# Julia for Data Analysis ## Bogumił Kamiński, Daniel Kaszyński # Chapter 14 # Problems ### Exercise 1 Write a simulator that takes one parameter `n`. Next we assume we draw `n` times from this set with replacement. The simulator should return the average number of items from this set that were drawn at least once. Call the function running this simulation `boot`.
Solution There are many other approaches you could use: ``` using Statistics function boot(n::Integer) table = falses(n) for _ in 1:n table[rand(1:n)] = true end return mean(table) end ```
### Exercise 2 Now write a function `simboot` that takes parameters `n` and `k` and runs the simulation defined in the `boot` function `k` times. It should return a named tuple storing `k`, `n`, mean of produced values, and ends of approximated 95% confidence interval of the result. Make this function single threaded. Check how long this function runs for `n=1000` and `k=1_000_000`.
Solution ``` function simboot(k::Integer, n::Integer) result = [boot(n) for _ in 1:k] mv = mean(result) sdv = std(result) lo95 = mv - 1.96 * sdv / sqrt(k) hi95 = mv + 1.96 * sdv / sqrt(k) return (; k, n, mv, lo95, hi95) end ``` We run it twice to make sure everything is compiled: ``` julia> @time simboot(1000, 1_000_000) 7.113436 seconds (3.00 k allocations: 119.347 MiB, 0.24% gc time) (k = 1000, n = 1000000, mv = 0.632128799, lo95 = 0.6321282057815055, hi95 = 0.6321293922184944) julia> @time simboot(1000, 1_000_000) 7.058031 seconds (3.00 k allocations: 119.347 MiB, 0.19% gc time) (k = 1000, n = 1000000, mv = 0.632112942, lo95 = 0.6321123461087246, hi95 = 0.6321135378912754) ``` We see that on my computer the run time is around 7 seconds.
### Exercise 3 Now rewrite this simulator to be multi threaded. Use 4 cores for benchmarking. Call the function `simbootT`. Check how long this function runs for `n=1000` and `k=1_000_000`.
Solution ``` using ThreadsX function simbootT(k::Integer, n::Integer) result = ThreadsX.map(i -> boot(n), 1:k) mv = mean(result) sdv = std(result) lo95 = mv - 1.96 * sdv / sqrt(k) hi95 = mv + 1.96 * sdv / sqrt(k) return (; k, n, mv, lo95, hi95) end ``` Here is the timing for four threads: ``` julia> @time simbootT(1000, 1_000_000) 2.390795 seconds (3.37 k allocations: 119.434 MiB) (k = 1000, n = 1000000, mv = 0.632117067, lo95 = 0.6321164425245517, hi95 = 0.6321176914754484) julia> @time simbootT(1000, 1_000_000) 2.435889 seconds (3.38 k allocations: 119.434 MiB, 1.13% gc time) (k = 1000, n = 1000000, mv = 0.6321205520000001, lo95 = 0.6321199284351448, hi95 = 0.6321211755648554) ``` Indeed we see a significant performance improvement.
### Exercise 4 Now rewrite `boot` and `simbootT` to perform less allocations. Achieve this by making sure that all allocated objects are passed to `boot` function (so that it does not do any allocations internally). Call these new functions `boot!` and `simbootT2`. You might need to use the `Threads.threadid` and `Threads.nthreads` functions.
Solution ``` function boot!(n::Integer, pool) table = pool[Threads.threadid()] fill!(table, false) for _ in 1:n table[rand(1:n)] = true end return mean(table) end function simbootT2(k::Integer, n::Integer) pool = [falses(n) for _ in 1:Threads.nthreads()] result = ThreadsX.map(i -> boot!(n, pool), 1:k) mv = mean(result) sdv = std(result) lo95 = mv - 1.96 * sdv / sqrt(k) hi95 = mv + 1.96 * sdv / sqrt(k) return (; k, n, mv, lo95, hi95) end ``` In the solution the `pool` vector keeps `table` vector individually for each thread. Let us test the timing: ``` julia> @time simbootT2(1000, 1_000_000) 2.424664 seconds (3.69 k allocations: 746.042 KiB, 1.75% compilation time: 5% of which was recompilation) (k = 1000, n = 1000000, mv = 0.632119321, lo95 = 0.6321186866457794, hi95 = 0.6321199553542206) julia> @time simbootT2(1000, 1_000_000) 2.340694 seconds (391 allocations: 586.453 KiB) (k = 1000, n = 1000000, mv = 0.6321318470000001, lo95 = 0.6321312368042945, hi95 = 0.6321324571957058) ``` Indeed, we see that the number of allocations was decreased, which should lower GC usage. However, the runtime of the simulation is similar since in this task memory allocation does not account for a significant portion of the runtime.
### Exercise 5 Use either of the solutions we have developed in the previous exercises to create a web service taking `k` and `n` parameters and returning the values produced by `boot` functions and time to run the simulation. You might want to use the `@timed` macro in your solution. Start the server.
