/* some changes in sub_wave.c required by wave_comparison.c */ short int circletop[NMAXCIRCLES]; /* set to 1 if circle is in top half */ void init_circle_config_half(int pattern, int top, t_circle circles[NMAXCIRCLES]) /* initialise the arrays circlex, circley, circlerad and circleactive */ /* for billiard shape D_CIRCLES */ { int i, j, k, n, ncirc0, n_p_active, ncandidates=5000, naccepted, nnew; double dx, dy, p, phi, r, r0, ra[5], sa[5], height, x, y = 0.0, gamma, ymean, ytop, ybottom, dpoisson = 3.05*MU; short int active_poisson[NMAXCIRCLES], far; ymean = 0.5*(YMIN + YMAX); switch (pattern) { case (C_SQUARE): { dy = (YMAX - YMIN)/((double)NGRIDY); for (i = 0; i < NGRIDX; i++) for (j = 0; j < NGRIDY/2; j++) { printf("i = %i, j = %i, n = %i\n", i, j, n); n = ncircles + NGRIDY*i/2 + j; circles[n].xc = ((double)(i-NGRIDX/2) + 0.5)*dy; y = ((double)j + 0.5)*dy; if (top) circles[n].yc = ymean + y; else circles[n].yc = ymean - y; if (top) circles[n].radius = MU; else circles[n].radius = MUB; circles[n].active = 1; circletop[n] = top; } ncircles += NGRIDX*NGRIDY/2; break; } case (C_HEX): { dy = (YMAX - YMIN)/((double)NGRIDY); dx = dy*0.5*sqrt(3.0); for (i = 0; i < NGRIDX; i++) for (j = 0; j < NGRIDY/2+1; j++) { n = ncircles + (NGRIDY+1)*i/2 + j; circles[n].xc = ((double)(i-NGRIDX/2))*dy; y = ((double)j - 0.5)*dy; if ((i+NGRIDX)%2 == 1) y += 0.5*dy; if (top) circles[n].yc = ymean + 0.5*dy + y; else circles[n].yc = ymean - 0.5*dy - y; if (top) circles[n].radius = MU; else circles[n].radius = MUB; circles[n].active = 1; circletop[n] = top; } ncircles += NGRIDX*(NGRIDY+1)/2; break; } case (C_RAND_DISPLACED): { dy = (YMAX - YMIN)/((double)NGRIDY); for (i = 0; i < NGRIDX; i++) for (j = 0; j < NGRIDY/2; j++) { n = ncircles + NGRIDY*i/2 + j; circles[n].xc = ((double)(i-NGRIDX/2) + 0.5*((double)rand()/RAND_MAX - 0.5))*dy; if (NGRIDX%2 == 0) circles[n].xc += 0.5*dy; y = ((double)j + 0.5 + 0.5*((double)rand()/RAND_MAX - 0.5))*dy; if (top) circles[n].yc = ymean + y; else circles[n].yc = ymean - y; if (top) circles[n].radius = MU*sqrt(1.0 + 0.8*((double)rand()/RAND_MAX - 0.5)); else circles[n].radius = MUB*sqrt(1.0 + 0.8*((double)rand()/RAND_MAX - 0.5)); circles[n].active = 1; circletop[n] = top; printf("n = %i, x = %.3lg\n", n, circles[n].xc); } ncircles += NGRIDX*NGRIDY/2; break; } case (C_RAND_PERCOL): { dy = (YMAX - YMIN)/((double)NGRIDY); for (i = 0; i < NGRIDX; i++) for (j = 0; j < NGRIDY/2; j++) { n = ncircles + NGRIDY*i/2 + j; circles[n].xc = ((double)(i-NGRIDX/2) + 0.5)*dy; y = YMIN + ((double)j + 0.5)*dy; if ( ((top)&&(y > 0.0))||((!top)&&(y <= 0.0)) ) circles[n].yc = y; if (top) circles[n].radius = MU; else circles[n].radius = MUB; p = (double)rand()/RAND_MAX; if (p < P_PERCOL) circles[n].active = 1; else circles[n].active = 0; circletop[n] = top; } ncircles += NGRIDX*NGRIDY/2; break; } case (C_RAND_POISSON): { for (i = 0; i < NPOISSON/2; i++) { n = ncircles + i; circles[n].xc = LAMBDA*(2.0*(double)rand()/RAND_MAX - 1.0); if (top) y = ymean + (YMAX-ymean)*(double)rand()/RAND_MAX; else y = ymean + (YMIN-ymean)*(double)rand()/RAND_MAX; if ( ((top)&&(y > 0.0))||((!top)&&(y <= 