial codes of the top 10 most populous countries DIAL_CODES = [ (86, 'China'), (91, 'India'), (1, 'United States'), (62, 'Indonesia'), (55, 'Brazil'), (92, 'Pakistan'), (880, 'Bangladesh'), (234, 'Nigeria'), (7, 'Russia'), (81, 'Japan'), ] d1 = dict(DIAL_CODES) # <1> print('d1:', d1.keys()) d2 = dict(sorted(DIAL_CODES)) # <2> print('d2:', d2.keys()) d3 = dict(sorted(DIAL_CODES, key=lambda x: x[1])) # <3> print('d3:', d3.keys()) assert d1 == d2 and d2 == d3 # <4> # end::DIALCODES[] """ # tag::DIALCODES_OUTPUT[] d1: dict_keys([880, 1, 86, 55, 7, 234, 91, 92, 62, 81]) d2: dict_keys([880, 1, 91, 86, 81, 55, 234, 7, 92, 62]) d3: dict_keys([880, 81, 1, 86, 55, 7, 234, 91, 92, 62]) # end::DIALCODES_OUTPUT[] """