Improved documentation of filterpy and code subdir.

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Roger Labbe 2014-09-18 14:23:33 -07:00
parent ac5cb13a48
commit c3f2722a6f

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@ -186,18 +186,23 @@ I have numpy 1.71, SciPy 0.13.0, and Matplotlib 1.4.0 installed on my machines.
Personally, I use the Anaconda Python distribution in all of my work, [available here]( I am not selecting them out of favoritism, I am merely documenting my environment. Should you have trouble running any of the code, perhaps knowing this will help you.
Provided Libraries
Provided Libraries and Modules
update: I have created the filterpy project, into which I am slowly moving a lot of this code. Some of the chapters use this project, some do not (yet). It is at For the time being this book is it's documentation; I cannot spend a lot of time working on the documentation for that library when I am writing this book.
I am writing an open source bayesian filtering Python library called **filterpy**. It is available on github at ( To ensure that you have the latest release you will want to grab a copy from github, and follow your Python installation's instructions for adding it to the Python search path.
I have also made the project available on PyPi, the Python Package Index. I will be honest, I am not updating this as fast as I am changing the code in the library. That will change as the library and this book mature. To install from PyPi, at the command line issue the command
pip install filterpy
If you do not have pip, you may follow the instructions here:
Code that is specific to the book is stored with the book in the subdirectory ./*code*. This code is in a state of flux; I do not wish to document it here yet. I do mention in the book when I use code from this directory, so it should not be a mystery.
I've not structured anything nicely yet. For now just look for any .py files in the base directory. As I pull everything together I will turn this into a python library, and probably create a separate git project just for the python code.
In the *code* subdirectory there are python files with a name like *xxx* I use these to store functions that are useful for a specific chapter. This allows me to hide away Python code that is not particularly interesting to read - I may be generating a plot or chart, and I want you to focus on the contents of the chart, not the mechanics of how I generate that chart with Python. If you are curious as to the mechanics of that, just go and browse the source.
There are python files with a name like *xxx* I use these to store functions that are useful for the book, but not of general interest. Often the Python is the point and focus of what I am talking about, but sometimes I just want to display a chart. IPython Notebook does not allow you to collapse the python code, and so it sometimes gets in the way. Some IPython books just incorporate .png files for the image, but I want to ensure that everything is open - if you want to look at the code you can.
Some chapters introduce functions that are useful for the rest of the book. Those functions are initially defined within the Notebook itself, but the code is also stored in a Python file that is imported if needed in later chapters. I do document when I do this where the function is first defined. But this is still a work in progress.
Some chapters introduce functions that are useful for the rest of the book. Those functions are initially defined within the Notebook itself, but the code is also stored in a Python file that is imported if needed in later chapters. I do document when I do this where the function is first defined, but this is still a work in progress. I try to avoid this because then I always face the issue of code in the directory becoming out of sync with the code in the book. However, IPython Notebook does not give us a way to refer to code cells in other notebooks, so this is the only mechanism I know of to share functionality across notebooks.