Roger Labbe 09fa08f73e mv'ed gaussian.py to stats.py
The name was horrible, we were using gaussian.gaussian() to compute
gaussians. stats.gaussian() is much better. Updated all notebooks
and scripts to reflect the change.
2014-05-10 11:25:52 -07:00

180 lines
5.0 KiB

import math
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as linalg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.sparse as sp
import scipy.sparse.linalg as spln
_two_pi = 2*math.pi
def gaussian(x, mean, var):
"""returns normal distribution for x given a gaussian with the specified
mean and variance. All must be scalars
return math.exp((-0.5*(x-mean)**2)/var) / math.sqrt(_two_pi*var)
def mul (a_mu, a_var, b_mu, b_var):
m = (a_var*b_mu + b_var*a_mu) / (a_var + b_var)
v = 1. / (1./a_var + 1./b_var)
return (m, v)
def add (a_mu, a_var, b_mu, b_var):
return (a_mu+b_mu, a_var+b_var)
def multivariate_gaussian(x, mu, cov):
""" This is designed to work the same as scipy.stats.multivariate_normal
which is not available before version 0.14. You may either pass in a
multivariate set of data:
multivariate_gaussian (array([1,1]), array([3,4]), eye(2)*1.4)
multivariate_gaussian (array([1,1,1]), array([3,4,5]), 1.4)
or unidimensional data:
multivariate_gaussian(1, 3, 1.4)
In the multivariate case if cov is a scalar it is interpreted as eye(n)*cov
The function gaussian() implements the 1D (univariate)case, and is much
faster than this function.
# force all to numpy.array type
x = np.array(x, copy=False, ndmin=1)
mu = np.array(mu,copy=False, ndmin=1)
nx = len(mu)
cov = _to_cov(cov, nx)
norm_coeff = nx*math.log(2*math.pi) + np.linalg.slogdet(cov)[1]
err = x - mu
if (sp.issparse(cov)):
numerator = spln.spsolve(cov, err).T.dot(err)
numerator = np.linalg.solve(cov, err).T.dot(err)
return math.exp(-0.5*(norm_coeff + numerator))
def norm_plot(mean, var):
min_x = mean - var * 1.5
max_x = mean + var * 1.5
xs = np.arange(min_x, max_x, 0.1)
ys = [gaussian(x,23,5) for x in xs]
def sigma_ellipse(cov, x=0, y=0, sigma=1, num_pts=100):
""" Takes a 2D covariance matrix and generates an ellipse showing the
contour plot at the specified sigma value. Ellipse is centered at (x,y).
num_pts specifies how many discrete points are used to generate the
Returns a tuple containing the ellipse,x, and y, in that order.
The ellipse is a 2D numpy array with shape (2, num_pts). Row 0 contains the
x components, and row 1 contains the y coordinates
L = linalg.cholesky(cov)
t = np.linspace(0, _two_pi, num_pts)
unit_circle = np.array([np.cos(t), np.sin(t)])
ellipse = sigma * L.dot(unit_circle)
ellipse[0] += x
ellipse[1] += y
return (ellipse,x,y)
def sigma_ellipses(cov, x=0, y=0, sigma=[1,2], num_pts=100):
L = linalg.cholesky(cov)
t = np.linspace(0, _two_pi, num_pts)
unit_circle = np.array([np.cos(t), np.sin(t)])
e_list = []
for s in sigma:
ellipse = s * L.dot(unit_circle)
ellipse[0] += x
ellipse[1] += y
e_list.append (ellipse)
return (e_list,x,y)
def plot_sigma_ellipse(ellipse,title=None):
""" plots the ellipse produced from sigma_ellipse."""
e = ellipse[0]
x = ellipse[1]
y = ellipse[2]
plt.plot(e[0], e[1])
plt.scatter(x,y,marker='+') # mark the center
if title is not None:
plt.title (title)
def plot_sigma_ellipses(ellipses,title=None,axis_equal=True,x_lim=None,y_lim=None):
""" plots the ellipse produced from sigma_ellipse."""
if x_lim is not None:
axis_equal = False
if y_lim is not None:
axis_equal = False
if axis_equal:
for ellipse in ellipses:
es = ellipse[0]
x = ellipse[1]
y = ellipse[2]
for e in es:
plt.plot(e[0], e[1], c='b')
plt.scatter(x,y,marker='+') # mark the center
if title is not None:
plt.title (title)
def _to_cov(x,n):
""" If x is a scalar, returns a covariance matrix generated from it
as the identity matrix multiplied by x. The dimension will be nxn.
If x is already a numpy array then it is returned unchanged.
if type(x) != np.ndarray:
x = np.asarray(x)[0]
return x
return np.eye(n) * x
if __name__ == '__main__':
from scipy.stats import norm
# test conversion of scalar to covariance matrix
x = multivariate_gaussian(np.array([1,1]), np.array([3,4]), np.eye(2)*1.4)
x2 = multivariate_gaussian(np.array([1,1]), np.array([3,4]), 1.4)
assert x == x2
# test univarate case
rv = norm(loc = 1., scale = np.sqrt(2.3))
x2 = multivariate_gaussian(1.2, 1., 2.3)
x3 = gaussian(1.2, 1., 2.3)
assert rv.pdf(1.2) == x2
assert abs(x2- x3) < 0.00000001
cov = np.array([[1,1],
sigma = [1,1]
ev = sigma_ellipses(cov, x=2, y=2, sigma=sigma)
plot_sigma_ellipses([ev], axis_equal=True,x_lim=[0,4],y_lim=[0,15])
#isct = plt.Circle((2,2),1,color='b',fill=False)
print "all tests passed"