from copy import copy, deepcopy def ToUpper(s): return s.upper() ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##-Point class Point: def __init__(self, r=0, c=0): self.row = r self.col = c def __str__(self): return f'({self.row},{self.col})' ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##-Span class Spans: spans = [] def __init__(self, p, l, v): self.point = p self.len = l self.vert = v def GetPoint(self, i): assert(i >= 0 and i < self.len) if self.vert: return Point(self.point.row + i, self.point.col) else: return Point(self.point.row, self.point.col + i) def __str__(self): return f'[{self.point} len={self.len} vert={self.vert}]' ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##-Words class Words: def __init__(self): self.word = [] ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##-Library class Library: def __init__(self): self.words_ = Words() # master vector of word self.counts_ = {} self.word_map_ = {} # hash table # Returns NULL if can't find any matches to the given pattern def FindWord(self, s): return [key for key, values in self.word_map_.items() if s in values] def IsWord(self, s): return s in self.word_map_ def ComputeStats(self): for i in range(18): self.counts_[i] = [] for s in self.words_: _len = len(s.word) if _len <= 18: self.counts_[_len-1].append(_len) def PrintStats(self): print("Here are the counts of each word length") for k,v in self.counts_.items(): if k != 0: print(f"[{k}] {len(v)}") def GetWord(self, i): assert (i >= 0 and i < len(self.words_)) return self.words_[i] def CreatePatternHash(self, w): len_w = len(w) num_patterns = 1 << len_w self.word_map_[w] = [] for i in range(num_patterns): tmp = list(w) for j in range(len_w): if ((i >> j) & 1): tmp[j] = "-" self.word_map_[w].append("".join(tmp)) def ReadFromFile(self, filename, max_size): with open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: line = ToUpper(line.rstrip()) len_w = len(line) if len_w <= max_size: self.words_.word.append(line) self.CreatePatternHash(line) print(f"Read {len(self.words_.word)} words from file '{filename}'") def DebugBuckets(self): for i, (k,v) in enumerate(self.word_map_.items()): print(f"[{i}] {len(v)}") lib = Library() ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##-Attr class Attr: has_letters = False has_blanks = False def __init__(self): pass def is_empty(): return (Attr.has_blanks and not Attr.has_letters) def is_partial(): return (Attr.has_blanks and Attr.has_letters) def is_full(): return (not Attr.has_blanks and Attr.has_letters) ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##-Grid class Grid: def __init__(self, n): = n self.lines = [] self.sp = Spans.spans def rows(self): return len(self.lines) def cols(self): if self.lines == []: return 0 else: return len(self.lines[0]) def max_size(self): return max(self.rows(), self.cols()) # Returns character value of the box at point 'p' # 'p' must be in bounds def box(self, p): assert self.in_bounds(p), p return self.lines[p.row][p.col] def write_box(self, p, c): assert self.in_bounds(p), p self.lines[p.row][p.col] = c # Returns True if the point p is a '.' "block" in the grid # 'p' must be in bounds def is_block(self, p): return == '.' def is_blank(self, p): return == '-' def is_letter(self, p): c = return c >= 'A' and c <= 'Z' def in_bounds(self, p): return p.row >= 0 and p.row < self.rows() and p.col >= 0 and p.col < self.cols() # Fills in attributes of the string def GetString(self, sp, attr): len_ = sp.len temp = [] for i in range(len_): p = sp.GetPoint(i) c = if c == '-': attr.has_blanks = True elif c >= 'A' and c <= 'Z': attr.has_letters = True temp.append(c) return ''.join(temp) def WriteString(self, sp, s): len_ = sp.len assert(len(s) == len_) new_str = [] for i in range(len_): p = sp.GetPoint(i) self.write_box(p, s[i]) # Next increments the point across the grid, one box at a time # Returns True if point is still in bounds def Next(self, p, vert): if vert: p.row += 1 if p.row >= self.rows(): p.row = 0 p.col += 1 else: p.col += 1 if p.col >= self.cols(): p.col = 0 p.row += 1 return self.in_bounds(p) # NextStopAtWrap is like "Next" except it returns False at every wrap # Returns True if we stay in the same line def NextStopAtWrap(self, p, vert): wrap = False if vert: p.row += 1 if p.row >= self.rows(): p.row = 0 p.col += 1 wrap = True else: p.col += 1 if p.col >= self.cols(): p.col = 0 p.row += 1 wrap = True return not wrap def FillSpans_(self, vert): p = Point() while (self.in_bounds(p)): while (self.in_bounds(p) and self.is_block(p)): self.Next(p, vert) if not self.in_bounds(p): return startp = copy(p) len_ = 0 keep_going = True while (keep_going and not self.is_block(p)): keep_going = self.NextStopAtWrap(p, vert) len_ += 1 self.sp.append(Spans(startp, len_, vert)) def FillSpans(self): self.FillSpans_(vert=False) # horiz self.FillSpans_(vert=True) # vert def LoadFromFile(self, filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: if not line.startswith('#'): self.lines.append(list(line.rstrip())) def Check(self): for s in self.lines: assert len(s) == self.cols() def Print(self): print(f"Grid: {} " f"(rows={self.rows()}," f" cols={self.cols()}," f" max_size={self.max_size()})") for s in self.lines: print(f" {''.join(s)}") def PrintSpans(self): print(f"Spans:") for span in self.sp: print(f" {span} {self.GetString(span, Attr())}") ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##-Slot class Slot: slots = [] def __init__(self, s, p): self.span = s self.pattern = p def __str__(self): return f"{self.span} '{self.pattern}'" ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##-Solver class Solver: def __init__(self): pass def ExistsInSet(self, set_, s): return s in set_ def AddToSet(self, set_, s): assert(not self.ExistsInSet(set_, s)) set_.add(s) def Solve(self, grid): print(f"Solving this grid") grid.Print() self.Loop(grid, 0) def Loop(self, grid, depth): depth += 1 empty_slots = [] partial_slots = [] # these are the ones we want to work on full_slots = [] for s in grid.sp: attr = Attr temp = grid.GetString(s, attr) if attr.is_empty(): empty_slots.append(Slot(s, temp)) elif attr.is_partial(): partial_slots.append(Slot(s, temp)) elif attr.is_full(): full_slots.append(Slot(s, temp)) Attr.has_letters = False Attr.has_blanks = False num_empty = len(empty_slots) num_partial = len(partial_slots) num_full = len(full_slots) # need to check that all words so far are valid! for slot in full_slots: if not lib.IsWord(slot.pattern): return # need to check that all words are unique! no duplicates allowed. my_set = set() for slot in full_slots: if self.ExistsInSet(my_set, slot.pattern): return self.AddToSet(my_set, slot.pattern) if (num_partial == 0 and num_empty == 0): print("SOLUTION!!") grid.Print() return assert(num_partial > 0) self.CommitSlot(grid, partial_slots[0], depth) def CommitSlot(self, grid, slot, depth): grid = deepcopy(grid) words = lib.FindWord(slot.pattern) if words: for w in words: grid.WriteString(slot.span, w) self.Loop(grid, depth) ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": grid = Grid("MY GRID") grid.LoadFromFile('test') grid.Check() grid.FillSpans() grid.PrintSpans() lib.ReadFromFile("top_12000.txt", grid.max_size()) solver = Solver() solver.Solve(grid)