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/* */
/* Animation of particles in billiard */
/* */
/* N. Berglund, december 2012, april 2021 */
/* UPDATE 14 April 21 : graphics files go to subfolder, */
/* Switch MOVIE to decide whether to create a movie */
/* UPDATE 3 May 21 : new domains */
/* */
/* Feel free to reuse, but if doing so it would be nice to drop a */
/* line to - Thanks! */
/* */
/* compile with */
/* gcc -o particle_billiard particle_billiard.c */
/* -O3 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -ltiff -lm -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lXmu -lglut */
/* */
/* To make a video, set MOVIE to 1 and create subfolder tif_part */
/* It may be possible to increase parameter PAUSE */
/* */
/* create movie using */
/* ffmpeg -i part.%05d.tif -vcodec libx264 part.mp4 */
/* */
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <tiffio.h> /* Sam Leffler's libtiff library. */
#define MOVIE 0 /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define WINWIDTH 1280 /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 720 /* window height */
#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0 /* x interval */
#define YMIN -1.125
#define YMAX 1.125 /* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */
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// #define XMIN -1.8
// #define XMAX 1.8 /* x interval */
// #define YMIN -0.91
// #define YMAX 1.115 /* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */
/* Choice of the billiard table */
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#define B_DOMAIN 9 /* choice of domain shape */
#define D_RECTANGLE 0 /* rectangular domain */
#define D_ELLIPSE 1 /* elliptical domain */
#define D_STADIUM 2 /* stadium-shaped domain */
#define D_SINAI 3 /* Sinai billiard */
#define D_DIAMOND 4 /* diamond-shaped billiard */
#define D_TRIANGLE 5 /* triangular billiard */
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#define D_ANNULUS 7 /* annulus */
#define D_POLYGON 8 /* polygon */
#define D_REULEAUX 9 /* Reuleaux and star shapes */
// #define LAMBDA 5.0 /* parameter controlling shape of billiard */
#define LAMBDA -1.949855824 /* 7-sided Reuleaux triangle */
// #define LAMBDA 3.75738973 /* sin(36°)/sin(9°) for 5-star shape with 90° angles */
// #define LAMBDA -1.73205080756888 /* -sqrt(3) for Reuleaux triangle */
// #define LAMBDA 1.73205080756888 /* sqrt(3) for triangle tiling plane */
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#define MU 0.1 /* second parameter controlling shape of billiard */
#define FOCI 1 /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
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#define NPOLY 7 /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 0.0 /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */
#define RESAMPLE 0 /* set to 1 if particles should be added when dispersion too large */
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#define DEBUG 0 /* draw trajectories, for debugging purposes */
/* Simulation parameters */
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#define NPART 10000 /* number of particles */
#define NPARTMAX 100000 /* maximal number of particles after resampling */
#define LMAX 0.01 /* minimal segment length triggering resampling */
#define DMIN 0.02 /* minimal distance to boundary for triggering resampling */
#define CYCLE 1 /* set to 1 for closed curve (start in all directions) */
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#define NSTEPS 4000 /* number of frames of movie */
#define TIME 125 /* time between movie frames, for fluidity of real-time simulation */
#define DPHI 0.00001 /* integration step */
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#define NVID 150 /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
/* Decreasing TIME accelerates the animation and the movie */
/* For constant speed of movie, TIME*DPHI should be kept constant */
/* However, increasing DPHI too much deterioriates quality of simulation */
/* NVID tells how often a picture is drawn in the animation, increase it for faster anim */
/* For a good quality movie, take for instance TIME = 400, DPHI = 0.00005, NVID = 100 */
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/* Colors and other graphical parameters */
