124 lines
3.7 KiB
124 lines
3.7 KiB
using Markdown
## override HTML esc of strings
Markdown.htmlinline(io::IO, md::AbstractString) = write(io, md)
Base.show(io::IO, ::MIME"text/qmd", content) = Markdown.plain(io, content)
## Hacky way to set *global* values for rendering
## Expects title to be very first thing in a jmd file
## Proper way would be to use https://quarto.org/docs/extensions/nbfilter.html
function inject_code(io::IO)
println(io, """
{{< include ../_common_code.qmd >}}
# println(io, """
# ```{julia}
# #| echo: false
# import Logging
# Logging.disable_logging(Logging.Info) # or e.g. Logging.Info
# Logging.disable_logging(Logging.Warn)
# import SymPy
# function Base.show(io::IO, ::MIME"text/html", x::T) where {T <: SymPy.SymbolicObject}
# println(io, "<span class=\\"math-left-align\\" style=\\"padding-left: 4px; width:0; float:left;\\"> ")
# println(io, "\\\\[")
# println(io, sympy.latex(x))
# println(io, "\\\\]")
# println(io, "</span>")
# end
# # hack to work around issue
# import Markdown
# import CalculusWithJulia
# function CalculusWithJulia.WeaveSupport.ImageFile(d::Symbol, f::AbstractString, caption; kwargs...)
# nm = joinpath("..", string(d), f)
# u = ""
# Markdown.parse(u)
# end
# nothing
# ```
# """)
# end
## Main function to take a jmd file and turn into an HTML
function markdownToHTML(fname::AbstractString; TITLE="", kwargs...)
dirnm, basenm = dirname(fname), basename(fname)
newnm = replace(fname, r"[.].*" => ".html")
out = jmd2qmd(fname; TITLE=TITLE, kwargs...)
io = open(newnm, "w")
write(io, out)
jmd2qmd(io, jmd_file)
Convert `.jmd` file in `jmd_file` to a `.qmd` file, write output to `io`.
## Rationale
`.jmd` files have a slightly different Markdown syntax than expected by `.qmd` files. In particular:
* code blocks use comments at the top of the file to add features like `echo=false`
* admonitions use "callout" syntax
* LaTeX uses dollar signs for delimeters, not double back tics or a `math` block
function jmd2qmd(io::IO, jmd_file::AbstractString)
out = Markdown.parse_file(jmd_file, flavor=Markdown.julia)
for (i,content) in enumerate(out.content)
i == 2 && inject_code(io) ## requires title to be *first*
if isa(out.content[i], Markdown.Code)
txt = content.code
lang = content.language
langs = filter(x -> length(x) > 0, (lstrip ∘ rstrip).(split(lang, ";")))
if length(langs) > 0
flavor = popfirst!(langs)
println(io, "```{$flavor}")
for option ∈ langs
k, v = split(option, "=")
println(io, "#| $k: $v")
println(io, txt)
println(io, "```")
println(io, "```")
println(io, txt)
println(io, "```")
elseif isa(content, Markdown.LaTeX)
println(io, '$', '$')
println(io, content.formula)
print(io, '$', '$')
elseif isa(content, Markdown.Admonition)
category = content.category
if !(category ∈ ("note", "warning", "important", "tip", "caution"))
category = "note"
println(io, ":::{.callout-$category}")
println(io, "## $(content.title)")
show(io, MIME("text/qmd"), content.content)
println(io, "")
println(io, ":::")
## we drill down
#Markdown.html(io, content)
#show(io, MIME("text/qmd"), content)
Markdown.plain(io, content)
println(io, "")
println(io, "")