0.0)) ) circles[n].yc = y; if (top) circles[n].radius = MU; else circles[n].radius = MUB; circles[n].active = 1; circletop[n] = top; printf("n = %i, x = %.3lg\n", n, circles[n].xc); } ncircles += NPOISSON/2; break; } case (C_CLOAK): { for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) { n = ncircles + 5*i + j; phi = (double)i*DPI/40.0; r = LAMBDA*0.5*(1.0 + (double)j/5.0); circles[n].xc = r*cos(phi); y = r*sin(phi); if ( ((top)&&(y > 0.0))||((!top)&&(y <= 0.0)) ) circles[n].yc = y; if (top) circles[n].radius = MU; else circles[n].radius = MUB; circles[n].active = 1; circletop[n] = top; } ncircles += 200; break; } case (C_CLOAK_A): /* optimized model A1 by C. Jo et al */ { ra[0] = 0.0731; sa[0] = 1.115; ra[1] = 0.0768; sa[1] = 1.292; ra[2] = 0.0652; sa[2] = 1.464; ra[3] = 0.056; sa[3] = 1.633; ra[4] = 0.0375; sa[4] = 1.794; for (i = 0; i < 21; i++) for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) { n = ncircles + 5*i + j; phi = (double)i*DPI/40.0; r = LAMBDA*sa[j]; circles[n].xc = r*cos(phi); circles[n].yc = r*sin(phi); if (top) y = r*sin(phi); else y = -r*sin(phi); circles[n].yc = y; circles[n].radius = LAMBDA*ra[j]; circles[n].active = 1; circletop[n] = top; } ncircles += 105; /* add circle in the center */ circles[ncircles].xc = 0.0; circles[ncircles].yc = 0.0; if (top) circles[ncircles].radius = MU; else circles[ncircles].radius = MUB; circles[ncircles].active = 2; circletop[ncircles] = top; ncircles += 1; break; } case (C_POISSON_DISC): { printf("Generating Poisson disc sample\n"); /* generate first circle */ n = ncircles; circles[n].xc = LAMBDA*(2.0*(double)rand()/RAND_MAX - 1.0); if (top) y = ymean + (YMAX-ymean)*(double)rand()/RAND_MAX; else y = ymean + (YMIN-ymean)*(double)rand()/RAND_MAX; circles[n].yc = y; if (top) circles[n].radius = MU; else circles[n].radius = MUB; circles[n].active = 1; circletop[n] = top; active_poisson[n] = 1; n_p_active = 1; ncirc0 = 1; while ((n_p_active > 0)&&(ncircles + ncirc0 < NMAXCIRCLES)) { /* randomly select an active circle */ i = rand()%(ncirc0); n = ncircles + i; while (!active_poisson[ncircles + i]) i = rand()%(ncirc0); // printf("Starting from circle %i at (%.3f,%.3f)\n", i, circles[i].xc, circles[i].yc); /* generate new candidates */ naccepted = 0; for (j=0; j= dpoisson*dpoisson); /* new circle is in domain */ if (top) far = far*(vabs(x) < LAMBDA)*(y < YMAX)*(y > 0.0); else far = far*(vabs(x) < LAMBDA)*(y > YMIN)*(y < 0.0); } if (far) /* accept new circle */ { printf("New circle at (%.3f,%.3f) accepted\n", x, y); nnew = ncircles + ncirc0; circles[nnew].xc = x; circles[nnew].yc = y; if (top) circles[nnew].radius = MU; else circles[nnew].radius = MUB; circles[nnew].active = 1; active_poisson[nnew] = 1; // circleactive[nnew] = 1; circletop[nnew] = top; ncirc0++; n_p_active++; naccepted++; } // else printf("Rejected\n"); } if (naccepted == 0) /* inactivate circle i */ { // printf("No candidates work, inactivate circle %i\n", ncircles + i); active_poisson[ncircles + i] = 0; n_p_active--; } printf("%i active circles\n", n_p_active); // sleep(1); } printf("Already existing: %i circles\n", ncircles); ncircles += ncirc0; printf("Generated %i circles\n", ncirc0); printf("Total: %i circles\n", ncircles); break; } case (C_GOLDEN_MEAN): { gamma = (sqrt(5.0) - 1.0)*0.5; /* golden mean */ height = YMAX - ymean; dx = 2.0*LAMBDA/150.0; if (top) y = ymean + 0.5*height; else y = ymean - 0.5*height; for (n = 0; n < 150; n++) { circles[ncircles + n].xc = -LAMBDA + n*dx; circles[ncircles + n].yc = y; if (top) { y += height*gamma; if (y > YMAX) y -= height; } else { y -= height*gamma; if (y < YMIN) y += height; } if (top) circles[ncircles + n].radius = MU; else circles[ncircles + n].radius = MUB; circles[ncircles + n].active = 1; circletop[ncircles] = top; } /* test for circles that overlap top or bottom boundary */ ncirc0 = ncircles; ncircles += 150; if (top) ytop = YMAX; else ytop = ymean; if (top) ybottom = ymean; else ybottom = YMIN; for (n=0; n < 150; n++) { if (circles[ncirc0+n].yc + circles[ncirc0 + n].radius > ytop) { circles[ncircles].xc = circles[ncirc0 + n].xc; circles[ncircles].yc = circles[ncirc0+n].yc - height; circles[ncircles].radius = MU; circles[ncircles].active = 1; ncircles ++; } else if (circles[ncirc0+n].yc - circles[ncirc0 + n].radius < ybottom) { circles[ncircles].xc = circles[ncirc0 + n].xc; circles[ncircles].yc = circles[ncirc0+n].yc + height; circles[ncircles].radius = MU; circles[ncircles].active = 1; ncircles ++; } } break; } case (C_GOLDEN_SPIRAL): { circles[ncircles].xc = 0.0; circles[ncircles].yc = 0.0; if (top) circles[ncircles].radius = MU; else circles[ncircles].radius = MUB; circles[ncircles].active = 1; circletop[ncircles] = top; gamma = (sqrt(5.0) - 1.0)*PI; /* golden mean times 2Pi */ phi = 0.0; r0 = 2.0*MU; r = r0 + MU; for (i=0; i<1000; i++) { x = r*cos(phi); y = r*sin(phi); phi += gamma; r += MU*r0/r; if ((vabs(x) < LAMBDA)&&(vabs(y) < YMAX + MU)) { circles[ncircles].xc = x; circles[ncircles].yc = y; circles[ncircles].radius = MU; if (((top)&&(circles[ncircles].yc < YMAX + MU)&&(circles[ncircles].yc > ymean - MU)) ||((!top)&&(circles[ncircles].yc < ymean + MU)&&(circles[ncircles].yc > YMIN - MU))) { circles[ncircles].active = 1; circletop[ncircles] = top; ncircles++; } } } break; } case (C_ONE): { circles[ncircles].xc = 0.0; circles[ncircles].yc = 0.0; if (top) circles[ncircles].radius = MU; else circles[ncircles].radius = MUB; circles[ncircles].active = 1; circletop[ncircles] = top; ncircles += 1; break; } case (C_TWO): { circles[ncircles].xc = 0.0; circles[ncircles].yc = 0.0; if (top) circles[ncircles].radius = MU; else circles[ncircles].radius = MUB; circles[ncircles].active = 2; circletop[ncircles] = top; ncircles += 1; circles[ncircles].xc = 0.0; circles[ncircles].yc = 0.0; if (top) circles[ncircles].radius = 2.0*MU; else circles[ncircles].radius = 2.0*MUB; circles[ncircles].active = 1; circletop[ncircles] = top; ncircles += 1; break; } case (C_NOTHING): { ncircles += 0; break; } default: { printf("Function init_circle_config not defined for this pattern \n"); } } } void init_circle_config_comp(t_circle circles[NMAXCIRCLES]) /* initialise the arrays circlex, circley, circlerad and circleactive */ /* for billiard shape D_CIRCLES */ { ncircles = 