#define NCOLORS -7 /* number of colors */
#define COLORSHIFT 220 /* hue of initial color */
#define NSEG 100 /* number of segments of boundary */
#define LENGTH 0.01 /* length of velocity vectors */
#define BILLIARD_WIDTH 4 /* width of billiard */
#define PARTICLE_WIDTH 2 /* width of particles */
#define FRONT_WIDTH 3 /* width of wave front */
#define BLACK 1 /* set to 1 for black background */
#define COLOR_OUTSIDE 0 /* set to 1 for colored outside */
#define OUTER_COLOR 270.0 /* color outside billiard */
#define PAINT_INT 1 /* set to 1 to paint interior in other color (for polygon) */
#define PAUSE 1000 /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 1 /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1 1 /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2 1000 /* final sleeping time */
#define PI 3.141592654
#define DPI 6.283185307
#define PID 1.570796327
#include "sub_part_billiard.c"
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/* animation part */
void init_boundary_config(smin, smax, anglemin, anglemax, configs)
/* initialize configuration: drop on the boundary, beta version */
double smin, smax, anglemin, anglemax;
double *configs[NPARTMAX];
int i;
double ds, da, s, angle, theta, alpha, pos[2];
if (anglemin <= 0.0) anglemin = PI/((double)NPART);
if (anglemax >= PI) anglemax = PI*(1.0 - 1.0/((double)NPART));
ds = (smax - smin)/((double)NPART);
da = (anglemax - anglemin)/((double)NPART);
for (i=0; i<NPART; i++)
s = smin + ds*((double)i);
angle = anglemin + da*((double)i),
pos[0] = LAMBDA*cos(s);
pos[1] = sin(s);
theta = argument(-LAMBDA*pos[1], pos[0]/LAMBDA);
alpha = theta + angle;
vbilliard_xy(configs[i], alpha, pos);
void init_drop_config(x0, y0, angle1, angle2, configs) /* initialize configuration: drop at (x0,y0) */
double x0, y0, angle1, angle2;
double *configs[NPARTMAX];
int i;
double dalpha, alpha;
double conf[2], pos[2];
while (angle2 < angle1) angle2 += DPI;
dalpha = (angle2 - angle1)/((double)(NPART-1));
for (i=0; i<NPART; i++)
alpha = angle1 + dalpha*((double)i);
// printf("alpha=%.5lg\n", alpha);
pos[0] = x0;
pos[1] = y0;
vbilliard_xy(configs[i], alpha, pos);
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void init_sym_drop_config(x0, y0, angle1, angle2, configs)
/* initialize configuration with two symmetric partial drops */
double x0, y0, angle1, angle2;
double *configs[NPARTMAX];
int i;
double dalpha, alpha, meanangle;
double conf[2], pos[2];
while (angle2 < angle1) angle2 += DPI;
meanangle = 0.5*(angle1 + angle2);
dalpha = (angle2 - angle1)/((double)(NPART-1));
for (i=0; i<NPART/2; i++)
alpha = meanangle + dalpha*((double)i);
pos[0] = x0;
pos[1] = y0;
vbilliard_xy(configs[i], alpha, pos);
for (i=0; i<NPART/2; i++)
alpha = meanangle - dalpha*((double)i);
pos[0] = x0;
pos[1] = y0;
vbilliard_xy(configs[NPART/2 + i], alpha, pos);
void init_line_config(x0, y0, x1, y1, angle, configs) /* initialize configuration: line (x0,y0)-(x1,y1) in direction alpha */
double x0, y0, x1, y1, angle;
double *configs[NPARTMAX];
int i;
double dx, dy;
double conf[2], pos[2];
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dx = (x1-x0)/((double)(NPART));
dy = (y1-y0)/((double)(NPART));
// dx = (x1-x0)/((double)(NPART-1));
// dy = (y1-y0)/((double)(NPART-1));
for (i=0; i<NPART; i++)
pos[0] = x0 + ((double)i)*dx;
pos[1] = y0 + ((double)i)*dy;
vbilliard_xy(configs[i], angle, pos);
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void draw_config(color, configs, active)
/* draw the particles */
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int color[NPARTMAX], active[NPARTMAX];
double *configs[NPARTMAX];
int i;
double x1, y1, x2, y2, cosphi, sinphi, rgb[3];
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for (i=0; i<nparticles; i++)
if (configs[i][2]<0.0)
if (color[i] >= NCOLORS) color[i] -= NCOLORS;
configs[i][2] += DPHI;
cosphi = (configs[i][6] - configs[i][4])/configs[i][3];
sinphi = (configs[i][7] - configs[i][5])/configs[i][3];
x1 = configs[i][4] + configs[i][2]*cosphi;
y1 = configs[i][5] + configs[i][2]*sinphi;
x2 = configs[i][4] + (configs[i][2] + LENGTH)*cosphi;
y2 = configs[i][5] + (configs[i][2] + LENGTH)*sinphi;
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/* test whether particle does not escape billiard */
if (active[i]) active[i] = xy_in_billiard(x1, y1);
