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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Oct 18 18:02:07 2013
@author: rlabbe
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as linalg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy.random as random
class KalmanFilter:
def __init__(self, dim_x, dim_z, use_short_form=False):
""" Create a Kalman filter of dimension 'dim', where dimension is the
number of state variables.
use_short_form will force the filter to use the short form equation
for computing covariance: (I-KH)P. This is the equation that results
from deriving the Kalman filter equations. It is efficient to compute
but not numerically stable for very long runs. The long form,
implemented in update(), is very slightly suboptimal, and takes longer
to compute, but is stable. I have chosen to make the long form the
default behavior. If you really want the short form, either call
update_short_form() directly, or set 'use_short_form' to true. This
causes update() to use the short form. So, if you do it this way
you will never be able to use the long form again with this object.
self.x = 0 # state
self.P = np.matrix(np.eye(dim_x)) # uncertainty covariance
self.Q = np.matrix(np.eye(dim_x)) # process uncertainty
self.u = np.matrix(np.zeros((dim_x,1))) # motion vector
self.B = 0
self.F = 0 # state transition matrix
self.H = 0 # Measurement function (maps state to measurements)
self.R = np.matrix(np.eye(dim_z)) # state uncertainty
self.I = np.matrix(np.eye(dim_x))
if use_short_form:
self.update = self.update_short_form
def update(self, Z):
Add a new measurement to the kalman filter.
# measurement update
y = Z - (self.H * self.x) # error (residual) between measurement and prediction
S = (self.H * self.P * self.H.T) + self.R # project system uncertainty into measurment space + measurement noise(R)
K = self.P * self.H.T * linalg.inv(S) # map system uncertainty into kalman gain
self.x = self.x + (K*y) # predict new x with residual scaled by the kalman gain
KH = K*self.H
I_KH = self.I - KH
self.P = I_KH*self.P * I_KH.T + K*self.R*K.T
def update_short_form(self, Z):
Add a new measurement to the kalman filter.
Uses the 'short form' computation for P, which is mathematically
correct, but perhaps not that stable when dealing with large data
sets. But, it is fast to compute. Advice varies; some say to never
use this. My opinion - if the longer form in update() executes too
slowly to run in real time, what choice do you have. But that should
be a rare case, so the long form is the default use
# measurement update
y = Z - (self.H * self.x) # error (residual) between measurement and prediction
S = (self.H * self.P * self.H.T) + self.R # project system uncertainty into measurment space + measurement noise(R)
K = self.P * self.H.T * linalg.inv(S) # map system uncertainty into kalman gain
self.x = self.x + (K*y) # predict new x with residual scaled by the kalman gain
# and compute the new covariance
self.P = (self.I - (K*self.H))*self.P # and compute the new covariance
def predict(self):
# prediction
self.x = (self.F*self.x) + self.B * self.u
self.P = self.F * self.P * self.F.T + self.Q
if __name__ == "__main__":
f = KalmanFilter (dim_x=2, dim_z=2)
f.x = np.matrix([[2.],
[0.]]) # initial state (location and velocity)
f.F = np.matrix([[1.,1.],
[0.,1.]]) # state transition matrix
f.H = np.matrix([[1.,0.]]) # Measurement function
f.P *= 1000. # covariance matrix
f.R = 5 # state uncertainty
f.Q *= 0.0001 # process uncertainty
measurements = []
results = []
for t in range (100):
# create measurement = t plus white noise
z = t + random.randn()*20
# perform kalman filtering
f.measure (z)
# save data
results.append (f.x[0,0])
# plot data
p1, = plt.plot(measurements,'r')
p2, = plt.plot (results,'b')
p3, = plt.plot ([0,100],[0,100], 'g') # perfect result
plt.legend([p1,p2, p3], ["noisy measurement", "KF output", "ideal"], 4)