2094 lines
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/* functions common to wave_billiard.c, wave_comparison.c, mangrove.c */
void init_xyin(short int * xy_in[NX])
/* initialise table xy_in, needed when obstacles are killed */
// short int * xy_in[NX];
int i, j;
double xy[2];
for (i=0; i<NX; i++)
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
ij_to_xy(i, j, xy);
xy_in[i][j] = xy_in_billiard(xy[0],xy[1]);
void init_xyin_xrange(short int * xy_in[NX], int imin, int imax)
/* initialise table xy_in, needed when obstacles are killed */
// short int * xy_in[NX];
int i, j;
double xy[2];
for (i=imin; i<imax; i++)
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
ij_to_xy(i, j, xy);
xy_in[i][j] = xy_in_billiard(xy[0],xy[1]);
void init_xy_tcc_in_xrange(short int * xy_in[NX], double *tcc_table[NX], double *tgamma_table[NX], int imin, int imax)
/* initialise table xy_in, needed when obstacles are killed */
// short int * xy_in[NX];
int i, j;
double xy[2];
// for (i=imin; i<imax; i++)
for (i=NX/2; i<NX; i++)
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
ij_to_xy(i, j, xy);
xy_in[i][j] = xy_in_billiard(xy[0],xy[1]);
// xy_in[i][j] = 1;
if (xy_in[i][j] == 0)
tcc_table[i][j] = COURANT*COURANT;
tgamma_table[i][j] = GAMMA;
else if (xy_in[i][j] == 2)
tcc_table[i][j] = 0.0;
tgamma_table[i][j] = 1.0;
tcc_table[i][j] = COURANTB*COURANTB;
tgamma_table[i][j] = GAMMAB;
void init_wave(double x, double y, double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], short int * xy_in[NX])
/* initialise field with drop at (x,y) - phi is wave height, psi is phi at time t-1 */
int i, j;
double xy[2], dist2;
for (i=0; i<NX; i++)
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
ij_to_xy(i, j, xy);
dist2 = (xy[0]-x)*(xy[0]-x) + (xy[1]-y)*(xy[1]-y);
xy_in[i][j] = xy_in_billiard(xy[0],xy[1]);
if ((xy_in[i][j])||(TWOSPEEDS)) phi[i][j] = 0.2*exp(-dist2/0.005)*cos(-sqrt(dist2)/0.1);
// if ((xy_in[i][j])||(TWOSPEEDS)) phi[i][j] = 0.2*exp(-dist2/0.001)*cos(-sqrt(dist2)/0.01);
// if ((xy_in[i][j])||(TWOSPEEDS)) phi[i][j] = 0.2*exp(-dist2/0.00025)*cos(-sqrt(dist2)/0.005);
else phi[i][j] = 0.0;
psi[i][j] = 0.0;
void init_circular_wave(double x, double y, double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], short int * xy_in[NX])
/* initialise field with drop at (x,y) - phi is wave height, psi is phi at time t-1 */
int i, j;
double xy[2], dist2;
printf("Initializing wave\n");
for (i=0; i<NX; i++)
if (i%100 == 0) printf("Initializing column %i of %i\n", i, NX);
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
ij_to_xy(i, j, xy);
dist2 = (xy[0]-x)*(xy[0]-x) + (xy[1]-y)*(xy[1]-y);
xy_in[i][j] = xy_in_billiard(xy[0],xy[1]);
if ((xy_in[i][j])||(TWOSPEEDS))
phi[i][j] = INITIAL_AMP*exp(-dist2/INITIAL_VARIANCE)*cos(-sqrt(dist2)/INITIAL_WAVELENGTH);
else phi[i][j] = 0.0;
psi[i][j] = 0.0;
void damp_circular_wave(double factor, int range, double x, double y, double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX])
/* damp field around (x,y) - phi is wave height, psi is phi at time t-1 */
int i, j, ij[2], imin, imax, jmin, jmax;
double r2, v;
// printf("Damping wave\n");
xy_to_ij(x, y, ij);
imin = ij[0] - range;
if (imin < 0) imin = 0;
imax = ij[0] + range;
if (imax > NX-1) imax = NX-1;
jmin = ij[1] - range;
if (jmin < 0) jmin = 0;
jmax = ij[1] + range;
if (jmax > NY-1) jmax = NY-1;
v = (double)(range*range);
for (i=imin; i<imax; i++)
for (j=jmin; j<jmax; j++)
r2 = (double)((i - ij[0])*(i - ij[0]) + (j - ij[1])*(j - ij[1]));
factor *= 1.0 - exp(-0.5*r2/v);
phi[i][j] *= factor;
psi[i][j] *= factor;
void init_wave_plus(double x, double y, double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], short int * xy_in[NX])
/* initialise field with drop at (x,y) for y > 0 - phi is wave height, psi is phi at time t-1 */
int i, j;
double xy[2], dist2;
for (i=0; i<NX; i++)
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
ij_to_xy(i, j, xy);
dist2 = (xy[0]-x)*(xy[0]-x) + (xy[1]-y)*(xy[1]-y);
xy_in[i][j] = xy_in_billiard(xy[0],xy[1]);
if ((xy[1] > 0.0)&&((xy_in[i][j])||(TWOSPEEDS)))
phi[i][j] = INITIAL_AMP*exp(-dist2/INITIAL_VARIANCE)*cos(-sqrt(dist2)/INITIAL_WAVELENGTH);
else phi[i][j] = 0.0;
psi[i][j] = 0.0;
void init_circular_wave_xplusminus(double xleft, double yleft, double xright, double yright,
double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], short int * xy_in[NX])
/* initialise field with two drops, x > 0 and x < 0 do not communicate - phi is wave height, psi is phi at time t-1 */
int i, j;
double xy[2], dist2;
for (i=0; i<NX; i++)
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
ij_to_xy(i, j, xy);
if (xy[0] < 0.0) dist2 = (xy[0]-xleft)*(xy[0]-xleft) + (xy[1]-yleft)*(xy[1]-yleft);
else dist2 = (xy[0]-xright)*(xy[0]-xright) + (xy[1]-yright)*(xy[1]-yright);
xy_in[i][j] = xy_in_billiard(xy[0],xy[1]);
if ((xy_in[i][j])||(TWOSPEEDS))
phi[i][j] = INITIAL_AMP*exp(-dist2/INITIAL_VARIANCE)*cos(-sqrt(dist2)/INITIAL_WAVELENGTH);
else phi[i][j] = 0.0;
psi[i][j] = 0.0;
void init_planar_wave(double x, double y, double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], short int * xy_in[NX])
/* initialise field with drop at (x,y) - phi is wave height, psi is phi at time t-1 */
/* beta version, works for vertical planar wave only so far */
int i, j;
double xy[2], dist2;
for (i=0; i<NX; i++)
// if (i%100 == 0) printf("Initializing column %i\n", i);
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
ij_to_xy(i, j, xy);
dist2 = (xy[0]-x)*(xy[0]-x);
xy_in[i][j] = xy_in_billiard(xy[0],xy[1]);
if ((xy_in[i][j])||(TWOSPEEDS))
phi[i][j] = INITIAL_AMP*exp(-dist2/INITIAL_VARIANCE)*cos(-sqrt(dist2)/INITIAL_WAVELENGTH);
// if ((xy_in[i][j])||(TWOSPEEDS)) phi[i][j] = 0.01*exp(-dist2/0.0005)*cos(-sqrt(dist2)/0.01);
// if ((xy_in[i][j])||(TWOSPEEDS)) phi[i][j] = 0.01*exp(-dist2/0.0005)*cos(-sqrt(dist2)/0.02);
// if ((xy_in[i][j])||(TWOSPEEDS)) phi[i][j] = 0.01*exp(-dist2/0.005)*cos(-sqrt(dist2)/0.02);
// if ((xy_in[i][j])||(TWOSPEEDS)) phi[i][j] = 0.01*exp(-dist2/0.01)*cos(-sqrt(dist2)/0.02);
// if ((xy_in[i][j])||(TWOSPEEDS)) phi[i][j] = 0.01*exp(-dist2/0.0005)*cos(-sqrt(dist2)/0.01);
// if ((xy_in[i][j])||(TWOSPEEDS)) phi[i][j] = 0.01*exp(-dist2/0.05)*cos(-sqrt(dist2)/0.025);
else phi[i][j] = 0.0;
psi[i][j] = 0.0;
void init_planar_travelling_wave(double x, double y, double vx, double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], short int * xy_in[NX])
/* initialise field with drop at (x,y) - phi is wave height, psi is phi at time t-1 */
/* beta version, works for vertical planar wave only so far */
int i, j, ij[2], jmin, jmax;
double xy[2], dist2, dist2_shifted, xshift, y1;
xy_to_ij(x, y, ij);
jmax = ij[1];
jmin = NY - jmax;
xshift = vx*COURANT/(double)NX;
for (i=0; i<NX; i++)
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
// for (j=jmin; j<jmax; j++)
ij_to_xy(i, j, xy);
dist2 = (xy[0]-x)*(xy[0]-x);
dist2_shifted = (xy[0]-x-xshift)*(xy[0]-x-xshift);
xy_in[i][j] = xy_in_billiard(xy[0],xy[1]);
if ((xy_in[i][j])||(TWOSPEEDS))
phi[i][j] = INITIAL_AMP*exp(-dist2/INITIAL_VARIANCE)*cos(-sqrt(dist2)/INITIAL_WAVELENGTH);
psi[i][j] = INITIAL_AMP*exp(-dist2_shifted/INITIAL_VARIANCE)*cos(-sqrt(dist2_shifted)/INITIAL_WAVELENGTH);
phi[i][j] = 0.0;
psi[i][j] = 0.0;
for (j=0; j<jmin; j++)
dist2 = (double)(jmin-1-j)*(YMAX-YMIN)/(double)NY;
dist2 = 500.0*dist2*dist2;
phi[i][j] *= exp(-dist2/INITIAL_VARIANCE);
psi[i][j] *= exp(-dist2/INITIAL_VARIANCE);
for (j=jmax; j<NY; j++)
