/*********************/ /* animation part */ /*********************/ void init_3d() /* initialisation of window */ { glLineWidth(3); glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glOrtho(XMIN, XMAX, YMIN, YMAX , -1.0, 1.0); } void xyz_to_xy(double x, double y, double z, double xy_out[2]) { int i; double s, t, xinter[3]; static double n2, m2, d, sm2, sn2, v[3], h[2], plane_ratio = 0.5; static int first = 1; if (((first)&&(REPRESENTATION_3D == REP_PROJ_3D))||(reset_view)) { m2 = observer[0]*observer[0] + observer[1]*observer[1]; n2 = m2 + observer[2]*observer[2]; d = plane_ratio*n2; sm2 = sqrt(m2); sn2 = sqrt(n2); h[0] = observer[1]/sm2; h[1] = -observer[0]/sm2; v[0] = -observer[0]*observer[2]/(sn2*sm2); v[1] = -observer[1]*observer[2]/(sn2*sm2); v[2] = m2/(sn2*sm2); first = 0; reset_view = 0; // printf("h = (%.3lg, %.3lg)\n", h[0], h[1]); // printf("v = (%.3lg, %.3lg, %.3lg)\n", v[0], v[1], v[2]); } switch (REPRESENTATION_3D) { case (REP_AXO_3D): { for (i=0; i<2; i++) xy_out[i] = x*u_3d[i] + y*v_3d[i] + z*w_3d[i]; break; } case (REP_PROJ_3D): { if (z > ZMAX_FACTOR*n2) z = ZMAX_FACTOR*n2; z *= Z_SCALING_FACTOR; s = observer[0]*x + observer[1]*y + observer[2]*z; t = (d - s)/(n2 - s); xinter[0] = t*observer[0] + (1.0-t)*x; xinter[1] = t*observer[1] + (1.0-t)*y; xinter[2] = t*observer[2] + (1.0-t)*z; xy_out[0] = XSHIFT_3D + XY_SCALING_FACTOR*(xinter[0]*h[0] + xinter[1]*h[1]); xy_out[1] = YSHIFT_3D + XY_SCALING_FACTOR*(xinter[0]*v[0] + xinter[1]*v[1] + xinter[2]*v[2]); break; } } } void draw_vertex_ij(int i, int j) { double xy[2]; ij_to_xy(i, j, xy); // if (xy[1] > 0.0) printf("(i,j) = (%i,%i), (x,y) = (%.2lg,%.2lg)\n", i, j, xy[0], xy[1]); glVertex2d(xy[0], xy[1]); } void draw_vertex_xyz(double xy[2], double z) { double xy_screen[2]; xyz_to_xy(xy[0], xy[1], z, xy_screen); glVertex2d(xy_screen[0], xy_screen[1]); } void draw_vertex_x_y_z(double x, double y, double z) { double xy_screen[2]; xyz_to_xy(x, y, z, xy_screen); glVertex2d(xy_screen[0], xy_screen[1]); } void draw_segment_hsl(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double h, double s, double l) /* draw line segment (x1,y1)-(x2,y2) in color (h,s,l) */ { double rgb[3], pos[2]; glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); hsl_to_rgb_palette(h, s, l, rgb, COL_JET); glColor3f(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); draw_vertex_x_y_z(x1, y1, 0.0); draw_vertex_x_y_z(x2, y2, 0.0); glEnd(); } void draw_segment_rgb(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double r, double g, double b) /* draw line segment (x1,y1)-(x2,y2) in color (h,s,l) */ { double rgb[3], pos[2]; glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); glColor3f(r, g, b); draw_vertex_x_y_z(x1, y1, 0.0); draw_vertex_x_y_z(x2, y2, 0.0); glEnd(); } void draw_rectangle_3d(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); draw_vertex_x_y_z(x1, y1, 0.0); draw_vertex_x_y_z(x2, y1, 0.0); draw_vertex_x_y_z(x2, y2, 0.0); draw_vertex_x_y_z(x1, y2, 0.0); glEnd(); } void draw_rectangle_noscale(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); glVertex2d(x1, y1); glVertex2d(x2, y1); glVertex2d(x2, y2); glVertex2d(x1, y2); glEnd(); } void draw_circle_3d(double x, double y, double r, int nseg) { int i; double pos[2], alpha, dalpha; dalpha = DPI/(double)nseg; glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); for (i=0; i<=nseg; i++) { alpha = (double)i*dalpha; draw_vertex_x_y_z(x + r*cos(alpha), y + r*sin(alpha), 0.0); } glEnd(); } void tvertex_lineto_3d(t_vertex z) /* draws boundary segments of isospectral billiard */ { draw_vertex_x_y_z(z.x, z.y, 0.0); } void draw_tpolygon_3d(t_polygon polygon) { int i; double pos[2], alpha, dalpha; dalpha = DPI/(double)polygon.nsides; glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); for (i=0; i<=polygon.nsides; i++) { alpha = PID*polygon.angle + (double)i*dalpha; draw_vertex_x_y_z(polygon.xc + polygon.radius*cos(alpha), polygon.yc + polygon.radius*sin(alpha), 0.0); } glEnd(); } void draw_billiard_3d(int fade, double fade_value) /* draws the billiard boundary */ { double x0, x, y, x1, y1, dx, dy, phi, r = 0.01, pos[2], pos1[2], alpha, dphi, omega, z, l, width, a, b, c, ymax, padd; int