The previous chapters of this book discussed GitHub Actions’ features, syntax, and usage to help you start implementing pipelines.
This chapter provides more useful information and looks at examples that help you further implement GitHub Actions workflows to build and deploy applications.
Variable Usage Differences
The way that you refer variables may differ in your workflows. It depends on your runner type. In some actions such as run commands, default variables cannot be used directly, as the variables are not evaluated in the action as expected. Let’s look at such few cases and identify workable implementation options.
Default Variables with $variablename Syntax
Let’s look at the following example workflow, which has three jobs using Ubuntu (Linux), macOS, and Windows runners.
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: printdefualtvariablesubuntu
run: echo $GITHUB_RUN_ID
runs-on: macos-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: printdefualtvariablesmacos
run: echo $GITHUB_RUN_ID
runs-on: windows-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: printdefualtvariableswindows
run: echo $GITHUB_RUN_ID
Here, we are trying to print the same two default variables, GITHUB_RUN_ID and GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER, in each runner in the workflow.
Figure 10-1 shows that the values successfully printed in Ubuntu.
In Windows, however, the variables are not printing with values. The difference is that the Windows execution uses a PowerShell Core, whereas Ubuntu and macOS use the Bash shell (see Figure 10-3).
Figure 10-3
Default variables not printed in Windows
Let’s run the command in the Bash shell in Windows and specify the shell in the run step, as shown next.
runs-on: windows-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: printdefualtvariableswindows
shell: bash
run: echo $GITHUB_RUN_ID
Once this update is done in Windows, the run command executes in a Bash shell. The default variables' values can be successfully printed by using variables with a $ (see Figure 10-4).
Figure 10-4
Default variables printed in Windows using Bash
When you use Bash to run commands, the default variables can be used with $variablename syntax on all three operating systems
Using Variables in PowerShell Core in Action Steps
Let’s look at using PowerShell Core variables since the $variablename syntax does not work in all three operating systems (see Figures 10-5 and 10-6).
Figure 10-5
PowerShell Core not printing default variables in Ubuntu
Figure 10-6
PowerShell Core not printing default variables in macOS
An attempt to use ${varname} syntax does not work in any of the three operating systems with PowerShell Core (see Figure 10-7).
Figure 10-7
${varname} is not working
The ${env:varname} syntax works with PowerShell Core for all three operating systems, as shown in the following workflow (also see Figure 10-8).
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: printdefualtvariablesubuntu
shell: pwsh
run: echo ${env:GITHUB_RUN_ID}
runs-on: macos-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: printdefualtvariablesmacos
shell: pwsh
run: echo ${env:GITHUB_RUN_ID}
runs-on: windows-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: printdefualtvariableswindows
shell: pwsh
run: echo ${env:GITHUB_RUN_ID}
Figure 10-8
${env.varname} works for PowerShell Core
These examples show that different syntaxes are used based on the operating system or the shells used to run commands in GitHub Actions. The default shell for Windows is PowerShell Core. The default shell for macOS and Linux is Bash. You need to keep these differences in mind when implementing GitHub Actions workflows.
Workflow Job Status Check
You can implement a status check for the previous job steps by using if condition checks and performing actions based on the status.
if: ${{ success() }} returns true if all the previous steps are successful and the current step executes.
if: ${{ failure() }} returns true if a previous step failed. It may execute a step to roll back in a failure situation.
if: ${{ always() }} always returns true and may execute a cleanup step.
if: ${{ cancelled() }} returns true if the workflow job is canceled. It may execute a cleanup action if a job is canceled.
For example, check the steps in the following workflow.
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: failurestep
shell: pwsh
run: write-host 'not failing now'
- name: runifsuccess
if: ${{ success() }}
shell: pwsh
run: write-host 'run on prev steps success'
- name: runiferror
if: ${{ failure() }}
shell: pwsh
run: write-host 'run because faild step'
- name: runalways
if: ${{ always() }}
shell: pwsh
run: write-host 'run always'
When you successfully execute the workflow, all the steps run except the run on failure step (see Figure 10-9).
Figure 10-9
Run success
If you have a failed step, like the following, the run-on success step does not run. But the run-on failure steps always run (see Figure 10-10).
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: failurestep
shell: pwsh
run: write-error 'failing now'
- name: runifsuccess
if: ${{ success() }}
shell: pwsh
run: write-host 'run on prev steps success'
- name: runiferror
if: ${{ failure() }}
shell: pwsh
run: write-host 'run because failed step'
- name: runalways
if: ${{ always() }}
shell: pwsh
run: write-host 'run always'
Figure 10-10
Run failure
This section identified how to use job status checks and execute steps based on the job’s status.
Android Build and Push to MS App Center for Distribution
Microsoft App Center supports you in distributing and testing mobile applications. This section looks at building a sample Android mobile application and deploying it to MS App Center with GitHub Actions. For a mobile application’s code, you can fork the repository at
To build a mobile application, you can use the following job steps.
A macOS runner was used to build and push the APK package to the artifacts in this job. Once the Android job has completed, the artifact is available in the workflow (see Figure 10-11).
Figure 10-11
You can use the job dependency and execute, in sequence, first the Android job and then the App Center job.
The next job is a dependent setup that needs syntax. When you specify the Android job’s needs, the App Center push job waits for the Android job to complete.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: Android
The following are the steps to download the artifact (APK) from GitHub and upload it to the App Center for distribution.
- uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
name: my-artifact
- name: App Center
uses: wzieba/AppCenter-Github-Action@v1.0.0
# App name followed by username
appName: Ch-DemoOrg/demoapp
# Upload token - you can get one from
Figure 10-12 shows the MS App Center uploading with the APK built via GitHub Actions (see Figure 10-12).
Figure 10-12
APK uploaded to App Center
This chapter provided a few tips on using variables and job status, which can help you implement GitHub Actions workflows. It also looked at an Android mobile application build and deployment to the MS App Center.
This book discussed the features and syntax that you need to know to create GitHub Actions workflows for your application build and deployment pipeline implementation. It also discussed caching dependencies and using GitHub package management. And it covered using self-hosted runners with GitHub Actions workflows and creating custom actions to enhance your workflows. These topics should get you started using GitHub Actions workflows and implementing your pipeline on GitHub.