/* global variables and definitions used by sub_wave_3d.c */ /* Choice of simulated reaction-diffusion equation in rde.c */ #define E_HEAT 0 /* heat equation */ #define E_ALLEN_CAHN 1 /* Allen-Cahn equation */ #define E_CAHN_HILLIARD 2 /* Cahn-Hilliard equation */ #define E_FHN 3 /* FitzHugh-Nagumo equation */ #define E_RPS 4 /* rock-paper-scissors equation */ #define E_RPSLZ 41 /* rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock equation */ #define E_SCHRODINGER 5 /* Schrodinger equation */ #define E_EULER_INCOMP 6 /* incompressible Euler equation */ #define E_EULER_COMP 7 /* compressible Euler equation */ #define E_SHALLOW_WATER 8 /* shallow water equation */ #define E_KURAMOTO 9 /* Kuramoto-type equation (nearest neighbor coupling) */ /* Choice of potential */ #define POT_HARMONIC 1 /* harmonic oscillator */ #define POT_COULOMB 2 /* Coulomb (1/r) potential */ #define POT_PERIODIC 3 /* periodic potential */ #define POT_DOUBLE_COULOMB 4 /* sum of Coulomb potentials located at focal points of ellipse */ #define POT_FERMIONS 5 /* two interacting 1D fermions */ #define POT_FERMIONS_PERIODIC 6 /* two interacting 1D fermions on the circle */ #define POT_MAZE 7 /* higher potential on walls of a maze */ #define POT_IOR 10 /* index of refraction, for z coordinate of wave equation */ /* Choice of vector potential */ #define VPOT_CONSTANT_FIELD 100 /* constant magnetic field */ #define VPOT_AHARONOV_BOHM 101 /* single flux line for Aharonov-Bohm effect */ /* Choice of force field in compressible Euler equation */ #define GF_VERTICAL 0 /* gravity acting vertically */ #define GF_CIRCLE 1 /* repelling circle */ #define GF_ELLIPSE 2 /* repelling ellipse */ #define GF_AIRFOIL 3 /* curved repelling ellipse */ #define GF_WING 4 /* wing shape */ #define GF_COMPUTE_FROM_BC 5 /* compute force field as gradient of bc_field2 */ #define GF_EARTH 6 /* field depends on altitude on continents */ #define GF_MARS 7 /* field depends on altitude on Mars */ #define GF_VENUS 8 /* field depends on altitude on Venus */ /* Choice of water depth for shallow water equation */ #define SH_CIRCLE 1 /* circular shallower obstacle */ #define SH_CIRCLES 2 /* shallow obstacle specified by CIRCLE_PATTERN */ #define SH_COAST 3 /* depth varying with x-coordinate */ #define SH_COAST_MONOTONE 4 /* depth decreasing with x-coordinate */ #define SH_SPHERE_CUBE 5 /* cube embedded in sphere */ #define SH_SPHERE_OCTAHEDRON 6 /* octahedron embedded in sphere */ #define SH_SPHERE_DODECAHEDRON 7 /* dodecahedron embedded in sphere */ #define SH_SPHERE_ICOSAHEDRON 8 /* icosahedron embedded in sphere */ #define SH_EARTH 10 /* depth of Earth oceans */ /* Type of rotating viewpoint */ #define VP_HORIZONTAL 0 /* rotate in a horizontal plane (constant latitude) */ #define VP_ORBIT 1 /* rotate in a plane containing the origin */ #define VP_ORBIT2 11 /* rotate in a plane specified by max latitude */ #define VP_POLAR 2 /* polar orbit */ /* Type of digital elevation model */ #define DEM_EARTH 0 /* DEM of Earth */ #define DEM_MARS 1 /* DEM of Mars */ #define DEM_MOON 2 /* DEM of the Moon */ #define DEM_VENUS 3 /* DEM of Venus */ #define DEM_MERCURY 4 /* DEM of Mercury */ /* macros to avoid unnecessary computations in 3D plots */ #define COMPUTE_THETA ((cplot == Z_POLAR)||(cplot == Z_NORM_GRADIENT)||(cplot == Z_ANGLE_GRADIENT)||(cplot == Z_NORM_GRADIENT_INTENSITY)||(cplot == Z_VORTICITY)||(cplot == Z_VORTICITY_ABS)) #define COMPUTE_THETAZ ((zplot == Z_POLAR)||(zplot == Z_NORM_GRADIENT)||(zplot == Z_ANGLE_GRADIENT)||(zplot == Z_NORM_GRADIENT_INTENSITY)||(zplot == Z_VORTICITY)||(zplot == Z_VORTICITY_ABS)) #define