// double circlex[NMAXCIRCLES], circley[NMAXCIRCLES], circlerad[NMAXCIRCLES]; /* position and radius of circular scatters */ // short int circleactive[NMAXCIRCLES]; /* tells which circular scatters are active */ // short int newcircle[NMAXCIRCLES]; /* takes value 1 when circle has just been hit */ // int circlecolor[NMAXCIRCLES]; /* color of circular scatterer */ int ncircles = NMAXCIRCLES; /* actual number of circles, can be decreased e.g. for random patterns */ int nsides = NMAXPOLY; /* actual number of sides of polygonal line */ typedef struct { double xc, yc, radius; /* center and radius of circle */ short int active, new, double_circle; /* circle is active, has just been hit, has a partner (for torus) */ int color, partner; /* circle color, number of partner */ } t_circle; typedef struct { double x1, x2, y1, y2, length, angle; int color; } t_segment; t_circle circles[NMAXCIRCLES]; t_segment polyline[NMAXPOLY]; double x_shooter = -0.2, y_shooter = -0.6, x_target = 0.4, y_target = 0.7; /* shooter and target positions for "laser in room of mirrors" simulations, with default values for square domain */ /* some basic math */ #define PI 3.141592654 #define DPI 6.283185307 #define PID 1.570796327 /* Choice of the billiard table */ #define D_RECTANGLE 0 /* rectangular domain */ #define D_ELLIPSE 1 /* elliptical domain */ #define D_STADIUM 2 /* stadium-shaped domain */ #define D_SINAI 3 /* Sinai billiard */ #define D_DIAMOND 4 /* diamond-shaped billiard */ #define D_TRIANGLE 5 /* triangular billiard */ #define D_ANNULUS 7 /* annulus */ #define D_POLYGON 8 /* polygon */ #define D_REULEAUX 9 /* Reuleaux and star shapes */ #define D_FLOWER 10 /* Bunimovich flower */ #define D_ALT_REU 11 /* alternating between star and Reuleaux */ #define D_ANGLE 12 /* angular sector */ #define D_LSHAPE 13 /* L-shaped billiard for conical singularity */ #define D_GENUSN 14 /* polygon with identifies opposite sides */ #define D_PARABOLAS 15 /* polygon with parabolic sides */ #define D_PENROSE 16 /* Penrose solution to illumination problem */ #define D_CIRCLES 20 /* several circles */ #define D_CIRCLES_IN_RECT 21 /* several circles inside a rectangle */ #define D_CIRCLES_IN_GENUSN 22 /* several circles in polygon with identified opposite sides */ #define D_CIRCLES_IN_TORUS 23 /* several circles in a rectangle with periodic boundary conditions */ #define C_FOUR_CIRCLES 0 /* four circles almost touching each other */ #define C_SQUARE 1 /* square grid of circles */ #define C_HEX 2 /* hexagonal/triangular grid of circles */ #define C_TRI 21 /* equilateral triangular grid of circles */ #define C_GOLDEN_MEAN 3 /* golden mean grid */ #define C_GOLDEN_SPIRAL 4 /* golden spiral (sunflower) grid */ #define C_RAND_DISPLACED 5 /* randomly displaced square grid */ #define C_RAND_POISSON 6 /* random Poisson point process */ #define C_POISSON_DISC 7 /* Poisson disc sampling */ #define C_LASER 11 /* laser fight in a room of mirrors */ #define C_LASER_GENUSN 12 /* laser fight in a translation surface */ #define D_POLYLINE 30 /* general polygon */ #define P_RECTANGLE 0 /* rectangle (for test purposes) */ #define P_TOKARSKY 1 /* Tokarsky unilluminable room */ #define P_POLYRING 2 /* polygonal ring */ #define P_SIERPINSKI 3 /* sierpinski carpet */ #define P_VONKOCH 4 /* von Koch curve */ #define P_POLYGON 5 /* regular polygon, alternative for D_POLYGON */ #define P_TOKA_PRIME 6 /* Tokarsky room made of 86 triangles */ #define P_TREE 7 /* pine tree */ #define P_TOKA_NONSELF 8 /* Tokarsky non-self-unilluminable room */ #define P_MAZE 10 /* maze */ #define P_MAZE_DIAG 11 /* maze with 45 degrees angles */ /* Color palettes */ #define COL_JET 0 /* JET color palette */ #define COL_HSLUV 1 /* HSLUV color palette (perceptually uniform) */ #define COL_GRAY 2 /* grayscale */ #define COL_TURBO 10 /* TURBO color palette (by Anton Mikhailov) */ #define COL_VIRIDIS 11 /* Viridis color palette */ #define COL_MAGMA 12 /* Magma color palette */ #define COL_INFERNO 13 /* Inferno color palette */ #define COL_PLASMA 14 /* Plasma color palette */ #define COL_CIVIDIS 15 /* Cividis color palette */ #define COL_PARULA 16 /* Parula color palette */ #define COL_TWILIGHT 17 /* Twilight color palette */ #define COL_TWILIGHT_SHIFTED 18 /* Shifted twilight color palette */ #define COL_TURBO_CYCLIC 101 /* TURBO color palette (by Anton Mikhailov) corrected to be cyclic, beta */