phi[i][j] = phi[i][NY-1-j];
psi[i][j] = psi[i][NY-1-j];
void add_planar_travelling_wave(double x, double y, double vx, double wavelength_factor, double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], short int * xy_in[NX])
/* initialise field with drop at (x,y) - phi is wave height, psi is phi at time t-1 */
/* beta version, works for vertical planar wave only so far */
int i, j;
double xy[2], dist2, dist2_shifted, xshift, wavelength;
xshift = vx*COURANT/(double)NX;
wavelength = INITIAL_WAVELENGTH*wavelength_factor;
for (i=0; i<NX; i++)
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
ij_to_xy(i, j, xy);
dist2 = (xy[0]-x)*(xy[0]-x);
dist2_shifted = (xy[0]-x-xshift)*(xy[0]-x-xshift);
if ((xy_in[i][j])||(TWOSPEEDS))
phi[i][j] += INITIAL_AMP*exp(-dist2/INITIAL_VARIANCE)*cos(-sqrt(dist2)/wavelength);
psi[i][j] += INITIAL_AMP*exp(-dist2_shifted/INITIAL_VARIANCE)*cos(-sqrt(dist2_shifted)/wavelength);
phi[i][j] = 0.0;
psi[i][j] = 0.0;
void init_wave_flat( double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], short int * xy_in[NX])
/* initialise flat field - phi is wave height, psi is phi at time t-1 */
int i, j;
double xy[2], dist2;
for (i=0; i<NX; i++)
if (i%100 == 0) printf("Table xy_in - Initialising column %i of %i\n", i, NX);
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
ij_to_xy(i, j, xy);
xy_in[i][j] = xy_in_billiard(xy[0],xy[1]);
for (i=0; i<NX; i++) {
if (i%100 == 0) printf("Wave - Initialising column %i of %i\n", i, NX);
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
phi[i][j] = 0.0;
psi[i][j] = 0.0;
void add_drop_to_wave(double factor, double x, double y, double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX])
/* OLD VERSION - add drop at (x,y) to the field with given prefactor */
int i, j;
double xy[2], dist2;
for (i=0; i<NX; i++)
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
ij_to_xy(i, j, xy);
dist2 = (xy[0]-x)*(xy[0]-x) + (xy[1]-y)*(xy[1]-y);
phi[i][j] += 0.2*factor*exp(-dist2/0.001)*cos(-sqrt(dist2)/0.01);
void add_circular_wave(double factor, double x, double y, double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], short int * xy_in[NX])
/* add drop at (x,y) to the field with given prefactor */
int i, j;
double xy[2], dist2;
for (i=0; i<NX; i++)
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
ij_to_xy(i, j, xy);
dist2 = (xy[0]-x)*(xy[0]-x) + (xy[1]-y)*(xy[1]-y);
if ((xy_in[i][j])||(TWOSPEEDS))
phi[i][j] += INITIAL_AMP*factor*exp(-dist2/INITIAL_VARIANCE)*cos(-sqrt(dist2)/INITIAL_WAVELENGTH);
void add_vertical_wave(double factor, double x, double y1, double y2, double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], short int * xy_in[NX])
/* add wave around vertical segment (x,y1)-(x,y2) to the field with given prefactor */
int i, j;
double xy[2], dist2;
for (i=0; i<NX; i++)
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
ij_to_xy(i, j, xy);
if (xy[1] < y1) dist2 = (xy[0]-x)*(xy[0]-x) + (xy[1]-y1)*(xy[1]-y1);
else if (xy[1] > y2) dist2 = (xy[0]-x)*(xy[0]-x) + (xy[1]-y2)*(xy[1]-y2);
else dist2 = (xy[0]-x)*(xy[0]-x);
if ((xy_in[i][j])||(TWOSPEEDS))
phi[i][j] += INITIAL_AMP*factor*exp(-dist2/INITIAL_VARIANCE)*cos(-sqrt(dist2)/INITIAL_WAVELENGTH);
void damp_vertical_wave(double factor, int range, double x, double y1, double y2, double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX])
/* damp field around (x,y) - phi is wave height, psi is phi at time t-1 */
int i, j, ij1[2], ij2[2], imin, imax, jmin, jmax;
double r2, v;
xy_to_ij(x, y1, ij1);
xy_to_ij(x, y2, ij2);
imin = ij1[0] - range;
if (imin < 0) imin = 0;
imax = ij2[0] + range;
if (imax > NX-1) imax = NX-1;
jmin = ij1[1] - range;
if (jmin < 0) jmin = 0;
jmax = ij2[1] + range;
if (jmax > NY-1) jmax = NY-1;
v = (double)(range*range);
for (i=imin; i<imax; i++)
for (j=jmin; j<jmax; j++)
if (j < ij1[1]) r2 = (double)((i - ij1[0])*(i - ij1[0]) + (j - ij1[1])*(j - ij1[1]));
else if (j > ij2[1]) r2 = (double)((i - ij2[0])*(i - ij2[0]) + (j - ij2[1])*(j - ij2[1]));
else r2 = (double)((i - ij1[0])*(i - ij1[0]));
factor *= 1.0 - exp(-0.5*r2/v);
phi[i][j] *= factor;
psi[i][j] *= factor;
void oscillate_linear_wave(double amplitude, double t, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double *phi[NX],
double *psi[NX])
/* oscillating boundary condition at (x,y), beta version */
int i, j, ij1[2], ij2[2], imin, imax, jmin, jmax, d = 5;
double xy[2], dist2;
xy_to_ij(x1, y1, ij1);
xy_to_ij(x2, y2, ij2);
imin = ij1[0] - d; if (imin < 0) imin = 0;
imax = ij2[0] + d; if (imax >= NX) imax = NX-1;
jmin = ij1[1] - d; if (jmin < 0) jmin = 0;
jmax = ij2[1] + d; if (jmax >= NY) jmax = NY-1;
for (i = imin; i < imax; i++)
for (j = jmin; j < jmax; j++)
ij_to_xy(i, j, xy);
dist2 = (xy[0]-x1)*(xy[0]-x1); /* to be improved */
// dist2 = (xy[0]-x)*(xy[0]-x) + (xy[1]-y)*(xy[1]-y);
// if (dist2 < 0.01)
if (dist2 < 0.001)
phi[i][j] = amplitude*exp(-dist2/0.001)*cos(-sqrt(dist2)/0.01)*cos(t*OMEGA);
// phi[i][j] += 0.2*exp(-dist2/0.001)*cos(-sqrt(dist2)/0.01)*cos(t*OMEGA);
void compute_gradient(double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], double x, double y, double gradient[2])
double velocity;
int iplus, iminus, jplus, jminus, ij[2], i, j;
xy_to_ij(x, y, ij);
i = ij[0];
j = ij[1];
iplus = (i+1); if (iplus == NX) iplus = NX-1;
iminus = (i-1); if (iminus == -1) iminus = 0;
jplus = (j+1); if (jplus == NY) jplus = NY-1;
jminus = (j-1); if (jminus == -1) jminus = 0;
gradient[0] = (phi[iplus][j]-phi[i][j])*(phi[iplus][j]-phi[i][j])
+ (phi[i][j] - phi[iminus][j])*(phi[i][j] - phi[iminus][j]);
gradient[1] = (phi[i][jplus]-phi[i][j])*(phi[i][jplus]-phi[i][j])
+ (phi[i][j] - phi[i][jminus])*(phi[i][j] - phi[i][jminus]);
double compute_energy(double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], short int *xy_in[NX], int i, int j)
double velocity, energy, gradientx2, gradienty2;
int iplus, iminus, jplus, jminus;
velocity = (phi[i][j] - psi[i][j]);
iplus = (i+1); if (iplus == NX) iplus = NX-1;
iminus = (i-1); if (iminus == -1) iminus = 0;
jplus = (j+1); if (jplus == NY) jplus = NY-1;
jminus = (j-1); if (jminus == -1) jminus = 0;
gradientx2 = (phi[iplus][j]-phi[i][j])*(phi[iplus][j]-phi[i][j])
+ (phi[i][j] - phi[iminus][j])*(phi[i][j] - phi[iminus][j]);
gradienty2 = (phi[i][jplus]-phi[i][j])*(phi[i][jplus]-phi[i][j])
+ (phi[i][j] - phi[i][jminus])*(phi[i][j] - phi[i][jminus]);
if (xy_in[i][j]) return(E_SCALE*E_SCALE*(velocity*velocity + 0.5*COURANT*COURANT*(gradientx2+gradienty2)));
else if (TWOSPEEDS) return(E_SCALE*E_SCALE*(velocity*velocity + 0.5*COURANTB*COURANTB*(gradientx2+gradienty2)));
else return(0.0);
void compute_energy_flux(double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], short int *xy_in[NX], int i, int j, double *gx, double *gy, double *arg, double *module)
/* computes energy flux given by c^2 norm(nabla u) du/dt*/
double velocity, energy, gradientx, gradienty;
int iplus, iminus, jplus, jminus;
velocity = vabs(phi[i][j] - psi[i][j]);
iplus = (i+1); if (iplus == NX) iplus = NX-1;
iminus = (i-1); if (iminus == -1) iminus = 0;
jplus = (j+1); if (jplus == NY) jplus = NY-1;
jminus = (j-1); if (jminus == -1) jminus = 0;
gradientx = (phi[iplus][j] - phi[iminus][j]);
gradienty = (phi[i][jplus] - phi[i][jminus]);
*arg = argument(gradientx,gradienty);
if (*arg < 0.0) *arg += DPI;
if (*arg > DPI) *arg -= DPI;
if ((xy_in[i][j])||(TWOSPEEDS))
*module = velocity*module2(gradientx, gradienty);
*gx = velocity*gradientx;
*gy = velocity*gradienty;