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if (active[i])
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rgb_color_scheme(color[i], rgb);
glColor3f(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
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glVertex2d(x1, y1);
glVertex2d(x2, y2);
glEnd ();
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/* taking care of boundary conditions - only needed for periodic boundary conditions */
if (x2 > XMAX)
glVertex2d(x1+XMIN-XMAX, y1);
glVertex2d(x2+XMIN-XMAX, y2);
glEnd ();
if (x2 < XMIN)
glVertex2d(x1-XMIN+XMAX, y1);
glVertex2d(x2-XMIN+XMAX, y2);
glEnd ();
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if (y2 > YMAX)
glVertex2d(x1, y1+YMIN-YMAX);
glVertex2d(x2, y2+YMIN-YMAX);
glEnd ();
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if (y2 < YMIN)
glVertex2d(x1, y1+YMAX-YMIN);
glVertex2d(x2, y2+YMAX-YMIN);
glEnd ();
/* draw trajectories, for debugging purpose */
if (DEBUG)
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glVertex2d(configs[i][4], configs[i][5]);
glVertex2d(configs[i][6], configs[i][7]);
glEnd ();
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if (configs[i][2] > configs[i][3] - DPHI) configs[i][2] -= configs[i][3];
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void graph_movie(time, color, configs, active)
/* compute next movie frame */
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int time, color[NPARTMAX], active[NPARTMAX];
double *configs[NPARTMAX];
int i, j, c;
for (j=0; j<time; j++)
for (i=0; i<nparticles; i++)
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if (configs[i][2]<0.0)
c = vbilliard(configs[i]);
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// if (c>=0) color[i]++;
if (color[i] >= NCOLORS) color[i] -= NCOLORS;
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configs[i][2] += DPHI;
if (configs[i][2] > configs[i][3] - DPHI)
configs[i][2] -= configs[i][3];
// draw_config(color, configs);
void animation()
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double time, dt, alpha;
double *configs[NPARTMAX];
int i, j, resamp = 1, s;
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int *color, *newcolor, *active;
/* Since NPARTMAX can be big, it seemed wiser to use some memory allocation here */
color = malloc(sizeof(int)*(NPARTMAX));
newcolor = malloc(sizeof(int)*(NPARTMAX));
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active = malloc(sizeof(int)*(NPARTMAX));
for (i=0; i<NPARTMAX; i++)
configs[i] = (double *)malloc(8*sizeof(double));
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/* initialize system by putting particles in a given point with a range of velocities */
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alpha = 3.0*PI/7.0;
init_sym_drop_config(-0.99, 0.0, -alpha, alpha, configs);
// init_drop_config(-0.999, 0.0, -alpha, alpha, configs);
// init_drop_config(0.0, 0.5, 0.0, DPI, configs);
// other possible initial conditions :
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// init_line_config(-0.6, 0.2, -0.6, 0.7, 0.0, configs);
// init_line_config(-0.7, -0.45, -0.7, 0.45, 0.0, configs);
// init_line_config(0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.7, 0.0, configs);
glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
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for (i=0; i<NPARTMAX; i++)
color[i] = 0;
newcolor[i] = 0;
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active[i] = 1;
for (i=0; i<=NSTEPS; i++)
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graph_movie(TIME, newcolor, configs, active);
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draw_config(newcolor, configs, active);
for (j=0; j<NPARTMAX; j++) color[j] = newcolor[j];
if (MOVIE)
/* it seems that saving too many files too fast can cause trouble with the file system */
/* so this is to make a pause from time to time - parameter PAUSE may need adjusting */
if (i % PAUSE == PAUSE - 1)
printf("Making a short pause\n");
s = system("mv part*.tif tif_part/");
if (MOVIE)
for (i=0; i<20; i++) save_frame();
s = system("mv part*.tif tif_part/");
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for (i=0; i<NPARTMAX; i++) free(configs[i]);
void display(void)
int main(int argc, char** argv)
glutInit(&argc, argv);
glutCreateWindow("Billiard animation");
return 0;