/*********************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Animation of particles in billiard */ /* */ /* N. Berglund, august 2022 */ /* */ /* Feel free to reuse, but if doing so it would be nice to drop a */ /* line to nils.berglund@univ-orleans.fr - Thanks! */ /* */ /* compile with */ /* gcc -o billiard_phase_space billiard_phase_space.c */ /* -O3 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -ltiff -lm -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lXmu -lglut */ /* */ /* OMP acceleration may be more effective after executing */ /* export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 in the shell before running the program */ /* */ /* To make a video, set MOVIE to 1 and create subfolder tif_part */ /* */ /* create movie using */ /* ffmpeg -i part.%05d.tif -vcodec libx264 part.mp4 */ /* */ /*********************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Sam Leffler's libtiff library. */ #include #define MOVIE 1 /* set to 1 to generate movie */ #define SAVE_MEMORY 1 /* set to 1 to save memory when writing tiff images */ #define WINWIDTH 1280 /* window width */ #define WINHEIGHT 720 /* window height */ #define XMIN -2.0 #define XMAX 2.0 /* x interval */ #define YMIN -1.125 #define YMAX 1.125 /* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */ #define XPHASEMAX 0.0 /* max x coordinate of phase portrait */ #define PIXELIZE 1 /* set to 1 to pixelize phase portrait (beta) */ #define NGRID 200 /* size of grid to draw orbits with positive Lyapunov exponent */ #define SYMMETRIZE_S 0 /* set to 1 to symmetrize orbits wrt s */ #define SCALING_FACTOR 1.0 /* scaling factor of drawing, needed for flower billiards, otherwise set to 1.0 */ /* Choice of the billiard table, see global_particles.c */ #define B_DOMAIN 11 /* choice of domain shape */ #define CIRCLE_PATTERN 6 /* pattern of circles */ #define POLYLINE_PATTERN 4 /* pattern of polyline */ #define ABSORBING_CIRCLES 1 /* set to 1 for circular scatterers to be absorbing */ #define NMAXCIRCLES 50000 /* total number of circles (must be at least NCX*NCY for square grid) */ #define NMAXPOLY 50000 /* total number of sides of polygonal line */ #define NCX 9 /* number of circles in x direction */ #define NCY 20 /* number of circles in y direction */ #define NPOISSON 500 /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */ #define NGOLDENSPIRAL 2000 /* max number of points for C_GOLDEN_SPIRAL arrandement */ #define SDEPTH 2 /* Sierpinski gastket depth */ #define LAMBDAMIN 6.0 /* parameter controlling shape of domain */ #define LAMBDA 20.0 /* parameter controlling shape of domain */ #define MU 1.0 /* second parameter controlling shape of billiard */ #define FOCI 1 /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */ #define NPOLY 6 /* number of sides of polygon */ // #define NPOLY 3 /* number of sides of polygon */ #define APOLY -1.0 /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */ #define DRAW_BILLIARD 1 /* set to 1 to draw billiard */ #define DRAW_CONSTRUCTION_LINES 1 /* set to 1 to draw additional construction lines for billiard */ #define PERIODIC_BC 0 /* set to 1 to enforce periodic boundary conditions when drawing particles */ #define PENROSE_RATIO 1.0 /* parameter controlling the shape of small