i, j, k, k1, k2, mr2; static int first = 1, nsides; if (BLACK) { if (fade) glColor3f(fade_value, fade_value, fade_value); else glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); } else { if (fade) glColor3f(1.0 - fade_value, 1.0 - fade_value, 1.0 - fade_value); else glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } glLineWidth(BOUNDARY_WIDTH); glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); switch (B_DOMAIN) { case (D_RECTANGLE): { glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); draw_vertex_x_y_z(LAMBDA, -1.0, 0.0); draw_vertex_x_y_z(LAMBDA, 1.0, 0.0); draw_vertex_x_y_z(-LAMBDA, 1.0, 0.0); draw_vertex_x_y_z(-LAMBDA, -1.0, 0.0); glEnd(); break; } case (D_ELLIPSE): { glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); for (i=0; i<=NSEG; i++) { phi = (double)i*DPI/(double)NSEG; x = LAMBDA*cos(phi); y = sin(phi); draw_vertex_x_y_z(x, y, 0.0); } glEnd (); /* draw foci */ // if (FOCI) // { // glColor3f(0.3, 0.3, 0.3); // x0 = sqrt(LAMBDA*LAMBDA-1.0); // // glLineWidth(2); // glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); // // draw_circle(x0, 0.0, r, NSEG); // draw_circle(-x0, 0.0, r, NSEG); // } break; } case (D_STADIUM): { glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); for (i=0; i<=NSEG; i++) { phi = -PID + (double)i*PI/(double)NSEG; x = 0.5*LAMBDA + cos(phi); y = sin(phi); draw_vertex_x_y_z(x, y, 0.0); } for (i=0; i<=NSEG; i++) { phi = PID + (double)i*PI/(double)NSEG; x = -0.5*LAMBDA + cos(phi); y = sin(phi); draw_vertex_x_y_z(x, y, 0.0); } glEnd(); break; } case (D_SINAI): { draw_circle_3d(0.0, 0.0, LAMBDA, NSEG); break; } case (D_YOUNG): { // if (FILL_BILLIARD_COMPLEMENT) // { // if (fade) glColor3f(0.5*fade_value, 0.5*fade_value, 0.5*fade_value); // else glColor3f(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); // // glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); // draw_vertex_x_y_z(-MU, YMIN, 0.0); // draw_vertex_x_y_z(-MU, -LAMBDA-MU, 0.0); // draw_vertex_x_y_z(MU, -LAMBDA-MU, 0.0); // draw_vertex_x_y_z(MU, YMIN, 0.0); // glEnd(); // // glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); // draw_vertex_x_y_z(-MU, YMAX, 0.0); // draw_vertex_x_y_z(-MU, LAMBDA+MU, 0.0); // draw_vertex_x_y_z(MU, LAMBDA+MU, 0.0); // draw_vertex_x_y_z(MU, YMAX, 0.0); // glEnd(); // // glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); // draw_vertex_x_y_z(-MU, -LAMBDA+MU, 0.0); // draw_vertex_x_y_z(-MU, LAMBDA-MU, 0.0); // draw_vertex_x_y_z(MU, LAMBDA-MU, 0.0); // draw_vertex_x_y_z(MU, -LAMBDA+MU, 0.0); // glEnd(); // } // else { glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); draw_vertex_x_y_z(-MU, YMIN, 0.0); draw_vertex_x_y_z(-MU, -LAMBDA-MU, 0.0); draw_vertex_x_y_z(MU, -LAMBDA-MU, 0.0); draw_vertex_x_y_z(MU, YMIN, 0.0); glEnd(); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); draw_vertex_x_y_z(-MU, YMAX, 0.0); draw_vertex_x_y_z(-MU, LAMBDA+MU, 0.0); draw_vertex_x_y_z(MU, LAMBDA+MU, 0.0); draw_vertex_x_y_z(MU, YMAX, 0.0); glEnd(); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); draw_vertex_x_y_z(-MU, -LAMBDA+MU, 0.0); draw_vertex_x_y_z(-MU, LAMBDA-MU, 0.0); draw_vertex_x_y_z(MU, LAMBDA-MU, 0.0); draw_vertex_x_y_z(MU, -LAMBDA+MU, 0.0); glEnd(); } break; } case (D_GRATING): { k1 = -(int)(-YMIN/LAMBDA); k2 = (int)(YMAX/LAMBDA); for (i=k1; i<= k2; i++) { z = (double)i*LAMBDA; draw_circle_3d(0.0, z, MU, NSEG); } break; } case (D_TWO_PARABOLAS): { dy = 3.0*MU/(double)NSEG; width = 0.25*MU; if (width > 0.2) width = 0.2; glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); for (i = 0; i < NSEG+1; i++) { y = -1.5*MU + dy*(double)i; x = 0.25*y*y/MU - MU - LAMBDA; draw_vertex_x_y_z(x, y, 0.0); } for (i = 0; i < NSEG+1; i++) { y = 1.5*MU - dy*(double)i; x = 0.25*y*y/MU - (MU + width) - LAMBDA; draw_vertex_x_y_z(x, y, 0.0); } glEnd (); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); for (i = 0; i < NSEG+1; i++) { y = -1.5*MU + dy*(double)i; x = LAMBDA + MU - 0.25*y*y/MU; draw_vertex_x_y_z(x, y, 0.0); } for (i = 0; i < NSEG+1; i++) { y = 1.5*MU - dy*(double)i; x = LAMBDA + (MU + width) - 0.25*y*y/MU; draw_vertex_x_y_z(x, y, 0.0); } glEnd (); // if (FOCI) // { // glColor3f(0.3, 0.3, 0.3); // draw_circle(-LAMBDA, 0.0, r, NSEG); // draw_circle(LAMBDA, 0.0, r, NSEG); // } break; } case (D_POLY_PARABOLAS): { omega = PI/((double)NPOLY); a = 0.25/MU; b = 1.0/tan(omega); c = LAMBDA + MU; ymax = (-b + sqrt(b*b + 4.0*a*c))/(2.0*a); dy = 2.0*ymax/(double)NSEG; glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); for (k=0; k 0) { glLineWidth(2); x = 1.0/((double)MRATIO); draw_rectangle_3d(x, x, -x, -x); } /* level 2 */ if (MDEPTH > 1) { glLineWidth(1); mr2 = MRATIO*MRATIO; l = 2.0/((double)mr2); for (i=0; i 2) { glLineWidth(1); l = 2.0/((double)(mr2*MRATIO)); for (i=0; i45; i--) tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[i]); glEnd(); /* inner lines */ if (DRAW_CONSTRUCTION_LINES) { glLineWidth(1); glColor3f(0.75, 0.75, 0.75); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[0]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[1]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[2]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[0]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[3]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[4]); glEnd(); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[0]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[44]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[45]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[0]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[46]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[45]); glEnd(); for (i=3; i<43; i++) { glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[i]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[43]); glEnd(); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[i+42]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[85]); glEnd(); } } break; } case (D_ISOSPECTRAL): { /* 1st triangle */ glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[0]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[4]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[7]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[1]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[5]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[8]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[2]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[3]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[6]); glEnd(); /* inner lines */ if (DRAW_CONSTRUCTION_LINES) { glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[0]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[1]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[2]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[0]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[3]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[2]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[5]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[1]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[4]); glEnd(); } /* 2nd triangle */ glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); tvertex_lineto_3d( polyline[9]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[16]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[13]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[10]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[17]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[14]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[11]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[15]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[12]); glEnd(); /* inner lines */ if (DRAW_CONSTRUCTION_LINES) { glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); tvertex_lineto_3d( polyline[9]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[10]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[11]); tvertex_lineto_3d( polyline[9]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[13]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[10]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[14]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[11]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[12]); glEnd(); } break; } case (D_HOMOPHONIC): { /* 1st triangle */ glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[1]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[3]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[4]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[5]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[6]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[8]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[9]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[10]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[12]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[13]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[15]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[16]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[17]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[18]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[20]); glEnd(); /* inner lines */ if (DRAW_CONSTRUCTION_LINES) { glLineWidth(BOUNDARY_WIDTH/2); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[9]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[1]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[2]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[5]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[7]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[2]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[8]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[21]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[10]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[2]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[21]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[11]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[13]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[21]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[14]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[20]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[15]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[19]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[16]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[18]); glEnd(); } /* 2nd triangle */ glLineWidth(BOUNDARY_WIDTH); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+10]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+16]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+17]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+18]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+12]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+13]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+15]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+19]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+20]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+1]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+4]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+5]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+7]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+8]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+9]); glEnd(); /* inner lines */ if (DRAW_CONSTRUCTION_LINES) { glLineWidth(BOUNDARY_WIDTH/2); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+2]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+6]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+8]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+2]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+5]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+3]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+2]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+1]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+0]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+21]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+18]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+16]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+13]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+21]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+10]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+12]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+21]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+14]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+20]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[22+15]); glEnd(); } break; } case (D_STAR): { glLineWidth(BOUNDARY_WIDTH); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); for (i=0; i margin*length*olength)&&(x1*observer[0] + y1*observer[1] > margin*length1*olength)) { glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[j]); tvertex_lineto_3d(polyline[k]); glEnd(); } } void draw_segment_hsl_visible(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double h, double s, double l, double margin) /* hack to draw the billiard boundary in front of the wave */ /* only parts of the boundary having a small enough angle with the observer vector are drawn */ { double length, length1, olength; olength = module2(observer[0], observer[1]); length = module2(x1,y1); length1 = module2(x2,y2); if ((x1*observer[0] + y1*observer[1] > margin*length*olength)&&(x2*observer[0] + y2*observer[1] > margin*length1*olength)) draw_segment_hsl(x1, y1, x2, y2, h, s, l); } void draw_segment_rgb_visible(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double r, double g, double b, double margin) /* hack to draw the billiard boundary in front of the wave */ /* only parts of the boundary having a small enough angle with the observer vector are drawn */ { double length, length1, olength; olength = module2(observer[0], observer[1]); length = module2(x1,y1); length1 = module2(x2,y2); if ((x1*observer[0] + y1*observer[1] > margin*length*olength)&&(x2*observer[0] + y2*observer[1] > margin*length1*olength)) draw_segment_rgb(x1, y1, x2, y2, r, g, b); } void draw_billiard_3d_front(int fade, double fade_value) /* hack to draw the billiard boundary in front of the wave */ /* only parts of the boundary having a small enough angle with the observer vector are drawn */ { double x0, x, y, x1, y1, dx, dy, phi, r = 0.01, pos[2], pos1[2], alpha, dphi, omega, z, l, width, a, b, c, ymax, length, length1, padd, margin; int i, j, k, k1, k2, mr2; static int first = 1, nsides; static double olength; if (first) { olength = module2(observer[0], observer[1]); first = 0; } if (BLACK) { if (fade) glColor3f(fade_value, fade_value, fade_value); else glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); } else { if (fade) glColor3f(1.0 - fade_value, 1.0 - fade_value, 1.0 - fade_value); else glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } glLineWidth(BOUNDARY_WIDTH); glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); switch (B_DOMAIN) { case (D_RECTANGLE): { glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); draw_vertex_x_y_z(LAMBDA, -1.0, 0.0); draw_vertex_x_y_z(LAMBDA, 1.0, 0.0); draw_vertex_x_y_z(-LAMBDA, 1.0, 0.0); glEnd(); break; } case (D_ELLIPSE): { glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); dphi = DPI/(double)NSEG; margin = 0.0; for (i=0; i<=NSEG; i++) { phi = (double)i*dphi; draw_segment_rgb_visible(LAMBDA*cos(phi), sin(phi), LAMBDA*cos(phi+dphi), sin(phi+dphi), fade_value, fade_value, fade_value, margin); draw_vertex_x_y_z(LAMBDA*cos(phi), sin(phi), 0.0); } glEnd (); break; } case (D_YOUNG): { glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); draw_vertex_x_y_z(-MU, YMIN, 0.0); draw_vertex_x_y_z(-MU, -LAMBDA-MU, 0.0); // draw_vertex_x_y_z(MU, -LAMBDA-MU, 0.0); // draw_vertex_x_y_z(MU, YMIN, 0.0); glEnd(); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); draw_vertex_x_y_z(-MU, YMAX, 0.0); draw_vertex_x_y_z(-MU, LAMBDA+MU, 0.0); // draw_vertex_x_y_z(MU, LAMBDA+MU, 0.0); // draw_vertex_x_y_z(MU, YMAX, 0.0); glEnd(); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); draw_vertex_x_y_z(-MU, -LAMBDA+MU, 0.0); draw_vertex_x_y_z(-MU, LAMBDA-MU, 0.0); // draw_vertex_x_y_z(MU, LAMBDA-MU, 0.0); // draw_vertex_x_y_z(MU, -LAMBDA+MU, 0.0); glEnd(); break; } case (D_TOKA_PRIME): { draw_polyline_visible(0, 4, 0.2); for (i=4; i<41; i++) draw_polyline_visible(i, i+1, -0.1); // draw_polyline_visible(42, 3, 0.2); for (i=84; i>46; i--) draw_polyline_visible(i, i-1, -0.1); draw_polyline_visible(46, 0, 0.2); break; } case (D_STAR): { glLineWidth(BOUNDARY_WIDTH); for (i=0; i LOG_ENERGY_FLOOR) wave[i*NY+j].log_energy = LOG_SHIFT + PLOT_SCALE_LOG_ENERGY*logenergy; else wave[i*NY+j].log_energy = LOG_SHIFT + PLOT_SCALE_LOG_ENERGY*LOG_ENERGY_FLOOR; } if (COMPUTE_LOG_TOTAL_ENERGY) { logenergy = log(wave[i*NY+j].total_energy); if (logenergy > LOG_ENERGY_FLOOR) wave[i*NY+j].log_total_energy = LOG_SHIFT + PLOT_SCALE_LOG_ENERGY*logenergy; else wave[i*NY+j].log_total_energy = LOG_SHIFT + PLOT_SCALE_LOG_ENERGY*LOG_ENERGY_FLOOR; } if (COMPUTE_MEAN_ENERGY) { wave[i*NY+j].mean_energy = wave[i*NY+j].total_energy/((double)(global_time+1)); } if (COMPUTE_LOG_MEAN_ENERGY) { logenergy = log(wave[i*NY+j].mean_energy) + LOG_MEAN_ENERGY_SHIFT; if (logenergy > LOG_ENERGY_FLOOR) wave[i*NY+j].log_mean_energy = LOG_SHIFT + PLOT_SCALE_LOG_ENERGY*logenergy; else wave[i*NY+j].mean_energy = LOG_SHIFT + PLOT_SCALE_LOG_ENERGY*LOG_ENERGY_FLOOR; } } else if (first) { wave[i*NY+j].energy = 0.0; wave[i*NY+j].total_energy = 0.0; wave[i*NY+j].log_total_energy = LOG_ENERGY_FLOOR; wave[i*NY+j].mean_energy = 0.0; wave[i*NY+j].log_mean_energy = LOG_ENERGY_FLOOR; } } first = 0; } void compute_log_energy_field(double phi[NX*NY], double psi[NX*NY], short int xy_in[NX*NY], t_wave wave[NX*NY]) /* computes cosine of angle between normal vector and vector light */ /* TO DO: include into compute_energy_field */ { int i, j; double value; #pragma omp parallel for private(i,j,value) for (i=0; i LOG_ENERGY_FLOOR) wave[i*NY+j].log_energy = LOG_SHIFT + PLOT_SCALE_LOG_ENERGY*value; else wave[i*NY+j].log_energy = LOG_SHIFT + PLOT_SCALE_LOG_ENERGY*LOG_ENERGY_FLOOR; } else wave[i*NY+j].log_energy = 0.0; } } void compute_phase_field(double phi[NX*NY], double psi[NX*NY], short int xy_in[NX*NY], t_wave wave[NX*NY]) /* computes cosine of angle between normal vector and vector light */ { int i, j; double angle; #pragma omp parallel for private(i,j,angle) for (i=0; i= 1.0) angle -= 1.0; else if (angle < 0.0) angle += 1.0; wave[i*NY+j].phase = angle; } else wave[i*NY+j].phase = 0.0; } } void compute_light_angle(short int xy_in[NX*NY], t_wave wave[NX*NY], int movie) /* computes cosine of angle between normal vector and vector light */ { int i, j; double gradx, grady, norm, pscal; static double dx, dy; static int first = 1; if (first) { dx = 2.0*(XMAX - XMIN)/(double)NX; dy = 2.0*(YMAX - YMIN)/(double)NY; first = 0; } #pragma omp parallel for private(i,j,gradx, grady, norm, pscal) for (i=1; i= COL_TURBO) color_scheme_asym_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, 1.0, 0, rgb); else color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, 1.0, 0, rgb); break; } case (P_3D_LOG_ENERGY): { color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, LOG_SHIFT + LOG_SCALE*value, 1.0, 0, rgb); break; } case (P_3D_TOTAL_ENERGY): { if (COLOR_PALETTE >= COL_TURBO) color_scheme_asym_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, 1.0, 0, rgb); else color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, 1.0, 0, rgb); break; } case (P_3D_LOG_TOTAL_ENERGY): { color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, LOG_SHIFT + LOG_SCALE*value, 1.0, 0, rgb); break; } case (P_3D_MEAN_ENERGY): { if (COLOR_PALETTE >= COL_TURBO) color_scheme_asym_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, 1.0, 0, rgb); else color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, 1.0, 0, rgb); break; } case (P_3D_LOG_MEAN_ENERGY): { color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, LOG_SHIFT + LOG_SCALE*value, 1.0, 0, rgb); break; } case (P_3D_PHASE): { amp_to_rgb_palette(value, rgb, palette); break; } } } double compute_interpolated_colors_wave(int i, int j, short int xy_in[NX*NY], t_wave wave[NX*NY], double palette, int cplot, double rgb_e[3], double rgb_w[3], double rgb_n[3], double rgb_s[3], int fade, double fade_value, int movie) { int k; double cw, ce, cn, cs, c_sw, c_se, c_nw, c_ne, c_mid, ca, z_mid; double *z_sw, *z_se, *z_nw, *z_ne; z_sw = wave[i*NY+j].p_zfield[movie]; z_se = wave[(i+1)*NY+j].p_zfield[movie]; z_nw = wave[i*NY+j+1].p_zfield[movie]; z_ne = wave[(i+1)*NY+j+1].p_zfield[movie]; z_mid = 0.25*(*z_sw + *z_se + *z_nw + *z_ne); c_sw = *wave[i*NY+j].p_cfield[movie]; c_se = *wave[(i+1)*NY+j].p_cfield[movie]; c_nw = *wave[i*NY+j+1].p_cfield[movie]; c_ne = *wave[(i+1)*NY+j+1].p_cfield[movie]; c_mid = 0.25*(c_sw + c_se + c_nw + c_ne); cw = (c_sw + c_nw + c_mid)/3.0; ce = (c_se + c_ne + c_mid)/3.0; cs = (c_sw + c_se + c_mid)/3.0; cn = (c_nw + c_ne + c_mid)/3.0; compute_field_color(ce, cplot, palette, rgb_e); compute_field_color(cw, cplot, palette, rgb_w); compute_field_color(cn, cplot, palette, rgb_n); compute_field_color(cs, cplot, palette, rgb_s); if (SHADE_3D) { ca = wave[i*NY+j].cos_angle; ca = (ca + 1.0)*0.4 + 0.2; // if ((FADE_IN_OBSTACLE)&&(!xy_in[i*NY+j])) ca *= 1.6; if ((FADE_IN_OBSTACLE)&&(!xy_in[i*NY+j])) ca = (ca + 0.1)*1.6; for (k=0; k<3; k++) { rgb_e[k] *= ca; rgb_w[k] *= ca; rgb_n[k] *= ca; rgb_s[k] *= ca; } } if (fade) for (k=0; k<3; k++) { rgb_e[k] *= fade_value; rgb_w[k] *= fade_value; rgb_n[k] *= fade_value; rgb_s[k] *= fade_value; } return(z_mid); } void compute_wave_fields(double phi[NX*NY], double psi[NX*NY], short int xy_in[NX*NY], int zplot, int cplot, t_wave wave[NX*NY]) /* compute the necessary auxiliary fields */ { int i, j; if (COMPUTE_ENERGY) compute_energy_field(phi, psi, xy_in, wave); if ((zplot == P_3D_LOG_ENERGY)||(cplot == P_3D_LOG_ENERGY)) compute_log_energy_field(phi, psi, xy_in, wave); if ((zplot == P_3D_PHASE)||(cplot == P_3D_PHASE)) compute_phase_field(phi, psi, xy_in, wave); } void init_speed_dissipation(short int xy_in[NX*NY], double tc[NX*NY], double tcc[NX*NY], double tgamma[NX*NY]) /* initialise fields for wave speed and dissipation */ { int i, j, k; double courant2 = COURANT*COURANT, courantb2 = COURANTB*COURANTB; double u, v, u1, x, y, xy[2], norm2, speed, r2, c; if (VARIABLE_IOR) { switch (IOR) { case (IOR_MANDELBROT): { #pragma omp parallel for private(i,j) for (i=0; i= MANDELLEVEL) { tc[i*NY+j] = COURANT; tcc[i*NY+j] = courant2; tgamma[i*NY+j] = GAMMA; } else { speed = (double)k/(double)MANDELLEVEL; if (speed < 1.0e-10) speed = 1.0e-10; else if (speed > 10.0) speed = 10.0; tcc[i*NY+j] = courant2*speed; tc[i*NY+j] = COURANT*sqrt(speed); tgamma[i*NY+j] = GAMMA; } } } break; } case (IOR_EARTH): { for (i=0; i 1.0) c = 0.0; else if (r2 < 0.25*0.25) c = 0.8*COURANT; else if (r2 < 0.58*0.58) c = COURANT*(0.68 - 0.55*r2); else c = COURANT*(1.3 - 0.9*r2); tc[i*NY+j] = c; tcc[i*NY+j] = c; tgamma[i*NY+j] = GAMMA; } } break; } default: { for (i=0; i zfloor)&&(*wave[(i+1)*NY+j].p_zfield[movie] > zfloor)&&(*wave[i*NY+j+1].p_zfield[movie] > zfloor)&&(*wave[(i+1)*NY+j+1].p_zfield[movie] > zfloor); if (draw) { if (AMPLITUDE_HIGH_RES > 0) { z_mid = compute_interpolated_colors_wave(i, j, xy_in, wave, palette, cplot, rgb_e, rgb_w, rgb_n, rgb_s, fade, fade_value, movie); ij_to_xy(i, j, xy_sw); ij_to_xy(i+1, j, xy_se); ij_to_xy(i, j+1, xy_nw); ij_to_xy(i+1, j+1, xy_ne); for (k=0; k<2; k++) xy_mid[k] = 0.25*(xy_sw[k] + xy_se[k] + xy_nw[k] + xy_ne[k]); if (AMPLITUDE_HIGH_RES == 1) { glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); glColor3f(rgb_w[0], rgb_w[1], rgb_w[2]); draw_vertex_xyz(xy_mid, z_mid); draw_vertex_xyz(xy_nw, *wave[i*NY+j+1].p_zfield[movie]); draw_vertex_xyz(xy_sw, *wave[i*NY+j].p_zfield[movie]); glColor3f(rgb_s[0], rgb_s[1], rgb_s[2]); draw_vertex_xyz(xy_se, *wave[(i+1)*NY+j].p_zfield[movie]); glColor3f(rgb_e[0], rgb_e[1], rgb_e[2]); draw_vertex_xyz(xy_ne, *wave[(i+1)*NY+j+1].p_zfield[movie]); glColor3f(rgb_n[0], rgb_n[1], rgb_n[2]); draw_vertex_xyz(xy_nw, *wave[i*NY+j+1].p_zfield[movie]); glEnd (); } else /* experimental */ { glColor3f(rgb_w[0], rgb_w[1], rgb_w[2]); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); draw_vertex_xyz(xy_mid, z_mid); draw_vertex_xyz(xy_nw, *wave[i*NY+j+1].p_zfield[movie]); draw_vertex_xyz(xy_sw, *wave[i*NY+j].p_zfield[movie]); glEnd (); glColor3f(rgb_s[0], rgb_s[1], rgb_s[2]); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); draw_vertex_xyz(xy_mid, z_mid); draw_vertex_xyz(xy_sw, *wave[i*NY+j].p_zfield[movie]); draw_vertex_xyz(xy_se, *wave[(i+1)*NY+j].p_zfield[movie]); glEnd (); glColor3f(rgb_e[0], rgb_e[1], rgb_e[2]); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); draw_vertex_xyz(xy_mid, z_mid); draw_vertex_xyz(xy_se, *wave[(i+1)*NY+j].p_zfield[movie]); draw_vertex_xyz(xy_ne, *wave[(i+1)*NY+j+1].p_zfield[movie]); glEnd (); glColor3f(rgb_n[0], rgb_n[1], rgb_n[2]); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); draw_vertex_xyz(xy_mid, z_mid); draw_vertex_xyz(xy_nw, *wave[i*NY+j+1].p_zfield[movie]); draw_vertex_xyz(xy_ne, *wave[(i+1)*NY+j+1].p_zfield[movie]); glEnd (); } } else { glColor3f(wave[i*NY+j].rgb[0], wave[i*NY+j].rgb[1], wave[i*NY+j].rgb[2]); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); ij_to_xy(i, j, xy); draw_vertex_xyz(xy, *wave[i*NY+j].p_zfield[movie]); ij_to_xy(i+1, j, xy); draw_vertex_xyz(xy, *wave[(i+1)*NY+j].p_zfield[movie]); ij_to_xy(i+1, j+1, xy); draw_vertex_xyz(xy, *wave[(i+1)*NY+j+1].p_zfield[movie]); ij_to_xy(i, j+1, xy); draw_vertex_xyz(xy, *wave[i*NY+j+1].p_zfield[movie]); glEnd (); } } if ((DRAW_OUTSIDE_GRAY)&&((!xy_in[i*NY+j]))) { glColor3f(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); ij_to_xy(i, j, xy); draw_vertex_xyz(xy, 0.0); ij_to_xy(i+1, j, xy); draw_vertex_xyz(xy, 0.0); ij_to_xy(i+1, j+1, xy); draw_vertex_xyz(xy, 0.0); ij_to_xy(i, j+1, xy); draw_vertex_xyz(xy, 0.0); glEnd (); } } void draw_wave_3d(int movie, double phi[NX*NY], double psi[NX*NY], short int xy_in[NX*NY], t_wave wave[NX*NY], int zplot, int cplot, int palette, int fade, double fade_value, int refresh) { int i, j; double observer_angle; blank(); if (DRAW_BILLIARD) draw_billiard_3d(fade, fade_value); if (refresh) { compute_wave_fields(phi, psi, xy_in, zplot, cplot, wave); if (SHADE_3D) compute_light_angle(xy_in, wave, movie); compute_cfield(xy_in, cplot, palette, wave, fade, fade_value, movie); } if (!ROTATE_VIEW) { for (i=1; i 0.0)&&(observer_angle < PID)) { for (j=1; j0; i--) for (j=1; j0; j--) for (i=1; i= COL_TURBO) color_scheme_asym_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, 1.0, 1, rgb); else color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, 1.0, 1, rgb); break; } case (P_3D_LOG_ENERGY): { value = LOG_SCALE*dy_e*(double)(j - jmin)*100.0/E_SCALE; color_scheme_asym_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, 1.0, 1, rgb); break; } case (P_3D_TOTAL_ENERGY): { value = dy_e*(double)(j - jmin)*100.0/E_SCALE; if (COLOR_PALETTE >= COL_TURBO) color_scheme_asym_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, 1.0, 1, rgb); else color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, 1.0, 1, rgb); break; } case (P_3D_LOG_TOTAL_ENERGY): { value = LOG_SCALE*dy_e*(double)(j - jmin)*100.0/E_SCALE; color_scheme_asym_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, 1.0, 1, rgb); break; } case (P_3D_MEAN_ENERGY): { value = dy_e*(double)(j - jmin)*100.0/E_SCALE; if (COLOR_PALETTE >= COL_TURBO) color_scheme_asym_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, 1.0, 1, rgb); else color_scheme_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, 1.0, 1, rgb); break; } case (P_3D_LOG_MEAN_ENERGY): { value = LOG_SCALE*dy_e*(double)(j - jmin)*100.0/E_SCALE; color_scheme_asym_palette(COLOR_SCHEME, palette, value, 1.0, 1, rgb); break; } case (P_3D_PHASE): { value = dy_phase*(double)(j - jmin); color_scheme_palette(C_ONEDIM_LINEAR, palette, value, 1.0, 1, rgb); break; } } if (fade) for (k=0; k<3; k++) rgb[k] *= fade_value; glColor3f(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); if (ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME) { draw_vertex_ij(j, imin); draw_vertex_ij(j, imax); draw_vertex_ij(j+1, imax); draw_vertex_ij(j+1, imin); } else { draw_vertex_ij(imin, j); draw_vertex_ij(imax, j); draw_vertex_ij(imax, j+1); draw_vertex_ij(imin, j+1); } } glEnd (); if (fade) glColor3f(fade_value, fade_value, fade_value); else glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); glLineWidth(BOUNDARY_WIDTH); draw_rectangle_noscale(x1, y1, x2, y2); } void print_speed_3d(double speed, int fade, double fade_value) { char message[100]; double y = YMAX - 0.1, pos[2]; static double xleftbox, xlefttext; static int first = 1; if (first) { xleftbox = XMIN + 0.3; xlefttext = xleftbox - 0.45; first = 0; } erase_area_hsl(xleftbox, y + 0.025, 0.22, 0.05, 0.0, 0.9, 0.0); if (fade) glColor3f(fade_value, fade_value, fade_value); else glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // xy_to_pos(xlefttext + 0.28, y, pos); sprintf(message, "Mach %.3lg", speed); write_text(xlefttext + 0.28, y, message); }