Module 16: Solver Class (Python code)

This commit is contained in:
David Doblas Jiménez 2021-08-30 15:04:53 +02:00
parent b587e75022
commit 25d683ffef
1 changed files with 128 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
from copy import copy
from copy import copy, deepcopy
def ToUpper(s):
return s.upper()
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Point:
@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ class Spans:
def __str__(self):
return f'[{self.point} len={self.len} vert={self.vert}]'
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Words:
@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ class Library:
# Returns NULL if can't find any matches to the given pattern
def FindWord(self, s):
print(list(key for key, values in self.word_map_.items() if s in values))
return [key for key, values in self.word_map_.items() if s in values]
def IsWord(self, s):
return s in self.word_map_
@ -83,8 +85,6 @@ class Library:
def CreatePatternHash(self, w):
len_w = len(w)
if len_w > 7:
num_patterns = 1 << len_w
# print(f"PATTERN HASH on {w}")
self.word_map_[w] = []
@ -111,7 +111,31 @@ class Library:
for i, (k,v) in enumerate(self.word_map_.items()):
print(f"[{i}] {len(v)}")# {self.word_map_[i]}")
lib = Library()
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Attr:
has_letters = False
has_blanks = False
def __init__(self):
def is_empty():
return (Attr.has_blanks and not Attr.has_letters)
def is_partial():
return (Attr.has_blanks and Attr.has_letters)
def is_full():
return (not Attr.has_blanks and Attr.has_letters)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Grid:
def __init__(self, n):
@ -153,12 +177,17 @@ class Grid:
return p.row >= 0 and p.row < self.rows() and p.col >= 0 and p.col < self.cols()
# Fills in attributes of the string
def GetString(self, sp):
def GetString(self, sp, attr):
len_ = sp.len
temp = []
for i in range(len_):
p = sp.GetPoint(i)
c =
if c == '-':
attr.has_blanks = True
elif c >= 'A' and c <= 'Z':
attr.has_letters = True
return ''.join(temp)
# Next increments the point across the grid, one box at a time
@ -176,6 +205,24 @@ class Grid:
p.row += 1
return self.in_bounds(p)
# NextStopAtWrap is like "Next" except it returns False at every wrap
# Returns True if we stay in the same line
def NextStopAtWrap(self, p, vert):
wrap = False
if vert:
p.row += 1
if p.row >= self.rows():
p.row = 0
p.col += 1
wrap = True
p.col += 1
if p.col >= self.cols():
p.col = 0
p.row += 1
wrap = True
return not wrap
def FillSpans_(self, vert):
p = Point()
while (self.in_bounds(p)):
@ -187,8 +234,9 @@ class Grid:
#print(f"SPAN START: {startp}")
len_ = 0
while (self.in_bounds(p) and not self.is_block(p)):
self.Next(p, vert)
keep_going = True
while (keep_going and not self.is_block(p)):
keep_going = self.NextStopAtWrap(p, vert)
len_ += 1
#print(f"END OF SPAN!!! len={len_}")
self.sp.append(Spans(startp, len_, vert))
@ -219,16 +267,83 @@ class Grid:
def PrintSpans(self):
for span in self.sp:
print(f" {span} {self.GetString(span)}")
print(f" {span} {self.GetString(span, Attr())}")
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Slot:
slots = []
def __init__(self, s, p):
self.span = s
self.pattern = p
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.span} '{self.pattern}'"
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Solver:
def __init__(self):
def Solve(self, grid):
print(f"Solving this grid")
def Loop(self, grid):
empty_slots = []
partial_slots = [] # these are the ones we want to work on
full_slots = []
for s in grid.sp:
attr = Attr
temp = grid.GetString(s, attr)
if attr.is_empty():
empty_slots.append(Slot(s, temp))
elif attr.is_partial():
partial_slots.append(Slot(s, temp))
elif attr.is_full():
full_slots.append(Slot(s, temp))
Attr.has_letters = False
Attr.has_blanks = False
num_empty = len(empty_slots)
num_partial = len(partial_slots)
num_full = len(full_slots)
print(f"empty = {num_empty}")
print(f"partial = {num_partial}")
print(f"full = {num_full}")
if (num_partial == 0 and num_empty == 0):
# FIX what do we do here?
assert(num_partial > 0)
self.CommitSlot(grid, partial_slots[0])
def CommitSlot(self, grid, slot):
grid = deepcopy(grid)
print(f"COMMIT slot {slot}")
print(f"Possible word choices for this slot are:")
words = lib.FindWord(slot.pattern)
if words:
print(f"{' '.join(words)}")
print("NO MATCHES to pattern")
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":
grid = Grid("MY GRID")
lib = Library()
lib.ReadFromFile("top_12000.txt", grid.max_size())
solver = Solver()