ellipses in Penrose room */ #define RESAMPLE 0 /* set to 1 if particles should be added when dispersion too large */ #define DEBUG 0 /* draw trajectories, for debugging purposes */ /* Simulation parameters */ #define NPART 1 /* number of particles */ #define NPARTMAX 100000 /* maximal number of particles after resampling */ #define TRAJ_LENGTH 10000 /* length of trajectory */ #define LMAX 0.01 /* minimal segment length triggering resampling */ #define DMIN 0.02 /* minimal distance to boundary for triggering resampling */ #define CYCLE 1 /* set to 1 for closed curve (start in all directions) */ #define SHOWTRAILS 0 /* set to 1 to keep trails of the particles */ #define SHOWZOOM 0 /* set to 1 to show zoom on specific area */ #define TEST_ACTIVE 1 /* set to 1 to test whether particle is in billiard */ #define PRINT_TRAJECTORY_LENGTH 0 /* set to 1 to print length of trajectory 0 */ #define PRINT_TRAJECTORY_PERIOD 0 /* set to 1 to print period of trajectory 0 */ #define DRAW_LENGTHS_PLOT 0 /* set to 1 to plot trajectory lengths */ #define LENGTHS_LOG_SCALE 1 /* set to 1 to use log scale for plot of lengths */ #define MAX_ANGLE 90.0 /* range of angles of trajectory */ #define NSTEPS 4000 /* number of frames of movie */ // #define NSTEPS 500 /* number of frames of movie */ #define TIME 2500 /* time between movie frames, for fluidity of real-time simulation */ #define DPHI 0.00001 /* integration step */ #define NVID 150 /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */ #define SYMMETRIC_PARAMETER 0 /* set to 1 if parameters depend symmetrically on time */ /* Decreasing TIME accelerates the animation and the movie */ /* For constant speed of movie, TIME*DPHI should be kept constant */ /* However, increasing DPHI too much deterioriates quality of simulation */ /* NVID tells how often a picture is drawn in the animation, increase it for faster anim */ /* For a good quality movie, take for instance TIME = 400, DPHI = 0.00005, NVID = 100 */ /* Colors and other graphical parameters */ #define COLOR_PALETTE 11 /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c */ #define NCOLORS 64 /* number of colors */ #define CFACTOR 3 /* color step */ #define COLORSHIFT 0 /* hue of initial color */ #define LYAP_PLOT_COLOR 100.0 /* color hue of Lyapunov exponent plot */ #define RAINBOW_COLOR 0 /* set to 1 to use different colors for all particles */ #define FLOWER_COLOR 0 /* set to 1 to adapt initial colors to flower billiard (tracks vs core) */ #define NSEG 100 /* number of segments of boundary */ #define LENGTH 0.03 /* length of velocity vectors */ #define BILLIARD_WIDTH 2 /* width of billiard */ #define PARTICLE_WIDTH 2 /* width of particles */ #define FRONT_WIDTH 3 /* width of wave front */ #define BLACK 1 /* set to 1 for black background */ #define COLOR_OUTSIDE 0 /* set to 1 for colored outside */ #define OUTER_COLOR 270.0 /* color outside billiard */ #define PAINT_INT 0 /* set to 1 to paint interior in other color (for polygon/Reuleaux) */ #define PAINT_EXT 1 /* set to 1 to paint exterior */ #define PRINT_LAMBDA 1 /* set to 1 to print value of lambda */ #define PRINT_MU 0 /* set to 1 to print value of mu */ #define PRINT_PENROSE_RATIO 0 /* set to 1 to print value of the Penrose billiard ratio */ #define