ch20 files

This commit is contained in:
Luciano Ramalho 2021-01-29 21:05:03 -03:00
parent 07856d4f30
commit a3bf91bc59
9 changed files with 945 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
1 42.05
2 22.81
3 15.95
4 13.28
5 12.27
6 10.38
7 11.00
8 11.41
9 12.17
10 12.69
11 11.34
12 11.35
13 10.88
14 11.63
15 11.79
16 11.49
17 11.29
18 10.78
19 10.92
20 11.07
1 40.47
2 22.93
3 15.88
4 13.25
5 12.22
6 10.95
7 10.81
8 11.26
9 11.96
10 12.43
11 11.19
12 10.91
13 11.03
14 10.56
15 10.62
16 11.73
17 11.00
18 12.81
19 12.38
20 11.28
1 40.81
2 22.79
3 15.83
4 13.27
5 12.33
6 10.65
7 10.94
8 11.48
9 11.78
10 12.78
11 11.31
12 10.97
13 10.80
14 10.93
15 10.69
16 10.57
17 10.54
18 10.55
19 10.79
20 10.64
1 40.85
2 22.67
3 16.05
4 13.21
5 12.53
6 10.84
7 10.80
8 11.31
9 11.69
10 12.51
11 11.22
12 11.35
13 11.00
14 10.64
15 10.89
16 10.49
17 10.55
18 10.76
19 10.54
20 10.75
1 40.41
2 22.75
3 15.87
4 13.19
5 12.33
6 10.50
7 10.84
8 11.55
9 11.79
10 12.53
11 11.24
12 11.13
13 10.89
14 10.52
15 10.74
16 10.68
17 10.88
18 10.61
19 11.07
20 10.71
1 40.45
2 22.73
3 16.35
4 13.09
5 12.19
6 10.39
7 11.01
8 11.30
9 11.81
10 12.24
11 11.21
12 11.13
13 10.66
14 10.56
15 10.91
16 10.49
17 10.58
18 10.61
19 10.60
20 10.69
1 40.36
2 22.64
3 15.95
4 13.20
5 12.27
6 10.34
7 10.47
8 11.34
9 11.68
10 12.30
11 11.04
12 10.85
13 10.78
14 10.64
15 10.63
16 10.58
17 10.67
18 10.64
19 10.71
20 10.68
1 40.70
2 22.71
3 15.81
4 13.10
5 12.29
6 10.34
7 10.40
8 11.40
9 11.71
10 12.56
11 11.29
12 10.99
13 10.51
14 10.69
15 10.53
16 11.04
17 10.67
18 10.71
19 10.86
20 10.78
1 40.69
2 22.80
3 15.88
4 13.13
5 12.19
6 10.36
7 10.77
8 11.32
9 11.66
10 12.29
11 11.06
12 10.89
13 10.66
14 10.61
15 10.36
16 10.57
17 10.94
18 10.57
19 10.81
20 10.72
1 40.81
2 22.76
3 15.84
4 13.10
5 12.25
6 10.33
7 10.58
8 11.51
9 11.69
10 12.45
11 11.51
12 11.53
13 10.61
14 10.52
15 10.57
16 10.57
17 10.76
18 10.60
19 10.66
20 10.73
1 40.84
2 22.83
3 15.86
4 13.27
5 12.39
6 10.45
7 10.87
8 11.42
9 11.70
10 12.55
11 11.43
12 10.98
13 10.81
14 10.69
15 10.68
16 10.71
17 10.80
18 10.76
19 10.90
20 11.02
1 40.99
2 22.99
3 16.10
4 13.46
5 12.45
6 10.47
7 10.79
8 11.74
9 11.64
10 12.37
11 11.20
12 11.09
13 10.82
14 10.61
15 10.56
16 10.53
17 10.60
18 10.81
19 10.72
20 10.62
1 40.94
2 23.09
3 16.03
4 13.40
5 12.51
6 10.38
7 10.58
8 11.37
9 11.75
10 12.87
11 12.11
12 11.37
13 11.84
14 11.30
15 11.29
16 11.36
17 11.01
18 11.37
19 11.07
20 10.94

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
from time import perf_counter
from typing import Tuple, List, NamedTuple
from multiprocessing import Process, SimpleQueue # <1>
from typing import Tuple, NamedTuple
from multiprocessing import Process, SimpleQueue, cpu_count # <1>
from multiprocessing import queues # <2>
import sys
from primes import is_prime, NUMBERS
@ -10,33 +11,47 @@ class Result(NamedTuple): # <3>
flag: bool
elapsed: float
JobQueue = queues.SimpleQueue[Tuple[int, Result]] # <4>
JobQueue = queues.SimpleQueue[int] # <4>
ResultQueue = queues.SimpleQueue[Tuple[int, Result]] # <5>
def check(n: int) -> Result: # <5>
def check(n: int) -> Result: # <6>
t0 = perf_counter()
res = is_prime(n)
return Result(res, perf_counter() - t0)
def job(n: int, results: JobQueue) -> None: # <6>
results.put((n, check(n))) # <7>
def worker(jobs: JobQueue, results: ResultQueue) -> None: # <7>
