diff --git a/02-Discrete-Bayes.ipynb b/02-Discrete-Bayes.ipynb
index 1787062..2cd655b 100644
--- a/02-Discrete-Bayes.ipynb
+++ b/02-Discrete-Bayes.ipynb
@@ -296,7 +296,8 @@
"source": [
"#format the book\n",
- "%matplotlib notebook\n",
+ "#%matplotlib notebook\n",
+ "%matplotlib inline\n",
"from __future__ import division, print_function\n",
"from book_format import load_style\n",
@@ -397,775 +398,9 @@
"outputs": [
"data": {
- "application/javascript": [
- "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
- "window.mpl = {};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
- " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return WebSocket;\n",
- " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return MozWebSocket;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
- " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
- " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
- " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
- " this.id = figure_id;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws = websocket;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
- " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
- " if (warnings) {\n",
- " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
- " warnings.textContent = (\n",
- " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
- " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
- "\n",
- " this.context = undefined;\n",
- " this.message = undefined;\n",
- " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
- "\n",
- " this.root = $('
- " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
- " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
- "\n",
- " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
- "\n",
- " this._init_header(this);\n",
- " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
- " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.waiting = false;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
- " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
- " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
- " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
- " // there is no ghosting.\n",
- " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
- " };\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
- " this.ws.close();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
- " var titlebar = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " var titletext = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
- " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
- " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
- "\n",
- " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
- " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
- " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas = $('');\n",
- " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
- " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
- "\n",
- " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
- " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- "\n",
- " var rubberband = $('');\n",
- " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
- "\n",
- " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
- " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
- " },\n",
- " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
- " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
- " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
- " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
- " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
- " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
- " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
- " event.step = 1;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " event.step = -1;\n",
- " }\n",
- " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
- " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
- "\n",
- " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
- " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
- " // canvas in synch.\n",
- " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
- " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
- " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
- " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
- " // upon first draw.\n",
- " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
- " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
- " return false;\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function set_focus () {\n",
- " canvas.focus();\n",
- " canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) {\n",
- " // put a spacer in here.\n",
- " continue;\n",
- " }\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
- " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
- " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
- " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- "\n",
- " var icon_img = $('');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
- "\n",
- " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
- " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
- " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
- "\n",
- " button.append(icon_img);\n",
- " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
- "\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
- " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
- " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
- " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
- " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
- " var option = $(\n",
- " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
- " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
- " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
- " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
- " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
- " );\n",
- "\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
- " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
- " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
- " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
- " properties['type'] = type;\n",
- " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
- " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
- " this.waiting = true;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
- " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var size = msg['size'];\n",
- " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
- " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
- " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
- " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
- " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
- " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
- " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
- " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
- " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
- " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
- " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
- " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
- " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
- " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Updates the figure title.\n",
- " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
- " switch(cursor)\n",
- " {\n",
- " case 0:\n",
- " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 1:\n",
- " cursor = 'default';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 2:\n",
- " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 3:\n",
- " cursor = 'move';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
- " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
- "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
- " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
- " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
- " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
- " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
- " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
- " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
- " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
- "\n",
- " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
- " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
- " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
- " evt.data);\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
- " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
- " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
- " try {\n",
- " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " if (callback) {\n",
- " try {\n",
- " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
- " callback(fig, msg);\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
- "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
- " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
- " var targ;\n",
- " if (!e)\n",
- " e = window.event;\n",
- " if (e.target)\n",
- " targ = e.target;\n",
- " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
- " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
- " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
- " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
- "\n",
- " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
- " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
- " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
- " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
- " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
- "\n",
- " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "/*\n",
- " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
- " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
- " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
- " */\n",
- "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
- " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
- " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
- " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
- " return obj;\n",
- " }, {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
- "\n",
- " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " this.canvas.focus();\n",
- " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
- " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
- " step: event.step,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- "\n",
- " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
- " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
- " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
- " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
- " event.preventDefault();\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- "\n",
- " // Prevent repeat events\n",
- " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
- " return;\n",
- " else\n",
- " this._key = event.which;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
- " this._key = null;\n",
- "\n",
- " var value = '';\n",
- " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
- " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
- " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
- " value += \"alt+\";\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
- " value += \"shift+\";\n",
- "\n",
- " value += 'k';\n",
- " value += event.which.toString();\n",
- "\n",
- " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
- " if (name == 'download') {\n",
- " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
- " }\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
- " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
- "};\n",
- "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
- " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
- " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
- " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
- " var ws = {};\n",
- "\n",
- " ws.close = function() {\n",
- " comm.close()\n",
- " };\n",
- " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
- " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
- " comm.send(m);\n",
- " };\n",
- " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
- " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
- " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
- " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
- " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
- " });\n",
- " return ws;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
- " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
- " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
- "\n",
- " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
- " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
- " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
- " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
- " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
- "\n",
- " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
- " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
- " ondownload,\n",
- " element.get(0));\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
- " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
- " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
- " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
- " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
- " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
- " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
- "\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
- "\n",
- " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
- " fig.push_to_output();\n",
- " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
- " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
- " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
- " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
- " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
- " // fig.ws.close()\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
- " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
- " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
- " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
- " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
- " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
- "\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the status bar.\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
- " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
- " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
- " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
- " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " var fig = this\n",
- " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
- "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
- " });\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
- " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
- " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
- " // off when our div gets focus\n",
- "\n",
- " // location in version 3\n",
- " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- " else {\n",
- " // location in version 2\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
- " if (!manager)\n",
- " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
- "\n",
- " // Check for shift+enter\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
- " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
- " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
- " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
- " event.which = 74;\n",
- " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
- " manager.command_mode();\n",
- " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
- " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
- " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
- " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
- " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
- " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
- " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
- " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
- " data = data.data;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
- " return [cell, data, j];\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
- "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
- "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
- "}\n"
- ],
+ "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAhkAAACSCAYAAADo8ti5AAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\nuf72t7+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"text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/html": [
- ""
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
+ ""
"metadata": {},
@@ -1294,775 +529,9 @@
"data": {
- "application/javascript": [
- "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
- "window.mpl = {};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
- " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return WebSocket;\n",
- " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return MozWebSocket;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
- " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
- " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
- " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
- " this.id = figure_id;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws = websocket;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
- " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
- " if (warnings) {\n",
- " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
- " warnings.textContent = (\n",
- " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
- " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
- "\n",
- " this.context = undefined;\n",
- " this.message = undefined;\n",
- " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
- "\n",
- " this.root = $('');\n",
- " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
- " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
- "\n",
- " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
- "\n",
- " this._init_header(this);\n",
- " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
- " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.waiting = false;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
- " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
- " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
- " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
- " // there is no ghosting.\n",
- " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
- " };\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
- " this.ws.close();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
- " var titlebar = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " var titletext = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
- " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
- " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
- "\n",
- " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
- " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
- " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas = $('');\n",
- " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
- " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
- "\n",
- " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
- " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- "\n",
- " var rubberband = $('');\n",
- " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
- "\n",
- " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
- " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
- " },\n",
- " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
- " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
- " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
- " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
- " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
- " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
- " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
- " event.step = 1;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " event.step = -1;\n",
- " }\n",
- " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
- " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
- "\n",
- " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
- " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
- " // canvas in synch.\n",
- " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
- " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
- " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
- " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
- " // upon first draw.\n",
- " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
- " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
- " return false;\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function set_focus () {\n",
- " canvas.focus();\n",
- " canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) {\n",
- " // put a spacer in here.\n",
- " continue;\n",
- " }\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
- " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
- " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
- " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- "\n",
- " var icon_img = $('');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
- "\n",
- " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
- " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
- " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
- "\n",
- " button.append(icon_img);\n",
- " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
- "\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
- " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
- " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
- " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
- " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
- " var option = $(\n",
- " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
- " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
- " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
- " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
- " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
- " );\n",
- "\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
- " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
- " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
- " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
- " properties['type'] = type;\n",
- " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
- " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
- " this.waiting = true;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
- " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var size = msg['size'];\n",
- " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
- " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
- " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
- " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
- " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
- " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
- " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
- " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
- " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
- " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
- " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
- " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
- " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
- " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Updates the figure title.\n",
- " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
- " switch(cursor)\n",
- " {\n",
- " case 0:\n",
- " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 1:\n",
- " cursor = 'default';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 2:\n",
- " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 3:\n",
- " cursor = 'move';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
- " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
- "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
- " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
- " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
- " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
- " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
- " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
- " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
- " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
- "\n",
- " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
- " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
- " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
- " evt.data);\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
- " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
- " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
- " try {\n",
- " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " if (callback) {\n",
- " try {\n",
- " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
- " callback(fig, msg);\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
- "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
- " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
- " var targ;\n",
- " if (!e)\n",
- " e = window.event;\n",
- " if (e.target)\n",
- " targ = e.target;\n",
- " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
- " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
- " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
- " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
- "\n",
- " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
- " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
- " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
- " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
- " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
- "\n",
- " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "/*\n",
- " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
- " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
- " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
- " */\n",
- "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
- " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
- " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
- " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
- " return obj;\n",
- " }, {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
- "\n",
- " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " this.canvas.focus();\n",
- " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
- " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
- " step: event.step,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- "\n",
- " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
- " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
- " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
- " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
- " event.preventDefault();\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- "\n",
- " // Prevent repeat events\n",
- " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
- " return;\n",
- " else\n",
- " this._key = event.which;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
- " this._key = null;\n",
- "\n",
- " var value = '';\n",
- " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
- " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
- " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
- " value += \"alt+\";\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
- " value += \"shift+\";\n",
- "\n",
- " value += 'k';\n",
- " value += event.which.toString();\n",
- "\n",
- " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
- " if (name == 'download') {\n",
- " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
- " }\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
- " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
- "};\n",
- "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
- " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
- " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
- " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
- " var ws = {};\n",
- "\n",
- " ws.close = function() {\n",
- " comm.close()\n",
- " };\n",
- " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
- " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
- " comm.send(m);\n",
- " };\n",
- " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
- " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
- " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
- " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
- " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
- " });\n",
- " return ws;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
- " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
- " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
- "\n",
- " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
- " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
- " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
- " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
- " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
- "\n",
- " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
- " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
- " ondownload,\n",
- " element.get(0));\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
- " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
- " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
- " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
- " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
- " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
- " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
- "\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
- "\n",
- " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
- " fig.push_to_output();\n",
- " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
- " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
- " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
- " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
- " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
- " // fig.ws.close()\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
- " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
- " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
- " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
- " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
- " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
- "\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the status bar.\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
- " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
- " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
- " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
- " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " var fig = this\n",
- " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
- "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
- " });\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
- " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
- " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
- " // off when our div gets focus\n",
- "\n",
- " // location in version 3\n",
- " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- " else {\n",
- " // location in version 2\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
- " if (!manager)\n",
- " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
- "\n",
- " // Check for shift+enter\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
- " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
- " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
- " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
- " event.which = 74;\n",
- " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
- " manager.command_mode();\n",
- " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
- " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
- " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
- " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
- " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
- " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
- " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
- " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
- " data = data.data;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
- " return [cell, data, j];\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
- "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
- "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
- "}\n"
- ],
+ "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAhkAAACSCAYAAADo8ti5AAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\n",
"text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/html": [
- ""
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
+ ""
"metadata": {},
@@ -2188,775 +657,9 @@
"data": {
- "application/javascript": [
- "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
- "window.mpl = {};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
- " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return WebSocket;\n",
- " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return MozWebSocket;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
- " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
- " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
- " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
- " this.id = figure_id;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws = websocket;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
- " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
- " if (warnings) {\n",
- " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
- " warnings.textContent = (\n",
- " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
- " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
- "\n",
- " this.context = undefined;\n",
- " this.message = undefined;\n",
- " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
- "\n",
- " this.root = $('');\n",
- " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
- " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
- "\n",
- " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
- "\n",
- " this._init_header(this);\n",
- " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
- " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.waiting = false;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
- " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
- " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
- " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
- " // there is no ghosting.\n",
- " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
- " };\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
- " this.ws.close();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
- " var titlebar = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " var titletext = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
- " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
- " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
- "\n",
- " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
- " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
- " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas = $('');\n",
- " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
- " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
- "\n",
- " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
- " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- "\n",
- " var rubberband = $('');\n",
- " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
- "\n",
- " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
- " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
- " },\n",
- " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
- " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
- " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
- " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
- " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
- " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
- " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
- " event.step = 1;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " event.step = -1;\n",
- " }\n",
- " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
- " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
- "\n",
- " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
- " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
- " // canvas in synch.\n",
- " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
- " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
- " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
- " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
- " // upon first draw.\n",
- " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
- " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
- " return false;\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function set_focus () {\n",
- " canvas.focus();\n",
- " canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) {\n",
- " // put a spacer in here.\n",
- " continue;\n",
- " }\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
- " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
- " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
- " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- "\n",
- " var icon_img = $('');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
- "\n",
- " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
- " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
- " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
- "\n",
- " button.append(icon_img);\n",
- " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
- "\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
- " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
- " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
- " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
- " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
- " var option = $(\n",
- " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
- " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
- " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
- " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
- " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
- " );\n",
- "\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
- " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
- " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
- " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
- " properties['type'] = type;\n",
- " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
- " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
- " this.waiting = true;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
- " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var size = msg['size'];\n",
- " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
- " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
- " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
- " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
- " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
- " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
- " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
- " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
- " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
- " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
- " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
- " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
- " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
- " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Updates the figure title.\n",
- " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
- " switch(cursor)\n",
- " {\n",
- " case 0:\n",
- " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 1:\n",
- " cursor = 'default';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 2:\n",
- " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 3:\n",
- " cursor = 'move';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
- " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
- "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
- " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
- " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
- " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
- " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
- " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
- " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
- " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
- "\n",
- " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
- " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
- " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
- " evt.data);\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
- " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
- " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
- " try {\n",
- " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " if (callback) {\n",
- " try {\n",
- " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
- " callback(fig, msg);\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
- "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
- " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
- " var targ;\n",
- " if (!e)\n",
- " e = window.event;\n",
- " if (e.target)\n",
- " targ = e.target;\n",
- " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
- " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
- " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
- " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
- "\n",
- " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
- " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
- " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
- " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
- " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
- "\n",
- " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "/*\n",
- " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
- " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
- " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
- " */\n",
- "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
- " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
- " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
- " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
- " return obj;\n",
- " }, {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
- "\n",
- " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " this.canvas.focus();\n",
- " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
- " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
- " step: event.step,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- "\n",
- " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
- " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
- " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
- " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
- " event.preventDefault();\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- "\n",
- " // Prevent repeat events\n",
- " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
- " return;\n",
- " else\n",
- " this._key = event.which;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
- " this._key = null;\n",
- "\n",
- " var value = '';\n",
- " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
- " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
- " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
- " value += \"alt+\";\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
- " value += \"shift+\";\n",
- "\n",
- " value += 'k';\n",
- " value += event.which.toString();\n",
- "\n",
- " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
- " if (name == 'download') {\n",
- " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
- " }\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
- " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
- "};\n",
- "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
- " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
- " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
- " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
- " var ws = {};\n",
- "\n",
- " ws.close = function() {\n",
- " comm.close()\n",
- " };\n",
- " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
- " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
- " comm.send(m);\n",
- " };\n",
- " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
- " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
- " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
- " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
- " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
- " });\n",
- " return ws;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
- " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
- " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
- "\n",
- " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
- " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
- " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
- " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
- " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
- "\n",
- " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
- " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
- " ondownload,\n",
- " element.get(0));\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
- " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
- " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
- " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
- " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
- " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
- " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
- "\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
- "\n",
- " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
- " fig.push_to_output();\n",
- " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
- " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
- " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
- " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
- " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
- " // fig.ws.close()\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
- " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
- " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
- " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
- " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
- " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
- "\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the status bar.\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
- " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
- " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
- " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
- " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " var fig = this\n",
- " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
- "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
- " });\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
- " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
- " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
- " // off when our div gets focus\n",
- "\n",
- " // location in version 3\n",
- " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- " else {\n",
- " // location in version 2\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
- " if (!manager)\n",
- " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
- "\n",
- " // Check for shift+enter\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
- " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
- " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
- " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
- " event.which = 74;\n",
- " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
- " manager.command_mode();\n",
- " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
- " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
- " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
- " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
- " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
- " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
- " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
- " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
- " data = data.data;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
- " return [cell, data, j];\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
- "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
- "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
- "}\n"
- ],
+ "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAh8AAACSCAYAAADl7Kj+AAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\nN8MjH0N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"text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/html": [
- ""
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
+ ""
"metadata": {},
@@ -3096,775 +799,9 @@
"outputs": [
"data": {
- "application/javascript": [
- "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
- "window.mpl = {};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
- " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return WebSocket;\n",
- " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return MozWebSocket;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
- " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
- " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
- " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
- " this.id = figure_id;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws = websocket;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
- " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
- " if (warnings) {\n",
- " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
- " warnings.textContent = (\n",
- " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
- " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
- "\n",
- " this.context = undefined;\n",
- " this.message = undefined;\n",
- " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
- "\n",
- " this.root = $('');\n",
- " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
- " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
- "\n",
- " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
- "\n",
- " this._init_header(this);\n",
- " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
- " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.waiting = false;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
- " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
- " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
- " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
- " // there is no ghosting.\n",
- " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
- " };\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
- " this.ws.close();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
- " var titlebar = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " var titletext = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
- " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
- " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
- "\n",
- " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
- " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
- " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas = $('');\n",
- " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
- " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
- "\n",
- " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
- " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- "\n",
- " var rubberband = $('');\n",
- " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
- "\n",
- " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
- " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
- " },\n",
- " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
- " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
- " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
- " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
- " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
- " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
- " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
- " event.step = 1;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " event.step = -1;\n",
- " }\n",
- " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
- " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
- "\n",
- " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
- " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
- " // canvas in synch.\n",
- " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
- " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
- " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
- " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
- " // upon first draw.\n",
- " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
- " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
- " return false;\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function set_focus () {\n",
- " canvas.focus();\n",
- " canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) {\n",
- " // put a spacer in here.\n",
- " continue;\n",
- " }\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
- " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
- " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
- " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- "\n",
- " var icon_img = $('');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
- "\n",
- " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
- " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
- " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
- "\n",
- " button.append(icon_img);\n",
- " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
- "\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
- " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
- " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
- " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
- " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
- " var option = $(\n",
- " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
- " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
- " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
- " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
- " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
- " );\n",
- "\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
- " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
- " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
- " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
- " properties['type'] = type;\n",
- " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
- " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
- " this.waiting = true;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
- " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var size = msg['size'];\n",
- " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
- " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
- " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
- " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
- " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
- " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
- " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
- " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
- " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
- " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
- " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
- " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
- " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
- " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Updates the figure title.\n",
- " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
- " switch(cursor)\n",
- " {\n",
- " case 0:\n",
- " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 1:\n",
- " cursor = 'default';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 2:\n",
- " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 3:\n",
- " cursor = 'move';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
- " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
- "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
- " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
- " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
- " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
- " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
- " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
- " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
- " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
- "\n",
- " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
- " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
- " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
- " evt.data);\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
- " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
- " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
- " try {\n",
- " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " if (callback) {\n",
- " try {\n",
- " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
- " callback(fig, msg);\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
- "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
- " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
- " var targ;\n",
- " if (!e)\n",
- " e = window.event;\n",
- " if (e.target)\n",
- " targ = e.target;\n",
- " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
- " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
- " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
- " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
- "\n",
- " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
- " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
- " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
- " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
- " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
- "\n",
- " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "/*\n",
- " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
- " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
- " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
- " */\n",
- "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
- " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
- " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
- " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
- " return obj;\n",
- " }, {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
- "\n",
- " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " this.canvas.focus();\n",
- " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
- " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
- " step: event.step,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- "\n",
- " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
- " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
- " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
- " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
- " event.preventDefault();\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- "\n",
- " // Prevent repeat events\n",
- " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
- " return;\n",
- " else\n",
- " this._key = event.which;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
- " this._key = null;\n",
- "\n",
- " var value = '';\n",
- " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
- " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
- " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
- " value += \"alt+\";\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
- " value += \"shift+\";\n",
- "\n",
- " value += 'k';\n",
- " value += event.which.toString();\n",
- "\n",
- " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
- " if (name == 'download') {\n",
- " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
- " }\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
- " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
- "};\n",
- "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
- " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
- " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
- " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
- " var ws = {};\n",
- "\n",
- " ws.close = function() {\n",
- " comm.close()\n",
- " };\n",
- " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
- " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
- " comm.send(m);\n",
- " };\n",
- " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
- " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
- " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
- " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
- " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
- " });\n",
- " return ws;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
- " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
- " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
- "\n",
- " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
- " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
- " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
- " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
- " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
- "\n",
- " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
- " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
- " ondownload,\n",
- " element.get(0));\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
- " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
- " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
- " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
- " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
- " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
- " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
- "\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
- "\n",
- " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
- " fig.push_to_output();\n",
- " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
- " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
- " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
- " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
- " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
- " // fig.ws.close()\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
- " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
- " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
- " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
- " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
- " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
- "\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the status bar.\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
- " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
- " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
- " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
- " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " var fig = this\n",
- " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
- "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
- " });\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
- " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
- " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
- " // off when our div gets focus\n",
- "\n",
- " // location in version 3\n",
- " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- " else {\n",
- " // location in version 2\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
- " if (!manager)\n",
- " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
- "\n",
- " // Check for shift+enter\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
- " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
- " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
- " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
- " event.which = 74;\n",
- " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
- " manager.command_mode();\n",
- " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
- " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
- " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
- " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
- " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
- " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
- " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
- " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
- " data = data.data;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
- " return [cell, data, j];\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
- "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
- "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
- "}\n"
- ],
+ "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAh8AAACbCAYAAADC4/k2AAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\nMBqNsFg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"text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/html": [
- ""
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
+ ""
"metadata": {},
@@ -3910,775 +847,9 @@
"outputs": [
"data": {
- "application/javascript": [
- "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
- "window.mpl = {};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
- " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return WebSocket;\n",
- " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return MozWebSocket;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
- " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
- " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
- " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
- " this.id = figure_id;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws = websocket;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
- " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
- " if (warnings) {\n",
- " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
- " warnings.textContent = (\n",
- " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
- " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
- "\n",
- " this.context = undefined;\n",
- " this.message = undefined;\n",
- " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
- "\n",
- " this.root = $('');\n",
- " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
- " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
- "\n",
- " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
- "\n",
- " this._init_header(this);\n",
- " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
- " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.waiting = false;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
- " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
- " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
- " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
- " // there is no ghosting.\n",
- " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
- " };\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
- " this.ws.close();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
- " var titlebar = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " var titletext = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
- " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
- " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
- "\n",
- " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
- " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
- " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas = $('');\n",
- " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
- " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
- "\n",
- " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
- " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- "\n",
- " var rubberband = $('');\n",
- " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
- "\n",
- " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
- " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
- " },\n",
- " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
- " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
- " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
- " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
- " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
- " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
- " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
- " event.step = 1;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " event.step = -1;\n",
- " }\n",
- " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
- " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
- "\n",
- " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
- " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
- " // canvas in synch.\n",
- " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
- " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
- " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
- " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
- " // upon first draw.\n",
- " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
- " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
- " return false;\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function set_focus () {\n",
- " canvas.focus();\n",
- " canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) {\n",
- " // put a spacer in here.\n",
- " continue;\n",
- " }\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
- " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
- " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
- " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- "\n",
- " var icon_img = $('');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
- "\n",
- " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
- " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
- " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
- "\n",
- " button.append(icon_img);\n",
- " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
- "\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
- " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
- " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
- " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
- " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
- " var option = $(\n",
- " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
- " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
- " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
- " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
- " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
- " );\n",
- "\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
- " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
- " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
- " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
- " properties['type'] = type;\n",
- " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
- " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
- " this.waiting = true;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
- " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var size = msg['size'];\n",
- " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
- " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
- " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
- " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
- " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
- " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
- " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
- " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
- " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
- " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
- " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
- " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
- " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
- " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Updates the figure title.\n",
- " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
- " switch(cursor)\n",
- " {\n",
- " case 0:\n",
- " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 1:\n",
- " cursor = 'default';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 2:\n",
- " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 3:\n",
- " cursor = 'move';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
- " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
- "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
- " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
- " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
- " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
- " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
- " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
- " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
- " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
- "\n",
- " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
- " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
- " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
- " evt.data);\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
- " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
- " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
- " try {\n",
- " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " if (callback) {\n",
- " try {\n",
- " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
- " callback(fig, msg);\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
- "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
- " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
- " var targ;\n",
- " if (!e)\n",
- " e = window.event;\n",
- " if (e.target)\n",
- " targ = e.target;\n",
- " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
- " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
- " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
- " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
- "\n",
- " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
- " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
- " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
- " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
- " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
- "\n",
- " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "/*\n",
- " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
- " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
- " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
- " */\n",
- "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
- " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
- " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
- " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
- " return obj;\n",
- " }, {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
- "\n",
- " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " this.canvas.focus();\n",
- " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
- " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
- " step: event.step,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- "\n",
- " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
- " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
- " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
- " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
- " event.preventDefault();\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- "\n",
- " // Prevent repeat events\n",
- " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
- " return;\n",
- " else\n",
- " this._key = event.which;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
- " this._key = null;\n",
- "\n",
- " var value = '';\n",
- " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
- " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
- " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
- " value += \"alt+\";\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
- " value += \"shift+\";\n",
- "\n",
- " value += 'k';\n",
- " value += event.which.toString();\n",
- "\n",
- " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
- " if (name == 'download') {\n",
- " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
- " }\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
- " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
- "};\n",
- "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
- " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
- " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
- " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
- " var ws = {};\n",
- "\n",
- " ws.close = function() {\n",
- " comm.close()\n",
- " };\n",
- " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
- " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
- " comm.send(m);\n",
- " };\n",
- " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
- " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
- " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
- " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
- " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
- " });\n",
- " return ws;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
- " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
- " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
- "\n",
- " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
- " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
- " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
- " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
- " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
- "\n",
- " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
- " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
- " ondownload,\n",
- " element.get(0));\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
- " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
- " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
- " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
- " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
- " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
- " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
- "\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
- "\n",
- " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
- " fig.push_to_output();\n",
- " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
- " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
- " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
- " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
- " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
- " // fig.ws.close()\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
- " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
- " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
- " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
- " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
- " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
- "\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the status bar.\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
- " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
- " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
- " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
- " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " var fig = this\n",
- " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
- "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
- " });\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
- " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
- " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
- " // off when our div gets focus\n",
- "\n",
- " // location in version 3\n",
- " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- " else {\n",
- " // location in version 2\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
- " if (!manager)\n",
- " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
- "\n",
- " // Check for shift+enter\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
- " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
- " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
- " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
- " event.which = 74;\n",
- " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
- " manager.command_mode();\n",
- " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
- " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
- " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
- " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
- " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
- " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
- " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
- " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
- " data = data.data;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
- " return [cell, data, j];\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
- "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
- "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
- "}\n"
- ],
+ "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAh8AAACSCAYAAADl7Kj+AAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\n3f1+v3w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"text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/html": [
- ""
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
+ ""
"metadata": {},
@@ -4755,775 +926,9 @@
"outputs": [
"data": {
- "application/javascript": [
- "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
- "window.mpl = {};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
- " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return WebSocket;\n",
- " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return MozWebSocket;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
- " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
- " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
- " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
- " this.id = figure_id;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws = websocket;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
- " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
- " if (warnings) {\n",
- " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
- " warnings.textContent = (\n",
- " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
- " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
- "\n",
- " this.context = undefined;\n",
- " this.message = undefined;\n",
- " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
- "\n",
- " this.root = $('');\n",
- " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
- " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
- "\n",
- " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
- "\n",
- " this._init_header(this);\n",
- " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
- " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.waiting = false;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
- " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
- " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
- " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
- " // there is no ghosting.\n",
- " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
- " };\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
- " this.ws.close();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
- " var titlebar = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " var titletext = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
- " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
- " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
- "\n",
- " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
- " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
- " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas = $('');\n",
- " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
- " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
- "\n",
- " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
- " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- "\n",
- " var rubberband = $('');\n",
- " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
- "\n",
- " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
- " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
- " },\n",
- " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
- " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
- " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
- " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
- " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
- " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
- " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
- " event.step = 1;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " event.step = -1;\n",
- " }\n",
- " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
- " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
- "\n",
- " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
- " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
- " // canvas in synch.\n",
- " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
- " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
- " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
- " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
- " // upon first draw.\n",
- " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
- " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
- " return false;\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function set_focus () {\n",
- " canvas.focus();\n",
- " canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) {\n",
- " // put a spacer in here.\n",
- " continue;\n",
- " }\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
- " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
- " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
- " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- "\n",
- " var icon_img = $('');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
- "\n",
- " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
- " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
- " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
- "\n",
- " button.append(icon_img);\n",
- " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
- "\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
- " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
- " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
- " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
- " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
- " var option = $(\n",
- " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
- " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
- " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
- " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
- " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
- " );\n",
- "\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
- " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
- " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
- " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
- " properties['type'] = type;\n",
- " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
- " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
- " this.waiting = true;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
- " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var size = msg['size'];\n",
- " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
- " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
- " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
- " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
- " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
- " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
- " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
- " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
- " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
- " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
- " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
- " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
- " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
- " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Updates the figure title.\n",
- " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
- " switch(cursor)\n",
- " {\n",
- " case 0:\n",
- " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 1:\n",
- " cursor = 'default';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 2:\n",
- " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 3:\n",
- " cursor = 'move';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
- " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
- "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
- " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
- " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
- " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
- " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
- " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
- " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
- " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
- "\n",
- " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
- " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
- " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
- " evt.data);\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
- " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
- " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
- " try {\n",
- " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " if (callback) {\n",
- " try {\n",
- " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
- " callback(fig, msg);\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
- "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
- " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
- " var targ;\n",
- " if (!e)\n",
- " e = window.event;\n",
- " if (e.target)\n",
- " targ = e.target;\n",
- " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
- " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
- " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
- " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
- "\n",
- " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
- " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
- " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
- " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
- " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
- "\n",
- " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "/*\n",
- " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
- " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
- " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
- " */\n",
- "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
- " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
- " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
- " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
- " return obj;\n",
- " }, {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
- "\n",
- " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " this.canvas.focus();\n",
- " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
- " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
- " step: event.step,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- "\n",
- " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
- " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
- " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
- " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
- " event.preventDefault();\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- "\n",
- " // Prevent repeat events\n",
- " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
- " return;\n",
- " else\n",
- " this._key = event.which;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
- " this._key = null;\n",
- "\n",
- " var value = '';\n",
- " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
- " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
- " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
- " value += \"alt+\";\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
- " value += \"shift+\";\n",
- "\n",
- " value += 'k';\n",
- " value += event.which.toString();\n",
- "\n",
- " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
- " if (name == 'download') {\n",
- " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
- " }\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
- " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
- "};\n",
- "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
- " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
- " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
- " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
- " var ws = {};\n",
- "\n",
- " ws.close = function() {\n",
- " comm.close()\n",
- " };\n",
- " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
- " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
- " comm.send(m);\n",
- " };\n",
- " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
- " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
- " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
- " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
- " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
- " });\n",
- " return ws;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
- " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
- " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
- "\n",
- " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
- " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
- " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
- " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
- " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
- "\n",
- " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
- " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
- " ondownload,\n",
- " element.get(0));\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
- " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
- " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
- " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
- " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
- " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
- " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
- "\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
- "\n",
- " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
- " fig.push_to_output();\n",
- " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
- " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
- " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
- " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
- " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
- " // fig.ws.close()\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
- " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
- " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
- " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
- " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
- " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
- "\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the status bar.\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
- " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
- " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
- " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
- " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " var fig = this\n",
- " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
- "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
- " });\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
- " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
- " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
- " // off when our div gets focus\n",
- "\n",
- " // location in version 3\n",
- " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- " else {\n",
- " // location in version 2\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
- " if (!manager)\n",
- " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
- "\n",
- " // Check for shift+enter\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
- " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
- " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
- " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
- " event.which = 74;\n",
- " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
- " manager.command_mode();\n",
- " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
- " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
- " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
- " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
- " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
- " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
- " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
- " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
- " data = data.data;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
- " return [cell, data, j];\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
- "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
- "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
- "}\n"
- ],
+ "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAhkAAACbCAYAAADP/YlxAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\nbW4F5gi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"text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/html": [
- ""
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
+ ""
"metadata": {},
@@ -5564,775 +969,9 @@
"outputs": [
"data": {
- "application/javascript": [
- "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
- "window.mpl = {};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
- " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return WebSocket;\n",
- " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return MozWebSocket;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
- " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
- " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
- " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
- " this.id = figure_id;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws = websocket;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
- " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
- " if (warnings) {\n",
- " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
- " warnings.textContent = (\n",
- " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
- " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
- "\n",
- " this.context = undefined;\n",
- " this.message = undefined;\n",
- " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
- "\n",
- " this.root = $('');\n",
- " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
- " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
- "\n",
- " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
- "\n",
- " this._init_header(this);\n",
- " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
- " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.waiting = false;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
- " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
- " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
- " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
- " // there is no ghosting.\n",
- " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
- " };\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
- " this.ws.close();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
- " var titlebar = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " var titletext = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
- " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
- " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
- "\n",
- " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
- " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
- " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas = $('');\n",
- " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
- " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
- "\n",
- " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
- " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- "\n",
- " var rubberband = $('');\n",
- " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
- "\n",
- " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
- " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
- " },\n",
- " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
- " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
- " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
- " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
- " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
- " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
- " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
- " event.step = 1;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " event.step = -1;\n",
- " }\n",
- " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
- " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
- "\n",
- " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
- " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
- " // canvas in synch.\n",
- " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
- " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
- " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
- " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
- " // upon first draw.\n",
- " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
- " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
- " return false;\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function set_focus () {\n",
- " canvas.focus();\n",
- " canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) {\n",
- " // put a spacer in here.\n",
- " continue;\n",
- " }\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
- " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
- " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
- " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- "\n",
- " var icon_img = $('');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
- "\n",
- " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
- " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
- " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
- "\n",
- " button.append(icon_img);\n",
- " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
- "\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
- " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
- " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
- " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
- " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
- " var option = $(\n",
- " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
- " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
- " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
- " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
- " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
- " );\n",
- "\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
- " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
- " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
- " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
- " properties['type'] = type;\n",
- " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
- " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
- " this.waiting = true;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
- " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var size = msg['size'];\n",
- " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
- " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
- " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
- " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
- " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
- " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
- " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
- " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
- " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
- " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
- " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
- " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
- " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
- " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Updates the figure title.\n",
- " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
- " switch(cursor)\n",
- " {\n",
- " case 0:\n",
- " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 1:\n",
- " cursor = 'default';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 2:\n",
- " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 3:\n",
- " cursor = 'move';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
- " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
- "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
- " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
- " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
- " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
- " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
- " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
- " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
- " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
- "\n",
- " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
- " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
- " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
- " evt.data);\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
- " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
- " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
- " try {\n",
- " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " if (callback) {\n",
- " try {\n",
- " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
- " callback(fig, msg);\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
- "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
- " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
- " var targ;\n",
- " if (!e)\n",
- " e = window.event;\n",
- " if (e.target)\n",
- " targ = e.target;\n",
- " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
- " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
- " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
- " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
- "\n",
- " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
- " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
- " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
- " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
- " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
- "\n",
- " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "/*\n",
- " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
- " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
- " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
- " */\n",
- "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
- " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
- " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
- " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
- " return obj;\n",
- " }, {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
- "\n",
- " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " this.canvas.focus();\n",
- " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
- " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
- " step: event.step,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- "\n",
- " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
- " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
- " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
- " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
- " event.preventDefault();\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- "\n",
- " // Prevent repeat events\n",
- " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
- " return;\n",
- " else\n",
- " this._key = event.which;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
- " this._key = null;\n",
- "\n",
- " var value = '';\n",
- " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
- " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
- " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
- " value += \"alt+\";\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
- " value += \"shift+\";\n",
- "\n",
- " value += 'k';\n",
- " value += event.which.toString();\n",
- "\n",
- " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
- " if (name == 'download') {\n",
- " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
- " }\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
- " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
- "};\n",
- "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
- " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
- " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
- " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
- " var ws = {};\n",
- "\n",
- " ws.close = function() {\n",
- " comm.close()\n",
- " };\n",
- " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
- " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
- " comm.send(m);\n",
- " };\n",
- " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
- " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
- " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
- " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
- " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
- " });\n",
- " return ws;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
- " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
- " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
- "\n",
- " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
- " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
- " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
- " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
- " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
- "\n",
- " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
- " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
- " ondownload,\n",
- " element.get(0));\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
- " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
- " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
- " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
- " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
- " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
- " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
- "\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
- "\n",
- " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
- " fig.push_to_output();\n",
- " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
- " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
- " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
- " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
- " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
- " // fig.ws.close()\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
- " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
- " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
- " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
- " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
- " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
- "\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the status bar.\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
- " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
- " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
- " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
- " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " var fig = this\n",
- " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
- "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
- " });\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
- " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
- " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
- " // off when our div gets focus\n",
- "\n",
- " // location in version 3\n",
- " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- " else {\n",
- " // location in version 2\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
- " if (!manager)\n",
- " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
- "\n",
- " // Check for shift+enter\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
- " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
- " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
- " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
- " event.which = 74;\n",
- " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
- " manager.command_mode();\n",
- " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
- " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
- " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
- " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
- " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
- " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
- " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
- " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
- " data = data.data;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
- " return [cell, data, j];\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
- "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
- "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
- "}\n"
- ],
+ "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAhkAAACbCAYAAADP/YlxAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz\nAAALEgAACxIB0t1+/AAAFkNJREFUeJzt3W1QVOf5x/Hfwrqi7hpFsdNWRWJCkkkzTGHG9GE2pUYS\n29pOEWkxBtPEcUbTNrbjWONDFIbRVWPjaJRR64xt1RaTimNim9gSsf+WzqihgYqpz5KIyVhUjIAI\nLnv+Lxw3ISoH8NzIst/Pm7h77v3t5cFcXHt29xyXZVmWAAAAHBZztwsAAAC9E0MGAAAwgiEDAAAY\nwZABAACMYMgAAABGMGQAAAAjGDKgAwcO6Pvf/36nHjN27FgdPnxYVVVVmjVrlu36srIyjR07VtnZ\n2WppaelqqQB6iTVr1mjXrl13uwwY5r7bBSCyfeUrX9Hq1att1/35z3/Wj370I82YMaMbqgLQ073w\nwgt3uwR0A4YMSJIaGxv1wgsv6MMPP9TAgQNVUFCgL33pS1q5cqUOHjyoUCikhx56SAsXLtSAAQPC\njztw4IAKCgr05ptv6tq1azetX7BggbZv36533nlHcXFxqq+v15w5c+7i3xSASQcOHNCKFSv0hS98\nQWfOnFG/fv20dOlSbdq0SZcuXVJNTY3S09N1/vx5JScn69lnn9W7776rl19+WVevXlWfPn00a9Ys\n+f1+7dy5U3/605/U1NQkn8+n3/3ud3f7r4dOYsiAJOncuXNatWqVUlJS9Nprr2nOnDn61re+Jbfb\nreLiYknSqlWr9Otf/1qLFi26ZcbGjRtvuX7x4sU6ceJEuKEA6N3++9//av78+UpNTdX27dv1q1/9\nSsnJyWpubtabb74pSZo3b54k6dKlS5o1a5bWr1+vRx55RCdOnNDTTz+tHTt2SJJOnDih0tJS9e/f\n/679fdB1DBmQJD3wwANKSUmRJGVmZiovL0/BYFBXrlxRWVmZJCkYDGrIkCG3zdi3b5/q6+s7vB5A\n7/TAAw8oNTVVkjRx4kTl5+dr2LBh4fs+q7KyUomJiXrkkUckSffdd5/S0tJ04MCBcBYDRuRiyIAk\nKSam7WeAXS6XJGnBggXy+/2SpKamJjU3N982o7W1tVPrAfRObvenv1osy5JlWYqNjW3zVuvnt39W\na2urgsGg3G43A0aE49slkCQdOXJER44ckSQVFRUpLS1Nfr9fW7du1bVr1xQKhbRgwQK98sort83w\n+/3atm1bh9cD6J3ef/99HTt2TJK0fft2paWlyefz3XJtSkqKqqurdejQIUnS8ePHVV5erjFjxnRb\nvTCHIxmQJI0ePVrr1q3Thx9+qKFDh2r58uWKj4/XihUrlJmZGf4g59y5cyV9eqTjs55//vnbrgcQ\nPRISErRq1SrV1NRo6NChWrFihV599dVbrh08eLBWr16tgoICNTU1KTY2VoFAQImJifr3v//dzZXD\naS4u9Q4AcMpnv3EGdOjtksrKSuXm5t50/969ezVp0iTl5OTo9ddfd7w4AL0HfQSIPrZvl2zatEm7\ndu266QM7wWBQy5YtU3Fxsfr27avJkyfr8ccfV3x8vLFiAUQm+kj0GDNmDEcxEGZ7JCMxMVHr1q27\n6f6TJ08qMTFRXq9Xffr0UVpamg4ePGikSACRjT4CRCfbISMjI0OxsbE33d/Q0NDm08IDBgxQfX29\ns9UB6BXoI0B06vJXWL1erxoaGsK3GxsbNXDgQNvHBYOtXX1KAL0MfQTo3Tr8FdbPfwll9OjR+uCD\nD3T58mXFxcXp4MGDmjZtmm1OXd0V2zUJCT7V1pp5NUN292VHYs3Rlp2QcOtzF5hCHyG7p+SS7Vx2\ne32kw0PGjfMi7N69W01NTcrOzta8efP03HPPybIsZWdna9iwYZ0qDEB0oY8A0aVDQ8aXv/xlFRUV\nSZImTJgQvj89PV3p6elGCgPQu9BHgOjDacUBAIARDBkAAMAIhgwAAGAEQwYAADCCIQMAABjBkAEA\nAIxgyAAAAEYwZAAAACMYMgAAgBEMGQAAwAiGDAAAYARDBgAAMIIhAwAAGMGQAQAAjLAdMizL0uLF\ni5WTk6OpU6fqzJkzbba/8cYbmjhxorKzs/XHP/7RWKEAIhd9BIhObrsFJSUlamlpUVFRkSorKxUI\nBFRYWBjevmLFCr311luKi4vT9773PU2YMEE+n89o0QAiC30EiE62Q0Z5ebn8fr8kKSUlRVVVVW22\nP/jgg/rkk0/kcrkkKfxfALiBPgJEJ9sho6Ghoc0rCrfbrVAopJiY6++03H///crKylL//v2VkZEh\nr9drrloAEYk+AkQn289keL1eNTY2hm9/tjEcPXpU+/bt0969e7V3715duHBBe/bsMVctgIhEHwGi\nk+2RjNTUVJWWlmr8+PGqqKhQcnJyeJvP51O/fv3k8XjkcrkUHx+vy5cvt5s3eHB/ud2xtoUlJJh7\nP5bs7suOxJrJdh59hOyemEu2+WyXZVlWewssy1JeXp6OHj0qSQoEAjp8+LCampqUnZ2toqIi7dix\nQx6PRyNHjlRBQYHc7tvPLrW19bZFJST4OrSuK8juvuxIrDnasrtrKKGPkN3Tcsl2Lru9PmJ7JMPl\ncik/P7/NfUlJSeE/5+TkKCcnp1MFAYgu9BEgOnEyLgAAYARDBgAAMIIhAwAAGMGQAQAAjGDIAAAA\nRjBkAAAAIxgyAACAEQwZAADACIYMAABgBEMGAAAwgiEDAAAYwZABAACMYMgAAABGMGQAAAAjbC/1\nblmW8vLydPToUXk8Hi1ZskQjRowIb//Pf/6j5cuXS5KGDh2ql19+WR6Px1zFACIOfQSITrZHMkpK\nStTS0qKioiLNnj1bgUCgzfZFixZp2bJl2rZtm/x+vz766CNjxQKITPQRIDrZHskoLy+X3++XJKWk\npKiqqiq87fTp0xo0aJA2b96s48ePKz09XaNGjTJWLIDIRB8BopPtkYyGhgb5fL7wbbfbrVAoJEmq\nq6tTRUWFcnNztXnzZv3rX//S/v37zVULICLRR4DoZHskw+v1qrGxMXw7FAopJub6bDJo0CCNHDlS\nSUlJkiS/36+qqio9+uijhsrtfVpbW1Vdfcp2XV2dVxcvNrS7ZtSoexUbG+tUaYBj6CNAdLIdMlJT\nU1VaWqrx48eroqJCycnJ4W0jRozQlStXdObMGY0YMULl5eWaNGlSu3mDB/eX223/izAhwWe7pqt6\nUvaxY8c0ZUeFPAnDbVaeb3drS22N3prubfPz6QxT+6Qn7Wuy7x76CNk9MZds89kuy7Ks9hZ89lPh\nkhQIBHT48GE1NTUpOztb+/fv18qVKyVJX/3qVzV//vx2n7C2tt62qIQEX4fWdUVPyz558rie/b/z\nivti0h0999WPT2vzY0M1evT9nX6sqX3S0/Y12bd+THegj5Dd03LJdi67vT5ieyTD5XIpPz+/zX03\nDmtK0qOPPqrXX3+9UwUBiC70ESA6cTIuAABgBEMGAAAwgiEDAAAYwZABAACMYMgAAABG2H67BAAA\npzl5IkKJkxH2VAwZAIBuV119ypETEUrXT0a4LUtdOk8QzGLIAADcFZ6E4Xd8IkL0bHwmAwAAGMGQ\nAQAAjGDIAAAARjBkAAAAIxgyAACAEQwZAADACIYMAABghO2QYVmWFi9erJycHE2dOlVnzpy55bpF\nixbplVdecbxAAJGPPgJEJ9sho6SkRC0tLSoqKtLs2bMVCARuWlNUVKRjx44ZKRBA5KOPANHJdsgo\nLy+X3++XJKWkpKiqqqrN9vfee0+HDh1STk6OmQoBRDz6CBCdbE8r3tDQIJ/P9+kD3G6FQiHFxMSo\ntrZWa9euVWFhof7yl78YLfRucvJCPlzEB9GIPgJEJ9shw+v1qrGxMXz7RmOQpLfffluXLl3S9OnT\nVVtbq+bmZt1777364Q9/eNu8wYP7y+22/yWbkOCzXdNVnc0+duyYIxfyaamt0VvTvUpOTg7fV1fn\ntX1cR8XHe7u830zt7570cyT77qGPkP15TvY+qev9r6fsj96abTtkpKamqrS0VOPHj1dFRUWbX5C5\nubnKzc2VJO3cuVOnT59utzFIUl3dFduiEhJ8qq2tt13XFV3JvnixwbEL+Vy82NDm+TtyCeOuZneU\nqf3d036OZN/6Md2BPhKZ2R09iitd/yXfmSO5Tva+G3ld+fffU/Z1JGe310dsh4yMjAyVlZWF3ysN\nBALavXu3mpqalJ2d3alCAEQn+khk6vjl2KWOHMnlcuzRx3bIcLlcys/Pb3NfUtLNr+gzMzOdqwpA\nr0IfiVxcjh13gpNxAQAAIxgyAACAEQwZAADACIYMAABgBEMGAAAwgiEDAAAYwZABAACMYMgAAABG\nMGQAAAAjGDIAAIARDBkAAMAIhgwAAGAEQwYAADCCIQMAABhhe6l3y7KUl5eno0ePyuPxaMmSJRox\nYkR4++7du/X73/9ebrdbycnJysvLM1kvgAhEHwGik+2RjJKSErW0tKioqEizZ89WIBAIb2tubtaa\nNWu0detW/eEPf1B9fb1KS0uNFgwg8tBHgOhkO2SUl5fL7/dLklJSUlRVVRXe5vF4VFRUJI/HI0kK\nBoPq27evoVIBRCr6CBCdbIeMhoYG+Xy+8G23261QKCRJcrlcio+PlyRt2bJFTU1N+sY3vmGoVACR\nij4CRCfbz2R4vV41NjaGb4dCIcXEfDqbWJalFStW6IMPPtDatWttn3Dw4P5yu2Nt1yUk+GzXdFVn\ns+vqvJLOO/Lc8fHeNs9vMrszTO3vnvRzJPvuoY9EZraT/Ulq26NMZndGT9nXvTXbdshITU1VaWmp\nxo8fr4qKCiUnJ7fZ/tJLLykuLk6FhYUdesK6uiu2axISfKqtre9QXmd1JfvixQbHnv/ixYY2z28y\nu6NM7e+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"text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/html": [
- ""
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
+ ""
"metadata": {},
@@ -6364,782 +1003,6 @@
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [
- {
- "data": {
- "application/javascript": [
- "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
- "window.mpl = {};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
- " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return WebSocket;\n",
- " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return MozWebSocket;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
- " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
- " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
- " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
- " this.id = figure_id;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws = websocket;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
- " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
- " if (warnings) {\n",
- " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
- " warnings.textContent = (\n",
- " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
- " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
- "\n",
- " this.context = undefined;\n",
- " this.message = undefined;\n",
- " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
- "\n",
- " this.root = $('');\n",
- " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
- " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
- "\n",
- " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
- "\n",
- " this._init_header(this);\n",
- " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
- " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.waiting = false;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
- " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
- " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
- " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
- " // there is no ghosting.\n",
- " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
- " };\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
- " this.ws.close();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
- " var titlebar = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " var titletext = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
- " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
- " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
- "\n",
- " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
- " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
- " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas = $('');\n",
- " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
- " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
- "\n",
- " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
- " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- "\n",
- " var rubberband = $('');\n",
- " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
- "\n",
- " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
- " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
- " },\n",
- " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
- " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
- " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
- " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
- " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
- " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
- " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
- " event.step = 1;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " event.step = -1;\n",
- " }\n",
- " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
- " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
- "\n",
- " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
- " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
- " // canvas in synch.\n",
- " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
- " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
- " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
- " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
- " // upon first draw.\n",
- " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
- " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
- " return false;\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function set_focus () {\n",
- " canvas.focus();\n",
- " canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) {\n",
- " // put a spacer in here.\n",
- " continue;\n",
- " }\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
- " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
- " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
- " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- "\n",
- " var icon_img = $('');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
- "\n",
- " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
- " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
- " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
- "\n",
- " button.append(icon_img);\n",
- " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
- "\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
- " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
- " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
- " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
- " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
- " var option = $(\n",
- " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
- " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
- " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
- " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
- " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
- " );\n",
- "\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
- " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
- " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
- " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
- " properties['type'] = type;\n",
- " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
- " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
- " this.waiting = true;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
- " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var size = msg['size'];\n",
- " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
- " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
- " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
- " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
- " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
- " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
- " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
- " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
- " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
- " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
- " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
- " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
- " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
- " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Updates the figure title.\n",
- " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
- " switch(cursor)\n",
- " {\n",
- " case 0:\n",
- " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 1:\n",
- " cursor = 'default';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 2:\n",
- " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 3:\n",
- " cursor = 'move';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
- " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
- "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
- " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
- " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
- " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
- " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
- " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
- " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
- " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
- "\n",
- " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
- " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
- " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
- " evt.data);\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
- " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
- " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
- " try {\n",
- " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " if (callback) {\n",
- " try {\n",
- " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
- " callback(fig, msg);\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
- "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
- " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
- " var targ;\n",
- " if (!e)\n",
- " e = window.event;\n",
- " if (e.target)\n",
- " targ = e.target;\n",
- " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
- " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
- " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
- " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
- "\n",
- " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
- " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
- " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
- " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
- " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
- "\n",
- " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "/*\n",
- " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
- " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
- " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
- " */\n",
- "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
- " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
- " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
- " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
- " return obj;\n",
- " }, {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
- "\n",
- " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " this.canvas.focus();\n",
- " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
- " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
- " step: event.step,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- "\n",
- " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
- " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
- " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
- " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
- " event.preventDefault();\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- "\n",
- " // Prevent repeat events\n",
- " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
- " return;\n",
- " else\n",
- " this._key = event.which;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
- " this._key = null;\n",
- "\n",
- " var value = '';\n",
- " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
- " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
- " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
- " value += \"alt+\";\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
- " value += \"shift+\";\n",
- "\n",
- " value += 'k';\n",
- " value += event.which.toString();\n",
- "\n",
- " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
- " if (name == 'download') {\n",
- " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
- " }\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
- " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
- "};\n",
- "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
- " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
- " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
- " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
- " var ws = {};\n",
- "\n",
- " ws.close = function() {\n",
- " comm.close()\n",
- " };\n",
- " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
- " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
- " comm.send(m);\n",
- " };\n",
- " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
- " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
- " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
- " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
- " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
- " });\n",
- " return ws;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
- " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
- " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
- "\n",
- " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
- " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
- " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
- " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
- " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
- "\n",
- " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
- " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
- " ondownload,\n",
- " element.get(0));\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
- " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
- " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
- " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
- " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
- " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
- " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
- "\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
- "\n",
- " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
- " fig.push_to_output();\n",
- " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
- " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
- " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
- " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
- " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
- " // fig.ws.close()\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
- " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
- " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
- " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
- " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
- " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
- "\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the status bar.\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
- " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
- " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
- " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
- " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " var fig = this\n",
- " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
- "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
- " });\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
- " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
- " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
- " // off when our div gets focus\n",
- "\n",
- " // location in version 3\n",
- " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- " else {\n",
- " // location in version 2\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
- " if (!manager)\n",
- " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
- "\n",
- " // Check for shift+enter\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
- " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
- " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
- " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
- " event.which = 74;\n",
- " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
- " manager.command_mode();\n",
- " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
- " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
- " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
- " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
- " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
- " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
- " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
- " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
- " data = data.data;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
- " return [cell, data, j];\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
- "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
- "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
- "}\n"
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/html": [
- ""
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
@@ -7147,6 +1010,16 @@
"Final Belief: [ 0.104 0.103 0.101 0.0987 0.0967 0.0959 0.0967 0.0987 0.101\n",
" 0.103]\n"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAhkAAACbCAYAAADP/YlxAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\nEco3XjK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+ "text/plain": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
"source": [
@@ -7245,775 +1118,9 @@
"outputs": [
"data": {
- "application/javascript": [
- "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
- "window.mpl = {};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
- " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return WebSocket;\n",
- " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return MozWebSocket;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
- " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
- " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
- " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
- " this.id = figure_id;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws = websocket;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
- " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
- " if (warnings) {\n",
- " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
- " warnings.textContent = (\n",
- " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
- " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
- "\n",
- " this.context = undefined;\n",
- " this.message = undefined;\n",
- " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
- "\n",
- " this.root = $('');\n",
- " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
- " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
- "\n",
- " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
- "\n",
- " this._init_header(this);\n",
- " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
- " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.waiting = false;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
- " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
- " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
- " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
- " // there is no ghosting.\n",
- " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
- " };\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
- " this.ws.close();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
- " var titlebar = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " var titletext = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
- " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
- " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
- "\n",
- " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
- " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
- " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas = $('');\n",
- " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
- " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
- "\n",
- " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
- " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- "\n",
- " var rubberband = $('');\n",
- " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
- "\n",
- " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
- " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
- " },\n",
- " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
- " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
- " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
- " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
- " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
- " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
- " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
- " event.step = 1;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " event.step = -1;\n",
- " }\n",
- " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
- " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
- "\n",
- " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
- " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
- " // canvas in synch.\n",
- " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
- " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
- " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
- " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
- " // upon first draw.\n",
- " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
- " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
- " return false;\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function set_focus () {\n",
- " canvas.focus();\n",
- " canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) {\n",
- " // put a spacer in here.\n",
- " continue;\n",
- " }\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
- " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
- " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
- " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- "\n",
- " var icon_img = $('');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
- "\n",
- " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
- " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
- " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
- "\n",
- " button.append(icon_img);\n",
- " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
- "\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
- " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
- " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
- " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
- " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
- " var option = $(\n",
- " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
- " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
- " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
- " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
- " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
- " );\n",
- "\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
- " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
- " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
- " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
- " properties['type'] = type;\n",
- " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
- " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
- " this.waiting = true;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
- " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var size = msg['size'];\n",
- " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
- " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
- " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
- " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
- " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
- " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
- " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
- " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
- " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
- " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
- " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
- " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
- " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
- " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Updates the figure title.\n",
- " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
- " switch(cursor)\n",
- " {\n",
- " case 0:\n",
- " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 1:\n",
- " cursor = 'default';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 2:\n",
- " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 3:\n",
- " cursor = 'move';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
- " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
- "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
- " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
- " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
- " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
- " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
- " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
- " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
- " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
- "\n",
- " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
- " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
- " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
- " evt.data);\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
- " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
- " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
- " try {\n",
- " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " if (callback) {\n",
- " try {\n",
- " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
- " callback(fig, msg);\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
- "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
- " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
- " var targ;\n",
- " if (!e)\n",
- " e = window.event;\n",
- " if (e.target)\n",
- " targ = e.target;\n",
- " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
- " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
- " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
- " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
- "\n",
- " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
- " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
- " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
- " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
- " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
- "\n",
- " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "/*\n",
- " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
- " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
- " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
- " */\n",
- "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
- " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
- " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
- " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
- " return obj;\n",
- " }, {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
- "\n",
- " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " this.canvas.focus();\n",
- " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
- " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
- " step: event.step,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- "\n",
- " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
- " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
- " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
- " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
- " event.preventDefault();\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- "\n",
- " // Prevent repeat events\n",
- " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
- " return;\n",
- " else\n",
- " this._key = event.which;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
- " this._key = null;\n",
- "\n",
- " var value = '';\n",
- " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
- " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
- " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
- " value += \"alt+\";\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
- " value += \"shift+\";\n",
- "\n",
- " value += 'k';\n",
- " value += event.which.toString();\n",
- "\n",
- " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
- " if (name == 'download') {\n",
- " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
- " }\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
- " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
- "};\n",
- "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
- " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
- " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
- " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
- " var ws = {};\n",
- "\n",
- " ws.close = function() {\n",
- " comm.close()\n",
- " };\n",
- " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
- " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
- " comm.send(m);\n",
- " };\n",
- " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
- " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
- " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
- " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
- " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
- " });\n",
- " return ws;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
- " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
- " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
- "\n",
- " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
- " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
- " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
- " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
- " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
- "\n",
- " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
- " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
- " ondownload,\n",
- " element.get(0));\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
- " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
- " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
- " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
- " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
- " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
- " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
- "\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
- "\n",
- " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
- " fig.push_to_output();\n",
- " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
- " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
- " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
- " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
- " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
- " // fig.ws.close()\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
- " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
- " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
- " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
- " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
- " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
- "\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the status bar.\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
- " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
- " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
- " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
- " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " var fig = this\n",
- " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
- "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
- " });\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
- " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
- " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
- " // off when our div gets focus\n",
- "\n",
- " // location in version 3\n",
- " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- " else {\n",
- " // location in version 2\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
- " if (!manager)\n",
- " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
- "\n",
- " // Check for shift+enter\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
- " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
- " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
- " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
- " event.which = 74;\n",
- " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
- " manager.command_mode();\n",
- " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
- " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
- " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
- " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
- " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
- " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
- " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
- " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
- " data = data.data;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
- " return [cell, data, j];\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
- "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
- "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
- "}\n"
- ],
+ "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAhkAAACbCAYAAADP/YlxAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\nkJmZifz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"text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/html": [
- ""
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
+ ""
"metadata": {},
@@ -8047,775 +1154,9 @@
"outputs": [
"data": {
- "application/javascript": [
- "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
- "window.mpl = {};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
- " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return WebSocket;\n",
- " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return MozWebSocket;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
- " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
- " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
- " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
- " this.id = figure_id;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws = websocket;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
- " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
- " if (warnings) {\n",
- " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
- " warnings.textContent = (\n",
- " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
- " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
- "\n",
- " this.context = undefined;\n",
- " this.message = undefined;\n",
- " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
- "\n",
- " this.root = $('');\n",
- " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
- " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
- "\n",
- " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
- "\n",
- " this._init_header(this);\n",
- " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
- " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.waiting = false;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
- " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
- " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
- " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
- " // there is no ghosting.\n",
- " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
- " };\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
- " this.ws.close();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
- " var titlebar = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " var titletext = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
- " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
- " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
- "\n",
- " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
- " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
- " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas = $('');\n",
- " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
- " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
- "\n",
- " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
- " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- "\n",
- " var rubberband = $('');\n",
- " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
- "\n",
- " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
- " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
- " },\n",
- " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
- " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
- " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
- " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
- " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
- " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
- " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
- " event.step = 1;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " event.step = -1;\n",
- " }\n",
- " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
- " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
- "\n",
- " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
- " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
- " // canvas in synch.\n",
- " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
- " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
- " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
- " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
- " // upon first draw.\n",
- " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
- " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
- " return false;\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function set_focus () {\n",
- " canvas.focus();\n",
- " canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) {\n",
- " // put a spacer in here.\n",
- " continue;\n",
- " }\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
- " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
- " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
- " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- "\n",
- " var icon_img = $('');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
- "\n",
- " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
- " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
- " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
- "\n",
- " button.append(icon_img);\n",
- " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
- "\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
- " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
- " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
- " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
- " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
- " var option = $(\n",
- " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
- " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
- " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
- " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
- " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
- " );\n",
- "\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
- " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
- " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
- " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
- " properties['type'] = type;\n",
- " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
- " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
- " this.waiting = true;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
- " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var size = msg['size'];\n",
- " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
- " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
- " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
- " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
- " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
- " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
- " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
- " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
- " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
- " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
- " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
- " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
- " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
- " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Updates the figure title.\n",
- " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
- " switch(cursor)\n",
- " {\n",
- " case 0:\n",
- " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 1:\n",
- " cursor = 'default';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 2:\n",
- " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 3:\n",
- " cursor = 'move';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
- " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
- "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
- " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
- " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
- " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
- " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
- " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
- " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
- " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
- "\n",
- " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
- " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
- " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
- " evt.data);\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
- " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
- " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
- " try {\n",
- " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " if (callback) {\n",
- " try {\n",
- " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
- " callback(fig, msg);\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
- "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
- " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
- " var targ;\n",
- " if (!e)\n",
- " e = window.event;\n",
- " if (e.target)\n",
- " targ = e.target;\n",
- " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
- " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
- " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
- " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
- "\n",
- " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
- " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
- " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
- " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
- " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
- "\n",
- " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "/*\n",
- " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
- " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
- " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
- " */\n",
- "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
- " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
- " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
- " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
- " return obj;\n",
- " }, {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
- "\n",
- " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " this.canvas.focus();\n",
- " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
- " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
- " step: event.step,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- "\n",
- " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
- " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
- " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
- " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
- " event.preventDefault();\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- "\n",
- " // Prevent repeat events\n",
- " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
- " return;\n",
- " else\n",
- " this._key = event.which;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
- " this._key = null;\n",
- "\n",
- " var value = '';\n",
- " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
- " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
- " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
- " value += \"alt+\";\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
- " value += \"shift+\";\n",
- "\n",
- " value += 'k';\n",
- " value += event.which.toString();\n",
- "\n",
- " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
- " if (name == 'download') {\n",
- " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
- " }\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
- " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
- "};\n",
- "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
- " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
- " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
- " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
- " var ws = {};\n",
- "\n",
- " ws.close = function() {\n",
- " comm.close()\n",
- " };\n",
- " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
- " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
- " comm.send(m);\n",
- " };\n",
- " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
- " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
- " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
- " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
- " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
- " });\n",
- " return ws;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
- " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
- " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
- "\n",
- " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
- " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
- " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
- " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
- " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
- "\n",
- " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
- " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
- " ondownload,\n",
- " element.get(0));\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
- " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
- " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
- " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
- " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
- " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
- " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
- "\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
- "\n",
- " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
- " fig.push_to_output();\n",
- " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
- " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
- " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
- " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
- " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
- " // fig.ws.close()\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
- " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
- " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
- " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
- " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
- " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
- "\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the status bar.\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
- " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
- " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
- " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
- " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " var fig = this\n",
- " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
- "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
- " });\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
- " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
- " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
- " // off when our div gets focus\n",
- "\n",
- " // location in version 3\n",
- " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- " else {\n",
- " // location in version 2\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
- " if (!manager)\n",
- " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
- "\n",
- " // Check for shift+enter\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
- " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
- " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
- " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
- " event.which = 74;\n",
- " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
- " manager.command_mode();\n",
- " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
- " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
- " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
- " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
- " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
- " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
- " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
- " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
- " data = data.data;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
- " return [cell, data, j];\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
- "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
- "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
- "}\n"
- ],
+ "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAhkAAACbCAYAAADP/YlxAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\nOxuFhYX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"text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/html": [
- ""
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
+ ""
"metadata": {},
@@ -8872,775 +1213,9 @@
"outputs": [
"data": {
- "application/javascript": [
- "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
- "window.mpl = {};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
- " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return WebSocket;\n",
- " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return MozWebSocket;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
- " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
- " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
- " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
- " this.id = figure_id;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws = websocket;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
- " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
- " if (warnings) {\n",
- " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
- " warnings.textContent = (\n",
- " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
- " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
- "\n",
- " this.context = undefined;\n",
- " this.message = undefined;\n",
- " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
- "\n",
- " this.root = $('');\n",
- " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
- " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
- "\n",
- " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
- "\n",
- " this._init_header(this);\n",
- " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
- " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.waiting = false;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
- " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
- " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
- " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
- " // there is no ghosting.\n",
- " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
- " };\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
- " this.ws.close();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
- " var titlebar = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " var titletext = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
- " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
- " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
- "\n",
- " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
- " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
- " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas = $('');\n",
- " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
- " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
- "\n",
- " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
- " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- "\n",
- " var rubberband = $('');\n",
- " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
- "\n",
- " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
- " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
- " },\n",
- " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
- " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
- " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
- " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
- " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
- " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
- " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
- " event.step = 1;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " event.step = -1;\n",
- " }\n",
- " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
- " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
- "\n",
- " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
- " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
- " // canvas in synch.\n",
- " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
- " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
- " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
- " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
- " // upon first draw.\n",
- " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
- " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
- " return false;\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function set_focus () {\n",
- " canvas.focus();\n",
- " canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) {\n",
- " // put a spacer in here.\n",
- " continue;\n",
- " }\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
- " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
- " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
- " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- "\n",
- " var icon_img = $('');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
- "\n",
- " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
- " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
- " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
- "\n",
- " button.append(icon_img);\n",
- " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
- "\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
- " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
- " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
- " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
- " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
- " var option = $(\n",
- " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
- " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
- " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
- " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
- " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
- " );\n",
- "\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
- " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
- " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
- " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
- " properties['type'] = type;\n",
- " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
- " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
- " this.waiting = true;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
- " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var size = msg['size'];\n",
- " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
- " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
- " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
- " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
- " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
- " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
- " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
- " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
- " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
- " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
- " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
- " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
- " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
- " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Updates the figure title.\n",
- " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
- " switch(cursor)\n",
- " {\n",
- " case 0:\n",
- " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 1:\n",
- " cursor = 'default';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 2:\n",
- " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 3:\n",
- " cursor = 'move';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
- " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
- "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
- " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
- " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
- " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
- " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
- " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
- " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
- " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
- "\n",
- " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
- " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
- " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
- " evt.data);\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
- " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
- " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
- " try {\n",
- " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " if (callback) {\n",
- " try {\n",
- " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
- " callback(fig, msg);\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
- "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
- " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
- " var targ;\n",
- " if (!e)\n",
- " e = window.event;\n",
- " if (e.target)\n",
- " targ = e.target;\n",
- " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
- " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
- " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
- " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
- "\n",
- " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
- " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
- " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
- " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
- " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
- "\n",
- " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "/*\n",
- " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
- " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
- " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
- " */\n",
- "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
- " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
- " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
- " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
- " return obj;\n",
- " }, {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
- "\n",
- " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " this.canvas.focus();\n",
- " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
- " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
- " step: event.step,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- "\n",
- " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
- " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
- " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
- " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
- " event.preventDefault();\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- "\n",
- " // Prevent repeat events\n",
- " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
- " return;\n",
- " else\n",
- " this._key = event.which;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
- " this._key = null;\n",
- "\n",
- " var value = '';\n",
- " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
- " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
- " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
- " value += \"alt+\";\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
- " value += \"shift+\";\n",
- "\n",
- " value += 'k';\n",
- " value += event.which.toString();\n",
- "\n",
- " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
- " if (name == 'download') {\n",
- " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
- " }\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
- " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
- "};\n",
- "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
- " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
- " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
- " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
- " var ws = {};\n",
- "\n",
- " ws.close = function() {\n",
- " comm.close()\n",
- " };\n",
- " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
- " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
- " comm.send(m);\n",
- " };\n",
- " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
- " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
- " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
- " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
- " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
- " });\n",
- " return ws;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
- " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
- " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
- "\n",
- " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
- " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
- " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
- " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
- " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
- "\n",
- " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
- " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
- " ondownload,\n",
- " element.get(0));\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
- " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
- " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
- " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
- " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
- " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
- " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
- "\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
- "\n",
- " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
- " fig.push_to_output();\n",
- " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
- " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
- " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
- " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
- " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
- " // fig.ws.close()\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
- " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
- " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
- " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
- " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
- " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
- "\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the status bar.\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
- " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
- " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
- " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
- " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " var fig = this\n",
- " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
- "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
- " });\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
- " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
- " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
- " // off when our div gets focus\n",
- "\n",
- " // location in version 3\n",
- " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- " else {\n",
- " // location in version 2\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
- " if (!manager)\n",
- " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
- "\n",
- " // Check for shift+enter\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
- " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
- " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
- " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
- " event.which = 74;\n",
- " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
- " manager.command_mode();\n",
- " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
- " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
- " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
- " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
- " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
- " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
- " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
- " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
- " data = data.data;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
- " return [cell, data, j];\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
- "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
- "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
- "}\n"
- ],
+ "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAhkAAACbCAYAAADP/YlxAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\nf76uzXP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"text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/html": [
- ""
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
+ ""
"metadata": {},
@@ -9674,775 +1249,9 @@
"outputs": [
"data": {
- "application/javascript": [
- "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
- "window.mpl = {};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
- " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return WebSocket;\n",
- " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return MozWebSocket;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
- " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
- " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
- " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
- " this.id = figure_id;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws = websocket;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
- " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
- " if (warnings) {\n",
- " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
- " warnings.textContent = (\n",
- " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
- " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
- "\n",
- " this.context = undefined;\n",
- " this.message = undefined;\n",
- " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
- "\n",
- " this.root = $('');\n",
- " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
- " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
- "\n",
- " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
- "\n",
- " this._init_header(this);\n",
- " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
- " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.waiting = false;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
- " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
- " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
- " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
- " // there is no ghosting.\n",
- " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
- " };\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
- " this.ws.close();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
- " var titlebar = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " var titletext = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
- " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
- " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
- "\n",
- " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
- " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
- " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas = $('');\n",
- " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
- " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
- "\n",
- " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
- " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- "\n",
- " var rubberband = $('');\n",
- " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
- "\n",
- " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
- " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
- " },\n",
- " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
- " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
- " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
- " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
- " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
- " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
- " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
- " event.step = 1;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " event.step = -1;\n",
- " }\n",
- " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
- " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
- "\n",
- " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
- " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
- " // canvas in synch.\n",
- " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
- " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
- " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
- " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
- " // upon first draw.\n",
- " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
- " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
- " return false;\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function set_focus () {\n",
- " canvas.focus();\n",
- " canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) {\n",
- " // put a spacer in here.\n",
- " continue;\n",
- " }\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
- " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
- " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
- " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- "\n",
- " var icon_img = $('');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
- "\n",
- " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
- " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
- " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
- "\n",
- " button.append(icon_img);\n",
- " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
- "\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
- " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
- " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
- " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
- " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
- " var option = $(\n",
- " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
- " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
- " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
- " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
- " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
- " );\n",
- "\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
- " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
- " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
- " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
- " properties['type'] = type;\n",
- " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
- " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
- " this.waiting = true;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
- " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var size = msg['size'];\n",
- " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
- " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
- " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
- " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
- " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
- " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
- " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
- " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
- " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
- " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
- " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
- " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
- " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
- " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Updates the figure title.\n",
- " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
- " switch(cursor)\n",
- " {\n",
- " case 0:\n",
- " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 1:\n",
- " cursor = 'default';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 2:\n",
- " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 3:\n",
- " cursor = 'move';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
- " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
- "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
- " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
- " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
- " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
- " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
- " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
- " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
- " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
- "\n",
- " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
- " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
- " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
- " evt.data);\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
- " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
- " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
- " try {\n",
- " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " if (callback) {\n",
- " try {\n",
- " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
- " callback(fig, msg);\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
- "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
- " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
- " var targ;\n",
- " if (!e)\n",
- " e = window.event;\n",
- " if (e.target)\n",
- " targ = e.target;\n",
- " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
- " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
- " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
- " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
- "\n",
- " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
- " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
- " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
- " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
- " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
- "\n",
- " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "/*\n",
- " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
- " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
- " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
- " */\n",
- "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
- " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
- " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
- " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
- " return obj;\n",
- " }, {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
- "\n",
- " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " this.canvas.focus();\n",
- " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
- " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
- " step: event.step,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- "\n",
- " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
- " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
- " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
- " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
- " event.preventDefault();\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- "\n",
- " // Prevent repeat events\n",
- " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
- " return;\n",
- " else\n",
- " this._key = event.which;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
- " this._key = null;\n",
- "\n",
- " var value = '';\n",
- " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
- " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
- " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
- " value += \"alt+\";\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
- " value += \"shift+\";\n",
- "\n",
- " value += 'k';\n",
- " value += event.which.toString();\n",
- "\n",
- " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
- " if (name == 'download') {\n",
- " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
- " }\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
- " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
- "};\n",
- "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
- " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
- " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
- " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
- " var ws = {};\n",
- "\n",
- " ws.close = function() {\n",
- " comm.close()\n",
- " };\n",
- " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
- " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
- " comm.send(m);\n",
- " };\n",
- " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
- " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
- " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
- " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
- " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
- " });\n",
- " return ws;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
- " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
- " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
- "\n",
- " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
- " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
- " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
- " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
- " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
- "\n",
- " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
- " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
- " ondownload,\n",
- " element.get(0));\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
- " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
- " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
- " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
- " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
- " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
- " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
- "\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
- "\n",
- " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
- " fig.push_to_output();\n",
- " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
- " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
- " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
- " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
- " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
- " // fig.ws.close()\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
- " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
- " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
- " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
- " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
- " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
- "\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the status bar.\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
- " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
- " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
- " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
- " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " var fig = this\n",
- " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
- "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
- " });\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
- " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
- " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
- " // off when our div gets focus\n",
- "\n",
- " // location in version 3\n",
- " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- " else {\n",
- " // location in version 2\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
- " if (!manager)\n",
- " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
- "\n",
- " // Check for shift+enter\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
- " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
- " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
- " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
- " event.which = 74;\n",
- " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
- " manager.command_mode();\n",
- " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
- " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
- " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
- " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
- " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
- " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
- " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
- " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
- " data = data.data;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
- " return [cell, data, j];\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
- "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
- "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
- "}\n"
- ],
+ "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAhkAAACbCAYAAADP/YlxAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\n1YqOjr7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"text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/html": [
- ""
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
+ ""
"metadata": {},
@@ -10472,775 +1281,9 @@
"outputs": [
"data": {
- "application/javascript": [
- "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
- "window.mpl = {};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
- " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return WebSocket;\n",
- " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return MozWebSocket;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
- " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
- " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
- " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
- " this.id = figure_id;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws = websocket;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
- " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
- " if (warnings) {\n",
- " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
- " warnings.textContent = (\n",
- " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
- " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
- "\n",
- " this.context = undefined;\n",
- " this.message = undefined;\n",
- " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
- "\n",
- " this.root = $('');\n",
- " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
- " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
- "\n",
- " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
- "\n",
- " this._init_header(this);\n",
- " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
- " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.waiting = false;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
- " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
- " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
- " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
- " // there is no ghosting.\n",
- " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
- " };\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
- " this.ws.close();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
- " var titlebar = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " var titletext = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
- " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
- " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
- "\n",
- " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
- " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
- " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas = $('');\n",
- " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
- " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
- "\n",
- " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
- " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- "\n",
- " var rubberband = $('');\n",
- " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
- "\n",
- " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
- " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
- " },\n",
- " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
- " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
- " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
- " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
- " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
- " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
- " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
- " event.step = 1;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " event.step = -1;\n",
- " }\n",
- " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
- " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
- "\n",
- " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
- " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
- " // canvas in synch.\n",
- " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
- " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
- " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
- " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
- " // upon first draw.\n",
- " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
- " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
- " return false;\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function set_focus () {\n",
- " canvas.focus();\n",
- " canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) {\n",
- " // put a spacer in here.\n",
- " continue;\n",
- " }\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
- " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
- " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
- " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- "\n",
- " var icon_img = $('');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
- "\n",
- " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
- " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
- " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
- "\n",
- " button.append(icon_img);\n",
- " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
- "\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
- " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
- " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
- " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
- " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
- " var option = $(\n",
- " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
- " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
- " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
- " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
- " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
- " );\n",
- "\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
- " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
- " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
- " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
- " properties['type'] = type;\n",
- " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
- " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
- " this.waiting = true;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
- " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var size = msg['size'];\n",
- " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
- " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
- " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
- " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
- " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
- " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
- " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
- " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
- " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
- " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
- " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
- " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
- " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
- " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Updates the figure title.\n",
- " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
- " switch(cursor)\n",
- " {\n",
- " case 0:\n",
- " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 1:\n",
- " cursor = 'default';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 2:\n",
- " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 3:\n",
- " cursor = 'move';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
- " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
- "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
- " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
- " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
- " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
- " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
- " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
- " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
- " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
- "\n",
- " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
- " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
- " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
- " evt.data);\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
- " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
- " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
- " try {\n",
- " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " if (callback) {\n",
- " try {\n",
- " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
- " callback(fig, msg);\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
- "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
- " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
- " var targ;\n",
- " if (!e)\n",
- " e = window.event;\n",
- " if (e.target)\n",
- " targ = e.target;\n",
- " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
- " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
- " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
- " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
- "\n",
- " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
- " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
- " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
- " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
- " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
- "\n",
- " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "/*\n",
- " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
- " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
- " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
- " */\n",
- "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
- " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
- " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
- " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
- " return obj;\n",
- " }, {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
- "\n",
- " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " this.canvas.focus();\n",
- " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
- " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
- " step: event.step,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- "\n",
- " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
- " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
- " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
- " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
- " event.preventDefault();\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- "\n",
- " // Prevent repeat events\n",
- " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
- " return;\n",
- " else\n",
- " this._key = event.which;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
- " this._key = null;\n",
- "\n",
- " var value = '';\n",
- " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
- " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
- " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
- " value += \"alt+\";\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
- " value += \"shift+\";\n",
- "\n",
- " value += 'k';\n",
- " value += event.which.toString();\n",
- "\n",
- " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
- " if (name == 'download') {\n",
- " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
- " }\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
- " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
- "};\n",
- "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
- " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
- " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
- " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
- " var ws = {};\n",
- "\n",
- " ws.close = function() {\n",