COMPUTE_ENERGY ((zplot == P_3D_ENERGY)||(cplot == P_3D_ENERGY)||(zplot == P_3D_LOG_ENERGY)||(cplot == P_3D_LOG_ENERGY)||(zplot == P_3D_TOTAL_ENERGY)||(cplot == P_3D_TOTAL_ENERGY)||(zplot == P_3D_LOG_TOTAL_ENERGY)||(cplot == P_3D_LOG_TOTAL_ENERGY)||(zplot == P_3D_MEAN_ENERGY)||(cplot == P_3D_MEAN_ENERGY)||(zplot == P_3D_LOG_MEAN_ENERGY)||(cplot == P_3D_LOG_MEAN_ENERGY)||(ZPLOT == P_3D_FLUX_INTENSITY)||(CPLOT == P_3D_FLUX_INTENSITY)||(ZPLOT_B == P_3D_FLUX_INTENSITY)||(CPLOT_B == P_3D_FLUX_INTENSITY)||(ZPLOT == P_3D_FLUX_DIRECTION)||(CPLOT == P_3D_FLUX_DIRECTION)||(ZPLOT_B == P_3D_FLUX_DIRECTION)||(CPLOT_B == P_3D_FLUX_DIRECTION)) #define COMPUTE_LOG_TOTAL_ENERGY ((ZPLOT == P_3D_LOG_TOTAL_ENERGY)||(CPLOT == P_3D_LOG_TOTAL_ENERGY)||(ZPLOT_B == P_3D_LOG_TOTAL_ENERGY)||(CPLOT_B == P_3D_LOG_TOTAL_ENERGY)) #define COMPUTE_LOG_MEAN_ENERGY ((ZPLOT == P_3D_LOG_MEAN_ENERGY)||(CPLOT == P_3D_LOG_MEAN_ENERGY)||(ZPLOT_B == P_3D_LOG_MEAN_ENERGY)||(CPLOT_B == P_3D_LOG_MEAN_ENERGY)) #define COMPUTE_LOG_ENERGY ((ZPLOT == P_3D_LOG_TOTAL_ENERGY)||(CPLOT == P_3D_LOG_TOTAL_ENERGY)||(ZPLOT_B == P_3D_LOG_TOTAL_ENERGY)||(CPLOT_B == P_3D_LOG_TOTAL_ENERGY)||(ZPLOT == P_3D_LOG_MEAN_ENERGY)||(CPLOT == P_3D_LOG_MEAN_ENERGY)||(ZPLOT_B == P_3D_LOG_MEAN_ENERGY)||(CPLOT_B == P_3D_LOG_MEAN_ENERGY)) #define COMPUTE_MEAN_ENERGY ((ZPLOT == P_3D_MEAN_ENERGY)||(CPLOT == P_3D_MEAN_ENERGY)||(ZPLOT_B == P_3D_MEAN_ENERGY)||(CPLOT_B == P_3D_MEAN_ENERGY)||(ZPLOT == P_3D_LOG_MEAN_ENERGY)||(CPLOT == P_3D_LOG_MEAN_ENERGY)||(ZPLOT_B == P_3D_LOG_MEAN_ENERGY)||(CPLOT_B == P_3D_LOG_MEAN_ENERGY)) #define COMPUTE_ENERGY_FLUX ((ZPLOT == P_3D_FLUX_INTENSITY)||(CPLOT == P_3D_FLUX_INTENSITY)||(ZPLOT_B == P_3D_FLUX_INTENSITY)||(CPLOT_B == P_3D_FLUX_INTENSITY)||(ZPLOT == P_3D_FLUX_DIRECTION)||(CPLOT == P_3D_FLUX_DIRECTION)||(ZPLOT_B == P_3D_FLUX_DIRECTION)||(CPLOT_B == P_3D_FLUX_DIRECTION)) #define COMPUTE_TOTAL_ENERGY ((ZPLOT == P_3D_TOTAL_ENERGY)||(CPLOT == P_3D_TOTAL_ENERGY)||(ZPLOT == P_3D_LOG_TOTAL_ENERGY)||(CPLOT == P_3D_LOG_TOTAL_ENERGY)||(ZPLOT == P_3D_MEAN_ENERGY)||(CPLOT == P_3D_MEAN_ENERGY)||(ZPLOT == P_3D_LOG_MEAN_ENERGY)||(CPLOT == P_3D_LOG_MEAN_ENERGY)||(ZPLOT_B == P_3D_TOTAL_ENERGY)||(CPLOT_B == P_3D_TOTAL_ENERGY)||(ZPLOT_B == P_3D_LOG_TOTAL_ENERGY)||(CPLOT_B == P_3D_LOG_TOTAL_ENERGY)||(ZPLOT_B == P_3D_MEAN_ENERGY)||(CPLOT_B == P_3D_MEAN_ENERGY)||(ZPLOT_B == P_3D_LOG_MEAN_ENERGY)||(CPLOT_B == P_3D_LOG_MEAN_ENERGY)) #define PLANET ((B_DOMAIN == D_SPHERE_EARTH)||(B_DOMAIN == D_SPHERE_MARS)||(B_DOMAIN == D_SPHERE_MOON)||(B_DOMAIN == D_SPHERE_VENUS)||(B_DOMAIN == D_SPHERE_MERCURY)) #define OTHER_PLANET ((B_DOMAIN == D_SPHERE_MARS)||(B_DOMAIN == D_SPHERE_MOON)||(B_DOMAIN == D_SPHERE_VENUS)||(B_DOMAIN == D_SPHERE_MERCURY)) #define RDE_PLANET (((ADAPT_STATE_TO_BC)&&((OBSTACLE_GEOMETRY == D_SPHERE_EARTH)||(OBSTACLE_GEOMETRY == D_SPHERE_MARS)||(OBSTACLE_GEOMETRY == D_SPHERE_VENUS)))) // #define RDE_PLANET (((ADAPT_STATE_TO_BC)&&((OBSTACLE_GEOMETRY == D_SPHERE_EARTH)||(OBSTACLE_GEOMETRY == D_SPHERE_MARS)||(OBSTACLE_GEOMETRY == D_SPHERE_VENUS)))||((RDE_EQUATION == E_SHALLOW_WATER)&&(SWATER_DEPTH == SH_EARTH))) #define NMAXCIRC_SPHERE 100 /* max number of circles on sphere */ #define NMAX_TRACER_PTS 20 /* max number of tracer points recorded per cell */ int global_time = 0; double max_depth = 1.0; int moon_position; /* structure used for color and height representations */ /* possible extra fields: zfield, cfield, interpolated coordinates */ typedef struct { double energy; /* wave energy */ double phase; /* wave phase */ double log_energy; /* log of wave energy */ double total_energy; /* total energy since beginning of