*module = 0.0;
*gx = 0.0;
*gy = 0.0;
// if (xy_in[i][j]) return(E_SCALE*E_SCALE*(velocity*COURANT*module2(gradientx,gradienty)));
// else if (TWOSPEEDS) return(E_SCALE*E_SCALE*(velocity*COURANTB*module2(gradientx,gradienty)));
double compute_variance(double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], short int *xy_in[NX])
/* compute the variance of the field, to adjust color scheme */
int i, j, n = 0;
double variance = 0.0;
for (i=1; i<NX; i++)
for (j=1; j<NY; j++)
if (xy_in[i][j])
variance += phi[i][j]*phi[i][j];
if (n==0) n=1;
double compute_dissipation(double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], short int *xy_in[NX], double x, double y)
double velocity;
int ij[2];
xy_to_ij(x, y, ij);
velocity = (phi[ij[0]][ij[1]] - psi[ij[0]][ij[1]]);
void draw_wave(double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], short int *xy_in[NX], double scale, int time, int plot)
/* draw the field */
int i, j, iplus, iminus, jplus, jminus;
double rgb[3], xy[2], x1, y1, x2, y2, velocity, energy, gradientx2, gradienty2;
static double dtinverse = ((double)NX)/(COURANT*(XMAX-XMIN)), dx = (XMAX-XMIN)/((double)NX);
// printf("dtinverse = %.5lg\n", dtinverse);
for (i=0; i<NX; i++)
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
if ((TWOSPEEDS)||(xy_in[i][j]))
if (plot == P_AMPLITUDE)
/* make wave luminosity larger inside obstacles */
if (!(xy_in[i][j])) color_scheme_lum(COLOR_SCHEME, phi[i][j], scale, time, 0.7, rgb);
else color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, phi[i][j], scale, time, rgb);
else if (plot == P_ENERGY)
color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j), scale, time, rgb);
else if (plot == P_MIXED)
if (j > NY/2) color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, phi[i][j], scale, time, rgb);
else color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j), scale, time, rgb);
glColor3f(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
glVertex2i(i, j);
glVertex2i(i+1, j);
glVertex2i(i+1, j+1);
glVertex2i(i, j+1);
glEnd ();
void draw_wave_e(double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], double *total_energy[NX], double *color_scale[NX], short int *xy_in[NX], double scale, int time, int plot)
/* draw the field, new version with total energy option */
int i, j, iplus, iminus, jplus, jminus;
double rgb[3], xy[2], x1, y1, x2, y2, velocity, field_value, energy, gradientx2, gradienty2, r2;
static double dtinverse = ((double)NX)/(COURANT*(XMAX-XMIN)), dx = (XMAX-XMIN)/((double)NX);
// printf("dtinverse = %.5lg\n", dtinverse);
for (i=0; i<NX; i++)
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
if ((TWOSPEEDS)||(xy_in[i][j]))
switch (plot) {
/* make wave luminosity larger inside obstacles */
field_value = phi[i][j];
field_value *= color_scale[i][j];
// if (!(xy_in[i][j])) color_scheme_lum(COLOR_SCHEME, field_value, scale, time, 0.7, rgb);
// else
color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, field_value, scale, time, rgb);
case (P_ENERGY):
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
energy *= color_scale[i][j];
/* adjust energy to color palette */
if (COLOR_PALETTE >= COL_TURBO) color_scheme_asym(COLOR_SCHEME, energy, scale, time, rgb);
else color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, energy, scale, time, rgb);
case (P_MIXED):
if (j > NY/2) color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, phi[i][j], scale, time, rgb);
else color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j), scale, time, rgb);
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
total_energy[i][j] += energy;
color_scheme_asym(COLOR_SCHEME, total_energy[i][j]/(double)(time+1), scale, time, rgb);
else color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, total_energy[i][j]/(double)(time+1), scale, time, rgb);
case (P_LOG_ENERGY):
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, LOG_SHIFT + LOG_SCALE*log(energy), scale, time, rgb);
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
if (energy == 0.0) energy = 1.0e-20;
total_energy[i][j] += energy;
energy = LOG_SHIFT + LOG_SCALE*log(total_energy[i][j]/(double)(time+1));
color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, energy, scale, time, rgb);
glColor3f(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
glVertex2i(i, j);
glVertex2i(i+1, j);
glVertex2i(i+1, j+1);
glVertex2i(i, j+1);
glEnd ();
void draw_wave_highres(int size, double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], double *total_energy[NX], short int *xy_in[NX], double scale, int time, int plot)
/* draw the field, new version with total energy option */
int i, j, iplus, iminus, jplus, jminus;
double rgb[3], xy[2], x1, y1, x2, y2, velocity, energy, gradientx2, gradienty2;
static double dtinverse = ((double)NX)/(COURANT*(XMAX-XMIN)), dx = (XMAX-XMIN)/((double)NX);
// printf("dtinverse = %.5lg\n", dtinverse);
for (i=0; i<NX; i+=size)
for (j=0; j<NY; j+=size)
if ((TWOSPEEDS)||(xy_in[i][j]))
switch (plot) {
// /* make wave luminosity larger inside obstacles */
// if (!(xy_in[i][j])) color_scheme_lum(COLOR_SCHEME, phi[i][j], scale, time, 0.7, rgb);
// else
color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, phi[i][j], scale, time, rgb);
case (P_ENERGY):
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
/* adjust energy to color palette */
if (COLOR_PALETTE >= COL_TURBO) color_scheme_asym(COLOR_SCHEME, energy, scale, time, rgb);
else color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, energy, scale, time, rgb);
case (P_MIXED):
if (j > NY/2) color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, phi[i][j], scale, time, rgb);
else color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j), scale, time, rgb);
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
total_energy[i][j] += energy;
color_scheme_asym(COLOR_SCHEME, total_energy[i][j]/(double)(time+1), scale, time, rgb);
else color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, total_energy[i][j]/(double)(time+1), scale, time, rgb);
case (P_LOG_ENERGY):
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
// energy = LOG_SHIFT + LOG_SCALE*log(energy);
// if (energy < 0.0) energy = 0.0;
color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, LOG_SHIFT + LOG_SCALE*log(energy), scale, time, rgb);
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
if (energy == 0.0) energy = 1.0e-20;
total_energy[i][j] += energy;
color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, LOG_SHIFT + LOG_SCALE*log(total_energy[i][j]/(double)(time+1)), scale, time, rgb);
glColor3f(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
glVertex2i(i, j);
glVertex2i(i+size, j);
glVertex2i(i+size, j+size);
glVertex2i(i, j+size);
glEnd ();
void draw_wave_ediss(double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], double *total_energy[NX], double *color_scale[NX], short int *xy_in[NX],
double *gamma[NX], double gammamax, double scale, int time, int plot)
/* draw the field with luminosity depending on damping */
int i, j, k, iplus, iminus, jplus, jminus;
double rgb[3], xy[2], x1, y1, x2, y2, velocity, field_value, energy, gradientx2, gradienty2, r2;
static double dtinverse = ((double)NX)/(COURANT*(XMAX-XMIN)), dx = (XMAX-XMIN)/((double)NX);
// printf("dtinverse = %.5lg\n", dtinverse);
for (i=0; i<NX; i++)
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
if ((TWOSPEEDS)||(xy_in[i][j]))
switch (plot) {
/* make wave luminosity larger inside obstacles */
