Roger Labbe 850c7fc0dd Reformat, and changes to work with IPython 6.0
After a new Anaconda install I was getting a lot of minor errors
in the notebooks. I've fixed all of those. Along the ways I altered
the format of the PDF output to exclude the In[] Out[] tags so the
code is indented less. I also altered the font size of the notebooks
to better match fonts in other pages on chrome.

FilterPy was updated to 1.1.0, and this check in requires that release
at the minimum.
2017-11-18 17:14:31 -08:00

93 lines
2.7 KiB

% Inherit from report
((= IPython input/output style =))
((*- extends 'base.tplx' -*))
((* block docclass *))
((* endblock docclass *))
((* block preamble *))
((* endblock preamble *))
((* block title *))
\title{Kalman and Bayesian Filters in Python}
\author{Roger R Labbe Jr}
((* endblock title *))
((* block markdowncell scoped *))
((( cell.source | citation2latex | strip_files_prefix | markdown2latex(extra_args=["--top-level-division=chapter"]) )))
((* endblock markdowncell *))
% Custom definitions
((* block definitions *))
((( super() )))
% Pygments definitions
((( resources.latex.pygments_definitions )))
% Exact colors from NB
\definecolor{incolor}{rgb}{0.0, 0.0, 0.5}
\definecolor{outcolor}{rgb}{0.545, 0.0, 0.0}
((* endblock definitions *))
% Input
((* block input scoped *))
((*- if resources.global_content_filter.include_input_prompt *))
((( add_prompt(cell.source | highlight_code(strip_verbatim=True, metadata=cell.metadata), cell, 'in :', 'incolor') )))
((* endif *))
((* endblock input *))
% Output
((* block execute_result scoped *))
% Output:
((*- for type in output.data | filter_data_type -*))
((*- if resources.global_content_filter.include_output_prompt -*))
((*- if type in ['text/plain'] *))
((( add_prompt(output.data['text/plain'] | escape_latex, cell, 'out:', 'outcolor') )))
((* else -*))
\texttt{\color{outcolor}out:[{\color{outcolor}((( cell.execution_count )))}]:}((( super() )))
((*- endif -*))
((*- endif -*))
((*- endfor -*))
((* endblock execute_result *))
% Support Macros
% Name: draw_prompt
% Purpose: Renders an output/input prompt
((* macro add_prompt(text, cell, prompt, prompt_color) -*))
((*- if cell.execution_count is defined -*))
((*- set execution_count = "" ~ (cell.execution_count | replace(None, " ")) -*))
((*- else -*))
((*- set execution_count = " " -*))
((*- endif -*))
((*- set indention = " " -*))
((( text )))
((*- endmacro *))