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nilsberglund-orleans 2021-08-03 16:15:06 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 825c43826a
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@ -79,11 +79,113 @@ Some parameters in early versions may be off, since not all versions were backed
### 29 April 21 - The dark side of the pool ### ### 29 April 21 - The dark side of the pool ###
**Program:** `xxx.c` **Program:** `wave_billaird.c` (parameters reconstructed for 1 August version)
**Initial condition in function `animation()`:** `xxx` **Initial condition in function `animation()`:** `init_wave(LAMBDA, 0.0, phi, psi, xy_in);`
``` ```
#define MOVIE 1 /* set to 1 to generate movie */
/* General geometrical parameters */
#define WINWIDTH 1280 /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 720 /* window height */
// #define NX 1280 /* number of grid points on x axis */
// #define NY 720 /* number of grid points on y axis */
#define NX 640 /* number of grid points on x axis */
#define NY 360 /* number of grid points on y axis */
/* setting NX to WINWIDTH and NY to WINHEIGHT increases resolution */
/* but will multiply run time by 4 */
#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0 /* x interval */
#define YMIN -1.125
#define YMAX 1.125 /* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */
#define JULIA_SCALE 1.0 /* scaling for Julia sets */
/* Choice of the billiard table */
#define B_DOMAIN 1 /* choice of domain shape, see list in global_pdes.c */
#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 10 /* pattern of circles, see list in global_pdes.c */
#define P_PERCOL 0.25 /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 300 /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define LAMBDA 1.5 /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 0.03 /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define NPOLY 3 /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 1.0 /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */
#define MDEPTH 4 /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 3 /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000 /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0 /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1 /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 15 /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 20 /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
/* You can add more billiard tables by adapting the functions */
/* xy_in_billiard and draw_billiard below */
/* Physical parameters of wave equation */
#define TWOSPEEDS 0 /* set to 1 to replace hardcore boundary by medium with different speed */
#define OMEGA 0.9 /* frequency of periodic excitation */
#define COURANT 0.01 /* Courant number */
#define COURANTB 0.0075 /* Courant number in medium B */
#define GAMMA 0.0 /* damping factor in wave equation */
#define GAMMA_SIDES 1.0e-4 /* damping factor on boundary */
#define GAMMA_TOPBOT 1.0e-6 /* damping factor on boundary */
#define KAPPA 0.0 /* "elasticity" term enforcing oscillations */
#define KAPPA_SIDES 5.0e-4 /* "elasticity" term on absorbing boundary */
#define KAPPA_TOPBOT 0.0 /* "elasticity" term on absorbing boundary */
/* The Courant number is given by c*DT/DX, where DT is the time step and DX the lattice spacing */
/* The physical damping coefficient is given by GAMMA/(DT)^2 */
/* Increasing COURANT speeds up the simulation, but decreases accuracy */
/* For similar wave forms, COURANT^2*GAMMA should be kept constant */
/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_pdes.c */
#define B_COND 3
/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */
#define NSTEPS 8000 /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 40 /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define NSEG 100 /* number of segments of boundary */
#define INITIAL_TIME 0 /* time after which to start saving frames */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 3 /* width of billiard boundary */
#define PAUSE 1000 /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 1 /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1 1 /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2 1 /* final sleeping time */
/* Plot type, see list in global_pdes.c */
#define PLOT 0
/* Color schemes */
#define BLACK 0 /* background */
#define COLOR_SCHEME 0 /* choice of color scheme, see list in global_pdes.c */
#define SCALE 0 /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 2.0 /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0 /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */
#define E_SCALE 750.0 /* scaling factor for energy representation */
#define COLORHUE 260 /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0 /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5 /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3 /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 220.0 /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -220.0 /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
``` ```