field_value = phi[i][j];
field_value *= color_scale[i][j];
if (!(xy_in[i][j])) color_scheme_lum(COLOR_SCHEME, field_value, scale, time, 0.7, rgb);
else color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, field_value, scale, time, rgb);
case (P_ENERGY):
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
energy *= color_scale[i][j];
/* adjust energy to color palette */
if (COLOR_PALETTE >= COL_TURBO) color_scheme_asym(COLOR_SCHEME, energy, scale, time, rgb);
else color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, energy, scale, time, rgb);
case (P_MIXED):
if (j > NY/2) color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, phi[i][j], scale, time, rgb);
else color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j), scale, time, rgb);
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
total_energy[i][j] += energy;
color_scheme_asym(COLOR_SCHEME, total_energy[i][j]/(double)(time+1), scale, time, rgb);
else color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, total_energy[i][j]/(double)(time+1), scale, time, rgb);
case (P_LOG_ENERGY):
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, LOG_SHIFT + LOG_SCALE*log(energy), scale, time, rgb);
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
if (energy == 0.0) energy = 1.0e-20;
total_energy[i][j] += energy;
color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, LOG_SHIFT + LOG_SCALE*log(total_energy[i][j]/(double)(time+1)), scale, time, rgb);
for (k=0; k<3; k++) rgb[k]*= 1.0 - gamma[i][j]/gammamax;
glColor3f(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
glVertex2i(i, j);
glVertex2i(i+1, j);
glVertex2i(i+1, j+1);
glVertex2i(i, j+1);
glEnd ();
void draw_wave_highres_diss(int size, double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], double *total_energy[NX], short int *xy_in[NX],
double *gamma[NX], double gammamax, double scale, int time, int plot)
/* draw the field, new version with total energy option */
int i, j, k, iplus, iminus, jplus, jminus;
double rgb[3], xy[2], x1, y1, x2, y2, velocity, energy, gradientx2, gradienty2;
static double dtinverse = ((double)NX)/(COURANT*(XMAX-XMIN)), dx = (XMAX-XMIN)/((double)NX);
// printf("dtinverse = %.5lg\n", dtinverse);
for (i=0; i<NX; i+=size)
for (j=0; j<NY; j+=size)
if ((TWOSPEEDS)||(xy_in[i][j]))
switch (plot) {
/* make wave luminosity larger inside obstacles */
if (!(xy_in[i][j])) color_scheme_lum(COLOR_SCHEME, phi[i][j], scale, time, 0.7, rgb);
else color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, phi[i][j], scale, time, rgb);
case (P_ENERGY):
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
/* adjust energy to color palette */
if (COLOR_PALETTE >= COL_TURBO) color_scheme_asym(COLOR_SCHEME, energy, scale, time, rgb);
else color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, energy, scale, time, rgb);
case (P_MIXED):
if (j > NY/2) color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, phi[i][j], scale, time, rgb);
else color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j), scale, time, rgb);
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
total_energy[i][j] += energy;
color_scheme_asym(COLOR_SCHEME, total_energy[i][j]/(double)(time+1), scale, time, rgb);
else color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, total_energy[i][j]/(double)(time+1), scale, time, rgb);
case (P_LOG_ENERGY):
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
// energy = LOG_SHIFT + LOG_SCALE*log(energy);
// if (energy < 0.0) energy = 0.0;
color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, LOG_SHIFT + LOG_SCALE*log(energy), scale, time, rgb);
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
if (energy == 0.0) energy = 1.0e-20;
total_energy[i][j] += energy;
color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, LOG_SHIFT + LOG_SCALE*log(total_energy[i][j]/(double)(time+1)), scale, time, rgb);
for (k=0; k<3; k++) rgb[k]*= 1.0 - gamma[i][j]/gammamax;
glColor3f(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
glVertex2i(i, j);
glVertex2i(i+size, j);
glVertex2i(i+size, j+size);
glVertex2i(i, j+size);
glEnd ();
void draw_wave_epalette(double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], double *total_energy[NX], double *average_energy[NX], double *total_flux, double *color_scale[NX], short int *xy_in[NX], double scale, int time, int plot, int palette, int fade, double fade_value)
/* same as draw_wave_e, but with color scheme specification */
int i, j, k, iplus, iminus, jplus, jminus;
double rgb[3], xy[2], x1, y1, x2, y2, velocity, field_value, energy, gradientx2, gradienty2, r2, arg, mod, flux_factor, gx, gy, mgx, mgy, ffactor;
static double dtinverse = ((double)NX)/(COURANT*(XMAX-XMIN)), dx = (XMAX-XMIN)/((double)NX);
// printf("dtinverse = %.5lg\n", dtinverse);
for (i=0; i<NX; i++)
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
if ((TWOSPEEDS)||(xy_in[i][j]))
switch (plot) {
/* make wave luminosity larger inside obstacles */
field_value = phi[i][j];
field_value *= color_scale[i][j];
// if (!(xy_in[i][j])) color_scheme_lum(COLOR_SCHEME, field_value, scale, time, 0.7, rgb);
// else
color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, field_value, scale, time, rgb);
case (P_ENERGY):
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
energy *= color_scale[i][j];
/* adjust energy to color palette */
if (COLOR_PALETTE >= COL_TURBO) color_scheme_asym_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, energy, scale, time, rgb);
else color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, energy, scale, time, rgb);
case (P_MIXED):
if (j > NY/2) color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, phi[i][j], scale, time, rgb);
else color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j), scale, time, rgb);
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
total_energy[i][j] += energy;
color_scheme_asym_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, total_energy[i][j]/(double)(time+1), scale, time, rgb);
else color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, total_energy[i][j]/(double)(time+1), scale, time, rgb);
case (P_LOG_ENERGY):
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, LOG_SHIFT + LOG_SCALE*log(energy), scale, time, rgb);
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
if (energy == 0.0) energy = 1.0e-20;
total_energy[i][j] += energy;
energy = LOG_SHIFT + LOG_SCALE*log(total_energy[i][j]/(double)(time+1));
color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, energy, scale, time, rgb);
compute_energy_flux(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j, &gx, &gy, &arg, &mod);
// color_scheme_palette(C_ONEDIM_LINEAR, palette, arg/DPI, 1.0, 1, rgb);
// flux_factor = tanh(mod*E_SCALE);
// for (k=0; k<3; k++) rgb[k] *= flux_factor;
color_scheme_asym_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, mod*FLUX_SCALE, scale, time, rgb);
// ffactor = 1.0;
compute_energy_flux(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j, &gx, &gy, &arg, &mod);
total_flux[2*NX*NY + 2*j*NX + 2*i] += gx;
total_flux[2*NX*NY + 2*j*NX + 2*i + 1] += gy;
total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i] += total_flux[2*NX*NY + 2*j*NX + 2*i];
total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i + 1] += total_flux[2*NX*NY + 2*j*NX + 2*i + 1];
// total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i] *= 1.0 + 1.0/(double)(time+1);