while n := jobs.get(): # <8>
result = check(n) # <9>
results.put((n, result)) # <10>
def main() -> None:
if len(sys.argv) < 2: # <1>
workers = cpu_count()
workers = int(sys.argv[1])
t0 = perf_counter()
results: JobQueue = SimpleQueue() # <1>
workers: List[Process] = [] # <2>
jobs: JobQueue = SimpleQueue() # <2>
results: ResultQueue = SimpleQueue()
for n in NUMBERS:
worker = Process(target=job, args=(n, results)) # <3>
worker.start() # <4>
workers.append(worker) # <5>
print(f'Checking {len(NUMBERS)} numbers with {workers} processes:')
for _ in workers: # <6>
for n in NUMBERS: # <3>
for _ in range(workers):
proc = Process(target=worker, args=(jobs, results)) # <4>
proc.start() # <5>
jobs.put(0) # <6>
while True:
n, (prime, elapsed) = results.get() # <7>
label = 'P' if prime else ' '
print(f'{n:16} {label} {elapsed:9.6f}s')
print(f'{n:16} {label} {elapsed:9.6f}s') # <8>
if jobs.empty(): # <9>
time = perf_counter() - t0
print('Total time:', f'{time:0.2f}s')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
for i in {1..20}; do echo -n $i; python3 $i | tail -1; done

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# credits: Example by Luciano Ramalho inspired by
# Michele Simionato's multiprocessing example in the python-list:
import asyncio
import itertools
import primes
async def spin(msg: str) -> None:
for char in itertools.cycle(r'\|/-'):
status = f'\r{char} {msg}'
print(status, flush=True, end='')
await asyncio.sleep(.1)
except asyncio.CancelledError:
async def check(n: int) -> int:
return primes.is_prime(n) # <4>
async def supervisor(n: int) -> int:
spinner = asyncio.create_task(spin('thinking!')) # <1>
print('spinner object:', spinner) # <2>
result = await check(n) # <3>
spinner.cancel() # <5>
return result
def main() -> None:
n = 5_000_111_000_222_021
result =
msg = 'is' if result else 'is not'
print(f'{n:,} {msg} prime')
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# credits: Example by Luciano Ramalho inspired by
# Michele Simionato's multiprocessing example in the python-list:
import asyncio
import itertools
import math
async def is_prime(n):
if n < 2:
return False
if n == 2:
return True
if n % 2 == 0:
return False
sleep = asyncio.sleep # <1>
root = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(n)))
for i in range(3, root + 1, 2):
if n % i == 0:
return False
if i % 100_000 == 1: # <2>
await sleep(0)
return True
async def spin(msg: str) -> None:
for char in itertools.cycle(r'\|/-'):
status = f'\r{char} {msg}'
print(status, flush=True, end='')
await asyncio.sleep(.1)
except asyncio.CancelledError:
blanks = ' ' * len(status)
print(f'\r{blanks}\r', end='')
async def check(n: int) -> int:
return await is_prime(n) # <4>
async def supervisor(n: int) -> int:
spinner = asyncio.create_task(spin('thinking!')) # <1>
print('spinner object:', spinner) # <2>
result = await check(n) # <3>
spinner.cancel() # <5>
return result
def main() -> None:
n = 5_000_111_000_222_021
result =
msg = 'is' if result else 'is not'
print(f'{n:,} {msg} prime')
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# credits: Adapted from Michele Simionato's
# multiprocessing example in the python-list:
from multiprocessing import Process, Event
from multiprocessing import synchronize
import itertools
import time
from primes import is_prime
def spin(msg: str, done: synchronize.Event) -> None: # <1>