0; init_circle_config_half(CIRCLE_PATTERN, 1, circles); init_circle_config_half(CIRCLE_PATTERN_B, 0, circles); } void init_circle_config_energy(t_circle circles[NMAXCIRCLES]) /* initialise the arrays circlex, circley, circlerad and circleactive */ /* for billiard shape D_CIRCLES */ { ncircles = 0; init_circle_config_half(CIRCLE_PATTERN, 0, circles); } void init_polygon_config_half(int pattern, int top, t_polygon polygons[NMAXCIRCLES]) /* initialise the polygon configuration, for billiard shape D_CIRCLES */ /* uses init_circle_config, this is where C++ would be more elegant */ { int i; t_circle circle[NMAXCIRCLES]; // ncircles = 0; init_circle_config_half(pattern, top, circle); for (i=0; i 0.0)&&(vabs(x)<1.0)&&(vabs(y)<1.0)&&(((int)x1 % MRATIO)==MRATIO/2)&&(((int)y1 % MRATIO)==MRATIO/2)) return(0); else if ((!top)&&(y < 0.0)&&(vabs(x)<1.0)&&(vabs(y)<1.0)&&(((int)x1 % MRATIO)==MRATIO/2)&&(((int)y1 % MRATIO)==MRATIO/2)) return(0); } return(1); } case (D_CIRCLES): { for (i = 0; i < ncircles; i++) if (circles[i].active != 0) { /* choose specific type according to value of circles[i].active */ if (circles[i].active == 1) type = 0; else type = circles[i].active; x1 = circles[i].xc; y1 = circles[i].yc; r2 = circles[i].radius*circles[i].radius; if ((top)&&(circletop[i])&&(y > 0.0)&&((x-x1)*(x-x1) + (y-y1)*(y-y1) < r2)) return(type); else if ((!top)&&(!circletop[i])&&(y < 0.0)&&((x-x1)*(x-x1) + (y-y1)*(y-y1) < r2)) return(type); } return(1); } case (D_POLYGONS): { for (i = 0; i < ncircles; i++) if (polygons[i].active) { /* choose specific type according to value of circles[i].active */ if (polygons[i].active == 1) type = 0; else type = polygons[i].active; if ((top)&&(circletop[i])&&(y > 0.0)&&(in_tpolygon(x, y, polygons[i]))) return(type); else if ((!top)&&(!circletop[i])&&(y < 0.0)&&(in_tpolygon(x, y, polygons[i]))) return(type); } return(1); } cdefault: { printf("Function ij_in_billiard not defined for this billiard \n"); return(0); } } } int xy_in_billiard_comp(double x, double y) /* returns 1 if (x,y) represents a point in the billiard */ { if (y > 0) return(xy_in_billiard_half(x, y, B_DOMAIN, CIRCLE_PATTERN, 1)); else return(xy_in_billiard_half(x, y, B_DOMAIN_B, CIRCLE_PATTERN_B, 0)); } int ij_in_billiard_comp(int i, int j) /* returns 1 if (i,j) represents a point in the billiard */ { double xy[2]; ij_to_xy(i, j, xy); return(xy_in_billiard_comp(xy[0], xy[1])); } void draw_billiard_half(int domain, int pattern, int top) /* draws the billiard boundary */ /* two domain version implemented for D_CIRCLES */ { double x0, x, y, x1, y1, dx, dy, phi, r = 0.01, pos[2], pos1[2], alpha, dphi, omega, z, l, signtop; int i, j, k, k1, k2, mr2; if (BLACK) glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); else glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); glLineWidth(5); if (top) signtop = 1.0; else signtop = -1.0; glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); switch (domain) { case (D_MENGER): { glLineWidth(3); // draw_rectangle(XMIN, -1.0, XMAX, 1.0); /* level 1 */ if (MDEPTH > 0) { glLineWidth(2); x = 1.0/((double)MRATIO); draw_rectangle(-x, 0.0, x, signtop*x); } /* level 2 */ if (MDEPTH > 1) { glLineWidth(1); mr2 = MRATIO*MRATIO; l = 2.0/((double)mr2); for (i=0; i 2) { glLineWidth(1); l = 2.0/((double)(mr2*MRATIO)); for (i=0; i 0.0)) y = 0.0; xy_to_pos(x, y, pos); glVertex2d(pos[0], pos[1]); } glEnd (); } break; } case (D_POLYGONS): { glLineWidth(BOUNDARY_WIDTH); for (i = 0; i < ncircles; i++) if ((polygons[i].active)&&(circletop[i] == top)) { if ((top)&&(circletop[i])) draw_tpolygon(polygons[i]); else if ((!top)&&(!circletop[i])) draw_tpolygon(polygons[i]); } break; } case (D_MANDELBROT): { /* Do nothing */ break; } case (D_MANDELBROT_CIRCLE): { /* Do nothing */ break; } case (D_JULIA): { /* Do nothing */ break; } default: { printf("Function draw_billiard not defined for this billiard \n"); } } } void draw_billiard_comp() /* draws the billiard boundary */ { draw_billiard_half(B_DOMAIN, CIRCLE_PATTERN, 1); draw_billiard_half(B_DOMAIN_B, CIRCLE_PATTERN_B, 0); } void int_planar_wave_comp(double x, double y, double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], short int * xy_in[NX]) /* initialise field with drop at (x,y) - phi is wave height, psi is phi at time t-1 */ /* beta version, works for vertical planar wave only so far */ { int i, j; double xy[2], dist2; for (i=0; i= COL_TURBO) color_scheme_asym(COLOR_SCHEME, energy, scale, time, rgb); else color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, energy, scale, time, rgb); } else if (PLOT == P_MIXED) { if (j > NY/2) color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, phi[i][j], scale, time, rgb); else color_scheme(COLOR_SCHEME, compute_energy(phi, psi, xy_in, i, j), scale, time, rgb); } glColor3f(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); glVertex2i(i, j); glVertex2i(i+1, j); glVertex2i(i+1, j+1); glVertex2i(i, j+1); } } glEnd (); /* draw horizontal mid line */ glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); xy_to_pos(XMIN, 0.5*(YMIN+YMAX), pos); glVertex2d(pos[0], pos[1]); xy_to_pos(XMAX, 0.5*(YMIN+YMAX), pos); glVertex2d(pos[0], pos[1]); glEnd(); } void compute_energy_tblr(double *phi[NX], double *psi[NX], short int *xy_in[NX], double energies[6]) /* compute total energy in top/bottom left/right boxes */ { int i, j, ij[2]; double energy = 0.0, rescale, pos, xleft = XMAX, xright = XMIN, emax = 1.2; double energy_ij[NX][NY]; static short int first = 1; static int ileft, iright, jmid = NY/2; static double sqremax; if (first) /* compute box limits */ { /* find leftmost and rightmost circle */ for (i=0; i xright)) xright = circles[i].xc + circles[i].radius; xy_to_ij(xleft, 0.0, ij); ileft = ij[0]; xy_to_ij(xright, 0.0, ij); iright = ij[0]; first = 0; printf("xleft = %.3lg, xright = %.3lg", xleft, xright); } for (i=0; i emax)) { rescale = sqrt(emax/energy_ij[i][j]); if (j%100 == 0) printf("Rescaling at (%i,%i) by %.5lg\n", i, j, rescale); phi[i][j] = phi[i][j]*rescale; psi[i][j] = psi[i][j]*rescale; } else if (energy_ij[i][j] > 0.1*emax) { rescale = sqrt(0.1*emax/energy_ij[i][j]); if (j%10 == 0) printf("Rescaling at (%i,%i) by %.5lg\n", i, j, rescale); phi[i][j] = phi[i][j]*rescale; psi[i][j] = psi[i][j]*rescale; } } /* top left box */ for (i=0; i