// total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i + 1] *= 1.0 + 1.0/(double)(time+1);
// total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i] *= ffactor;
// total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i + 1] *= ffactor;
// total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i] += gx;
// total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i + 1] += gy;
// total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i] *= 1.0/ffactor;
// total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i + 1] *= 1.0/ffactor;
// total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i] += 0.1*gx;
// total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i + 1] += 0.1*gy;
mgx = total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i];
mgy = total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i + 1];
// mgx = total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i]/sqrt((double)(time+1));
// mgy = total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i + 1]/sqrt((double)(time+1));
// mgx = total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i]/(1.0 + 0.1*log((double)(time+2)));
// mgy = total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i + 1]/(1.0 + 0.1*log((double)(time+2)));
mod = module2(mgx, mgy);
arg = argument(mgx, mgy);
if (arg < 0.0) arg += DPI;
color_scheme_palette(C_ONEDIM_LINEAR, palette, arg/DPI, 1.0, 1, rgb);
flux_factor = tanh(mod*FLUX_SCALE);
for (k=0; k<3; k++) rgb[k] *= flux_factor;
// color_scheme_asym_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, mod, scale, time, rgb);
if (fade) for (k=0; k<3; k++) rgb[k] *= fade_value;
glColor3f(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
glVertex2i(i, j);
glVertex2i(i+1, j);
glVertex2i(i+1, j+1);
glVertex2i(i, j+1);
glEnd ();
double wave_value(int i, int j, double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], double *total_energy[NX], double *average_energy[NX], double *total_flux, double *color_scale[NX], short int *xy_in[NX], double scale, int time, int plot, int palette, double rgb[3])
/* compute value of wave and color */
int k;
double value, velocity, energy, gradientx2, gradienty2, arg, mod, flux_factor, gx, gy, mgx, mgy;
switch (plot) {
value = phi[i][j];
color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, VSHIFT_AMPLITUDE + VSCALE_AMPLITUDE*value, scale, time, rgb);
case (P_ENERGY):
value = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
/* adjust energy to color palette */
if (COLOR_PALETTE >= COL_TURBO) color_scheme_asym_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, scale, time, rgb);
else color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, scale, time, rgb);
case (P_MIXED):
if (j > NY/2) value = phi[i][j];
else value = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, scale, time, rgb);
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
total_energy[i][j] += energy;
value = total_energy[i][j]/(double)(time+1);
color_scheme_asym_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, scale, time, rgb);
else color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, scale, time, rgb);
case (P_LOG_ENERGY):
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
if (energy < 1.0e-20) energy = 1.0e-20;
value = LOG_SHIFT + LOG_SCALE*log(energy);
color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, scale, time, rgb);
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
if (energy == 0.0) energy = 1.0e-20;
total_energy[i][j] += energy;
value = LOG_SHIFT + LOG_SCALE*log(total_energy[i][j]/(double)(time+1));
color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, scale, time, rgb);
compute_energy_flux(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j, &gx, &gy, &arg, &mod);
// color_scheme_palette(C_ONEDIM_LINEAR, palette, arg/DPI, 1.0, 1, rgb);
// flux_factor = tanh(mod*E_SCALE);
// for (k=0; k<3; k++) rgb[k] *= flux_factor;
value = mod*FLUX_SCALE;
color_scheme_asym_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, scale, time, rgb);
compute_energy_flux(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j, &gx, &gy, &arg, &mod);
total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i] *= 0.99;
total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i + 1] *= 0.99;
total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i] += gx;
total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i + 1] += gy;
// mgx = total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i]/(double)(time+1);
// mgy = total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i + 1]/(double)(time+1);
mgx = total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i];
mgy = total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i + 1];
// mgx = total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i]/log((double)(time+2));
// mgy = total_flux[2*j*NX + 2*i + 1]/log((double)(time+2));
mod = module2(mgx, mgy);
arg = argument(mgx, mgy);
if (arg < 0.0) arg += DPI;
value = arg/DPI;
color_scheme_palette(C_ONEDIM_LINEAR, palette, value, 1.0, 1, rgb);
// flux_factor = tanh(mod*E_SCALE);
flux_factor = tanh(mod*FLUX_SCALE);
for (k=0; k<3; k++) rgb[k] *= flux_factor;
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
average_energy[i][j] = AVRG_E_FACTOR*average_energy[i][j] + (1.0 - AVRG_E_FACTOR)*energy;
value = average_energy[i][j];
color_scheme_asym_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, scale, time, rgb);
else color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, scale, time, rgb);
energy = compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j);
average_energy[i][j] = AVRG_E_FACTOR*average_energy[i][j] + (1.0 - AVRG_E_FACTOR)*energy;
if (average_energy[i][j] == 0.0) value = LOG_SHIFT - 10.0*LOG_SCALE;
else value = LOG_SHIFT + LOG_SCALE*log(average_energy[i][j]);
color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, scale, time, rgb);
value *= color_scale[i][j];
for (k=0; k<3; k++) rgb[k] = 1.0 + color_scale[i][j]*(rgb[k]-1.0);
// for (k=0; k<3; k++) rgb[k] = 0.5 + color_scale[i][j]*(rgb[k]-0.5);
void draw_wave_profile_horizontal(double *values, int size, int average, int pnb, int fade, double fade_value)
/* draw a horizontal profile of the wave, if option DRAW_WAVE_PROFILE is active */
int i, k, ij[2];
double deltav, a, b, y;
static int imin, imax, jmin, jmax, jmid, jval, d, first = 1;
static double vmin[2], vmax[2], deltaj, ymin, average_vals[2*NX];
if (first)
imin = 100;
imax = NX - 250;
jmin = 50;
jmax = 150;
jmin = NY - 150;
jmax = NY - 50;
jmid = (jmin + jmax)/2;
jmid -= (jmid%size);
xy_to_ij(0.0, WAVE_PROFILE_Y, ij);
jval = ij[1];
jval -= (jval%size);
d = (jmax - jmin)/10 + 1;
deltaj = (double)(jmax - jmin - 2*d);
ymin = (double)(jmin + d);
for (i=0; i<2*NX; i++) average_vals[i] = 0.0;
for (k=0; k<2; k++)
vmin[k] = 1.0e10;
vmax[k] = -vmin[k];
if (average) vmin[k] = 0.0;
first = 0;
if ((average)&&(!fade))
for (i=imin; i<imax; i+=size)
average_vals[pnb*NX+i] = 0.99*average_vals[pnb*NX+i] + 0.01*values[i*NY+jval]*values[i*NY+jval];
for (i=imin; i<imax; i+=size)
if (average_vals[pnb*NX+i] > vmax[pnb]) vmax[pnb] = average_vals[pnb*NX+i];
else if (!fade)
for (i=imin; i<imax; i+=size)
// if (values[i*NY+jmin] > vmax) vmax = values[i*NY+jmin];
// if (values[i*NY+jmin] < vmin) vmin = values[i*NY+jmin];
if (values[i*NY+jval] > vmax[pnb]) vmax[pnb] = values[i*NY+jval];
if (values[i*NY+jval] < vmin[pnb]) vmin[pnb] = values[i*NY+jval];
// if (vmax <= vmin) vmax = vmin + 0.01;