- " comm.close()\n",
- " };\n",
- " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
- " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
- " comm.send(m);\n",
- " };\n",
- " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
- " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
- " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
- " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
- " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
- " });\n",
- " return ws;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
- " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
- " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
- "\n",
- " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
- " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
- " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
- " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
- " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
- "\n",
- " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
- " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
- " ondownload,\n",
- " element.get(0));\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
- " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
- " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
- " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
- " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
- " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
- " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
- "\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
- "\n",
- " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
- " fig.push_to_output();\n",
- " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
- " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
- " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
- " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
- " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
- " // fig.ws.close()\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
- " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
- " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
- " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
- " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
- " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
- "\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the status bar.\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
- " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
- " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
- " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
- " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " var fig = this\n",
- " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
- "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
- " });\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
- " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
- " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
- " // off when our div gets focus\n",
- "\n",
- " // location in version 3\n",
- " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- " else {\n",
- " // location in version 2\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
- " if (!manager)\n",
- " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
- "\n",
- " // Check for shift+enter\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
- " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
- " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
- " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
- " event.which = 74;\n",
- " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
- " manager.command_mode();\n",
- " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
- " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
- " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
- " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
- " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
- " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
- " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
- " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
- " data = data.data;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
- " return [cell, data, j];\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
- "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
- "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
- "}\n"
- ],
+ "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAhkAAACbCAYAAADP/YlxAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\nAAC6iXA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"text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/html": [
- ""
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
+ ""
"metadata": {},
@@ -11270,775 +1313,9 @@
"outputs": [
"data": {
- "application/javascript": [
- "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
- "window.mpl = {};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
- " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return WebSocket;\n",
- " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return MozWebSocket;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
- " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
- " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
- " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
- " this.id = figure_id;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws = websocket;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
- " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
- " if (warnings) {\n",
- " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
- " warnings.textContent = (\n",
- " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
- " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
- "\n",
- " this.context = undefined;\n",
- " this.message = undefined;\n",
- " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
- "\n",
- " this.root = $('');\n",
- " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
- " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
- "\n",
- " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
- "\n",
- " this._init_header(this);\n",
- " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
- " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.waiting = false;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
- " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
- " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
- " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
- " // there is no ghosting.\n",
- " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
- " };\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
- " this.ws.close();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
- " var titlebar = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " var titletext = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
- " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
- " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
- "\n",
- " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
- " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
- " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas = $('');\n",
- " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
- " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
- "\n",
- " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
- " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- "\n",
- " var rubberband = $('');\n",
- " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
- "\n",
- " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
- " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
- " },\n",
- " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
- " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
- " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
- " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
- " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
- " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
- " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
- " event.step = 1;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " event.step = -1;\n",
- " }\n",
- " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
- " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
- "\n",
- " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
- " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
- " // canvas in synch.\n",
- " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
- " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
- " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
- " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
- " // upon first draw.\n",
- " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
- " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
- " return false;\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function set_focus () {\n",
- " canvas.focus();\n",
- " canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) {\n",
- " // put a spacer in here.\n",
- " continue;\n",
- " }\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
- " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
- " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
- " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- "\n",
- " var icon_img = $('');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
- "\n",
- " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
- " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
- " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
- "\n",
- " button.append(icon_img);\n",
- " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
- "\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
- " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
- " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
- " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
- " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
- " var option = $(\n",
- " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
- " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
- " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
- " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
- " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
- " );\n",
- "\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
- " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
- " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
- " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
- " properties['type'] = type;\n",
- " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
- " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
- " this.waiting = true;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
- " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var size = msg['size'];\n",
- " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
- " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
- " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
- " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
- " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
- " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
- " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
- " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
- " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
- " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
- " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
- " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
- " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
- " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Updates the figure title.\n",
- " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
- " switch(cursor)\n",
- " {\n",
- " case 0:\n",
- " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 1:\n",
- " cursor = 'default';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 2:\n",
- " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 3:\n",
- " cursor = 'move';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
- " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
- "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
- " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
- " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
- " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
- " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
- " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
- " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
- " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
- "\n",
- " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
- " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
- " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
- " evt.data);\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
- " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
- " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
- " try {\n",
- " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " if (callback) {\n",
- " try {\n",
- " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
- " callback(fig, msg);\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
- "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
- " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
- " var targ;\n",
- " if (!e)\n",
- " e = window.event;\n",
- " if (e.target)\n",
- " targ = e.target;\n",
- " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
- " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
- " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
- " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
- "\n",
- " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
- " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
- " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
- " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
- " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
- "\n",
- " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "/*\n",
- " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
- " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
- " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
- " */\n",
- "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
- " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
- " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
- " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
- " return obj;\n",
- " }, {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
- "\n",
- " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " this.canvas.focus();\n",
- " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
- " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
- " step: event.step,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- "\n",
- " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
- " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
- " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
- " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
- " event.preventDefault();\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- "\n",
- " // Prevent repeat events\n",
- " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
- " return;\n",
- " else\n",
- " this._key = event.which;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
- " this._key = null;\n",
- "\n",
- " var value = '';\n",
- " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
- " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
- " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
- " value += \"alt+\";\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
- " value += \"shift+\";\n",
- "\n",
- " value += 'k';\n",
- " value += event.which.toString();\n",
- "\n",
- " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
- " if (name == 'download') {\n",
- " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
- " }\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
- " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
- "};\n",
- "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
- " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
- " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
- " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
- " var ws = {};\n",
- "\n",
- " ws.close = function() {\n",
- " comm.close()\n",
- " };\n",
- " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
- " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
- " comm.send(m);\n",
- " };\n",
- " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
- " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
- " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
- " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
- " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
- " });\n",
- " return ws;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
- " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
- " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
- "\n",
- " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
- " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
- " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
- " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
- " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
- "\n",
- " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
- " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
- " ondownload,\n",
- " element.get(0));\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
- " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
- " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
- " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
- " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
- " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
- " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
- "\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
- "\n",
- " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
- " fig.push_to_output();\n",
- " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
- " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
- " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
- " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
- " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
- " // fig.ws.close()\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
- " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
- " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
- " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
- " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
- " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
- "\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the status bar.\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
- " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
- " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
- " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
- " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " var fig = this\n",
- " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
- "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
- " });\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
- " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
- " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
- " // off when our div gets focus\n",
- "\n",
- " // location in version 3\n",
- " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- " else {\n",
- " // location in version 2\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
- " if (!manager)\n",
- " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
- "\n",
- " // Check for shift+enter\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
- " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
- " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
- " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
- " event.which = 74;\n",
- " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
- " manager.command_mode();\n",
- " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
- " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
- " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
- " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
- " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
- " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
- " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
- " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
- " data = data.data;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
- " return [cell, data, j];\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
- "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
- "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
- "}\n"
- ],
+ "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAhkAAACbCAYAAADP/YlxAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\nF8NMV63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"text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/html": [
- ""
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
+ ""
"metadata": {},
@@ -12070,775 +1347,9 @@
"outputs": [
"data": {
- "application/javascript": [
- "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
- "window.mpl = {};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
- " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return WebSocket;\n",
- " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return MozWebSocket;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
- " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
- " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
- " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
- " this.id = figure_id;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws = websocket;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
- " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
- " if (warnings) {\n",
- " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
- " warnings.textContent = (\n",
- " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
- " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
- "\n",
- " this.context = undefined;\n",
- " this.message = undefined;\n",
- " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
- "\n",
- " this.root = $('');\n",
- " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
- " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
- "\n",
- " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
- "\n",
- " this._init_header(this);\n",
- " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
- " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.waiting = false;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
- " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
- " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
- " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
- " // there is no ghosting.\n",
- " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
- " };\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
- " this.ws.close();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
- " var titlebar = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " var titletext = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
- " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
- " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
- "\n",
- " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
- " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
- " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas = $('');\n",
- " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
- " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
- "\n",
- " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
- " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- "\n",
- " var rubberband = $('');\n",
- " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
- "\n",
- " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
- " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
- " },\n",
- " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
- " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
- " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
- " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
- " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
- " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
- " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
- " event.step = 1;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " event.step = -1;\n",
- " }\n",
- " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
- " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
- "\n",
- " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
- " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
- " // canvas in synch.\n",
- " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
- " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
- " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
- " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
- " // upon first draw.\n",
- " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
- " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
- " return false;\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function set_focus () {\n",
- " canvas.focus();\n",
- " canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) {\n",
- " // put a spacer in here.\n",
- " continue;\n",
- " }\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
- " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
- " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
- " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- "\n",
- " var icon_img = $('');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
- "\n",
- " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
- " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
- " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
- "\n",
- " button.append(icon_img);\n",
- " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
- "\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
- " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
- " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
- " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
- " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
- " var option = $(\n",
- " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
- " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
- " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
- " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
- " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
- " );\n",
- "\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
- " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
- " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
- " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
- " properties['type'] = type;\n",
- " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
- " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
- " this.waiting = true;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
- " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var size = msg['size'];\n",
- " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
- " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
- " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
- " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
- " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
- " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
- " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
- " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
- " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
- " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
- " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
- " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
- " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
- " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Updates the figure title.\n",
- " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
- " switch(cursor)\n",
- " {\n",
- " case 0:\n",
- " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 1:\n",
- " cursor = 'default';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 2:\n",
- " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 3:\n",
- " cursor = 'move';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
- " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
- "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
- " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
- " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
- " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
- " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
- " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
- " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
- " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
- "\n",
- " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
- " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
- " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
- " evt.data);\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
- " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
- " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
- " try {\n",
- " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " if (callback) {\n",
- " try {\n",
- " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
- " callback(fig, msg);\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
- "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
- " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
- " var targ;\n",
- " if (!e)\n",
- " e = window.event;\n",
- " if (e.target)\n",
- " targ = e.target;\n",
- " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
- " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
- " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
- " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
- "\n",
- " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
- " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
- " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
- " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
- " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
- "\n",
- " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "/*\n",
- " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
- " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
- " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
- " */\n",
- "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
- " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
- " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
- " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
- " return obj;\n",
- " }, {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
- "\n",
- " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " this.canvas.focus();\n",
- " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
- " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
- " step: event.step,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- "\n",
- " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
- " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
- " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
- " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
- " event.preventDefault();\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- "\n",
- " // Prevent repeat events\n",
- " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
- " return;\n",
- " else\n",
- " this._key = event.which;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
- " this._key = null;\n",
- "\n",
- " var value = '';\n",
- " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
- " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
- " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
- " value += \"alt+\";\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
- " value += \"shift+\";\n",
- "\n",
- " value += 'k';\n",
- " value += event.which.toString();\n",
- "\n",
- " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
- " if (name == 'download') {\n",
- " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
- " }\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
- " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
- "};\n",
- "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
- " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
- " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
- " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
- " var ws = {};\n",
- "\n",
- " ws.close = function() {\n",
- " comm.close()\n",
- " };\n",
- " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
- " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
- " comm.send(m);\n",
- " };\n",
- " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
- " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
- " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
- " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
- " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
- " });\n",
- " return ws;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
- " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
- " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
- "\n",
- " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
- " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
- " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
- " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
- " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
- "\n",
- " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
- " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
- " ondownload,\n",
- " element.get(0));\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
- " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
- " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
- " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
- " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
- " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
- " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
- "\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
- "\n",
- " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
- " fig.push_to_output();\n",
- " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
- " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
- " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
- " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
- " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
- " // fig.ws.close()\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
- " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
- " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
- " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
- " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
- " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
- "\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the status bar.\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
- " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
- " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
- " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
- " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " var fig = this\n",
- " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
- "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
- " });\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
- " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
- " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
- " // off when our div gets focus\n",
- "\n",
- " // location in version 3\n",
- " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- " else {\n",
- " // location in version 2\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
- " if (!manager)\n",
- " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
- "\n",
- " // Check for shift+enter\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
- " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
- " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
- " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
- " event.which = 74;\n",
- " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
- " manager.command_mode();\n",
- " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
- " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
- " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
- " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
- " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
- " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
- " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
- " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
- " data = data.data;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
- " return [cell, data, j];\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
- "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
- "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
- "}\n"
- ],
+ "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAhkAAACbCAYAAADP/YlxAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\nAMGvy0M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"text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/html": [
- ""
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
+ ""
"metadata": {},
@@ -12912,775 +1423,9 @@
"outputs": [
"data": {
- "application/javascript": [
- "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
- "window.mpl = {};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
- " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return WebSocket;\n",
- " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return MozWebSocket;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
- " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
- " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
- " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
- " this.id = figure_id;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws = websocket;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
- " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
- " if (warnings) {\n",
- " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
- " warnings.textContent = (\n",
- " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
- " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
- "\n",
- " this.context = undefined;\n",
- " this.message = undefined;\n",
- " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
- "\n",
- " this.root = $('');\n",
- " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
- " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
- "\n",
- " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
- "\n",
- " this._init_header(this);\n",
- " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
- " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.waiting = false;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
- " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
- " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
- " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
- " // there is no ghosting.\n",
- " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
- " };\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
- " this.ws.close();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
- " var titlebar = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " var titletext = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
- " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
- " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
- "\n",
- " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
- " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
- " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas = $('');\n",
- " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
- " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
- "\n",
- " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
- " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- "\n",
- " var rubberband = $('');\n",
- " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
- "\n",
- " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
- " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
- " },\n",
- " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
- " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
- " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
- " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
- " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
- " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
- " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
- " event.step = 1;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " event.step = -1;\n",
- " }\n",
- " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
- " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
- "\n",
- " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
- " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
- " // canvas in synch.\n",
- " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
- " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
- " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
- " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
- " // upon first draw.\n",
- " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
- " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
- " return false;\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function set_focus () {\n",
- " canvas.focus();\n",
- " canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) {\n",
- " // put a spacer in here.\n",
- " continue;\n",
- " }\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
- " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
- " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
- " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- "\n",
- " var icon_img = $('');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
- "\n",
- " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
- " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
- " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
- "\n",
- " button.append(icon_img);\n",
- " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
- "\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
- " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
- " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
- " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
- " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
- " var option = $(\n",
- " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
- " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
- " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
- " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
- " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
- " );\n",
- "\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
- " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
- " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
- " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
- " properties['type'] = type;\n",
- " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
- " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
- " this.waiting = true;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
- " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var size = msg['size'];\n",
- " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
- " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
- " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
- " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
- " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
- " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
- " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
- " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
- " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
- " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
- " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
- " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
- " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
- " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Updates the figure title.\n",
- " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
- " switch(cursor)\n",
- " {\n",
- " case 0:\n",
- " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 1:\n",
- " cursor = 'default';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 2:\n",
- " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 3:\n",
- " cursor = 'move';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
- " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
- "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
- " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
- " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
- " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
- " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
- " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
- " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
- " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
- "\n",
- " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
- " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
- " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
- " evt.data);\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
- " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
- " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
- " try {\n",
- " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " if (callback) {\n",
- " try {\n",
- " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
- " callback(fig, msg);\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
- "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
- " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
- " var targ;\n",
- " if (!e)\n",
- " e = window.event;\n",
- " if (e.target)\n",
- " targ = e.target;\n",
- " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
- " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
- " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
- " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
- "\n",
- " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
- " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
- " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
- " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
- " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
- "\n",
- " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "/*\n",
- " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
- " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
- " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
- " */\n",
- "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
- " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
- " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
- " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
- " return obj;\n",
- " }, {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
- "\n",
- " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " this.canvas.focus();\n",
- " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
- " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
- " step: event.step,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- "\n",
- " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
- " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
- " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
- " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
- " event.preventDefault();\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- "\n",
- " // Prevent repeat events\n",
- " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
- " return;\n",
- " else\n",
- " this._key = event.which;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
- " this._key = null;\n",
- "\n",
- " var value = '';\n",
- " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
- " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
- " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
- " value += \"alt+\";\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
- " value += \"shift+\";\n",
- "\n",
- " value += 'k';\n",
- " value += event.which.toString();\n",
- "\n",
- " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
- " if (name == 'download') {\n",
- " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
- " }\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
- " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
- "};\n",
- "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
- " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
- " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
- " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
- " var ws = {};\n",
- "\n",
- " ws.close = function() {\n",
- " comm.close()\n",
- " };\n",
- " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
- " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
- " comm.send(m);\n",
- " };\n",
- " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
- " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
- " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
- " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
- " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
- " });\n",
- " return ws;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
- " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
- " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
- "\n",
- " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
- " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
- " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
- " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
- " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
- "\n",
- " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
- " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
- " ondownload,\n",
- " element.get(0));\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
- " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
- " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
- " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
- " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
- " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
- " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
- "\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
- "\n",
- " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
- " fig.push_to_output();\n",
- " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
- " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
- " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
- " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
- " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
- " // fig.ws.close()\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
- " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
- " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
- " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
- " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
- " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
- "\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the status bar.\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
- " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
- " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
- " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
- " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " var fig = this\n",
- " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
- "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
- " });\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
- " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
- " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
- " // off when our div gets focus\n",
- "\n",
- " // location in version 3\n",
- " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- " else {\n",
- " // location in version 2\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
- " if (!manager)\n",
- " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
- "\n",
- " // Check for shift+enter\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
- " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
- " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
- " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
- " event.which = 74;\n",
- " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
- " manager.command_mode();\n",
- " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
- " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
- " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
- " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
- " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
- " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
- " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
- " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
- " data = data.data;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