for char in itertools.cycle(r'\|/-'): # <2>
status = f'\r{char} {msg}' # <3>
print(status, end='', flush=True)
if done.wait(.1): # <4>
break # <5>
blanks = ' ' * len(status)
print(f'\r{blanks}\r', end='') # <6>
def check(n: int) -> int:
return is_prime(n)
def supervisor(n: int) -> int: # <1>
done = Event() # <2>
spinner = Process(target=spin,
args=('thinking!', done)) # <3>
print('spinner object:', spinner) # <4>
spinner.start() # <5>
result = check(n) # <6>
done.set() # <7>
spinner.join() # <8>
return result
def main() -> None:
n = 5_000_111_000_222_021
result = supervisor(n) # <9>
msg = 'is' if result else 'is not'
print(f'{n:,} {msg} prime')
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# credits: Adapted from Michele Simionato's
# multiprocessing example in the python-list:
from threading import Thread, Event
import itertools
import time
from primes import is_prime
def spin(msg: str, done: Event) -> None: # <1>
for char in itertools.cycle(r'\|/-'): # <2>
status = f'\r{char} {msg}' # <3>
print(status, end='', flush=True)
if done.wait(.1): # <4>
break # <5>
blanks = ' ' * len(status)
print(f'\r{blanks}\r', end='') # <6>
def check(n: int) -> int:
return is_prime(n)
def supervisor(n: int) -> int: # <1>
done = Event() # <2>
spinner = Thread(target=spin,
args=('thinking!', done)) # <3>
print('spinner object:', spinner) # <4>
spinner.start() # <5>
result = check(n) # <6>
done.set() # <7>
spinner.join() # <8>
return result
def main() -> None:
n = 5_000_111_000_222_021
result = supervisor(n) # <9>
msg = 'is' if result else 'is not'
print(f'{n:,} {msg} prime')
if __name__ == '__main__':

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,38 +1,55 @@
from time import perf_counter
from typing import Tuple, List, NamedTuple
from typing import Tuple, NamedTuple
from threading import Thread
from queue import SimpleQueue
import sys
import os
from primes import is_prime, NUMBERS
class Result(NamedTuple): # <3>
class Result(NamedTuple):
flag: bool
elapsed: float
JobQueue = SimpleQueue[Tuple[int, Result]] # <4>
JobQueue = SimpleQueue[int]
ResultQueue = SimpleQueue[Tuple[int, Result]]
def check(n: int) -> Result: # <5>
def check(n: int) -> Result:
t0 = perf_counter()
res = is_prime(n)
return Result(res, perf_counter() - t0)
def job(n: int, results: JobQueue) -> None: # <6>
results.put((n, check(n))) # <7>
def worker(jobs: JobQueue, results: ResultQueue) -> None:
while n := jobs.get():
result = check(n)
results.put((n, result))
def main() -> None:
if len(sys.argv) < 2: # <1>
workers = os.cpu_count() or 1 # make mypy happy
workers = int(sys.argv[1])
t0 = perf_counter()
results: JobQueue = SimpleQueue() # <1>
workers: List[Thread] = [] # <2>
jobs: JobQueue = SimpleQueue() # <2>
results: ResultQueue = SimpleQueue()
for n in NUMBERS:
worker = Thread(target=job, args=(n, results)) # <3>
worker.start() # <4>
workers.append(worker) # <5>
print(f'Checking {len(NUMBERS)} numbers with {workers} threads:')
for _ in workers: # <6>
for n in NUMBERS: # <3>
for _ in range(workers):
proc = Thread(target=worker, args=(jobs, results)) # <4>
proc.start() # <5>
jobs.put(0) # <6>
while True:
n, (prime, elapsed) = results.get() # <7>
label = 'P' if prime else ' '
print(f'{n:16} {label} {elapsed:9.6f}s')
if jobs.empty(): # <8>
time = perf_counter() - t0
print('Total time:', f'{time:0.2f}s')