// if ((vmin[pnb] < 0.0)&&(vmax[pnb] > 0.0))
// {
// if (vmax[pnb] > -vmin[pnb]) vmin[pnb] = -vmax[pnb];
// else if (vmax[pnb] < -vmin[pnb]) vmax[pnb] = -vmin[pnb];
// }
// printf("vmin = %.3lg, vmax = %.3lg\n", vmin, vmax);
deltav = vmax[pnb]-vmin[pnb];
if (deltav <= 0.0) deltav = 0.01;
a = deltaj/deltav;
b = ymin - a*vmin[pnb];
erase_area_ij(imin, jmin, imax, jmax);
if (fade) glColor3f(fade_value, fade_value, fade_value);
else glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
for (i=imin; i<imax; i+=size)
// y = a*values[i*NY+jmin] + b;
if (average) y = a*average_vals[pnb*NX+i] + b;
else y = a*values[i*NY+jval] + b;
if (y > ymin) glVertex2d((double)i, y);
glVertex2i(imin, jmin);
glVertex2i(imax, jmin);
glVertex2i(imax, jmax);
glVertex2i(imin, jmax);
/* slightly decrease extremal values in case signal gets weaker */
if (!fade)
vmax[pnb] *= 0.99;
vmin[pnb] *= 0.99;
// vmax[pnb] *= 0.95;
// vmin[pnb] *= 0.95;
void draw_wave_profile_vertical(double *values, int size, int average, int pnb, int fade, double fade_value)
/* draw a vertical profile of the wave, if option DRAW_WAVE_PROFILE is active */
int j, k, ij[2];
double deltav, a, b, x;
static int imin, imax, ival, jmin, jmax, imid, d, first = 1;
static double vmin[2], vmax[2], deltai, xmin, average_vals[2*NY];
if (first)
jmin = 50;
jmax = NY - 50;
imin = NX - 150;
imax = NX - 50;
imid = (imin + imax)/2;
imid -= (imid%size);
xy_to_ij(WAVE_PROFILE_X, 0.0, ij);
ival = ij[0];
ival -= (ival%size);
d = (imax - imin)/10 + 1;
deltai = (double)(imax - imin - 2*d);
xmin = (double)(imin + d);
for (j=0; j<2*NY; j++) average_vals[j] = 0.0;
for (k=0; k<2; k++)
vmin[k] = 1.0e10;
vmax[k] = -vmin[k];
if (average) vmin[k] = 0.0;
first = 0;
xy_to_ij(focus_x, 0.0, ij);
if (ij[0] < 0) ij[0] = 0;
if (ij[0] > NX-1) ij[0] = NX-1;
ival = ij[0];
ival -= (ival%size);
if ((average)&&(!fade))
for (j=jmin; j<jmax; j+=size)
average_vals[pnb*NY+j] = 0.99*average_vals[pnb*NY+j] + 0.01*values[ival*NY+j]*values[ival*NY+j];
for (j=jmin; j<jmax; j+=size)
if (average_vals[pnb*NY+j] > vmax[pnb]) vmax[pnb] = average_vals[pnb*NY+j];
else if (!fade)
for (j=jmin; j<jmax; j+=size)
// if (values[imin*NY+j] > vmax) vmax = values[imin*NY+j];
// if (values[imin*NY+j] < vmin) vmin = values[imin*NY+j];
if (values[ival*NY+j] > vmax[pnb]) vmax[pnb] = values[ival*NY+j];
if (values[ival*NY+j] < vmin[pnb]) vmin[pnb] = values[ival*NY+j];
/* symmetrize output */
// if ((vmin[pnb] < 0.0)&&(vmax[pnb] > 0.0))
// {
// if (vmax[pnb] > -vmin[pnb]) vmin[pnb] = -vmax[pnb];
// else if (vmax[pnb] < -vmin[pnb]) vmax[pnb] = -vmin[pnb];
// }
// if (vmax > -vmin) vmin = -vmax;
// else if (vmax < -vmin) vmax = -vmin;
// printf("vmin = %.3lg, vmax = %.3lg\n", vmin[pnb], vmax[pnb]);
// if ((vmin[pnb] < 0.0)&&(vmax[pnb] > 0.0))
// {
// if (vmax[pnb] > -vmin[pnb]) vmin[pnb] = -vmax[pnb];
// else if (vmax[pnb] < -vmin[pnb]) vmax[pnb] = -vmin[pnb];
// }
deltav = vmax[pnb]-vmin[pnb];
if (deltav <= 0.0) deltav = 0.01;
a = deltai/deltav;
b = xmin - a*vmin[pnb];
erase_area_ij(imin, jmin, imax, jmax);
if (fade) glColor3f(fade_value, fade_value, fade_value);
else glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
for (j=jmin; j<jmax; j+=size)
if (average) x = a*average_vals[pnb*NY+j] + b;
else x = a*values[ival*NY+j] + b;
// else x = a*values[imin*NY+j] + b;
if (x >= xmin) glVertex2d(x, (double)j);
glVertex2i(imin, jmin);
glVertex2i(imax, jmin);
glVertex2i(imax, jmax);
glVertex2i(imin, jmax);
/* slightly decrease extramal values in case signal gets weaker */
if (!fade)
vmax[pnb] *= 0.99;
vmin[pnb] *= 0.99;
void draw_wave_profile(double *values, int size, int p_number, int fade, double fade_value)
/* draw a profile of the wave, if option DRAW_WAVE_PROFILE is active */
draw_wave_profile_vertical(values, size, AVERAGE_WAVE_PROFILE, p_number, fade, fade_value);
draw_wave_profile_horizontal(values, size, AVERAGE_WAVE_PROFILE, p_number, fade, fade_value);
void draw_exit_timeseries(double xleft, double yleft, double xtest, double ytest, double *values, int size, int top, int symmetrize, int fade, double fade_value)
/* draw a profile of the wave, if option DRAW_WAVE_TIMESERIES is active */
int t, t1, s, padding = 50, nvals = TIMESERIES_NVALUES;
double a, b, deltav, x, y, wmin, wmax;
static int ij[2], ij_test[2], imin, imax, jmintop, jmaxtop, jminbot, jmaxbot, jmin, jmax, itest, jtest, jtesttop, jtestbot, counter[2], first = 1, window = 5;
static double timeseries[TIMESERIES_NVALUES][2], average[TIMESERIES_NVALUES][2], vmin[2], vmax[2], ymin, deltaj, deltai;
if (first)
xy_to_ij(xleft, yleft, ij);
xy_to_ij(xtest, ytest, ij_test);
jmaxtop = NY - padding;
jmintop = 2*ij[1] - jmaxtop;
jtesttop = ij_test[1];
// printf("jmintop = %i, jmaxtop = %i\n", jmintop, jmaxtop);
xy_to_ij(xleft, -yleft, ij);
xy_to_ij(xtest, -ytest, ij_test);
jminbot = padding;
jmaxbot = 2*ij[1] - jminbot;
jtestbot = ij_test[1];
// printf("jminbot = %i, jmaxbot = %i\n", jminbot, jmaxbot);
imin = ij[0];
imax = NX - padding;
deltai = (double)(imax - imin)/(double)nvals;
vmin[0] = 1.0e10;
vmax[0] = -vmin[0];
vmin[1] = 1.0e10;
vmax[1] = -vmin[1];
for (t=0; t<nvals; t++)
timeseries[t][0] = 0.0;
timeseries[t][1] = 0.0;
counter[0] = 0;
counter[1] = 0;
first = 0;
if (top)
jmin = jmintop;
jmax = jmaxtop;
jtest = jtesttop;
jmin = jminbot;
jmax = jmaxbot;
jtest = jtestbot;
ymin = (double)(jmin);
itest = ij_test[0];
deltaj = (double)(jmax - jmin);
timeseries[counter[top]][top] = values[itest*NY + jtest] + values[(itest-1)*NY + jtest] + values[(itest)*NY + jtest + 1] + values[(itest-1)*NY + jtest + 1];
if (counter[top] == nvals) counter[top] = 0;
// for (t=0; t<nvals; t++) printf("val[%i] = %.3lg\n", t, timeseries[t]);
for (t=0; t<nvals; t++)
if (timeseries[t][top] > vmax[top]) vmax[top] = timeseries[t][top];
if (timeseries[t][top] < vmin[top]) vmin[top] = timeseries[t][top];
if (symmetrize)
if (vmax[top] > -vmin[top]) vmin[top] = -vmax[top];
else if (vmax[top] < -vmin[top]) vmax[top] = -vmin[top];
// printf("vmin = %.3lg, vmax = %.3lg\n", vmin[top], vmax[top]);
deltav = vmax[top]-vmin[top];
if (deltav <= 0.0) deltav = 0.01;
a = deltaj/deltav;
b = ymin - a*vmin[top];
/* compute average */
for (t=window; t<nvals-window; t++)
average[t][top] = 0.0;
for (s=-window; s<window; s++)
t1 = counter[top] - t + s;
if (t1 < 0) t1 += nvals;
if (t1 > nvals-1) t1 -= nvals;
average[t][top] += timeseries[t1][top]*timeseries[t1][top];
average[t][top] = sqrt(average[t][top]*0.5/(double)window);
erase_area_ij(imin, jmin, imax, jmax);
if (fade) glColor3f(fade_value, 0.0, 0.0);
else glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
for (t=0; t<nvals; t++)
t1 = counter[top] - t;
if (t1 < 0) t1 += nvals;
x = (double)imin + deltai*(double)t;
y = a*timeseries[t1][top] + b;
glVertex2d(x, y);
// printf("(x,y) = (%.2f, %.2f)\n", x, y);
/* draw average */
if (fade) glColor3f(fade_value, fade_value, fade_value);
else glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
for (t1=window; t1<nvals-window; t1++)
x = (double)imin + deltai*(double)t1;
y = -a*average[t1][top] + b;
if (x >= imin) glVertex2d(x, y);
if (symmetrize)
for (t1=window; t1<nvals-window; t1++)
x = (double)imin + deltai*(double)t1;
y = a*average[t1][top] + b;
glVertex2d(x, y);
if (fade) glColor3f(fade_value, fade_value, fade_value);
else glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
glVertex2i(imin, jmin);
glVertex2i(imax, jmin);
glVertex2i(imax, jmax);
glVertex2i(imin, jmax);
