### Tool to create videos of particles or waves in different 2D domains. Created by **Nils Berglund** and optimized by **Marco Mancini** C code for videos on YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/NilsBerglund Parameter values used in specific simulations will be gradually added to file `Parameters.md`, `Parameters_June21.md` and so on. There are four groups of 6 files, 19 files, 5 files and 4 files. In addition the following files handling color schemes have been included: 1. `hsluv.c`and `hsluv.h` from https://github.com/adammaj1/hsluv-color-gradient 2. `turbo_colormap.c` from https://gist.github.com/mikhailov-work/6a308c20e494d9e0ccc29036b28faa7a 3. `colormaps.c` containing look-up tables from https://github.com/yuki-koyama/tinycolormap The following file (beta version) provides support for creating mazes: 4. `sub_maze.c` The file 5. `Earth_Map_Blue_Marble_2002_large.ppm.gz` is required by `wave_sphere.c` and should be unzipped before compiling. ### Simulations of classical particles in billiards. 1. *particle_billiard.c*: simulation of a collection of non-interacting particles in a billiard 2. *drop_billiard.c*: simulation of an expanding front of particles 3. *particle_pinball.c*: variant of `particle_billiard` with some extra statistics plots 4. *global_particles.c*: global variables and parameters 5. *sub_part_billiard.c*: drawing/computation routines common to `particle_billiard` and `drop_billiard` 6. *sub_part_pinball.c*: additional drawing/computation routines for `particle_pinball` - Create subfolders `tif_part`, `tif_drop` - Customize constants at beginning of .c file - Compile with `make particle_billiard`, `make_drop_billiard`, etc, or `gcc -o particle_billiard particle_billiard.c-O3 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -ltiff -lm -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lXmu -lglut` `gcc -o drop_billiard drop_billiard.c-O3 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -ltiff -lm -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lXmu -lglut` - Many laptops claim to have 4 cores, but two of those are virtual. OMP acceleration may be more effective after executing `export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2` in the shell before running the program - Generate movie with `ffmpeg -i part.%05d.tif -vcodec libx264 part.mp4` ### Simulations of wave equation and reaction-diffusion equations, including the Schrodinger equation. 1. *wave_billiard.c*: simulation of the (linear) wave equation 2. *wave_3d.c*: 3d rendering of wave equation 3. *wave_sphere.c*: wave equation on a sphere (3d and 2d render) 4. *wave_comparison.c*: comparison of the wave equation in two different domains 5. *wave_energy.c*: a version of `wave_billiard` plotting the energy profile of the wave 6. *mangrove.c*: a version of `wave_billiard` with additional features to animate mangroves 7. *heat.c*: simulation of the heat equation, with optional drawing of gradient field lines 8. *rde.c*: simulation of reaction-diffusion equations, plots in 2d and 3d (including Schrödinger equation, Euler equation, and shallow water equation) 9. *schrodinger.c*: simulation of the Schrodinger equation in 2d (old version) 10. *global_pdes.c*: global variables and parameters 11. *global_3d.c*: additional global variables for 3d version 12. *sub_wave.c*: drawing/computation routines common to `wave_billiard`, `heat` and `schrodinger` 13. *sub_wave_comp.c*: some modified functions needed by `wave_comparison` 14. *sub_wave_3d.c*: additional functions for 3d version 15. *common_wave.c*: common functions of `wave_billiard` and `wave_comparison` 16. *colors_waves.c*: colormaps used by wave simulations 17. *sub_rde.c*: additional routines for rde.c 18. *sub_wave_rde_3d.c*: additional 3d drawing routines for rde.c 19. *sub_sphere.c*: additional routines for wave_sphere.c - Create subfolders `tif_wave`, `tif_heat`, `tif_bz`, `tif_schrod` - Customize constants at beginning of .c file - Compile with `make wave_billiard`, etc, or `gcc -o wave_billiard wave_billiard.c -L/usr/X11R6/lib -ltiff -lm -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lXmu -lglut -O3 -fopenmp` `gcc -o wave_comparison wave_comparison.c -L/usr/X11R6/lib -ltiff -lm -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lXmu -lglut -O3 -fopenmp` `gcc -o heat heat.c -L/usr/X11R6/lib -ltiff -lm -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lXmu -lglut -O3 -fopenmp` `gcc -o schrodinger schrodinger.c -L/usr/X11R6/lib -ltiff -lm -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lXmu -lglut -O3 -fopenmp` - Many laptops claim to have 4 cores, but two of those are virtual. OMP acceleration may be more effective after executing `export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2` in the shell before running the program - Generate movie with `ffmpeg -i wave.%05d.tif -vcodec libx264 wave.mp4` ### Molecular dynamics simulations. 1. *lennardjones.c*: simulation of molecular dynamics 2. *global_ljones.c*: global variables and parameters 3. *sub_lj.c*: drawing and initialization routines 4. *sub_hashgrid.c*: hashgrid manipulation routines 5. *lj_movie.c*: render movie with precomputed particle positions (requires files lj_time_series.dat and lj_final_positions.dat generated by lennardjones) - Create subfolder `tif_ljones` - Customize constants at beginning of .c file - Compile with `make lennardjones` or `gcc -o lennardjones lennardjones.c -L/usr/X11R6/lib -ltiff -lm -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lXmu -lglut -O3 -fopenmp` - Generate movie with `ffmpeg -i lennardjones.%05d.tif -vcodec libx264 lennardjones.mp4` ### Percolation simulations. 1. *percolation.c*: simulation of Bernoulli percolation 2. *global_perc.c*: global variables and parameters 3. *sub_perco.c*: drawing and cluster finding routines 4. *sub_perco_3d.c*: 3D drawing routines - Create subfolder `tif_perc` - Customize constants at beginning of .c file - Compile with `make percolation` or `gcc -o percolation percolation.c -L/usr/X11R6/lib -ltiff -lm -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lXmu -lglut -O3 -fopenmp` - Generate movie with `ffmpeg -i percolation.%05d.tif -vcodec libx264 percolation.mp4` #### Some references #### - Discretizing the wave equation: https://hplgit.github.io/fdm-book/doc/pub/wave/pdf/wave-4print.pdf - Absorbing boundary conditions: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01374183 - Cloaking device: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165212514001759 - Poisson disc sampling: https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/dbb02448b0f93e4c82c3 - Thermostat algorithm: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10955-009-9734-0 or http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/~theil/HL12-3-2009.pdf