- " return [cell, data, j];\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
- "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
- "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
- "}\n"
- ],
+ "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAhkAAACSCAYAAADo8ti5AAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\nlMfj0cs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"text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/html": [
- ""
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
+ ""
"metadata": {},
@@ -13742,775 +1487,9 @@
"outputs": [
"data": {
- "application/javascript": [
- "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
- "window.mpl = {};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
- " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return WebSocket;\n",
- " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return MozWebSocket;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
- " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
- " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
- " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
- " this.id = figure_id;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws = websocket;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
- " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
- " if (warnings) {\n",
- " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
- " warnings.textContent = (\n",
- " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
- " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
- "\n",
- " this.context = undefined;\n",
- " this.message = undefined;\n",
- " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
- "\n",
- " this.root = $('');\n",
- " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
- " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
- "\n",
- " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
- "\n",
- " this._init_header(this);\n",
- " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
- " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.waiting = false;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
- " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
- " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
- " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
- " // there is no ghosting.\n",
- " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
- " };\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
- " this.ws.close();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
- " var titlebar = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " var titletext = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
- " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
- " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
- "\n",
- " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
- " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
- " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas = $('');\n",
- " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
- " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
- "\n",
- " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
- " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- "\n",
- " var rubberband = $('');\n",
- " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
- "\n",
- " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
- " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
- " },\n",
- " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
- " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
- " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
- " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
- " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
- " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
- " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
- " event.step = 1;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " event.step = -1;\n",
- " }\n",
- " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
- " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
- "\n",
- " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
- " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
- " // canvas in synch.\n",
- " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
- " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
- " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
- " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
- " // upon first draw.\n",
- " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
- " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
- " return false;\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function set_focus () {\n",
- " canvas.focus();\n",
- " canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) {\n",
- " // put a spacer in here.\n",
- " continue;\n",
- " }\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
- " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
- " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
- " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- "\n",
- " var icon_img = $('');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
- "\n",
- " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
- " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
- " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
- "\n",
- " button.append(icon_img);\n",
- " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
- "\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
- " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
- " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
- " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
- " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
- " var option = $(\n",
- " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
- " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
- " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
- " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
- " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
- " );\n",
- "\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
- " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
- " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
- " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
- " properties['type'] = type;\n",
- " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
- " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
- " this.waiting = true;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
- " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var size = msg['size'];\n",
- " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
- " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
- " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
- " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
- " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
- " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
- " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
- " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
- " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
- " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
- " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
- " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
- " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
- " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Updates the figure title.\n",
- " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
- " switch(cursor)\n",
- " {\n",
- " case 0:\n",
- " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 1:\n",
- " cursor = 'default';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 2:\n",
- " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 3:\n",
- " cursor = 'move';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
- " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
- "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
- " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
- " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
- " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
- " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
- " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
- " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
- " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
- "\n",
- " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
- " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
- " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
- " evt.data);\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
- " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
- " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
- " try {\n",
- " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " if (callback) {\n",
- " try {\n",
- " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
- " callback(fig, msg);\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
- "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
- " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
- " var targ;\n",
- " if (!e)\n",
- " e = window.event;\n",
- " if (e.target)\n",
- " targ = e.target;\n",
- " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
- " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
- " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
- " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
- "\n",
- " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
- " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
- " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
- " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
- " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
- "\n",
- " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "/*\n",
- " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
- " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
- " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
- " */\n",
- "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
- " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
- " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
- " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
- " return obj;\n",
- " }, {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
- "\n",
- " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " this.canvas.focus();\n",
- " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
- " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
- " step: event.step,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- "\n",
- " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
- " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
- " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
- " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
- " event.preventDefault();\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- "\n",
- " // Prevent repeat events\n",
- " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
- " return;\n",
- " else\n",
- " this._key = event.which;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
- " this._key = null;\n",
- "\n",
- " var value = '';\n",
- " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
- " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
- " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
- " value += \"alt+\";\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
- " value += \"shift+\";\n",
- "\n",
- " value += 'k';\n",
- " value += event.which.toString();\n",
- "\n",
- " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
- " if (name == 'download') {\n",
- " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
- " }\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
- " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
- "};\n",
- "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
- " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
- " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
- " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
- " var ws = {};\n",
- "\n",
- " ws.close = function() {\n",
- " comm.close()\n",
- " };\n",
- " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
- " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
- " comm.send(m);\n",
- " };\n",
- " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
- " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
- " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
- " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
- " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
- " });\n",
- " return ws;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
- " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
- " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
- "\n",
- " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
- " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
- " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
- " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
- " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
- "\n",
- " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
- " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
- " ondownload,\n",
- " element.get(0));\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
- " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
- " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
- " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
- " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
- " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
- " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
- "\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
- "\n",
- " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
- " fig.push_to_output();\n",
- " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
- " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
- " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
- " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
- " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
- " // fig.ws.close()\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
- " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
- " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
- " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
- " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
- " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
- "\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the status bar.\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
- " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
- " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
- " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
- " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " var fig = this\n",
- " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
- "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
- " });\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
- " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
- " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
- " // off when our div gets focus\n",
- "\n",
- " // location in version 3\n",
- " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- " else {\n",
- " // location in version 2\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
- " if (!manager)\n",
- " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
- "\n",
- " // Check for shift+enter\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
- " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
- " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
- " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
- " event.which = 74;\n",
- " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
- " manager.command_mode();\n",
- " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
- " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
- " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
- " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
- " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
- " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
- " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
- " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
- " data = data.data;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
- " return [cell, data, j];\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
- "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
- "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
- "}\n"
- ],
+ "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAhkAAACSCAYAAADo8ti5AAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz\nAAALEgAACxIB0t1+/AAAEnBJREFUeJzt3XFM3PX9x/HX0euBcqcVPZNlpYBV0sU/cJBMt+U2Nosy\nZxYRbrm2o+5nYzKXJWarS1fnSpnBo93mMtMS29R1sVZvacS0IZlNGNSfYjIZESxbSrWFpqDZTkHL\nUdrzevf7oz+v65h8u+M+9+ULz0fSlO99v3w/708/3883r37v7vt1pVKplAAAALIsz+4CAADAwkTI\nAAAARhAyAACAEYQMAABgBCEDAAAYQcgAAABGXFHIGBgYUGNj44zXu7q61NDQoFAopAMHDmS9OAAA\n4Fxuqw327NmjgwcPqrCw8LLXE4mEWltb1d7ervz8fK1Zs0Z33nmnioqKjBULAACcw/JKRklJiXbu\n3Dnj9RMnTqikpERer1dLly5VVVWVent7jRQJAACcxzJk1NTUaMmSJTNej8Vi8vl86eXCwkJNTk5m\ntzoAAOBYGX/w0+v1KhaLpZenpqZ0zTXXWP6ey+Wa93+OHz+e6T+LYx0/ftz2f3fGxryCAsnluvSn\noCB3bXOMzV+MDUyx/EzGp/79EScrV67UqVOndObMGRUUFKi3t1cbNmzIeoF2GB+PKRq156qM3++z\npe3x8Zj1RvOAXWNj17hk2/nzvn9bVs76xTFmjfk/u8U4NiZkuy9+v+8z111xyHC5XJKkjo4OTU9P\nKxgMavPmzXrwwQeVSqUUDAZ14403zr1aAACwIFxRyPj85z+vSCQiSbr33nvTr1dXV6u6utpIYQAA\nwNm4GRcAADCCkAEAAIwgZAAAACMIGQAAwAhCBgAAMIKQAQAAjCBkAAAAIwgZAADACEIGAAAwgpAB\nAACMIGQAAAAjCBkAAMAIQgYAADCCkAEAAIwgZAAAACMsQ0YqlVJTU5NCoZDWr1+v06dPX7b+0KFD\nuv/++xUMBvXiiy8aKxQAADiL22qDzs5OxeNxRSIRDQwMKBwOq62tLb1++/bt+tOf/qSCggJ9+9vf\n1r333iufz2e0aAAAMP9Zhoy+vj4FAgFJUkVFhQYHBy9bv2rVKn388cdyuVySlP4bAAAsbpYhIxaL\nXXZlwu12K5lMKi/v4jstt9xyi+rr63X11VerpqZGXq/XXLUAAMAxLEOG1+vV1NRUevlfA8bQ0JCO\nHDmirq4uXX311Xr00Ud1+PBh3X333eYqzoGiIq/8fvve8rGj7YkJZ4RDO8fGzmPCpFz1i2PsyjD/\nP9tiHBtTctUXy5BRWVmp7u5u1dbWqr+/X+Xl5el1Pp9PV111lTwej1wul4qKinTmzBmjBefC+HhM\n0eikLW37/T5b2h4fj+W8zUzYNTZ2jUv2zTyx5KpfHGPWmP+zW4xjY0K2+zJbYLEMGTU1Nerp6VEo\nFJIkhcNhdXR0aHp6WsFgUN/97ne1du1aeTwerVixQnV1dVkrHAAAOJdlyHC5XGpubr7stbKysvTP\noVAoHUAAAAA+xc24AACAEYQMAABgBCEDAAAYQcgAAABGEDIAAIARhAwAAGAEIQMAABhByAAAAEYQ\nMgAAgBGEDAAAYAQhAwAAGEHIAAAARhAyAACAEYQMAABghOWj3lOplLZu3aqhoSF5PB61tLSouLg4\nvf7tt9/Wtm3bJEk33HCDfvWrX8nj8ZirGAAAOILllYzOzk7F43FFIhFt3LhR4XD4svVbtmxRa2ur\n9u/fr0AgoPfee89YsQAAwDksr2T09fUpEAhIkioqKjQ4OJheNzw8rGXLlmnv3r165513VF1drdLS\nUmPFAgAA57C8khGLxeTz+dLLbrdbyWRSkjQxMaH+/n41NjZq7969euONN/SXv/zFXLUAAMAxLK9k\neL1eTU1NpZeTyaTy8i5mk2XLlmnFihUqKyuTJAUCAQ0ODur22283VG5uFBV55ff7rDc0xI62Jya8\nOW8zE3aOjZ3HhEm56hfH2JVh/n+2xTg2puSqL5Yho7KyUt3d3aqtrVV/f7/Ky8vT64qLi3X27Fmd\nPn1axcXF6uvrU0NDg9GCc2F8PKZodNKWtv1+ny1tj4/Hct5mJuwaG7vGJftmnlhy1S+OMWvM/9kt\nxrExIdt9mS2wWIaMmpoa9fT0KBQKSZLC4bA6Ojo0PT2tYDColpYW/eQnP5EkffGLX9TXv/71LJUN\nAACczDJkuFwuNTc3X/bap2+PSNLtt9+uAwcOZL8yAADgaNyMCwAAGEHIAAAARhAyAACAEYQMAABg\nBCEDAAAYQcgAAABGEDIAAIARhAwAAGAEIQMAABhByAAAAEYQMgAAgBGEDAAAYAQhAwAAGEHIAAAA\nRliGjFQqpaamJoVCIa1fv16nT5/+j9tt2bJFTz31VNYLBAAAzmQZMjo7OxWPxxWJRLRx40aFw+EZ\n20QiER0/ftxIgQAAwJksQ0ZfX58CgYAkqaKiQoODg5etf+utt3T06FGFQiEzFQIAAEeyDBmxWEw+\nny+97Ha7lUwmJUnRaFQ7duzQli1blEqlzFUJAAAcx221gdfr1dTUVHo5mUwqL+9iNnnllVf00Ucf\n6aGHHlI0GtX58+d100036b777jNXcQ4UFXnl9/usNzTEjrYnJrw5bzMTdo6NnceESbnqF8fYlWH+\nf7bFODam5KovliGjsrJS3d3dqq2tVX9/v8rLy9PrGhsb1djYKEl6+eWXNTw87PiAIUnj4zFFo5O2\ntO33+2xpe3w8lvM2M2HX2Ng1Ltk388SSq35xjFlj/s9uMY6NCdnuy2yBxTJk1NTUqKenJ/2Zi3A4\nrI6ODk1PTysYDGatSAAAsLBYhgyXy6Xm5ubLXisrK5uxXV1dXfaqAgAAjsfNuAAAgBGEDAAAYAQh\nAwAAGEHIAAAARhAyAACAEYQMAABgBCEDAAAYQcgAAABGEDIAAIARhAwAAGCE5W3FAdjnwoULGhk5\nmcU9Vs545cSJd+a819LSm7RkyZI57wfAJdmf/xdNTHiz+lA8v3/meeVThAxgHhsZOal1L/XL419u\nrI3/+d8P5vT78eio9tdLK1fekqWKAEgm5//c5vy/ikdHdeIOQgbgWB7/chV8buZDCbPF5L4BzI3p\n+W8an8kAAABGWF7JSKVS2rp1q4aGhuTxeNTS0qLi4uL0+o6ODj333HNyu90qLy/X1q1bTdYLAAAc\nwvJKRmdnp+LxuCKRiDZu3KhwOJxed/78eT399NN6/vnn9cILL2hyclLd3d1GCwYAAM5gGTL6+voU\nCAQkSRUVFRocHEyv83g8ikQi8ng8kqREIqH8/HxDpQIAACexDBmxWEw+ny+97Ha7lUwmJUkul0tF\nRUWSpH379ml6elpf+cpXDJUKAACcxPIzGV6vV1NTU+nlZDKpvLxL2SSVSmn79u06deqUduzYYabK\nHCsq8srv91lvaIgdbU9MeHPeZibsHBv7xiV7Xzcz5UrGhWPsyjD/P9tiGxunzP/ZWIaMyspKdXd3\nq7a2Vv39/SovL79s/S9+8QsVFBSora3NWJG5Nj4eUzQ6aUvbfr/PlrazeWMWk+waG8ZldlcyLgup\nL6ZwnM1usY2NU8ZlNpYho6amRj09PQqFQpKkcDisjo4OTU9P69Zbb1V7e7uqqqrU2Ngol8ul9evX\na/Xq1cYLBwAA85tlyHC5XGpubr7stbKySzcG+fvf/579qgAAgONxMy4AAGAEIQMAABhByAAAAEYQ\nMgAAgBGEDAAAYAQhAwAAGEHIAAAARhAyAACAEYQMAABghOUdPwGnuXDhgkZGTmZ1nxMT3qw/R6C0\n9CYtWbIkq/sEFjsT81/K/jlgscx/QgYWnJGRk1r3Ur88/uVZ3Gt2n4QYj45qf720cuUtWd0vsNiZ\nmf9SNs8Bi2n+EzIyRFqe3zz+5Sr4XJn1hkCGuGI2fzH/5w9CRoYWWlq+cOFC1to1ySl1YuFbSFfM\nnDKvnFInLiFkzMFCSstjY6O66dFnDYSm7IlHRzU2Nqry8lV2lwJIWjjnAOY/TCFk/AeLNS0744Q5\nZXcByJBT5pVT6sw25j9MsAwZqVRKW7du1dDQkDwej1paWlRcXJxe39XVpba2NrndbtXX1ysYDM66\nP9IysDjxv2Vg8bEMGZ2dnYrH44pEIhoYGFA4HFZbW5skKZFIqLW1Ve3t7crPz9eaNWt05513qqio\n6DP3R1oGFi/mP7C4WN6Mq6+vT4FAQJJUUVGhwcHB9LoTJ06opKREXq9XS5cuVVVVlXp7e81VCwAA\nHMPySkYsFpPP57v0C263ksmk8vLyZqwrLCzU5OTkrPuLR0fnUK558eioVHrdlW87j12s74b/cvv5\na7GOTXb7MvNbBufeH57THu3rS/b9N8dYevt5bLGOjSP6spDGZRauVCqVmm2D1tZW3XbbbaqtrZUk\nVVdX68iRI5KkoaEh/eY3v9Hu3bslSeFwWFVVVbrrrruyUDoAAHAyy7dLKisr9eqrr0qS+vv7VV5e\nnl63cuVKnTp1SmfOnFE8Hldvb69uu+02c9UCAADHsLyS8a/fLpEuXq3429/+punpaQWDQR05ckQ7\nduxQKpVSQ0OD1qxZk5PCAQDA/GYZMgAAADLBo94BAIARhAwAAGAEIQMAABjh2GeXWN3u3IkGBgb0\n61//Wvv27bO7lDlJJBJ67LHHNDY2pk8++UQ/+MEP9M1vftPusjKSTCb1+OOPa3h4WHl5eWpubtbN\nN99sd1lz8uGHH6q+vl579+5VWdl8v/vm7O6//355vV5J0vLly/Xkk0/aXFHmdu/era6uLn3yySda\nu3at6uvr7S4pIy+//LLa29vlcrl0/vx5HTt2TD09PelxcpJEIqFNmzZpbGxMbrdbTzzxhGPnTDwe\n1+bNmzU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"text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/html": [
- ""
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
+ ""
"metadata": {},
@@ -14542,775 +1521,9 @@
"outputs": [
"data": {
- "application/javascript": [
- "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
- "window.mpl = {};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
- " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return WebSocket;\n",
- " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return MozWebSocket;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
- " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
- " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
- " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
- " this.id = figure_id;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws = websocket;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
- " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
- " if (warnings) {\n",
- " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
- " warnings.textContent = (\n",
- " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
- " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
- "\n",
- " this.context = undefined;\n",
- " this.message = undefined;\n",
- " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
- "\n",
- " this.root = $('');\n",
- " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
- " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
- "\n",
- " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
- "\n",
- " this._init_header(this);\n",
- " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
- " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.waiting = false;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
- " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
- " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
- " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
- " // there is no ghosting.\n",
- " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
- " };\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
- " this.ws.close();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
- " var titlebar = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " var titletext = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
- " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
- " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
- "\n",
- " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
- " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
- " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas = $('');\n",
- " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
- " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
- "\n",
- " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
- " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- "\n",
- " var rubberband = $('');\n",
- " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
- "\n",
- " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
- " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
- " },\n",
- " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
- " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
- " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
- " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
- " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
- " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
- " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
- " event.step = 1;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " event.step = -1;\n",
- " }\n",
- " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
- " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
- "\n",
- " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
- " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
- " // canvas in synch.\n",
- " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
- " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
- " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
- " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
- " // upon first draw.\n",
- " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
- " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
- " return false;\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function set_focus () {\n",
- " canvas.focus();\n",
- " canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) {\n",
- " // put a spacer in here.\n",
- " continue;\n",
- " }\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
- " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
- " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
- " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- "\n",
- " var icon_img = $('');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
- "\n",
- " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
- " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
- " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
- "\n",
- " button.append(icon_img);\n",
- " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
- "\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
- " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
- " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
- " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
- " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
- " var option = $(\n",
- " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
- " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
- " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
- " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
- " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
- " );\n",
- "\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
- " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
- " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
- " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
- " properties['type'] = type;\n",
- " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
- " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
- " this.waiting = true;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
- " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var size = msg['size'];\n",
- " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
- " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
- " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
- " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
- " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
- " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
- " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
- " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
- " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
- " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
- " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
- " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
- " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
- " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Updates the figure title.\n",
- " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
- " switch(cursor)\n",
- " {\n",
- " case 0:\n",
- " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 1:\n",
- " cursor = 'default';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 2:\n",
- " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 3:\n",
- " cursor = 'move';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
- " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
- "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
- " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
- " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
- " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
- " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
- " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
- " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
- " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
- "\n",
- " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
- " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
- " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
- " evt.data);\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
- " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
- " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
- " try {\n",
- " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " if (callback) {\n",
- " try {\n",
- " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
- " callback(fig, msg);\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
- "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
- " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
- " var targ;\n",
- " if (!e)\n",
- " e = window.event;\n",
- " if (e.target)\n",
- " targ = e.target;\n",
- " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
- " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
- " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
- " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
- "\n",
- " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
- " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
- " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
- " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
- " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
- "\n",
- " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "/*\n",
- " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
- " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
- " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
- " */\n",
- "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
- " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
- " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
- " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
- " return obj;\n",
- " }, {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
- "\n",
- " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " this.canvas.focus();\n",
- " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
- " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
- " step: event.step,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- "\n",
- " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
- " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
- " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
- " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
- " event.preventDefault();\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- "\n",
- " // Prevent repeat events\n",
- " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
- " return;\n",
- " else\n",
- " this._key = event.which;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
- " this._key = null;\n",
- "\n",
- " var value = '';\n",
- " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
- " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
- " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
- " value += \"alt+\";\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
- " value += \"shift+\";\n",
- "\n",
- " value += 'k';\n",
- " value += event.which.toString();\n",
- "\n",
- " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
- " if (name == 'download') {\n",
- " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
- " }\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
- " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
- "};\n",
- "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
- " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
- " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
- " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
- " var ws = {};\n",
- "\n",
- " ws.close = function() {\n",
- " comm.close()\n",
- " };\n",
- " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
- " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
- " comm.send(m);\n",
- " };\n",
- " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
- " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
- " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
- " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
- " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
- " });\n",
- " return ws;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
- " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
- " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
- "\n",
- " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
- " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
- " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
- " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
- " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
- "\n",
- " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
- " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
- " ondownload,\n",
- " element.get(0));\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
- " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
- " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
- " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
- " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
- " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
- " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
- "\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
- "\n",
- " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
- " fig.push_to_output();\n",
- " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
- " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
- " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
- " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
- " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
- " // fig.ws.close()\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
- " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
- " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
- " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
- " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
- " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
- "\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the status bar.\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
- " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
- " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
- " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
- " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " var fig = this\n",
- " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
- "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
- " });\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
- " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
- " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
- " // off when our div gets focus\n",
- "\n",
- " // location in version 3\n",
- " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- " else {\n",
- " // location in version 2\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
- " if (!manager)\n",
- " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
- "\n",
- " // Check for shift+enter\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
- " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
- " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
- " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
- " event.which = 74;\n",
- " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
- " manager.command_mode();\n",
- " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
- " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
- " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
- " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
- " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
- " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
- " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
- " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
- " data = data.data;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
- " return [cell, data, j];\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
- "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
- "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
- "}\n"
- ],
+ "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAhkAAACSCAYAAADo8ti5AAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\njI6ODrl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"text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/html": [
- ""
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
+ ""
"metadata": {},
@@ -15338,775 +1551,9 @@
"outputs": [
"data": {
- "application/javascript": [
- "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
- "window.mpl = {};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
- " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return WebSocket;\n",
- " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return MozWebSocket;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
- " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
- " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
- " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
- " this.id = figure_id;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws = websocket;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
- " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
- " if (warnings) {\n",
- " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
- " warnings.textContent = (\n",
- " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
- " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
- "\n",
- " this.context = undefined;\n",
- " this.message = undefined;\n",
- " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
- "\n",
- " this.root = $('');\n",
- " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
- " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
- "\n",
- " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
- "\n",
- " this._init_header(this);\n",
- " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
- " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.waiting = false;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
- " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
- " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
- " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
- " // there is no ghosting.\n",
- " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
- " };\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
- " this.ws.close();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
- " var titlebar = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " var titletext = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
- " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
- " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
- "\n",
- " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
- " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
- " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas = $('');\n",
- " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
- " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
- "\n",
- " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
- " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- "\n",
- " var rubberband = $('');\n",
- " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
- "\n",
- " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
- " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
- " },\n",
- " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
- " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
- " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
- " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
- " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
- " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
- " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
- " event.step = 1;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " event.step = -1;\n",
- " }\n",
- " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
- " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
- "\n",
- " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
- " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
- " // canvas in synch.\n",
- " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
- " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
- " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
- " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
- " // upon first draw.\n",
- " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
- " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
- " return false;\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function set_focus () {\n",
- " canvas.focus();\n",
- " canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) {\n",
- " // put a spacer in here.\n",
- " continue;\n",
- " }\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
- " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
- " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
- " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- "\n",
- " var icon_img = $('');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
- "\n",
- " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
- " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
- " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
- "\n",
- " button.append(icon_img);\n",
- " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
- "\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
- " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
- " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
- " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
- " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
- " var option = $(\n",
- " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
- " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
- " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
- " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
- " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
- " );\n",
- "\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
- " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
- " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
- " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
- " properties['type'] = type;\n",
- " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
- " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
- " this.waiting = true;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
- " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var size = msg['size'];\n",
- " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
- " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
- " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
- " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
- " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
- " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
- " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
- " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
- " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
- " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
- " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
- " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
- " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
- " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Updates the figure title.\n",
- " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
- " switch(cursor)\n",
- " {\n",
- " case 0:\n",
- " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 1:\n",
- " cursor = 'default';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 2:\n",
- " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 3:\n",
- " cursor = 'move';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
- " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
- "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
- " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
- " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
- " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
- " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
- " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
- " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
- " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
- "\n",
- " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
- " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
- " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
- " evt.data);\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
- " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
- " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
- " try {\n",
- " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " if (callback) {\n",
- " try {\n",
- " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
- " callback(fig, msg);\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
- "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
- " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
- " var targ;\n",
- " if (!e)\n",
- " e = window.event;\n",
- " if (e.target)\n",
- " targ = e.target;\n",
- " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
- " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
- " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
- " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
- "\n",
- " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
- " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
- " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
- " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
- " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
- "\n",
- " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "/*\n",
- " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
- " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
- " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
- " */\n",
- "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
- " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
- " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
- " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
- " return obj;\n",
- " }, {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
- "\n",
- " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " this.canvas.focus();\n",
- " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
- " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
- " step: event.step,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- "\n",
- " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
- " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
- " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
- " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
- " event.preventDefault();\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- "\n",
- " // Prevent repeat events\n",
- " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
- " return;\n",
- " else\n",
- " this._key = event.which;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
- " this._key = null;\n",
- "\n",
- " var value = '';\n",
- " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
- " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
- " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
- " value += \"alt+\";\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
- " value += \"shift+\";\n",
- "\n",
- " value += 'k';\n",
- " value += event.which.toString();\n",
- "\n",
- " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
- " if (name == 'download') {\n",
- " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
- " }\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
- " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
- "};\n",
- "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
- " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
- " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
- " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
- " var ws = {};\n",
- "\n",
- " ws.close = function() {\n",
- " comm.close()\n",
- " };\n",
- " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
- " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
- " comm.send(m);\n",
- " };\n",
- " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
- " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
- " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
- " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
- " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
- " });\n",
- " return ws;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
- " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
- " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
- "\n",
- " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
- " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
- " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
- " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
- " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
- "\n",
- " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
- " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
- " ondownload,\n",
- " element.get(0));\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
- " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
- " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
- " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
- " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
- " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
- " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
- "\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
- "\n",
- " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
- " fig.push_to_output();\n",
- " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
- " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
- " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
- " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
- " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
- " // fig.ws.close()\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
- " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
- " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
- " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
- " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
- " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
- "\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the status bar.\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
- " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
- " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
- " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
- " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " var fig = this\n",
- " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
- "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
- " });\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
- " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
- " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
- " // off when our div gets focus\n",
- "\n",
- " // location in version 3\n",
- " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- " else {\n",
- " // location in version 2\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
- " if (!manager)\n",
- " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
- "\n",
- " // Check for shift+enter\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
- " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
- " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
- " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
- " event.which = 74;\n",
- " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
- " manager.command_mode();\n",
- " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
- " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
- " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
- " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
- " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
- " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
- " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
- " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
- " data = data.data;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
- " return [cell, data, j];\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
- "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
- "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
- "}\n"
- ],
+ "image/png": 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"text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/html": [
- ""
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
+ ""
"metadata": {},
@@ -16287,782 +1734,6 @@
"scrolled": false
"outputs": [
- {
- "data": {
- "application/javascript": [
- "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
- "window.mpl = {};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
- " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return WebSocket;\n",
- " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return MozWebSocket;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
- " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
- " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
- " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
- " this.id = figure_id;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws = websocket;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
- " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
- " if (warnings) {\n",
- " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
- " warnings.textContent = (\n",
- " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
- " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
- "\n",
- " this.context = undefined;\n",
- " this.message = undefined;\n",
- " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
- "\n",
- " this.root = $('');\n",
- " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
- " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
- "\n",
- " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
- "\n",
- " this._init_header(this);\n",
- " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
- " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.waiting = false;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
- " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
- " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
- " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
- " // there is no ghosting.\n",
- " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
- " };\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
- " this.ws.close();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
- " var titlebar = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " var titletext = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
- " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
- " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
- "\n",
- " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
- " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
- " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas = $('');\n",
- " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
- " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
- "\n",
- " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
- " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- "\n",
- " var rubberband = $('');\n",
- " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
- "\n",
- " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
- " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
- " },\n",
- " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
- " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
- " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
- " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
- " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
- " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
- " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
- " event.step = 1;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " event.step = -1;\n",
- " }\n",
- " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
- " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
- "\n",
- " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
- " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
- " // canvas in synch.\n",
- " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
- " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
- " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
- " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
- " // upon first draw.\n",
- " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
- " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
- " return false;\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function set_focus () {\n",
- " canvas.focus();\n",
- " canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) {\n",
- " // put a spacer in here.\n",
- " continue;\n",
- " }\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
- " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
- " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
- " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- "\n",
- " var icon_img = $('');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
- "\n",
- " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
- " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
- " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
- "\n",
- " button.append(icon_img);\n",
- " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
- "\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
- " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
- " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
- " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
- " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
- " var option = $(\n",
- " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
- " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
- " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
- " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
- " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
- " );\n",
- "\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
- " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
- " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
- " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
- " properties['type'] = type;\n",
- " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
- " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
- " this.waiting = true;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
- " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var size = msg['size'];\n",
- " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
- " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
- " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
- " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
- " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
- " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
- " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
- " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
- " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
- " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
- " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
- " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
- " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
- " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Updates the figure title.\n",
- " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
- " switch(cursor)\n",
- " {\n",
- " case 0:\n",
- " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 1:\n",
- " cursor = 'default';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 2:\n",
- " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 3:\n",
- " cursor = 'move';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
- " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
- "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
- " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
- " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
- " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
- " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
- " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
- " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
- " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
- "\n",
- " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
- " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
- " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
- " evt.data);\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
- " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
- " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
- " try {\n",
- " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " if (callback) {\n",
- " try {\n",
- " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
- " callback(fig, msg);\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
- "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
- " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
- " var targ;\n",
- " if (!e)\n",
- " e = window.event;\n",
- " if (e.target)\n",
- " targ = e.target;\n",
- " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
- " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
- " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
- " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
- "\n",
- " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
- " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
- " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
- " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
- " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
- "\n",
- " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "/*\n",
- " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
- " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
- " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
- " */\n",
- "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
- " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
- " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
- " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
- " return obj;\n",
- " }, {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
- "\n",
- " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " this.canvas.focus();\n",
- " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
- " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
- " step: event.step,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- "\n",
- " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
- " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
- " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
- " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
- " event.preventDefault();\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- "\n",
- " // Prevent repeat events\n",
- " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
- " return;\n",
- " else\n",
- " this._key = event.which;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
- " this._key = null;\n",
- "\n",
- " var value = '';\n",
- " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
- " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
- " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
- " value += \"alt+\";\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
- " value += \"shift+\";\n",
- "\n",
- " value += 'k';\n",
- " value += event.which.toString();\n",
- "\n",
- " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
- " if (name == 'download') {\n",
- " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
- " }\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
- " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
- "};\n",
- "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
- " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
- " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
- " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
- " var ws = {};\n",
- "\n",
- " ws.close = function() {\n",
- " comm.close()\n",
- " };\n",
- " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
- " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
- " comm.send(m);\n",
- " };\n",
- " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
- " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
- " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
- " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
- " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
- " });\n",
- " return ws;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
- " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
- " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
- "\n",
- " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
- " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
- " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
- " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
- " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
- "\n",
- " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
- " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
- " ondownload,\n",
- " element.get(0));\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
- " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
- " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
- " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
- " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
- " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
- " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
- "\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
- "\n",
- " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
- " fig.push_to_output();\n",
- " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
- " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
- " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
- " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
- " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
- " // fig.ws.close()\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
- " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
- " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
- " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
- " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
- " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
- "\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the status bar.\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
- " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
- " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
- " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
- " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " var fig = this\n",
- " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
- "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
- " });\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
- " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
- " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
- " // off when our div gets focus\n",
- "\n",
- " // location in version 3\n",
- " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- " else {\n",
- " // location in version 2\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
- " if (!manager)\n",
- " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
- "\n",
- " // Check for shift+enter\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
- " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
- " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
- " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
- " event.which = 74;\n",
- " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
- " manager.command_mode();\n",
- " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
- " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
- " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
- " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
- " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
- " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
- " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
- " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
- " data = data.data;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
- " return [cell, data, j];\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
- "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
- "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
- "}\n"
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/html": [
- ""
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
@@ -17079,6 +1750,16 @@
"final position is 6\n",
"predicted position is 6 with confidence 100.0000%:\n"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAhkAAACSCAYAAADo8ti5AAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\nAADAiP8FIFCDfU3+HRcAAAAASUVORK5CYII=\n",
+ "text/plain": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
"source": [
@@ -17105,782 +1786,6 @@
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [
- {
- "data": {
- "application/javascript": [
- "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
- "window.mpl = {};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
- " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return WebSocket;\n",
- " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return MozWebSocket;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
- " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
- " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
- " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
- " this.id = figure_id;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws = websocket;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
- " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
- " if (warnings) {\n",
- " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
- " warnings.textContent = (\n",
- " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
- " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
- "\n",
- " this.context = undefined;\n",
- " this.message = undefined;\n",
- " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
- "\n",
- " this.root = $('');\n",
- " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
- " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
- "\n",
- " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
- "\n",
- " this._init_header(this);\n",
- " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
- " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.waiting = false;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
- " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
- " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
- " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
- " // there is no ghosting.\n",
- " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
- " };\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
- " this.ws.close();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
- " var titlebar = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " var titletext = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
- " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
- " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
- "\n",
- " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
- " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
- " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas = $('');\n",
- " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
- " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
- "\n",
- " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
- " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- "\n",
- " var rubberband = $('');\n",
- " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
- "\n",
- " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
- " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
- " },\n",
- " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
- " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
- " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
- " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
- " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
- " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
- " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
- " event.step = 1;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " event.step = -1;\n",
- " }\n",
- " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
- " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
- "\n",
- " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
- " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
- " // canvas in synch.\n",
- " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
- " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
- " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
- " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
- " // upon first draw.\n",
- " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
- " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
- " return false;\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function set_focus () {\n",
- " canvas.focus();\n",
- " canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) {\n",
- " // put a spacer in here.\n",
- " continue;\n",
- " }\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
- " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
- " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
- " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- "\n",
- " var icon_img = $('');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
- "\n",
- " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
- " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
- " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
- "\n",
- " button.append(icon_img);\n",
- " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
- "\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
- " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
- " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
- " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
- " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
- " var option = $(\n",
- " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
- " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
- " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
- " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
- " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
- " );\n",
- "\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
- " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
- " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
- " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
- " properties['type'] = type;\n",
- " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
- " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
- " this.waiting = true;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
- " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var size = msg['size'];\n",
- " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
- " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
- " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
- " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
- " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
- " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
- " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
- " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
- " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
- " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
- " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
- " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
- " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
- " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Updates the figure title.\n",
- " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
- " switch(cursor)\n",
- " {\n",
- " case 0:\n",
- " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 1:\n",
- " cursor = 'default';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 2:\n",
- " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 3:\n",
- " cursor = 'move';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
- " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
- "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
- " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
- " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
- " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
- " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
- " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
- " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
- " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
- "\n",
- " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
- " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
- " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
- " evt.data);\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
- " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
- " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
- " try {\n",
- " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " if (callback) {\n",
- " try {\n",
- " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
- " callback(fig, msg);\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
- "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
- " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
- " var targ;\n",
- " if (!e)\n",
- " e = window.event;\n",
- " if (e.target)\n",
- " targ = e.target;\n",
- " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
- " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
- " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
- " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
- "\n",
- " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
- " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
- " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
- " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
- " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
- "\n",
- " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "/*\n",
- " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
- " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
- " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
- " */\n",
- "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
- " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
- " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
- " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
- " return obj;\n",
- " }, {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
- "\n",
- " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " this.canvas.focus();\n",
- " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
- " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
- " step: event.step,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- "\n",
- " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
- " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
- " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
- " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
- " event.preventDefault();\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- "\n",
- " // Prevent repeat events\n",
- " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
- " return;\n",
- " else\n",
- " this._key = event.which;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
- " this._key = null;\n",
- "\n",
- " var value = '';\n",
- " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
- " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
- " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
- " value += \"alt+\";\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
- " value += \"shift+\";\n",
- "\n",
- " value += 'k';\n",
- " value += event.which.toString();\n",
- "\n",
- " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
- " if (name == 'download') {\n",
- " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
- " }\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
- " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
- "};\n",
- "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
- " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
- " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
- " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
- " var ws = {};\n",
- "\n",
- " ws.close = function() {\n",
- " comm.close()\n",
- " };\n",
- " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
- " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
- " comm.send(m);\n",
- " };\n",
- " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
- " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
- " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
- " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
- " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
- " });\n",
- " return ws;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
- " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
- " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
- "\n",
- " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
- " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
- " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
- " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
- " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
- "\n",
- " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
- " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
- " ondownload,\n",
- " element.get(0));\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
- " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
- " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
- " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
- " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
- " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
- " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
- "\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
- "\n",
- " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
- " fig.push_to_output();\n",
- " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
- " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
- " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
- " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
- " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
- " // fig.ws.close()\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
- " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
- " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
- " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
- " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
- " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
- "\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the status bar.\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
- " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
- " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
- " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
- " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " var fig = this\n",
- " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
- "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
- " });\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
- " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
- " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
- " // off when our div gets focus\n",
- "\n",
- " // location in version 3\n",
- " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- " else {\n",
- " // location in version 2\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
- " if (!manager)\n",
- " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
- "\n",
- " // Check for shift+enter\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
- " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
- " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
- " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
- " event.which = 74;\n",
- " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
- " manager.command_mode();\n",
- " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
- " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
- " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
- " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
- " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
- " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
- " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
- " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
- " data = data.data;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
- " return [cell, data, j];\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
- "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
- "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
- "}\n"
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/html": [
- ""
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
@@ -17897,6 +1802,16 @@
"final position is 7\n",
"predicted position is 8 with confidence 37.5836%:\n"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAhkAAACSCAYAAADo8ti5AAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\nbt1xWAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==\n",
+ "text/plain": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
"source": [
@@ -17925,775 +1840,9 @@
"outputs": [
"data": {
- "application/javascript": [
- "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
- "window.mpl = {};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
- " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return WebSocket;\n",
- " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
- " return MozWebSocket;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
- " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
- " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
- " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
- " this.id = figure_id;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws = websocket;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
- " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
- " if (warnings) {\n",
- " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
- " warnings.textContent = (\n",
- " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
- " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
- "\n",
- " this.context = undefined;\n",
- " this.message = undefined;\n",
- " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
- "\n",
- " this.root = $('');\n",
- " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
- " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
- "\n",
- " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
- "\n",
- " this._init_header(this);\n",
- " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
- " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.waiting = false;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
- " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
- " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
- " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
- " // there is no ghosting.\n",
- " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
- " };\n",
- "\n",
- " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
- " this.ws.close();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
- " var titlebar = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " var titletext = $(\n",
- " '');\n",
- " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
- " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
- " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
- "\n",
- " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
- " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
- " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
- " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
- "\n",
- " var canvas = $('');\n",
- " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
- " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
- "\n",
- " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
- " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- "\n",
- " var rubberband = $('');\n",
- " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
- "\n",
- " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
- " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
- " },\n",
- " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
- " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
- " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
- " },\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
- " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
- " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
- " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
- " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
- " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
- " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
- " event.step = 1;\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " event.step = -1;\n",
- " }\n",
- " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
- " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
- " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
- " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
- " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
- "\n",
- " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
- " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
- " // canvas in synch.\n",
- " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
- " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
- "\n",
- " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
- " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
- "\n",
- " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
- " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
- " // upon first draw.\n",
- " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
- " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
- " return false;\n",
- " });\n",
- "\n",
- " function set_focus () {\n",
- " canvas.focus();\n",
- " canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) {\n",
- " // put a spacer in here.\n",
- " continue;\n",
- " }\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
- " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
- " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
- " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- "\n",
- " var icon_img = $('');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
- " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
- " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
- "\n",
- " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
- " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
- " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
- "\n",
- " button.append(icon_img);\n",
- " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
- "\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
- "\n",
- " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
- " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
- " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
- " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
- " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
- " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
- " var option = $(\n",
- " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
- " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
- " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
- " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
- " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
- " );\n",
- "\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
- " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
- " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
- " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
- " properties['type'] = type;\n",
- " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
- " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
- " this.waiting = true;\n",
- " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
- " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var size = msg['size'];\n",
- " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
- " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
- " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
- " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
- " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
- " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
- " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
- " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
- " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
- " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
- " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
- " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
- " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
- " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
- " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Updates the figure title.\n",
- " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
- " switch(cursor)\n",
- " {\n",
- " case 0:\n",
- " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 1:\n",
- " cursor = 'default';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 2:\n",
- " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " case 3:\n",
- " cursor = 'move';\n",
- " break;\n",
- " }\n",
- " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
- " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
- "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
- " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
- " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
- " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
- " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
- " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
- " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
- " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
- "\n",
- " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
- " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
- " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
- " evt.data);\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
- " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
- " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
- " fig.waiting = false;\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
- " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
- " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
- " try {\n",
- " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " if (callback) {\n",
- " try {\n",
- " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
- " callback(fig, msg);\n",
- " } catch (e) {\n",
- " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " };\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
- "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
- " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
- " var targ;\n",
- " if (!e)\n",
- " e = window.event;\n",
- " if (e.target)\n",
- " targ = e.target;\n",
- " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
- " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
- " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
- " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
- "\n",
- " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
- " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
- " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
- " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
- " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
- "\n",
- " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "/*\n",
- " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
- " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
- " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
- " */\n",
- "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
- " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
- " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
- " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
- " return obj;\n",
- " }, {});\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
- "\n",
- " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " this.canvas.focus();\n",
- " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
- " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
- " step: event.step,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- "\n",
- " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
- " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
- " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
- " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
- " event.preventDefault();\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
- "\n",
- " // Prevent repeat events\n",
- " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
- " {\n",
- " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
- " return;\n",
- " else\n",
- " this._key = event.which;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
- " this._key = null;\n",
- "\n",
- " var value = '';\n",
- " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
- " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
- " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
- " value += \"alt+\";\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
- " value += \"shift+\";\n",
- "\n",
- " value += 'k';\n",
- " value += event.which.toString();\n",
- "\n",
- " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
- "\n",
- " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
- " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
- " return false;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
- " if (name == 'download') {\n",
- " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
- " } else {\n",
- " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
- " }\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
- " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
- "};\n",
- "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
- " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
- " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
- " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
- " var ws = {};\n",
- "\n",
- " ws.close = function() {\n",
- " comm.close()\n",
- " };\n",
- " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
- " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
- " comm.send(m);\n",
- " };\n",
- " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
- " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
- " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
- " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
- " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
- " });\n",
- " return ws;\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
- " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
- " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
- "\n",
- " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
- " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
- " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
- " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
- " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
- "\n",
- " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
- " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
- " ondownload,\n",
- " element.get(0));\n",
- "\n",
- " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
- " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
- " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
- "\n",
- " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
- " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
- " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
- " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
- " return;\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
- " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
- "\n",
- "};\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
- "\n",
- " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
- " fig.push_to_output();\n",
- " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
- " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
- " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
- " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
- " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
- " // fig.ws.close()\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
- " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
- " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
- " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
- " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
- " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
- " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
- " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
- " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
- " var fig = this;\n",
- "\n",
- " var nav_element = $('')\n",
- " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
- " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
- "\n",
- " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
- " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
- " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
- " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
- " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
- " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
- " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
- "\n",
- " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
- "\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
- " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " nav_element.append(button);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the status bar.\n",
- " var status_bar = $('');\n",
- " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
- " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
- "\n",
- " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
- " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
- " var button = $('');\n",
- " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
- " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
- " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
- " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
- " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " var fig = this\n",
- " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
- "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
- " });\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
- " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
- " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
- " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
- " // off when our div gets focus\n",
- "\n",
- " // location in version 3\n",
- " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- " else {\n",
- " // location in version 2\n",
- " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
- " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
- " if (!manager)\n",
- " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
- "\n",
- " // Check for shift+enter\n",
- " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
- " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
- " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
- " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
- " event.which = 74;\n",
- " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
- " manager.command_mode();\n",
- " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
- " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
- " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
- " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
- " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
- " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
- " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
- " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
- " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
- " data = data.data;\n",
- " }\n",
- " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
- " return [cell, data, j];\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- " }\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