void draw_exit_timeseries_old(double *values, int size, int fade, double fade_value)
/* draw a profile of the wave, if option DRAW_WAVE_TIMESERIES is active */
int t, t1, s, padding = 50, nvals = TIMESERIES_NVALUES;
double a, b, deltav, x, y, wmin, wmax;
static int ij[2], ij_test[2], imin, imax, jmin, jmax, jmid, itest, jtest, counter = 0, first = 1, window = 5;
static double timeseries[TIMESERIES_NVALUES], average[TIMESERIES_NVALUES], vmin, vmax, ymin, deltaj, deltai;
if (first)
xy_to_ij(LAMBDA, -1.0 + MU, ij);
// xy_to_ij(LAMBDA - 0.1*MU, -1.0 + MU, ij_test);
xy_to_ij(LAMBDA, -1.0 + 2.0*MU, ij_test);
imin = ij[0];
imax = NX - padding;
jmin = padding;
jmax = 2*ij[1] - jmin;
jmid = (jmin + jmax)/2;
ymin = (double)(jmin);
itest = ij_test[0];
jtest = ij_test[1];
deltai = (double)(imax - imin)/(double)nvals;
deltaj = (double)(jmax - jmin);
vmin = 1.0e10;
vmax = -vmin;
for (t=0; t<nvals; t++) timeseries[t] = 0.0;
first = 0;
timeseries[counter] = values[itest*NY + jtest] + values[(itest-1)*NY + jtest] + values[(itest)*NY + jtest + 1] + values[(itest-1)*NY + jtest + 1];
if (counter == nvals) counter = 0;
// for (t=0; t<nvals; t++) printf("val[%i] = %.3lg\n", t, timeseries[t]);
for (t=0; t<nvals; t++)
if (timeseries[t] > vmax) vmax = timeseries[t];
if (timeseries[t] < vmin) vmin = timeseries[t];
if (vmax > -vmin) vmin = -vmax;
else if (vmax < -vmin) vmax = -vmin;
printf("vmin = %.3lg, vmax = %.3lg\n", vmin, vmax);
deltav = vmax-vmin;
if (deltav <= 0.0) deltav = 0.01;
a = deltaj/deltav;
b = ymin - a*vmin;
/* compute average */
for (t=window; t<nvals-window; t++)
average[t] = 0.0;
for (s=-window; s<window; s++)
t1 = counter - t + s;
if (t1 < 0) t1 += nvals;
if (t1 > nvals-1) t1 -= nvals;
average[t] += timeseries[t1]*timeseries[t1];
average[t] = sqrt(average[t]*0.5/(double)window);
erase_area_ij(imin, jmin, imax, jmax);
if (fade) glColor3f(fade_value, fade_value, fade_value);
else glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
for (t=0; t<nvals; t++)
t1 = counter - t;
if (t1 < 0) t1 += nvals;
x = (double)imin + deltai*(double)t;
y = a*timeseries[t1] + b;
glVertex2d(x, y);
printf("(x,y) = (%.2f, %.2f)\n", x, y);
/* draw average */
if (fade) glColor3f(fade_value, 0.0, 0.0);
else glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
for (t1=window; t1<nvals-window; t1++)
x = (double)imin + deltai*(double)t1;
y = a*average[t1] + b;
if (x >= imin) glVertex2d(x, y);
for (t1=window; t1<nvals-window; t1++)
x = (double)imin + deltai*(double)t1;
y = -a*average[t1] + b;
glVertex2d(x, y);
if (fade) glColor3f(fade_value, fade_value, fade_value);
else glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
glVertex2i(imin, jmin);
glVertex2i(imax, jmin);
glVertex2i(imax, jmax);
glVertex2i(imin, jmax);
void draw_entrance_timeseries(double xleft, double yleft, double *values, int size, int fade, double fade_value)
/* draw a profile of the wave, if option DRAW_WAVE_TIMESERIES is active */
int t, t1, padding = 50, nvals = TIMESERIES_NVALUES, ishift = 4;
double vmin, vmax, deltav, x, y;
static int ij[2], imin, imax, jmin, jmax, jmid, itest, jtest, counter = 0, first = 1,
time = 0;
static double ymin, deltaj, deltai, a, b;
if (first)
xy_to_ij(-xleft, yleft, ij);
imin = padding;
imax = ij[0];
jmax = NY - padding;
jmin = 2*ij[1] - jmax;
jmid = (jmin + jmax)/2;
ymin = (double)(jmin);
deltai = (double)(imax - imin)/(double)nvals;
deltaj = (double)(jmax - jmin);
b = (double)jmin + 0.25*deltaj;
a = 0.5*deltaj;
first = 0;
erase_area_ij(imin, jmin, imax, jmax);
if (fade) glColor3f(fade_value, fade_value, fade_value);
else glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
// glScissor(imin, jmin, imax-imin, jmax-jmin);
for (t=0; t<nvals + ishift; t++)
t1 = counter - t + nvals;
if (t1 >= NSTEPS) t1 = NSTEPS;
// x = (double)imin + deltai*(double)t;
x = (double)imin + deltai*(double)(t-ishift);
y = a*(double)input_signal[t1] + b;
if (t > ishift) glVertex2d(x, y);
// glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
glVertex2i(imin, jmin);
glVertex2i(imax, jmin);
glVertex2i(imax, jmax);
glVertex2i(imin, jmax);
void draw_wave_timeseries(double xleft, double yleft, double xtest, double ytest, double *values, int size, int fade, double fade_value)
/* draw a profile of the wave, if option DRAW_WAVE_TIMESERIES is active */
int symmetrize = 1;
draw_exit_timeseries(xleft, yleft, xtest, ytest, values, size, 0, symmetrize, fade, fade_value);
draw_exit_timeseries(xleft, yleft, xtest, ytest, values, size, 1, symmetrize, fade, fade_value);
draw_entrance_timeseries(xleft, yleft, values, size, fade, fade_value);
void draw_wave_timeseries_old(double *values, int size, int fade, double fade_value)
/* draw a profile of the wave, if option DRAW_WAVE_TIMESERIES is active */
draw_exit_timeseries_old(values, size, fade, fade_value);
draw_entrance_timeseries(1.0, 1.0, values, size, fade, fade_value);
void init_fade_table(double *tcc_table[NX], double *fade_table)
int i, j;
for (i=0; i<NX; i++)
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
fade_table[i*NY + j] = pow(tcc_table[i][j]/courant2, 0.25);
// fade_table[i*NY + j] = tcc_table[i][j]/courant2;
void draw_wave_highres_palette(int size, double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], double *total_energy[NX], double *average_energy[NX], double *fade_table, double *total_flux, double *color_scale[NX], short int *xy_in[NX], double scale, int time, int plot, int palette, int pnumber, int fade, double fade_value)
/* same as draw_wave_highres, but with color scheme option */
int i, j, k, iplus, iminus, jplus, jminus;
double value, rgb[3], xy[2], x1, y1, x2, y2, velocity, energy, gradientx, gradienty, arg, mod, flux_factor, gx, gy, mgx, mgy, factor, norm, pscal, ca, vscale2;
// double vmin, vmax, deltav;
static double dtinverse = ((double)NX)/(COURANT*(XMAX-XMIN)), dx = (XMAX-XMIN)/((double)NX), col_ratio;
static int first = 1;
double *values, *shade, *rgbvals;
if (first)
col_ratio = 1.0/1.01;
first = 0;
values = (double *)malloc(NX*NY*sizeof(double));
rgbvals = (double *)malloc(3*NX*NY*sizeof(double));
#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j,rgb)
for (i=0; i<NX; i+=size)
for (j=0; j<NY; j+=size)
values[i*NY+j] = wave_value(i, j, phi, psi, total_energy, average_energy, total_flux, color_scale, xy_in, scale, time, plot, palette, rgb);
rgbvals[i*NY+j] = rgb[0];
rgbvals[NX*NY+i*NY+j] = rgb[1];
rgbvals[2*NX*NY+i*NY+j] = rgb[2];
if (SHADE_2D)
shade = (double *)malloc(NX*NY*sizeof(double));
#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j,gradientx,gradienty,norm,pscal,ca)
for (i=0; i<NX-size; i+=size)
for (j=0; j<NY-size; j+=size)
gradientx = values[(i+1)*NY+j] - values[i*NY+j];
gradienty = values[i*NY+j+1] - values[i*NY+j];
norm = sqrt(vscale2 + gradientx*gradientx + gradienty*gradienty);
pscal = -gradientx*light[0] - gradienty*light[1] + SHADE_SCALE_2D;
ca = pscal/norm;
ca = (ca + 1.0)*0.4 + 0.2;
if (RESCALE_COLOR_IN_CENTER) for (k=0; k<3; k++)
rgbvals[k*NX*NY+i*NY+j] = 1.0 + (ca*rgbvals[k*NX*NY+i*NY+j] - 1.0)*(color_scale[i][j]+0.01)*col_ratio;
// rgbvals[k*NX*NY+i*NY+j] = 0.5 + (ca*rgbvals[k*NX*NY+i*NY+j] - 0.5)*(color_scale[i][j]+0.01)*col_ratio;
else for (k=0; k<3; k++) rgbvals[k*NX*NY+i*NY+j] *= ca;
// printf("dtinverse = %.5lg\n", dtinverse);
for (i=0; i<NX; i+=size)
for (j=0; j<NY; j+=size)
if ((TWOSPEEDS)||(xy_in[i][j]))
// value = wave_value(i, j, phi, psi, total_energy, average_energy, total_flux, xy_in, scale, time, plot, palette, rgb);
