This folder contains additional exercises to the book
["Julia for Data Analysis"](
that is written by Bogumił Kamiński and is planned to be published in 2022
by [Manning Publications Co.](
The exercises were prepared by [Bogumił Kamiński]( and [Daniel Kaszyński](
For each book chapter you can find 10 additional exercises with solutions.
The exercises are meant for self study and are not discussed in the book.
The exercises contained in this folder have varying level of difficulty. The
problems for the first few chapters are meant to be relatively easy, however you
might find exercises for the last chapters more challenging (if you are learning
Julia I still encourage you to try these exercises and walk through the
solutions trying to understand them). In particular, in some exercises I, on
purpose, require using more functionalities of Julia ecosystem that is covered
in the book. This is meant to teach you how to use help and documentation,
`DD` is book chapter number for which the exercises were prepared.
All the exercises should be possible to solve using project environment setting
that is used in the whole book (please check the global file of this
repository for details).
*Preparation of these exercises have been supported by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Strategic Partnerships programme, grant number BPI/PST/2021/1/00069/U/00001.*