- "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
- "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
- " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
- "}\n"
- ],
+ "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAhkAAAFeCAYAAAAorw3CAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\nTvfff7+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"text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/html": [
- ""
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
+ ""
"metadata": {},
@@ -18849,8 +1998,9 @@
"metadata": {
+ "anaconda-cloud": {},
"kernelspec": {
- "display_name": "Python 3",
+ "display_name": "Python [default]",
"language": "python",
"name": "python3"
diff --git a/Untitled.ipynb b/Untitled.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26d6383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Untitled.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,2001 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 1,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": false
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 1,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "#format the book\n",
+ "%matplotlib notebook\n",
+ "#%matplotlib inline\n",
+ "from __future__ import division, print_function\n",
+ "from book_format import load_style\n",
+ "load_style()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 2,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from book_format import figsize, set_figsize\n",
+ "import code.book_plots as bp\n",
+ "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 42,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": false
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from contextlib import contextmanager\n",
+ "import matplotlib as mpl\n",
+ "import time\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def end_interactive(fig):\n",
+ " \"\"\" end interaction in a plot created with %matplotlib notebook \"\"\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ " IS_INLINE = mpl.get_backend().find('backend_inline') != -1\n",
+ " if IS_INLINE:\n",
+ " return\n",
+ "\n",
+ " fig.canvas.draw()\n",
+ " time.sleep(1.)\n",
+ " plt.close(fig)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " \n",
+ "@contextmanager\n",
+ "def interactive_plot(close=True, fig=None, fn=None):\n",
+ " IS_INLINE = mpl.get_backend().find('backend_inline') != -1\n",
+ " if fig is None and not IS_INLINE:\n",
+ " fig = plt.figure()\n",
+ " \n",
+ " yield\n",
+ " try:\n",
+ " # if the figure only uses annotations tight_output\n",
+ " # throws an exception\n",
+ " if not IS_INLINE: plt.tight_layout()\n",
+ " except:\n",
+ " pass\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if not IS_INLINE: \n",
+ " plt.show()\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if fn is not None:\n",
+ " plt.savefig(fn)\n",
+ " \n",
+ " if close and not IS_INLINE:\n",
+ " end_interactive(fig)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 17,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from random import randint\n",
+ "def foo():\n",
+ " xs = [randint(0,10) for x in range(10)]\n",
+ " ys = [randint(0,10) for x in range(10)]\n",
+ " plt.plot(xs, ys)\n",
+ " plt.show()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 19,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": false
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/javascript": [
+ "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
+ "window.mpl = {};\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
+ " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
+ " return WebSocket;\n",
+ " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
+ " return MozWebSocket;\n",
+ " } else {\n",
+ " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
+ " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
+ " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
+ " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
+ " };\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
+ " this.id = figure_id;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.ws = websocket;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
+ " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
+ " if (warnings) {\n",
+ " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
+ " warnings.textContent = (\n",
+ " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
+ " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.context = undefined;\n",
+ " this.message = undefined;\n",
+ " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
+ " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
+ " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
+ " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.root = $('');\n",
+ " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
+ " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
+ "\n",
+ " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this._init_header(this);\n",
+ " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
+ " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var fig = this;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.waiting = false;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
+ " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
+ " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
+ " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
+ " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
+ " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
+ " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
+ " // there is no ghosting.\n",
+ " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
+ " };\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
+ " this.ws.close();\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
+ " var titlebar = $(\n",
+ " '');\n",
+ " var titletext = $(\n",
+ " '');\n",
+ " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
+ " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
+ " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
+ "\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
+ "\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
+ " var fig = this;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
+ "\n",
+ " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
+ "\n",
+ " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
+ " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
+ " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
+ " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
+ " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
+ " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var canvas = $('');\n",
+ " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
+ " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
+ " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var rubberband = $('');\n",
+ " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
+ " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
+ " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
+ " },\n",
+ " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
+ " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
+ " },\n",
+ " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
+ " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
+ " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
+ " },\n",
+ " });\n",
+ "\n",
+ " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
+ " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
+ " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
+ " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
+ " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
+ " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
+ " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
+ " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
+ " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
+ " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
+ " event.step = 1;\n",
+ " } else {\n",
+ " event.step = -1;\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
+ " });\n",
+ "\n",
+ " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
+ " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
+ " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
+ " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
+ " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
+ " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
+ " // canvas in synch.\n",
+ " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
+ " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
+ " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
+ " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
+ " // upon first draw.\n",
+ " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
+ " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
+ " return false;\n",
+ " });\n",
+ "\n",
+ " function set_focus () {\n",
+ " canvas.focus();\n",
+ " canvas_div.focus();\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
+ " var fig = this;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var nav_element = $('')\n",
+ " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
+ " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
+ " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
+ " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
+ " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
+ " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
+ " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
+ " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
+ " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if (!name) {\n",
+ " // put a spacer in here.\n",
+ " continue;\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " var button = $('');\n",
+ " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
+ " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
+ " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
+ " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
+ " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
+ " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var icon_img = $('');\n",
+ " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
+ " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
+ " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
+ " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
+ " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " button.append(icon_img);\n",
+ " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " nav_element.append(button);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
+ " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
+ " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
+ " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
+ " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
+ "\n",
+ " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
+ " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
+ " var option = $(\n",
+ " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
+ " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
+ " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
+ " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
+ " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
+ " );\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var status_bar = $('');\n",
+ " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
+ " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
+ " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
+ " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
+ " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
+ " properties['type'] = type;\n",
+ " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
+ " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
+ " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
+ " this.waiting = true;\n",
+ " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
+ " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
+ " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
+ " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
+ " var size = msg['size'];\n",
+ " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
+ " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
+ " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
+ " };\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
+ " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
+ " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
+ " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
+ " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
+ " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
+ " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
+ " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
+ " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
+ " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
+ " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
+ " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
+ " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
+ " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
+ " // Updates the figure title.\n",
+ " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
+ " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
+ " switch(cursor)\n",
+ " {\n",
+ " case 0:\n",
+ " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
+ " break;\n",
+ " case 1:\n",
+ " cursor = 'default';\n",
+ " break;\n",
+ " case 2:\n",
+ " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
+ " break;\n",
+ " case 3:\n",
+ " cursor = 'move';\n",
+ " break;\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
+ " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
+ " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
+ " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
+ " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
+ " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
+ " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
+ "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
+ " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
+ " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
+ " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
+ " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
+ " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
+ " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
+ " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
+ "\n",
+ " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
+ " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
+ " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
+ " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
+ " evt.data);\n",
+ " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
+ " fig.waiting = false;\n",
+ " return;\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
+ " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
+ " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
+ " fig.waiting = false;\n",
+ " return;\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
+ " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
+ " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
+ " try {\n",
+ " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
+ " } catch (e) {\n",
+ " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
+ " return;\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if (callback) {\n",
+ " try {\n",
+ " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
+ " callback(fig, msg);\n",
+ " } catch (e) {\n",
+ " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " };\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
+ "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
+ " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
+ " var targ;\n",
+ " if (!e)\n",
+ " e = window.event;\n",
+ " if (e.target)\n",
+ " targ = e.target;\n",
+ " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
+ " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
+ " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
+ " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
+ " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
+ " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
+ " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
+ " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
+ "};\n",
+ "\n",
+ "/*\n",
+ " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
+ " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
+ " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
+ " */\n",
+ "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
+ " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
+ " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
+ " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
+ " return obj;\n",
+ " }, {});\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
+ " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
+ " {\n",
+ " this.canvas.focus();\n",
+ " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
+ " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
+ " step: event.step,\n",
+ " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
+ "\n",
+ " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
+ " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
+ " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
+ " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
+ " event.preventDefault();\n",
+ " return false;\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
+ " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Prevent repeat events\n",
+ " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
+ " {\n",
+ " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
+ " return;\n",
+ " else\n",
+ " this._key = event.which;\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
+ " this._key = null;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var value = '';\n",
+ " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
+ " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
+ " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
+ " value += \"alt+\";\n",
+ " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
+ " value += \"shift+\";\n",
+ "\n",
+ " value += 'k';\n",
+ " value += event.which.toString();\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
+ " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
+ " return false;\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
+ " if (name == 'download') {\n",
+ " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
+ " } else {\n",
+ " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "};\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
+ " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
+ "};\n",
+ "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
+ " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
+ " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
+ " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
+ " var ws = {};\n",
+ "\n",
+ " ws.close = function() {\n",
+ " comm.close()\n",
+ " };\n",
+ " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
+ " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
+ " comm.send(m);\n",
+ " };\n",
+ " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
+ " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
+ " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
+ " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
+ " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
+ " });\n",
+ " return ws;\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
+ " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
+ " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
+ " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
+ " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
+ " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
+ " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
+ " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
+ " ondownload,\n",
+ " element.get(0));\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
+ " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
+ " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
+ "\n",
+ " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
+ " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
+ " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
+ " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
+ " return;\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
+ " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
+ "\n",
+ "};\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
+ " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
+ " fig.push_to_output();\n",
+ " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
+ " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
+ " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
+ " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
+ " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
+ " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
+ " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
+ " // fig.ws.close()\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
+ " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
+ " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
+ " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
+ " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
+ " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
+ " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
+ " var fig = this;\n",
+ " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
+ " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
+ " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
+ " var fig = this;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var nav_element = $('')\n",
+ " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
+ " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
+ " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
+ " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
+ " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
+ " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
+ " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
+ " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
+ " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var button = $('');\n",
+ " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
+ " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
+ " nav_element.append(button);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Add the status bar.\n",
+ " var status_bar = $('');\n",
+ " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
+ " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
+ " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
+ " var button = $('');\n",
+ " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
+ " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
+ " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
+ " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
+ " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
+ " var fig = this\n",
+ " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
+ "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
+ " });\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
+ " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
+ " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
+ " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
+ " // off when our div gets focus\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // location in version 3\n",
+ " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
+ " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " else {\n",
+ " // location in version 2\n",
+ " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
+ " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
+ " if (!manager)\n",
+ " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Check for shift+enter\n",
+ " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
+ " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
+ " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
+ " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
+ " event.which = 74;\n",
+ " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
+ " manager.command_mode();\n",
+ " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
+ " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
+ " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
+ " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
+ " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
+ " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
+ " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
+ " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
+ " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
+ " data = data.data;\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
+ " return [cell, data, j];\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
+ "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
+ "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
+ " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
+ "}\n"
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "foo()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 43,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": false
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/javascript": [
+ "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n",
+ "window.mpl = {};\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n",
+ " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
+ " return WebSocket;\n",
+ " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n",
+ " return MozWebSocket;\n",
+ " } else {\n",
+ " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n",
+ " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n",
+ " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n",
+ " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n",
+ " };\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n",
+ " this.id = figure_id;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.ws = websocket;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n",
+ " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n",
+ " if (warnings) {\n",
+ " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n",
+ " warnings.textContent = (\n",
+ " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n",
+ " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.imageObj = new Image();\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.context = undefined;\n",
+ " this.message = undefined;\n",
+ " this.canvas = undefined;\n",
+ " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n",
+ " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n",
+ " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.image_mode = 'full';\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.root = $('');\n",
+ " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n",
+ " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n",
+ "\n",
+ " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this._init_header(this);\n",
+ " this._init_canvas(this);\n",
+ " this._init_toolbar(this);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var fig = this;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.waiting = false;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n",
+ " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n",
+ " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n",
+ " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n",
+ " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n",
+ " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n",
+ " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n",
+ " // there is no ghosting.\n",
+ " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n",
+ " };\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n",
+ " this.ws.close();\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n",
+ " var titlebar = $(\n",
+ " '');\n",
+ " var titletext = $(\n",
+ " '');\n",
+ " titlebar.append(titletext)\n",
+ " this.root.append(titlebar);\n",
+ " this.header = titletext[0];\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
+ "\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n",
+ "\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n",
+ " var fig = this;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var canvas_div = $('');\n",
+ "\n",
+ " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n",
+ "\n",
+ " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n",
+ " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
+ " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n",
+ " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n",
+ " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n",
+ " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var canvas = $('');\n",
+ " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n",
+ " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n",
+ " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var rubberband = $('');\n",
+ " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " canvas_div.resizable({\n",
+ " start: function(event, ui) {\n",
+ " pass_mouse_events = false;\n",
+ " },\n",
+ " resize: function(event, ui) {\n",
+ " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
+ " },\n",
+ " stop: function(event, ui) {\n",
+ " pass_mouse_events = true;\n",
+ " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n",
+ " },\n",
+ " });\n",
+ "\n",
+ " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n",
+ " if (pass_mouse_events)\n",
+ " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n",
+ " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n",
+ " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n",
+ " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n",
+ " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n",
+ " event = event.originalEvent;\n",
+ " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n",
+ " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n",
+ " event.step = 1;\n",
+ " } else {\n",
+ " event.step = -1;\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " mouse_event_fn(event);\n",
+ " });\n",
+ "\n",
+ " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n",
+ " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n",
+ " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n",
+ " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n",
+ " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n",
+ " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n",
+ " // canvas in synch.\n",
+ " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n",
+ " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " canvas.attr('width', width);\n",
+ " canvas.attr('height', height);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n",
+ " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n",
+ " // upon first draw.\n",
+ " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n",
+ " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n",
+ " return false;\n",
+ " });\n",
+ "\n",
+ " function set_focus () {\n",
+ " canvas.focus();\n",
+ " canvas_div.focus();\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
+ " var fig = this;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var nav_element = $('')\n",
+ " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
+ " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
+ " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
+ " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
+ " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n",
+ " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
+ " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
+ " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
+ " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if (!name) {\n",
+ " // put a spacer in here.\n",
+ " continue;\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " var button = $('');\n",
+ " button.addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ' +\n",
+ " 'ui-button-icon-only');\n",
+ " button.attr('role', 'button');\n",
+ " button.attr('aria-disabled', 'false');\n",
+ " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
+ " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var icon_img = $('');\n",
+ " icon_img.addClass('ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon');\n",
+ " icon_img.addClass(image);\n",
+ " icon_img.addClass('ui-corner-all');\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var tooltip_span = $('');\n",
+ " tooltip_span.addClass('ui-button-text');\n",
+ " tooltip_span.html(tooltip);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " button.append(icon_img);\n",
+ " button.append(tooltip_span);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " nav_element.append(button);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var fmt_picker_span = $('');\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var fmt_picker = $('');\n",
+ " fmt_picker.addClass('mpl-toolbar-option ui-widget ui-widget-content');\n",
+ " fmt_picker_span.append(fmt_picker);\n",
+ " nav_element.append(fmt_picker_span);\n",
+ " this.format_dropdown = fmt_picker[0];\n",
+ "\n",
+ " for (var ind in mpl.extensions) {\n",
+ " var fmt = mpl.extensions[ind];\n",
+ " var option = $(\n",
+ " '', {selected: fmt === mpl.default_extension}).html(fmt);\n",
+ " fmt_picker.append(option)\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Add hover states to the ui-buttons\n",
+ " $( \".ui-button\" ).hover(\n",
+ " function() { $(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\");},\n",
+ " function() { $(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\");}\n",
+ " );\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var status_bar = $('');\n",
+ " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
+ " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.request_resize = function(x_pixels, y_pixels) {\n",
+ " // Request matplotlib to resize the figure. Matplotlib will then trigger a resize in the client,\n",
+ " // which will in turn request a refresh of the image.\n",
+ " this.send_message('resize', {'width': x_pixels, 'height': y_pixels});\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.send_message = function(type, properties) {\n",
+ " properties['type'] = type;\n",
+ " properties['figure_id'] = this.id;\n",
+ " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(properties));\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.send_draw_message = function() {\n",
+ " if (!this.waiting) {\n",
+ " this.waiting = true;\n",
+ " this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: \"draw\", figure_id: this.id}));\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
+ " var format_dropdown = fig.format_dropdown;\n",
+ " var format = format_dropdown.options[format_dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n",
+ " fig.ondownload(fig, format);\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_resize = function(fig, msg) {\n",
+ " var size = msg['size'];\n",
+ " if (size[0] != fig.canvas.width || size[1] != fig.canvas.height) {\n",
+ " fig._resize_canvas(size[0], size[1]);\n",
+ " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n",
+ " };\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_rubberband = function(fig, msg) {\n",
+ " var x0 = msg['x0'];\n",
+ " var y0 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y0'];\n",
+ " var x1 = msg['x1'];\n",
+ " var y1 = fig.canvas.height - msg['y1'];\n",
+ " x0 = Math.floor(x0) + 0.5;\n",
+ " y0 = Math.floor(y0) + 0.5;\n",
+ " x1 = Math.floor(x1) + 0.5;\n",
+ " y1 = Math.floor(y1) + 0.5;\n",
+ " var min_x = Math.min(x0, x1);\n",
+ " var min_y = Math.min(y0, y1);\n",
+ " var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0);\n",
+ " var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " fig.rubberband_context.clearRect(\n",
+ " 0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " fig.rubberband_context.strokeRect(min_x, min_y, width, height);\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_figure_label = function(fig, msg) {\n",
+ " // Updates the figure title.\n",
+ " fig.header.textContent = msg['label'];\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_cursor = function(fig, msg) {\n",
+ " var cursor = msg['cursor'];\n",
+ " switch(cursor)\n",
+ " {\n",
+ " case 0:\n",
+ " cursor = 'pointer';\n",
+ " break;\n",
+ " case 1:\n",
+ " cursor = 'default';\n",
+ " break;\n",
+ " case 2:\n",
+ " cursor = 'crosshair';\n",
+ " break;\n",
+ " case 3:\n",
+ " cursor = 'move';\n",
+ " break;\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " fig.rubberband_canvas.style.cursor = cursor;\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_message = function(fig, msg) {\n",
+ " fig.message.textContent = msg['message'];\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_draw = function(fig, msg) {\n",
+ " // Request the server to send over a new figure.\n",
+ " fig.send_draw_message();\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_image_mode = function(fig, msg) {\n",
+ " fig.image_mode = msg['mode'];\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
+ " // Called whenever the canvas gets updated.\n",
+ " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "// A function to construct a web socket function for onmessage handling.\n",
+ "// Called in the figure constructor.\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype._make_on_message_function = function(fig) {\n",
+ " return function socket_on_message(evt) {\n",
+ " if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {\n",
+ " /* FIXME: We get \"Resource interpreted as Image but\n",
+ " * transferred with MIME type text/plain:\" errors on\n",
+ " * Chrome. But how to set the MIME type? It doesn't seem\n",
+ " * to be part of the websocket stream */\n",
+ " evt.data.type = \"image/png\";\n",
+ "\n",
+ " /* Free the memory for the previous frames */\n",
+ " if (fig.imageObj.src) {\n",
+ " (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(\n",
+ " fig.imageObj.src);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " fig.imageObj.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(\n",
+ " evt.data);\n",
+ " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
+ " fig.waiting = false;\n",
+ " return;\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " else if (typeof evt.data === 'string' && evt.data.slice(0, 21) == \"data:image/png;base64\") {\n",
+ " fig.imageObj.src = evt.data;\n",
+ " fig.updated_canvas_event();\n",
+ " fig.waiting = false;\n",
+ " return;\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data);\n",
+ " var msg_type = msg['type'];\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Call the \"handle_{type}\" callback, which takes\n",
+ " // the figure and JSON message as its only arguments.\n",
+ " try {\n",
+ " var callback = fig[\"handle_\" + msg_type];\n",
+ " } catch (e) {\n",
+ " console.log(\"No handler for the '\" + msg_type + \"' message type: \", msg);\n",
+ " return;\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if (callback) {\n",
+ " try {\n",
+ " // console.log(\"Handling '\" + msg_type + \"' message: \", msg);\n",
+ " callback(fig, msg);\n",
+ " } catch (e) {\n",
+ " console.log(\"Exception inside the 'handler_\" + msg_type + \"' callback:\", e, e.stack, msg);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " };\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1114465/getting-mouse-location-in-canvas\n",
+ "mpl.findpos = function(e) {\n",
+ " //this section is from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\n",
+ " var targ;\n",
+ " if (!e)\n",
+ " e = window.event;\n",
+ " if (e.target)\n",
+ " targ = e.target;\n",
+ " else if (e.srcElement)\n",
+ " targ = e.srcElement;\n",
+ " if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug\n",
+ " targ = targ.parentNode;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // jQuery normalizes the pageX and pageY\n",
+ " // pageX,Y are the mouse positions relative to the document\n",
+ " // offset() returns the position of the element relative to the document\n",
+ " var x = e.pageX - $(targ).offset().left;\n",
+ " var y = e.pageY - $(targ).offset().top;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " return {\"x\": x, \"y\": y};\n",
+ "};\n",
+ "\n",
+ "/*\n",
+ " * return a copy of an object with only non-object keys\n",
+ " * we need this to avoid circular references\n",
+ " * http://stackoverflow.com/a/24161582/3208463\n",
+ " */\n",
+ "function simpleKeys (original) {\n",
+ " return Object.keys(original).reduce(function (obj, key) {\n",
+ " if (typeof original[key] !== 'object')\n",
+ " obj[key] = original[key]\n",
+ " return obj;\n",
+ " }, {});\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.mouse_event = function(event, name) {\n",
+ " var canvas_pos = mpl.findpos(event)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if (name === 'button_press')\n",
+ " {\n",
+ " this.canvas.focus();\n",
+ " this.canvas_div.focus();\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var x = canvas_pos.x;\n",
+ " var y = canvas_pos.y;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.send_message(name, {x: x, y: y, button: event.button,\n",
+ " step: event.step,\n",
+ " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
+ "\n",
+ " /* This prevents the web browser from automatically changing to\n",
+ " * the text insertion cursor when the button is pressed. We want\n",
+ " * to control all of the cursor setting manually through the\n",
+ " * 'cursor' event from matplotlib */\n",
+ " event.preventDefault();\n",
+ " return false;\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
+ " // Handle any extra behaviour associated with a key event\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.key_event = function(event, name) {\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Prevent repeat events\n",
+ " if (name == 'key_press')\n",
+ " {\n",
+ " if (event.which === this._key)\n",
+ " return;\n",
+ " else\n",
+ " this._key = event.which;\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " if (name == 'key_release')\n",
+ " this._key = null;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var value = '';\n",
+ " if (event.ctrlKey && event.which != 17)\n",
+ " value += \"ctrl+\";\n",
+ " if (event.altKey && event.which != 18)\n",
+ " value += \"alt+\";\n",
+ " if (event.shiftKey && event.which != 16)\n",
+ " value += \"shift+\";\n",
+ "\n",
+ " value += 'k';\n",
+ " value += event.which.toString();\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this._key_event_extra(event, name);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " this.send_message(name, {key: value,\n",
+ " guiEvent: simpleKeys(event)});\n",
+ " return false;\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onclick = function(name) {\n",
+ " if (name == 'download') {\n",
+ " this.handle_save(this, null);\n",
+ " } else {\n",
+ " this.send_message(\"toolbar_button\", {name: name});\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "};\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.toolbar_button_onmouseover = function(tooltip) {\n",
+ " this.message.textContent = tooltip;\n",
+ "};\n",
+ "mpl.toolbar_items = [[\"Home\", \"Reset original view\", \"fa fa-home icon-home\", \"home\"], [\"Back\", \"Back to previous view\", \"fa fa-arrow-left icon-arrow-left\", \"back\"], [\"Forward\", \"Forward to next view\", \"fa fa-arrow-right icon-arrow-right\", \"forward\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Pan\", \"Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right\", \"fa fa-arrows icon-move\", \"pan\"], [\"Zoom\", \"Zoom to rectangle\", \"fa fa-square-o icon-check-empty\", \"zoom\"], [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"], [\"Download\", \"Download plot\", \"fa fa-floppy-o icon-save\", \"download\"]];\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.extensions = [\"eps\", \"jpeg\", \"pdf\", \"png\", \"ps\", \"raw\", \"svg\", \"tif\"];\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.default_extension = \"png\";var comm_websocket_adapter = function(comm) {\n",
+ " // Create a \"websocket\"-like object which calls the given IPython comm\n",
+ " // object with the appropriate methods. Currently this is a non binary\n",
+ " // socket, so there is still some room for performance tuning.\n",
+ " var ws = {};\n",
+ "\n",
+ " ws.close = function() {\n",
+ " comm.close()\n",
+ " };\n",
+ " ws.send = function(m) {\n",
+ " //console.log('sending', m);\n",
+ " comm.send(m);\n",
+ " };\n",
+ " // Register the callback with on_msg.\n",
+ " comm.on_msg(function(msg) {\n",
+ " //console.log('receiving', msg['content']['data'], msg);\n",
+ " // Pass the mpl event to the overriden (by mpl) onmessage function.\n",
+ " ws.onmessage(msg['content']['data'])\n",
+ " });\n",
+ " return ws;\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.mpl_figure_comm = function(comm, msg) {\n",
+ " // This is the function which gets called when the mpl process\n",
+ " // starts-up an IPython Comm through the \"matplotlib\" channel.\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var id = msg.content.data.id;\n",
+ " // Get hold of the div created by the display call when the Comm\n",
+ " // socket was opened in Python.\n",
+ " var element = $(\"#\" + id);\n",
+ " var ws_proxy = comm_websocket_adapter(comm)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " function ondownload(figure, format) {\n",
+ " window.open(figure.imageObj.src);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var fig = new mpl.figure(id, ws_proxy,\n",
+ " ondownload,\n",
+ " element.get(0));\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Call onopen now - mpl needs it, as it is assuming we've passed it a real\n",
+ " // web socket which is closed, not our websocket->open comm proxy.\n",
+ " ws_proxy.onopen();\n",
+ "\n",
+ " fig.parent_element = element.get(0);\n",
+ " fig.cell_info = mpl.find_output_cell(\"\");\n",
+ " if (!fig.cell_info) {\n",
+ " console.error(\"Failed to find cell for figure\", id, fig);\n",
+ " return;\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var output_index = fig.cell_info[2]\n",
+ " var cell = fig.cell_info[0];\n",
+ "\n",
+ "};\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) {\n",
+ " fig.root.unbind('remove')\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas.\n",
+ " fig.push_to_output();\n",
+ " var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
+ " // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF,\n",
+ " // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail.\n",
+ " IPython.keyboard_manager.enable()\n",
+ " $(fig.parent_element).html('');\n",
+ " fig.close_ws(fig, msg);\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){\n",
+ " fig.send_message('closing', msg);\n",
+ " // fig.ws.close()\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) {\n",
+ " // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell.\n",
+ " var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL();\n",
+ " this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '';\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() {\n",
+ " // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change.\n",
+ " IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true);\n",
+ " this.send_message(\"ack\", {});\n",
+ " var fig = this;\n",
+ " // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so\n",
+ " // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this).\n",
+ " setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n",
+ " var fig = this;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var nav_element = $('')\n",
+ " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n",
+ " this.root.append(nav_element);\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Define a callback function for later on.\n",
+ " function toolbar_event(event) {\n",
+ " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n",
+ " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){\n",
+ " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n",
+ " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n",
+ " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n",
+ " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if (!name) { continue; };\n",
+ "\n",
+ " var button = $('');\n",
+ " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n",
+ " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
+ " nav_element.append(button);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Add the status bar.\n",
+ " var status_bar = $('');\n",
+ " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n",
+ " this.message = status_bar[0];\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Add the close button to the window.\n",
+ " var buttongrp = $('');\n",
+ " var button = $('');\n",
+ " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n",
+ " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n",
+ " buttongrp.append(button);\n",
+ " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n",
+ " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n",
+ " var fig = this\n",
+ " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n",
+ "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n",
+ " });\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n",
+ " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n",
+ " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n",
+ " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n",
+ " // off when our div gets focus\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // location in version 3\n",
+ " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n",
+ " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " else {\n",
+ " // location in version 2\n",
+ " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n",
+ " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n",
+ " if (!manager)\n",
+ " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Check for shift+enter\n",
+ " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n",
+ " this.canvas_div.blur();\n",
+ " event.shiftKey = false;\n",
+ " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n",
+ " event.which = 74;\n",
+ " event.keyCode = 74;\n",
+ " manager.command_mode();\n",
+ " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n",
+ " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n",
+ " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n",
+ " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n",
+ " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n",
+ " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n",
+ " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n",
+ " var ncells = cells.length;\n",
+ " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n",
+ " data = data.data;\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n",
+ " return [cell, data, j];\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n",
+ "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n",
+ "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n",
+ " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n",
+ "}\n"
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "%matplotlib notebook\n",
+ "with interactive_plot(fn='fuck'):\n",
+ " foo()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 32,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": false
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "ename": "NameError",
+ "evalue": "name 'notebook' is not defined",
+ "output_type": "error",
+ "traceback": [
+ "\u001b[1;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m",
+ "\u001b[1;31mNameError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)",
+ "\u001b[1;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[1;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m----> 1\u001b[1;33m \u001b[0ma\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mnotebook\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 2\u001b[0m \u001b[0mget_ipython\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mmagic\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[1;34m'matplotlib $$a'\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 3\u001b[0m \u001b[0mfoo\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[1;31mNameError\u001b[0m: name 'notebook' is not defined"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "a = notebook\n",
+ "%matplotlib $$a\n",
+ "foo()\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "Python [default]",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.5.1"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 0
diff --git a/animations/02_no_info.gif b/animations/02_no_info.gif
index be236ca..9a83b6b 100644
Binary files a/animations/02_no_info.gif and b/animations/02_no_info.gif differ