// if ((DRAW_WAVE_PROFILE)||(DRAW_WAVE_TIMESERIES)) values[i*NY+j] = value;
// rgb[0] = r[i*NY+j];
// rgb[1] = g[i*NY+j];
// rgb[2] = b[i*NY+j];
for (k=0; k<3; k++) rgbvals[k*NX*NY+i*NY+j] *= fade_table[i*NY+j];
if (fade) for (k=0; k<3; k++) rgbvals[k*NX*NY+i*NY+j] *= fade_value;
glColor3f(rgbvals[i*NY+j], rgbvals[NX*NY+i*NY+j], rgbvals[2*NX*NY+i*NY+j]);
glVertex2i(i, j);
glVertex2i(i+size, j);
glVertex2i(i+size, j+size);
glVertex2i(i, j+size);
glEnd ();
draw_billiard(fade, fade_value);
if (DRAW_WAVE_TIMESERIES) draw_wave_timeseries(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, values, size, fade, fade_value);
if (DRAW_WAVE_PROFILE) draw_wave_profile(values, size, pnumber, fade, fade_value);
if (SHADE_2D) free(shade);
glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
for (k=0; k<N_SOURCES; k++) draw_circle(wave_source_x[k], wave_source_y[k], 0.005, 100);
draw_circle(focus_x, 0.0, 0.005, 100);
/* modified function for "flattened" wave tables */
void init_circular_wave_mod(double x, double y, double phi[NX*NY], double psi[NX*NY], short int xy_in[NX*NY])
/* initialise field with drop at (x,y) - phi is wave height, psi is phi at time t-1 */
int i, j;
double xy[2], dist2;
printf("Initializing wave\n");
// #pragma omp parallel for private(i,j,xy,dist2)
for (i=0; i<NX; i++)
if (i%100 == 0) printf("Initializing column %i of %i\n", i, NX);
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
// printf("i*NY+j = %i\n", i*NY+j);
ij_to_xy(i, j, xy);
dist2 = (xy[0]-x)*(xy[0]-x) + (xy[1]-y)*(xy[1]-y);
xy_in[i*NY+j] = xy_in_billiard(xy[0],xy[1]);
if ((xy_in[i*NY+j])||(TWOSPEEDS))
phi[i*NY+j] = INITIAL_AMP*exp(-dist2/INITIAL_VARIANCE)*cos(-sqrt(dist2)/INITIAL_WAVELENGTH);
else phi[i*NY+j] = 0.0;
psi[i*NY+j] = 0.0;
void add_circular_wave_mod(double factor, double x, double y, double phi[NX*NY], double psi[NX*NY], short int xy_in[NX*NY])
/* add drop at (x,y) to the field with given prefactor */
int i, j;
double xy[2], dist2;
#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j,xy,dist2)
for (i=0; i<NX; i++)
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
ij_to_xy(i, j, xy);
dist2 = (xy[0]-x)*(xy[0]-x) + (xy[1]-y)*(xy[1]-y);
if ((xy_in[i*NY+j])||(TWOSPEEDS))
phi[i*NY+j] += INITIAL_AMP*factor*exp(-dist2/INITIAL_VARIANCE)*cos(-sqrt(dist2)/INITIAL_WAVELENGTH);
void init_wave_flat_mod(double phi[NX*NY], double psi[NX*NY], short int xy_in[NX*NY])
/* initialise flat field - phi is wave height, psi is phi at time t-1 */
int i, j;
double xy[2];
#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j,xy)
for (i=0; i<NX; i++) {
if (i%100 == 0) printf("Wave and table xy_in - Initialising column %i of %i\n", i, NX);
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
ij_to_xy(i, j, xy);
xy_in[i*NY+j] = xy_in_billiard(xy[0],xy[1]);
#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j,xy)
for (i=0; i<NX; i++) {
if (i%100 == 0) printf("Wave and table xy_in - Initialising column %i of %i\n", i, NX);
for (j=0; j<NY; j++)
phi[i*NY+j] = 0.0;
psi[i*NY+j] = 0.0;
double compute_variance_mod(double phi[NX*NY], double psi[NX*NY], short int xy_in[NX*NY])
/* compute the variance of the field, to adjust color scheme */
int i, j, n = 0;
double variance = 0.0;
#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j,variance)
for (i=1; i<NX; i++)
for (j=1; j<NY; j++)
if (xy_in[i*NY+j])
variance += phi[i*NY+j]*phi[i*NY+j];
if (n==0) n=1;
double compute_energy_mod(double phi[NX*NY], double psi[NX*NY], short int xy_in[NX*NY], int i, int j)
double velocity, energy, gradientx2, gradienty2;
int iplus, iminus, jplus, jminus;
static int i1, j1, i2, j2, i3, j3, ij[2];
static int first = 1;
if (first)
xy_to_ij(-LAMBDA, -1.0, ij);
i1 = ij[0] + 1; j1 = ij[1] + 1;
xy_to_ij(0.0, 0.0, ij);
i2 = ij[0] - 1; j2 = ij[1] - 1;
xy_to_ij(LAMBDA, 1.0, ij);
i3 = ij[0] - 1; j3 = ij[1] - 1;
first = 0;
velocity = (phi[i*NY+j] - psi[i*NY+j]);
/* avoid computing gradient across boundary of compared regions */
iplus = (i+1); if (iplus == NX) iplus = NX-1;
iminus = (i-1); if (iminus == -1) iminus = 0;
jplus = (j+1); if (jplus == NY) jplus = NY-1; else if (jplus == NY/2) jplus = NY/2-1;
jminus = (j-1); if (jminus == -1) jminus = 0; else if (jminus == NY/2-1) jminus = NY/2;
iplus = (i+1); if (iplus == NX) iplus = NX-1;
iminus = (i-1); if (iminus == -1) iminus = 0;
jplus = (j+1); if (jplus == NY) jplus = NY-1;
jminus = (j-1); if (jminus == -1) jminus = 0;
// else
// {
// iplus = i+1;
// if ((j<j2)&&(iplus>i3-1)) iplus = i1;
// else if ((j>=j2)&&(iplus>i2-1)) iplus = i1;
// iminus = i-1;
// if ((j<j2)&&(iminus<i1)) iminus = i3-1;
// else if ((j>=j2)&&(iminus<i1)) iminus = i2-1;
// jplus = j+1;
// if ((i<i2)&&(jplus>j3-1)) jplus = j1;
// else if ((i>=i2)&&(jplus>j2-1)) jplus = j1;
// jminus = j-1;
// if ((i<i2)&&(jminus<j1)) jminus = j3-1;
// else if ((i>=i2)&&(jminus<j1)) jminus = j2-1;
// jminus = j-1;
// }
if ((i<=i1)||(j<=j1)) return(0.0);
if ((i>=i2-1)&&(j>=j2-1)) return(0.0);
if ((i>=i3-1)||(j>=j3-1)) return(0.0);
gradientx2 = (phi[iplus*NY+j]-phi[i*NY+j])*(phi[iplus*NY+j]-phi[i*NY+j])
+ (phi[i*NY+j] - phi[iminus*NY+j])*(phi[i*NY+j] - phi[iminus*NY+j]);
gradienty2 = (phi[i*NY+jplus]-phi[i*NY+j])*(phi[i*NY+jplus]-phi[i*NY+j])
+ (phi[i*NY+j] - phi[i*NY+jminus])*(phi[i*NY+j] - phi[i*NY+jminus]);
if (xy_in[i*NY+j]) return(E_SCALE*E_SCALE*(velocity*velocity + 0.5*COURANT*COURANT*(gradientx2+gradienty2)));
else if (TWOSPEEDS) return(E_SCALE*E_SCALE*(velocity*velocity + 0.5*COURANTB*COURANTB*(gradientx2+gradienty2)));
else return(0.0);
void compute_energy_flux_mod(double phi[NX*NY], double psi[NX*NY], short int xy_in[NX*NY], int i, int j, double *gx, double *gy, double *arg, double *module)
/* computes energy flux given by c^2 norm(nabla u) du/dt*/
double velocity, energy, gradientx, gradienty, max = 1.0e5, current_mod, current_arg;
int iplus, iminus, jplus, jminus;
if ((i == 0)||(i == NX-1)||(j == 0)||(j == NY-1))
current_mod = 0.0;
current_arg = PI;
*gx = 0.0;
*gy = 0.0;
else if ((xy_in[i*NY+j])||(TWOSPEEDS))
velocity = vabs(phi[i*NY+j] - psi[i*NY+j]);
// iplus = (i+1); /*if (iplus == NX) iplus = NX-1;*/
// iminus = (i-1); /*if (iminus == -1) iminus = 0;*/
// jplus = (j+1); /*if (jplus == NY) jplus = NY-1;*/
// jminus = (j-1); /*if (jminus == -1) jminus = 0;*/
gradientx = (phi[(i+1)*NY+j] - phi[(i-1)*NY+j]);
gradienty = (phi[i*NY+j+1] - phi[i*NY+j-1]);
if (gradientx > max) gradientx = max;
else if (gradientx < -max) gradientx = -max;
if (gradienty > max) gradienty = max;
else if (gradienty < -max) gradienty = -max;
current_mod = velocity*module2(gradientx, gradienty);
if (current_mod > 1.0e-10)
current_arg = argument(gradientx,gradienty);
if (current_arg < 0.0) current_arg += DPI;
if (current_arg >= DPI) current_arg -= DPI;
else current_arg = PI;
*gx = velocity*gradientx;
*gy = velocity*gradienty;
current_mod = 0.0;
current_arg = PI;
*gx = 0.0;
*gy = 0.0;
*module = current_mod;
*arg = current_arg;
double compute_phase(double phi[NX*NY], double psi[NX*NY], short int xy_in[NX*NY], int i, int j)
double velocity, angle;
velocity = (phi[i*NY+j] - psi[i*NY+j]);
if (module2(phi[i*NY+j], velocity) < 1.0e-10) return(0.0);
else if (xy_in[i*NY+j])
angle = argument(phi[i*NY+j], PHASE_FACTOR*velocity/COURANT);
if (angle < 0.0) angle += DPI;
if ((i==NY/2)&&(j==NY/2)) printf("Phase = %.3lg Pi\n", angle/PI);
else if (TWOSPEEDS)
angle = argument(phi[i*NY+j], PHASE_FACTOR*velocity/COURANTB);
if (angle < 0.0) angle += DPI;
else return(0.0);