308 lines
7.5 KiB
308 lines
7.5 KiB
// Some definitions presupposed by pandoc's typst output.
#let blockquote(body) = [
#set text( size: 0.92em )
#block(inset: (left: 1.5em, top: 0.2em, bottom: 0.2em))[#body]
#let horizontalrule = [
#line(start: (25%,0%), end: (75%,0%))
#let endnote(num, contents) = [
#stack(dir: ltr, spacing: 3pt, super[#num], contents)
#show terms: it => {
.map(child => [
#block(inset: (left: 1.5em, top: -0.4em))[#child.description]
// Some quarto-specific definitions.
#show raw.where(block: true): set block(
fill: luma(230),
width: 100%,
inset: 8pt,
radius: 2pt
#let block_with_new_content(old_block, new_content) = {
let d = (:)
let fields = old_block.fields()
if fields.at("below", default: none) != none {
// TODO: this is a hack because below is a "synthesized element"
// according to the experts in the typst discord...
fields.below = fields.below.amount
return block.with(..fields)(new_content)
#let unescape-eval(str) = {
return eval(str.replace("\\", ""))
#let empty(v) = {
if type(v) == "string" {
// two dollar signs here because we're technically inside
// a Pandoc template :grimace:
v.matches(regex("^\\s*$")).at(0, default: none) != none
} else if type(v) == "content" {
if v.at("text", default: none) != none {
return empty(v.text)
for child in v.at("children", default: ()) {
if not empty(child) {
return false
return true
// Subfloats
// This is a technique that we adapted from https://github.com/tingerrr/subpar/
#let quartosubfloatcounter = counter("quartosubfloatcounter")
#let quarto_super(
kind: str,
caption: none,
label: none,
supplement: str,
position: none,
subrefnumbering: "1a",
subcapnumbering: "(a)",
) = {
context {
let figcounter = counter(figure.where(kind: kind))
let n-super = figcounter.get().first() + 1
set figure.caption(position: position)
kind: kind,
supplement: supplement,
caption: caption,
show figure.where(kind: kind): set figure(numbering: _ => numbering(subrefnumbering, n-super, quartosubfloatcounter.get().first() + 1))
show figure.where(kind: kind): set figure.caption(position: position)
show figure: it => {
let num = numbering(subcapnumbering, n-super, quartosubfloatcounter.get().first() + 1)
show figure.caption: it => {
num.slice(2) // I don't understand why the numbering contains output that it really shouldn't, but this fixes it shrug?
[ ]
counter(figure.where(kind: it.kind)).update(n => n - 1)
// callout rendering
// this is a figure show rule because callouts are crossreferenceable
#show figure: it => {
if type(it.kind) != "string" {
return it
let kind_match = it.kind.matches(regex("^quarto-callout-(.*)")).at(0, default: none)
if kind_match == none {
return it
let kind = kind_match.captures.at(0, default: "other")
kind = upper(kind.first()) + kind.slice(1)
// now we pull apart the callout and reassemble it with the crossref name and counter
// when we cleanup pandoc's emitted code to avoid spaces this will have to change
let old_callout = it.body.children.at(1).body.children.at(1)
let old_title_block = old_callout.body.children.at(0)
let old_title = old_title_block.body.body.children.at(2)
// TODO use custom separator if available
let new_title = if empty(old_title) {
[#kind #it.counter.display()]
} else {
[#kind #it.counter.display(): #old_title]
let new_title_block = block_with_new_content(
old_title_block.body.body.children.at(0) +
old_title_block.body.body.children.at(1) +
block(below: 0pt, new_title_block) +
// 2023-10-09: #fa-icon("fa-info") is not working, so we'll eval "#fa-info()" instead
#let callout(body: [], title: "Callout", background_color: rgb("#dddddd"), icon: none, icon_color: black) = {
breakable: false,
fill: background_color,
stroke: (paint: icon_color, thickness: 0.5pt, cap: "round"),
width: 100%,
radius: 2pt,
inset: 1pt,
width: 100%,
below: 0pt,
fill: background_color,
width: 100%,
inset: 8pt)[#text(icon_color, weight: 900)[#icon] #title]) +
if(body != []){
inset: 1pt,
width: 100%,
block(fill: white, width: 100%, inset: 8pt, body))
#let article(
title: none,
subtitle: none,
authors: none,
date: none,
abstract: none,
abstract-title: none,
cols: 1,
margin: (x: 1.25in, y: 1.25in),
paper: "us-letter",
lang: "en",
region: "US",
font: "linux libertine",
fontsize: 11pt,
title-size: 1.5em,
subtitle-size: 1.25em,
heading-family: "linux libertine",
heading-weight: "bold",
heading-style: "normal",
heading-color: black,
heading-line-height: 0.65em,
sectionnumbering: none,
toc: false,
toc_title: none,
toc_depth: none,
toc_indent: 1.5em,
) = {
set page(
paper: paper,
margin: margin,
numbering: "1",
set par(justify: true)
set text(lang: lang,
region: region,
font: font,
size: fontsize)
set heading(numbering: sectionnumbering)
if title != none {
align(center)[#block(inset: 2em)[
#set par(leading: heading-line-height)
#if (heading-family != none or heading-weight != "bold" or heading-style != "normal"
or heading-color != black or heading-decoration == "underline"
or heading-background-color != none) {
set text(font: heading-family, weight: heading-weight, style: heading-style, fill: heading-color)
text(size: title-size)[#title]
if subtitle != none {
text(size: subtitle-size)[#subtitle]
} else {
text(weight: "bold", size: title-size)[#title]
if subtitle != none {
text(weight: "bold", size: subtitle-size)[#subtitle]
if authors != none {
let count = authors.len()
let ncols = calc.min(count, 3)
columns: (1fr,) * ncols,
row-gutter: 1.5em,
..authors.map(author =>
#author.name \
#author.affiliation \
if date != none {
align(center)[#block(inset: 1em)[
if abstract != none {
block(inset: 2em)[
#text(weight: "semibold")[#abstract-title] #h(1em) #abstract
if toc {
let title = if toc_title == none {
} else {
block(above: 0em, below: 2em)[
title: toc_title,
depth: toc_depth,
indent: toc_indent
if cols == 1 {
} else {
columns(cols, doc)
#set table(
inset: 6pt,
stroke: none
#show: doc => article(
title: [Precalculus topics with Julia],
date: [2024-10-13],
sectionnumbering: "1.",
toc_title: [Table of contents],
toc_depth: 3,
cols: 1,
Various pre-calculus topics