262 lines
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262 lines
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# Related rates
{{< include ../_common_code.qmd >}}
This section uses these add-on packaages:
using CalculusWithJulia
using Plots
using Roots
using SymPy
Related rates problems involve two (or more) unknown quantities that are related through an equation. As the two variables depend on each other, also so do their rates - change with respect to some variable which is often time, though exactly how remains to be discovered. Hence the name "related rates."
#### Examples
The following is a typical "book" problem:
> A screen saver displays the outline of a $3$ cm by $2$ cm rectangle and then expands the rectangle in such a way that the $2$ cm side is expanding at the rate of $4$ cm/sec and the proportions of the rectangle never change. How fast is the area of the rectangle increasing when its dimensions are $12$ cm by $8$ cm? [Source.](http://oregonstate.edu/instruct/mth251/cq/Stage9/Practice/ratesProblems.html)
#| hold: true
#| echo: false
#| cache: true
### {{{growing_rects}}}
## Secant line approaches tangent line...
function growing_rects_graph(n)
w = (t) -> 2 + 4t
h = (t) -> 3/2 * w(t)
t = n - 1
w_2 = w(t)/2
h_2 = h(t)/2
w_n = w(5)/2
h_n = h(5)/2
plt = plot(w_2 * [-1, -1, 1, 1, -1], h_2 * [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1], xlim=(-17,17), ylim=(-17,17),
legend=false, size=fig_size)
annotate!(plt, [(-1.5, 1, "Area = $(round(Int, 4*w_2*h_2))")])
caption = L"""
As $t$ increases, the size of the rectangle grows. The ratio of width to height is fixed. If we know the rate of change in time for the width ($dw/dt$) and the height ($dh/dt$) can we tell the rate of change of *area* with respect to time ($dA/dt$)?
anim = @animate for i=1:n
imgfile = tempname() * ".gif"
gif(anim, imgfile, fps = 1)
ImageFile(imgfile, caption)
Here we know $A = w \cdot h$ and we know some things about how $w$ and $h$ are related *and* about the rate of how both $w$ and $h$ grow in time $t$. That means that we could express this growth in terms of some functions $w(t)$ and $h(t)$, then we can figure out that the area - as a function of $t$ - will be expressed as:
A(t) = w(t) \cdot h(t).
We would get by the product rule that the *rate of change* of area with respect to time, $A'(t)$ is just:
A'(t) = w'(t) h(t) + w(t) h'(t).
As an aside, it is fairly conventional to suppress the $(t)$ part of the notation $A=wh$ and to use the Leibniz notation for derivatives:
\frac{dA}{dt} = \frac{dw}{dt} h + w \frac{dh}{dt}.
This relationship is true for all $t$, but the problem discusses a certain value of $t$ - when $w(t)=8$ and $h(t) = 12$. At this same value of $t$, we have $w'(t) = 4$ and so $h'(t) = 6$. Substituting these 4 values into the 4 unknowns in the formula for $A'(t)$ gives:
A'(t) = 4 \cdot 12 + 8 \cdot 6 = 96.
Summarizing, from the relationship between $A$, $w$ and $t$, there is a relationship between their rates of growth with respect to $t$, a time variable. Using this and known values, we can compute. In this case, $A'$ at the specific $t$.
We could also have done this differently. We would recognize the following:
* The area of a rectangle is just:
A(w,h) = w * h
* The width - expanding at a rate of $4t$ from a starting value of $2$ - must satisfy:
w(t) = 2 + 4*t
* The height is a constant proportion of the width:
h(t) = 3/2 * w(t)
This means again that area depends on $t$ through this formula:
A(t) = A(w(t), h(t))
This is why the rates of change are related: as $w$ and $h$ change in time, the functional relationship with $A$ means $A$ also changes in time.
Now to answer the question, when the width is 8, we must have that $t$ is:
tstar = find_zero(x -> w(x) - 8, [0, 4]) # or solve by hand to get 3/2
The question is to find the rate the area is increasing at the given time $t$, which is $A'(t)$ or $dA/dt$. We get this by performing the differentiation, then substituting in the value.
Here we do so with the aid of `Julia`, though this problem could readily be done "by hand."
We have expressed $A$ as a function of $t$ by composition, so can differentiate that:
Now what? Why is $96$ of any interest? It is if the value at a specific time is needed. But in general, a better question might be to understand if there is some pattern to the numbers in the figure, these being $6, 54, 150, 294, 486, 726$. Their differences are the *average* rate of change:
xs = [6, 54, 150, 294, 486, 726]
ds = diff(xs)
Those seem to be increasing by a fixed amount each time, which we can see by one more application of `diff`:
How can this relationship be summarized? Well, let's go back to what we know, though this time using symbolic math:
@syms t
diff(A(t), t)
This should be clear: the rate of change, $dA/dt$, is increasing linearly, hence the second derivative, $dA^2/dt^2$ would be constant, just as we saw for the average rate of change.
So, for this problem, a constant rate of change in width and height leads to a linear rate of change in area, put otherwise, linear growth in both width and height leads to quadratic growth in area.
##### Example
A ladder, with length $l$, is leaning against a wall. We parameterize this problem so that the top of the ladder is at $(0,h)$ and the bottom at $(b, 0)$. Then $l^2 = h^2 + b^2$ is a constant.
If the ladder starts to slip away at the base, but remains in contact with the wall, express the rate of change of $h$ with respect to $t$ in terms of $db/dt$.
We have from implicitly differentiating in $t$ the equation $l^2 = h^2 + b^2$, noting that $l$ is a constant, that:
0 = 2h \frac{dh}{dt} + 2b \frac{db}{dt}.
Solving, yields:
\frac{dh}{dt} = -\frac{b}{h} \cdot \frac{db}{dt}.
* If when $l = 12$ it is known that $db/dt = 2$ when $b=4$, find $dh/dt$.
We just need to find $h$ for this value of $b$, as the other two quantities in the last equation are known.
But $h = \sqrt{l^2 - b^2}$, so the answer is:
length, bottom, dbdt = 12, 4, 2
height = sqrt(length^2 - bottom^2)
-bottom/height * dbdt
* What happens to the rate as $b$ goes to $l$?
As $b$ goes to $l$, $h$ goes to $0$, so $b/h$ blows up. Unless $db/dt$ goes to $0$, the expression will become $-\infty$.
## Note
Often, this problem is presented with $db/dt$ having a constant rate. In this case, the ladder problem defies physics, as $dh/dt$ eventually is faster than the speed of light as $h \rightarrow 0+$. In practice, were $db/dt$ kept at a constant, the ladder would necessarily come away from the wall. The trajectory would follow that of a tractrix were there no gravity to account for.
##### Example
#| hold: true
#| echo: false
caption = "A man and woman walk towards the light."
imgfile = "figures/long-shadow-noir.png"
#| hold: true
#| echo: false
choices = [
"``dy/dt = 2x + 1/x``",
"``dy/dt = 1 - x^2 - \\log(x)``",
"``dy/dt = -2x - 1/x``",
"``dy/dt = 1``"
radioq(choices, answ)