Solution I used the simplest single-threaded code here; this is a complete code of the web service: ``` using Genie using Statistics function boot(n::Integer) table = falses(n) for _ in 1:n table[rand(1:n)] = true end return mean(table) end function simboot(k::Integer, n::Integer) result = [boot(n) for _ in 1:k] mv = mean(result) sdv = std(result) lo95 = mv - 1.96 * sdv / sqrt(k) hi95 = mv + 1.96 * sdv / sqrt(k) return (; k, n, mv, lo95, hi95) end Genie.config.run_as_server = true Genie.Router.route("/", method=POST) do message = Genie.Requests.jsonpayload() return try k = message["k"] n = message["n"] value, time = @timed simboot(k, n) Genie.Renderer.Json.json((status="OK", time=time, value=value)) catch Genie.Renderer.Json.json((status="ERROR", time="", value="")) end end Genie.Server.up() ```
### Exercise 6 Query the server started in the exercise 5 with the following parameters: * `k=1000` and `n=1000` * `k=1.5` and `n=1000`
Solution ``` julia> using HTTP julia> using JSON3 julia> HTTP.post("", ["Content-Type" => "application/json"], JSON3.write((k=1000, n=1000))) HTTP.Messages.Response: """ HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Server: Genie/Julia/1.8.2 Transfer-Encoding: chunked {"status":"OK","time":0.2385469,"value":{"k":1000,"n":1000,"mv":0.6323970000000001,"lo95":0.6317754483212517,"hi95":0.6330185516787485}}""" julia> HTTP.post("", ["Content-Type" => "application/json"], JSON3.write((k=1.5, n=1000))) HTTP.Messages.Response: """ HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Server: Genie/Julia/1.8.2 Transfer-Encoding: chunked {"status":"ERROR","time":"","value":""}""" ``` As expected we got a positive answer the first time and an error on the second call.
### Exercise 7 Collect the data generated by a web service into the `df` data frame for `k = [10^i for i in 3:6]` and `n = [10^i for i in 1:3]`.
Solution ``` using DataFrames df = DataFrame() for k in [10^i for i in 3:6], n in [10^i for i in 1:3] @show k, n req = HTTP.post("", ["Content-Type" => "application/json"], JSON3.write((; k, n))) push!(df, NamedTuple(JSON3.read(req.body))) end ``` Note that I convert `JSON3.Object` into a `NamedTuple` to easily `push!` it into the `df` data frame. Let us have a look at the produced data frame: ``` julia> df 12×3 DataFrame Row │ status time value │ String Float64 Object… ─────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 1 │ OK 0.0006784 {\n "k": 1000,\n "n": … 2 │ OK 0.0038374 {\n "k": 1000,\n "n": … 3 │ OK 0.0150844 {\n "k": 1000,\n "n": … 4 │ OK 0.0014071 {\n "k": 10000,\n "n":… 5 │ OK 0.008443 {\n "k": 10000,\n "n":… 6 │ OK 0.0700319 {\n "k": 10000,\n "n":… 7 │ OK 0.0253826 {\n "k": 100000,\n "n"… 8 │ OK 0.0795937 {\n "k": 100000,\n "n"… 9 │ OK 0.708287 {\n "k": 100000,\n "n"… 10 │ OK 0.160286 {\n "k": 1000000,\n "n… 11 │ OK 0.803433 {\n "k": 1000000,\n "n… 12 │ OK 7.23958 {\n "k": 1000000,\n "n… ```
### Exercise 8 Replace the `value` column in the `df` data frame by its contents in-place.
Solution ``` julia> select!(df, :status, :time, :value => AsTable) 12×7 DataFrame Row │ status time k n mv lo95 hi95 │ String Float64 Int64 Int64 Float64 Float64 Float64 ─────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 1 │ OK 0.0006784 1000 10 0.6469 0.640745 0.653055 2 │ OK 0.0038374 1000 100 0.63508 0.633035 0.637125 3 │ OK 0.0150844 1000 1000 0.632178 0.631581 0.632775 4 │ OK 0.0014071 10000 10 0.65239 0.650425 0.654355 5 │ OK 0.008443 10000 100 0.634456 0.633845 0.635067 6 │ OK 0.0700319 10000 1000 0.63207 0.631878 0.632262 7 │ OK 0.0253826 100000 10 0.651411 0.650793 0.652029 8 │ OK 0.0795937 100000 100 0.634 0.633807 0.634193 9 │ OK 0.708287 100000 1000 0.63224 0.632179 0.632302 10 │ OK 0.160286 1000000 10 0.65129 0.651095 0.651486 11 │ OK 0.803433 1000000 100 0.633995 0.633934 0.634056 12 │ OK 7.23958 1000000 1000 0.63232 0.632301 0.63234 ```
### Exercise 9 Checks that execution time roughly scales proportionally to the product of `k` times `n`.
Solution ``` julia> using DataFramesMeta julia> @chain df begin @rselect(:k, :n, :avg_time = :time / (:k * :n)) unstack(:k, :n, :avg_time) end 4×4 DataFrame Row │ k 10 100 1000 │ Int64 Float64? Float64? Float64? ─────┼───────────────────────────────────────────── 1 │ 1000 6.784e-8 3.8374e-8 1.50844e-8 2 │ 10000 1.4071e-8 8.443e-9 7.00319e-9 3 │ 100000 2.53826e-8 7.95937e-9 7.08287e-9 4 │ 1000000 1.60286e-8 8.03433e-9 7.23958e-9 ``` We see that indeed this is the case. For large `k` and `n` the average time per single sample stabilizes (for small values the runtime is low so the timing is more affected by external noise and the other operations that the functions do affect the results more).
### Exercise 10 Plot the expected fraction of seen elements in the set as a function of `n` by `k` along with 95% confidence interval around these values.
Solution ``` using Plots gdf = groupby(df, :k, sort=true) plot([bar(string.(g.n), g.mv; ylim=(0.62, 0.66), xlabel="n", ylabel="estimate", legend=false, title=first(g.k), yerror=(g.mv - g.lo95, g.hi95-g.mv)) for g in gdf]...) ``` As expected error bandwidth gets smaller as `k` increases. Note that as `n` increases the estimated value tends to `1-exp(-1)`.