simulation */ double log_total_energy; /* log of total energy since beginning of simulation */ double mean_energy; /* energy averaged since beginning of simulation */ double log_mean_energy; /* log of energy averaged since beginning of simulation */ double cos_angle; /* cos of angle between normal vector and direction of light */ double flux_intensity; /* intensity of energy flux */ double flux_direction; /* direction of energy flux */ double flux_int_table[FLUX_WINDOW]; /* table of energy flux intensities (for averaging) */ short int flux_counter; /* counter for averaging of energy flux */ double rgb[3]; /* RGB color code */ double *potential; /* pointer to "potential" to add to z-coordinate */ double *p_zfield[2]; /* pointers to z field (second pointer for option DOUBLE_MOVIE) */ double *p_cfield[4]; /* pointers to color field (second pointer for option DOUBLE_MOVIE) */ /* third and fourth pointer for color luminosity (for energy flux) */ } t_wave; typedef struct { double theta; /* angle for Rock-Paper-Scissors equation */ double nablax; /* gradient of first field */ double nablay; /* gradient of first field */ double field_norm; /* norm of field or gradient */ double field_arg; /* argument of field or gradient */ double curl; /* curl of field */ double cos_angle; /* cos of angle between normal vector and direction of light */ double log_vorticity; /* logarithm of vorticity (for Euler equation) */ double Lpressure; /* Laplacian of pressure (for Euler equation) */ double height; /* wave height (for shallow wave equation) */ double dxu, dyu, dxv, dyv; /* gradient of velocity field (for compressible Euler equation) */ double rgb[3]; /* RGB color code */ double *p_zfield[2]; /* pointers to z field (second pointer for option DOUBLE_MOVIE) */ double *p_cfield[2]; /* pointers to color field (second pointer for option DOUBLE_MOVIE) */ double depth; /* water depth */ double cos_depth_angle; /* cos of angle of depth profile */ double gradx, grady; /* gradient of water depth */ short int tracer; /* has value 1 if cell contains a tracer */ short int n_tracer_pts; /* number of recorded tracer points per cell */ double tracerx[NMAX_TRACER_PTS], tracery[NMAX_TRACER_PTS]; /* coordinates of tracer */ int prev_cell; /* cell where tracer was previously */ } t_rde; typedef struct { double depth; /* water depth */ double gradx, grady; /* gradient of water depth */ } t_swater_depth; typedef struct { double phi, theta; /* phi, theta angles */ double cphi, sphi; /* cos and sin of phi */ double ctheta, stheta, cottheta; /* cos, sin and cotangent of theta */ double reg_cottheta; /* regularized cotangent of theta */ double x, y, z; /* x, y, z coordinates of point on sphere */ double radius; /* radius with wave height */ double radius_dem; /* radius with digital elevation model */ double r, g, b; /* RGB values for image */ short int indomain; /* has value 1 if lattice point is in domain */ short int draw_wave; /* has value 1 if wave instead of DEM is drawn */ short int evolve_wave; /* has value 1 where there is wave evolution */ double x2d, y2d; /* x and y coordinates for 2D representation */ double altitude; /* altitude in case of Earth with digital elevation model */ double cos_angle; /* cosine of light angle */ double cos_angle_sphere; /* cosing of light angle for perfect sphere */ double force; /* external forcing */ } t_wave_sphere; typedef struct { double phi, theta; /* longitude, latitude */ double radius; /* radius */ double x, y, z; /* x, y, z coordinates of point on sphere */ } t_circles_sphere; t_circles_sphere circ_sphere[NMAXCIRC_SPHERE]; /* circular scatterers on sphere */