PRINT_LYAPUNOV 1 /* set to 1 to print mean Lyapunov exponent */ #define PLOT_LYAPUNOV 1 /* set to 1 to add plot of Lyapunov exponents */ #define LOGSCALEX_LYAP 0 /* set to 1 to use log scale on parameter axis of Lyapunov exponents */ #define LYAP_MAX 1.0 /* maximal Lyapunov exponent */ #define ADAPT_TO_SYMMETRY 1 /* set to 1 to show only one symmetric part of phase space */ #define SYMMETRY_FACTOR 3 /* proportion of phase space to be shown */ #define PAUSE 1000 /* number of frames after which to pause */ #define PSLEEP 1 /* sleep time during pause */ #define SLEEP1 1 /* initial sleeping time */ #define SLEEP2 1 /* final sleeping time */ #define END_FRAMES 100 /* number of frames at end of movie */ #include "global_particles.c" #include "sub_part_billiard_phasespace.c" /*********************/ /* animation part */ /*********************/ double print_parameters() /* print billiard parameters */ { double x, xtext; char message[50]; if (PRINT_LAMBDA) switch(B_DOMAIN) { case (D_ELLIPSE): { x = sqrt(1.0 - 1.0/(lambda*lambda)); sprintf(message, "Eccentricity %.3f", x); printf("Eccentricity %.3f\n", x); xtext = 0.75; break; } case (D_STADIUM): { x = lambda; sprintf(message, "Linear part %.3f", x); printf("Linear part %.3f\n", x); xtext = 0.75; break; } case (D_REULEAUX): { x = -lambda; sprintf(message, "Radius %.3f", x); printf("Radius %.3f\n", x); xtext = 0.75; break; } case (D_ALT_REU): { x = lambda; sprintf(message, "Radius %.3f", x); printf("Radius %.3f\n", x); xtext = 0.75; break; } case (D_PARABOLAS): { x = lambda; sprintf(message, "Focal distance %.3f", x); printf("Focal distance %.3f\n", x); xtext = 0.65; break; } case (D_PENROSE): { x = lambda; sprintf(message, "Aspect ratio %.3f", x); printf("Aspect ratio %.3f\n", x); xtext = 0.65; break; } case (D_FLOWER): { x = lambda; sprintf(message, "Parameter %.3f", x); printf("Aspect ratio %.3f\n", x); xtext = 0.65; break; } default: sprintf(message, " "); } if (PRINT_MU) switch(B_DOMAIN) { case (D_ANNULUS): { x = mu; sprintf(message, "Distance to center %.3f", x); printf("Distance to center %.3f\n", x); xtext = 0.65; break; } // case (D_PARABOLAS): // { // x = mu; // sprintf(message, "Radius %.3f", x); // printf("Radius %.3f\n", x); // xtext = 0.65; // break; // } default: sprintf(message, " "); } if (PRINT_PENROSE_RATIO) switch(B_DOMAIN) { case (D_PENROSE): { x = penrose_ratio; sprintf(message, "Aspect ratio %.3f", x); printf("Aspect ratio %.3f\n", x); xtext = 0.65; break; } default: sprintf(message, " "); } glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); glLineWidth(1); write_text(xtext, -0.25, message); } double print_lyap_exponent(double lyap) /* print Lyapunov exponent */ { char message[50]; sprintf(message, "Average Lyapunov exponent %.3f", lyap); glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); glLineWidth(1); write_text(0.45, -0.35, message); } double s_range(double lambda, double mu) /* return range of s values (boundary parametrization of billiard) */ { double psi0, omega, omega2, beta2, aa, bb, cc, ymax, width, l1, l2, co, so, axis1, axis2, phimax; switch(B_DOMAIN) { case (D_ELLIPSE): return(DPI); case (D_STADIUM): { if (lambda > 0.0) return (DPI + 2.0*lambda); else { psi0 = asin(-lambda/2); return(DPI-4.0*psi0); } } case (D_ANNULUS): return(2.0*DPI); case (D_REULEAUX): { omega2 = PI/((double)NPOLY); beta2 = asin(sin(omega2)/vabs(lambda)); return(beta2*2.0*(double)NPOLY); } case (D_ALT_REU): { omega2 = PI/((double)NPOLY); beta2 = asin(sin(omega2)/vabs(lambda)); return(beta2*2.0*(double)NPOLY); } case (D_PARABOLAS): { omega2 = PI/((double)NPOLY); aa = 0.25/mu; bb = 1.0/tan(omega2); cc = lambda + mu; ymax = ( - bb + sqrt(bb*bb + 4.0*aa*cc))/(2.0*aa); return((double)NPOLY*2.0*ymax); } case (D_PENROSE): { cc = sqrt(lambda*lambda - (1.0-mu)*(1.0-mu)); width = 0.1*mu; l1 = mu - width; l2 = lambda - cc; // printf("l2 = %.3lg\n", l2); if (SYMMETRIZE_S) return(2.0*(PI + 2.0*l1 + l2)); else return(4.0*(PI + 2.0*l1 + l2)); } case (D_FLOWER): { compute_flower_parameters(&omega, &co, &so, &axis1, &axis2, &phimax); return(2.0*(double)NPOLY*phimax); } default: return(1.0); } } double lyapunov_exponent(double s, double u, double srange) /* estimate Lyapunov exponent of orbit starting in (s, u) */ { double s1, u1, ds, du, nlyap = 0.0, delta = 0.01, config[8], config2[8], delta2; int i, n = 1000; config[0] = s; config[1] = u; vbilliard(config); s1 = s + delta; if (s1 > srange) s1 -= srange; u1 = u; config2[0] = s1; config2[1] = u1; vbilliard(config2); for (i=0; i XMIN) glVertex2d(x1, y1); } glEnd(); if (draw) draw_billiard(); glPopMatrix(); glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } void draw_trajectory(double s, double u, int length, double range) { int i; if (ADAPT_TO_SYMMETRY) { for (i=0; i range) x -= range; // printf("x = %.2lg\n", x); return(x); } void draw_orbit(double s, double u, int length) /* draw an orbit with initial condition (s, u) and length iterations */ { int i; double config[8], r, range, x; config[0] = s; config[1] = u; vbilliard(config); r = 0.001; range = s_range(lambda, mu); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glScissor(0, 0, WINWIDTH/2, WINHEIGHT); for (i=0; i range) x -= range; // while (x < 0.0) x += range; if (ADAPT_TO_SYMMETRY) x = adapt_to_symmetry(x, range); // x = x*3.0 - 3.0*range*(double)((int)x/range); draw_circle(XMIN + x*(XPHASEMAX-XMIN)/range, cos(config[1])*YMAX, r, NSEG); } glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } void update_grid(double s, double u, int length, int *grid) /* update pixelization grid */ { int i, is, iu, n; double config[8], range, rs, ru; config[0] = s; config[1] = u; vbilliard(config); range = s_range(lambda, mu); rs = (double)NGRID/range; ru = (double)NGRID/2.0; for (i=0; i= 0)&&(n < NGRID*NGRID)) grid[n]++; } } double draw_phase_portrait(int ns, int nu, int length, int trajlength, double lyapmax) /* draw several orbits */ { int i, j, k, color, nlyap = 0; double s, u, range, ds, du, rgb[3], lyap, x, y, dx, dy, cratio, total_lyap = 0.0, mean_lyap, x1; int *grid; double *lyap_exp; grid = (int *)malloc(NGRID*NGRID*sizeof(int)); lyap_exp = (double *)malloc(ns*nu*sizeof(double)); for (i=0; i -1.0e20)&&(lyap < 1.0e20)) { total_lyap += lyap; nlyap++; } lyap_exp[i + ns*j] = lyap; } /* draw orbits */ #pragma omp parallel for private(i,j) for (i=0; i lyapmax) { cratio = lyapmax/lyap; for (k=0; k<3; k++) rgb[k]*=cratio; } glColor3f(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); if ((PIXELIZE)&&(lyap >= lyapmax)) update_grid(s, u, 150*length, grid); // if ((i%1 == 0)&&(j%4 == 0)) draw_trajectory(s, u, trajlength); draw_orbit(s, u, length); } /* draw trajectories, large Lyapunov exponent */ #pragma omp parallel for private(i,j) for (i=0; i lyapmax) { s = ((double)i + 0.5)*ds*range; u = acos(((double)j + 0.5)*du*2.0 - 1.0); color = (j*CFACTOR)%NCOLORS; rgb_color_scheme_lum(color, 0.5, rgb); cratio = lyapmax/lyap_exp[i + ns*j]; if (cratio < 0.1) cratio = 0.1; for (k=0; k<3; k++) rgb[k]*=cratio; glColor3f(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); if ((i%2 == 0)&&(j%4 == 0)) { draw_trajectory(s, u, trajlength, range); // if (SYMMETRIZE_S) // { // glColor3f(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); // draw_trajectory(range + s, u, trajlength); // } } } /* draw trajectories, small Lyapunov exponent */ #pragma omp parallel for private(i,j) for (i=0; i 0) { cratio = (double)grid[j*NGRID + i]/200.0; if (cratio > 1.0) cratio = 1.0; glColor3f(cratio, cratio, cratio); x = XMIN + (double)i*dx; x1 = x + dx; if (ADAPT_TO_SYMMETRY) { x = adapt_to_symmetry(x, range); x1 = adapt_to_symmetry(x1, range); } y = YMIN + (double)j*dy; glVertex2d(x, y); glVertex2d(x1, y); glVertex2d(x1, y+dy); glVertex2d(x, y+dy); } glEnd(); } /* redraw some orbits */ #pragma omp parallel for private(i,j) for (i=0; i lyapmax) { cratio = lyapmax/lyap; for (k=0; k<3; k++) rgb[k]*=cratio; } glColor3f(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); if ((!PIXELIZE)||(lyap < 2.0*lyapmax)) draw_orbit(s, u, length); } glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); glLineWidth(1); draw_line(XPHASEMAX, YMIN, XPHASEMAX, YMAX); free(grid); free(lyap_exp); if (nlyap > 0) mean_lyap = total_lyap/(double)(nlyap); else mean_lyap = 0.0; if (PRINT_LYAPUNOV) print_lyap_exponent(mean_lyap); return(mean_lyap); } double lambda_schedule(double time) { switch (B_DOMAIN){ case (D_ELLIPSE): return(1.0 + 0.5*(LAMBDA-1.0)*(1.0 - cos(time*DPI))); case (D_STADIUM): { if (time < 0.5) return(0.5*LAMBDA*(1.0 - cos(2.0*time*DPI))); else return(-0.5*(1.0 - cos(2.0*(time-0.5)*DPI))); } // case (D_REULEAUX): return(-0.0001 - exp(0.5*log(vabs(LAMBDA))*(1.0 - cos(time*DPI)))); // case (D_REULEAUX): return(-1.00001 - 0.5*(LAMBDA - 1.0)*(1.0 - cos(time*DPI))); case (D_REULEAUX): { if (LOGSCALEX_LYAP) return(-0.0001 - exp(0.5*log(vabs(LAMBDA))*(1.0 - cos(time*DPI)))); else return(-1.00001 - 0.5*(LAMBDA - 1.0)*(1.0 - cos(time*PI))); } case (D_ALT_REU): { if (LOGSCALEX_LYAP) return(0.0001 + exp(0.5*log(vabs(LAMBDA))*(1.0 - cos(time*DPI)))); else return(1.00001 + 0.5*(LAMBDA - 1.0)*(1.0 - cos(time*PI))); } case (D_PARABOLAS): { if (SYMMETRIC_PARAMETER) return((-1.0*cos(time*DPI))); else return((-1.0*cos(time*PI))); } case (D_PENROSE): { if (PRINT_LAMBDA) return(0.5*(LAMBDA + LAMBDAMIN - (LAMBDA - LAMBDAMIN)*cos(time*DPI))); else return(LAMBDA); } case (D_FLOWER): { return(LAMBDAMIN + 0.5*(LAMBDA-LAMBDAMIN)*(1.0 - cos(time*DPI))); } default: return(LAMBDA); } } double mu_schedule(double time) { switch (B_DOMAIN){ case (D_ANNULUS): return(0.5*MU*(1.0 - cos(time*DPI))); case (D_PARABOLAS): { if (SYMMETRIC_PARAMETER) return(MU*(1.0 + 1.0*cos(time*DPI))); else return(MU*(1.0 + 1.0*cos(time*PI))); } default: return(MU); } } double penrose_ratio_schedule(double time) { switch (B_DOMAIN){ case (D_PENROSE): { if (PRINT_PENROSE_RATIO) return(PENROSE_RATIO*0.5*(1.0 - 0.999*cos(time*DPI))); else return(PENROSE_RATIO); } default: return(MU); } } double plot_coord(double x, double xmin, double xmax) { return(xmin + x*(xmax - xmin)); } double plot_coord_log(double x, double min, double xmin, double xmax) { return(xmin + (1.0 - log(x)/log(min))*(xmax - xmin)); } void plot_lyapunov_exponents_linscale(int i, double *lyap_exponents) /* add plot of lyapunov exponents */ { int j, k, l, n1, n2, n3, n4, jmin, jmax; char message[100]; static double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xmid, ymid, dx, dy, plotxmin, plotxmax, plotymin, plotymax, lmin, lmax; double pos[2], x1, y1, x2, y2, rgb[3], x, y, lambda0, t, xshift; static int first = 1; if (first) { xmin = 0.1; xmax = XMAX - 0.1; ymin = YMIN + 0.05; ymax = YMIN + 0.75; xmid = 0.5*(xmin + xmax); ymid = 0.5*(ymin + ymax); dx = 0.5*(xmax - xmin); dy = 0.5*(ymax - ymin); plotxmin = xmin + 0.1; plotxmax = xmax - 0.1; plotymin = ymin + 0.07; plotymax = ymax - 0.15; if (PRINT_LAMBDA) { lmin = vabs(lambda_schedule(0.0)); // lmax = lambda_schedule(0.5); lmax = vabs(lambda_schedule(1.0)); } else if (PRINT_PENROSE_RATIO) { lmin = penrose_ratio_schedule(0.0); lmax = penrose_ratio_schedule(0.5); } printf("lmin = %.3lg, lmax = %.3lg\n", lmin, lmax); first = 0; } glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); glLineWidth(2); /* axes and labels */ draw_line(plotxmin, plotymin, plotxmax + 0.1, plotymin); draw_line(plotxmin, plotymin, plotxmin, plotymax + 0.1); switch (B_DOMAIN) { case (D_PARABOLAS) : { sprintf(message, "Focal dist"); jmin = -10; jmax = 11; break; } case (D_REULEAUX) : { sprintf(message, "Radius"); jmin = 1; jmax = (int)(LAMBDA) + 1; break; } case (D_ALT_REU) : { sprintf(message, "Radius"); jmin = 1; jmax = (int)(LAMBDA) + 1; break; } case (D_PENROSE) : { sprintf(message, "Aspect ratio"); jmin = (int)(LAMBDAMIN*10.0); jmax = (int)(LAMBDA*10.0) + 1; // jmin = 0; // jmax = 10; break; } case (D_FLOWER) : { sprintf(message, "Parameter"); jmin = (int)(LAMBDAMIN*10.0); jmax = (int)(LAMBDA*10.0) + 1; // jmin = 0; // jmax = 10; break; } default: { sprintf(message, "Parameter"); jmin = 0; jmax = 10; } } write_text_fixedwidth(plotxmax - 0.15, plotymin + 0.075, message); /* graduations */ for (j=jmin; j= 0.0) xshift = -0.04; else xshift = -0.07; if (j%10 == 0) { draw_line(x1, plotymin - 0.02, x1, plotymin + 0.02); sprintf(message, "%.1f", lambda0); write_text_fixedwidth(x1 + xshift, plotymin - 0.075, message); } else { draw_line(x1, plotymin - 0.01, x1, plotymin + 0.01); if ((j+10)%2 == 0) { sprintf(message, "%.1f", lambda0); write_text_fixedwidth(x1 + xshift, plotymin - 0.075, message); } } } sprintf(message, "Avrg Lyap"); write_text_fixedwidth(plotxmin - 0.05, plotymax + 0.15, message); for (j=1; j<=(int)(10.0*LYAP_MAX); j++) { y = (double)j/(10.0*LYAP_MAX); y1 = plot_coord(y, plotymin, plotymax); draw_line(plotxmin - 0.025, y1, plotxmin + 0.025, y1); sprintf(message, "%.1f", 0.1*(double)j); write_text_fixedwidth(plotxmin - 0.14, y1 - 0.015, message); } /* plot */ hsl_to_rgb_palette(LYAP_PLOT_COLOR, 0.9, 0.5, rgb, COLOR_PALETTE); glColor3f(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); x1 = plotxmin; y1 = plotymin; for (j=0; j