sync from Atlas

This commit is contained in:
Luciano Ramalho 2021-10-05 09:52:43 -03:00
parent 5d6b156047
commit 43f1bf23b3
5 changed files with 118 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -31,46 +31,46 @@ def worker(jobs: JobQueue, results: ResultQueue) -> None: # <7>
while n := jobs.get(): # <8>
results.put(check(n)) # <9>
results.put(PrimeResult(0, False, 0.0)) # <10>
def start_jobs(workers: int, jobs: JobQueue, results: ResultQueue) -> None:
def start_jobs(
procs: int, jobs: JobQueue, results: ResultQueue # <11>
) -> None:
for n in NUMBERS:
jobs.put(n) # <1>
for _ in range(workers):
proc = Process(target=worker, args=(jobs, results)) # <2>
proc.start() # <3>
jobs.put(0) # <4>
def report(workers: int, results: ResultQueue) -> int:
checked = 0
workers_done = 0
while workers_done < workers:
n, prime, elapsed = results.get()
if n == 0:
workers_done += 1
checked += 1
label = 'P' if prime else ' '
print(f'{n:16} {label} {elapsed:9.6f}s')
return checked
jobs.put(n) # <12>
for _ in range(procs):
proc = Process(target=worker, args=(jobs, results)) # <13>
proc.start() # <14>
jobs.put(0) # <15>
def main() -> None:
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
workers = cpu_count()
if len(sys.argv) < 2: # <1>
procs = cpu_count()
workers = int(sys.argv[1])
procs = int(sys.argv[1])
print(f'Checking {len(NUMBERS)} numbers with {workers} processes:')
print(f'Checking {len(NUMBERS)} numbers with {procs} processes:')
t0 = perf_counter()
jobs: JobQueue = SimpleQueue()
jobs: JobQueue = SimpleQueue() # <2>
results: ResultQueue = SimpleQueue()
start_jobs(workers, jobs, results)
checked = report(workers, results)
start_jobs(procs, jobs, results) # <3>
checked = report(procs, results) # <4>
elapsed = perf_counter() - t0
print(f'{checked} checks in {elapsed:.2f}s')
print(f'{checked} checks in {elapsed:.2f}s') # <5>
def report(procs: int, results: ResultQueue) -> int: # <6>
checked = 0
procs_done = 0
while procs_done < procs: # <7>
n, prime, elapsed = results.get() # <8>
if n == 0: # <9>
procs_done += 1
checked += 1 # <10>
label = 'P' if prime else ' '
print(f'{n:16} {label} {elapsed:9.6f}s')
return checked
if __name__ == '__main__':

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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" shows that multiprocessing on a multicore machine
can be faster than sequential code for CPU-intensive work.
import sys
from time import perf_counter
from typing import NamedTuple
from multiprocessing import Process, SimpleQueue, cpu_count # <1>
from multiprocessing import queues # <2>
from primes import is_prime, NUMBERS
class PrimeResult(NamedTuple): # <3>
n: int
prime: bool
elapsed: float
JobQueue = queues.SimpleQueue[int] # <4>
ResultQueue = queues.SimpleQueue[PrimeResult] # <5>
def check(n: int) -> PrimeResult: # <6>
t0 = perf_counter()
res = is_prime(n)
return PrimeResult(n, res, perf_counter() - t0)
def worker(jobs: JobQueue, results: ResultQueue) -> None: # <7>
while n := jobs.get(): # <8>
results.put(check(n)) # <9>
results.put(PrimeResult(0, False, 0.0))
def start_jobs(workers: int) -> ResultQueue:
jobs: JobQueue = SimpleQueue() # <2>
results: ResultQueue = SimpleQueue()
for n in NUMBERS: # <3>
for _ in range(workers):
proc = Process(target=worker, args=(jobs, results)) # <4>
proc.start() # <5>
jobs.put(0) # <6>
return results
def report(workers: int, results: ResultQueue) -> int:
workers_done = 0
checked = 0
while workers_done < workers:
n, prime, elapsed = results.get() # <7>
if n == 0:
workers_done += 1
checked += 1
label = 'P' if prime else ' '
print(f'{n:16} {label} {elapsed:9.6f}s') # <8>
return checked
def main() -> None:
if len(sys.argv) < 2: # <1>
workers = cpu_count()
workers = int(sys.argv[1])
print(f'Checking {len(NUMBERS)} numbers with {workers} processes:')
t0 = perf_counter()
results = start_jobs(workers)
checked = report(workers, results)
elapsed = perf_counter() - t0
print(f'{checked} checks in {elapsed:.2f}s')
if __name__ == '__main__':

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@ -1 +1,2 @@

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Sample run::
from collections import Counter
from concurrent import futures
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
import httpx
import tqdm # type: ignore
@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ def download_many(cc_list: list[str],
verbose: bool,
concur_req: int) -> Counter[DownloadStatus]:
counter: Counter[DownloadStatus] = Counter()
with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=concur_req) as executor: # <4>
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=concur_req) as executor: # <4>
to_do_map = {} # <5>
for cc in sorted(cc_list): # <6>
future = executor.submit(download_one, cc,
base_url, verbose) # <7>
to_do_map[future] = cc # <8>
done_iter = futures.as_completed(to_do_map) # <9>
done_iter = as_completed(to_do_map) # <9>
if not verbose:
done_iter = tqdm.tqdm(done_iter, total=len(cc_list)) # <10>
for future in done_iter: # <11>
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ def download_many(cc_list: list[str],
except httpx.HTTPStatusError as exc: # <13>
error_msg = 'HTTP error {resp.status_code} - {resp.reason_phrase}'
error_msg = error_msg.format(resp=exc.response)
except httpx.RequestError as exc: # <15>
except httpx.RequestError as exc:
error_msg = f'{exc} {type(exc)}'.strip()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def download_many(cc_list: list[str],
status = DownloadStatus.ERROR
counter[status] += 1
if verbose and error_msg:
cc = to_do_map[future] # <16>
cc = to_do_map[future] # <14>
print(f'{cc} error: {error_msg}')
return counter

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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Part / Chapter #|Title|Directory|1<sup>st</sup> ed. Chapter&nbsp;#
17|Iterators, Generators, and Classic Coroutines|[17-it-generator](17-it-generator)|14
18|Context Managers and else Blocks|[18-with-match](18-with-match)|15
19|Concurrency Models in Python|[19-concurrency](19-concurrency)|🆕
20|Concurrency with Futures|[20-futures](20-futures)|17
20|Concurrent Executors|[20-executors](20-executors)|17
21|Asynchronous Programming|[21-async](21-async)|18
**VI Metaprogramming**|
22|Dynamic Attributes and Properties|[22-dyn-attr-prop](22-dyn-attr-prop)|19